TTC baby number #1

Well last time I had an ectopic I didn't know I was pregnant even though when I look back I had every symptom going like sore boobs, spotting, (tmi) brown horrible spotting, really tired and then one day when I was at work I was doubled over in this pain triple the pain of my normal AF n got sent home couldn't get out the bath and was really dizzy I put it all down to be doing due on stupid when I look back my OHs mom made me go the hospital at my OHs bday party thinking I had kidney stones cuz the pain was so bad not just in my side but in my back when I got to the hospital and they told me I was pregnant I was in complete shock so it did come up in a test but I was 8 weeks gone when i went home that night and went in for the scan on the Monday which is when I found out it was ectopic a dr came in and said I don't know how it's lasted this long your very very lucky they rushed me to theatre and said if I didn't have the op that day they dread to think what would of happened to me.

But they said iv got 15% chance of another even though my remaining tube is perfect.

Iv got 60% chance of falling pregnant naturally but iv seen and know people who have gone on to have healthy pregnancy 3 months later.

All this my own dr said iv read different on the Internet but my dr said if I haven't fell pregnant in 6 months they will send me & oh to a fertility clinic and start that process of.

There's nothing they can do to prevent an ectopic but if caught early they don't need to operate you get an injection which should flush it out and not damage the tube to much which is why I'm POAS like England because I want to catch it early if I am.

I pretty much obsess over the baby I lost and its just because I'm not completely over it even though its been so long because when I found out I was pregnant the feeling I had was amazing and me and OH we're really happy even though OH was more realistic than me he kept it to him self because he didn't want to pop by bubble but he knew the pains I was getting weren't right they weren't normal pains when I got them I couldn't physically move or talk because it really did take my breath away and had the worse shooting pains in my bum (tmi) but now I'm
So in tube with my body that every ache or pain I do get that I don't normally get in like what's that iv been drs loads and had scans done but if I didn't I wouldn't of found out about the poly cystic ovaries.

Sorry for the long post lol

Ohh snufflepop welcome to the horrible wait hope it goes quick for you and you get a BFP :) xxxx

Thanks for the detailed response Kalia, gives me something to def look out for!!

So why didn't they scan you when you first went in if the pains were that bad? Had you been trying for that baby? The reason I asked if it showed up on a preg test was because I thought that an ectopic pregnancy was when the egg was trapped in the tube so I thought if it didn't implant then there would have been no HCG hormone which as far as I'm aware gets released after implantation but I must have got that wrong eh?

I completely understand you POAS addiction because I would have been the exact same if I had gone through what you have it sounds terrible! No wonder you want this so badly. AF still isn't here so you never know, this could be your lucky cycle :)

I also have another question and sorry if it sounds stupid lol but are there any symptoms of PCOS? And does PCOS have anything to do with the ectopic pregnancy you had? Sorry I sound like a pupil at school but I'm really curious lol x
It was past midnight on a saturday night and to be honest I don't know why they never scanned me I was in so much shock I was pregnant I didn't question them they just gave me a referral form to have it on the Monday, and I can't be 100% sure about the hcg hormone but the egg does implant in the tube and start to grow like how a normal pregnancy does accept its not in the right place it's in the tube, when I was there I asked all the questions like can you move it and put it where the baby should be, but that was a no.

With poly cystic ovaries because I put alot of weight on so quickly I did comfort eat after what happened but not to the point I could put the amount of weight on that I did so they did blood tests all come back normal I kept going to them about pains in my ovarys and they said I might be able to feel my self ovulate more now on my right side because there's no tube there il still ovulate but then I started getting shooting pains that were quick and sharp so I got sent for a scan the pains i was getting i got told were scar tissue then I left it a year and said I want answers and I got sent for another scan and they said its poly cystic ovarys I'm still not 100% sure if its the syndrome and to be honest don't know the difference but it can't be as bad as some people because I'm obviously ovulating because I get periods.

Ask away I wish I knew all about this stuff before I went through it because I would of been more aware of it xxx
Wow Kalia you have really been through the mill with your eptopic, no wonder you are worrying about every little twinge. I would definetly go to the docs to speak about how you are feeling and what's going on with your body.

Tess, great to hear you got another positive. I am assuming the same you. I got a negative opk this morning so I guess that's it for my fertile time and this is the start of my tww. Am already starting to look out for symptoms and twinges !
I know I feel like I go on at times but its because its constantly on my mind the what ifs so the drs have said to me before not to hesitate to go to them it's just getting an appt im wondering if I should just go to a walk in centre? To save another argument with the receptionist like I did this morning lol

Aww we can all be in this frustrating wait together now :) it is hard to not symptom spot because we've all BDed at the right times now so it's hard not to :) xxx
I know I feel like I go on at times but its because its constantly on my mind the what ifs so the drs have said to me before not to hesitate to go to them it's just getting an appt im wondering if I should just go to a walk in centre? To save another argument with the receptionist like I did this morning lol

Aww we can all be in this frustrating wait together now :) it is hard to not symptom spot because we've all BDed at the right times now so it's hard not to :) xxx

Thanks for all the info Kalia it's really appreciated! I know what you mean about getting an appointment it's a nightmare. I made my app at the start of the month and it isn't until next week. I'm just worried my dr will say I haven't been trying long enough to have blood tests done or anything. You have a very valid reason for seeking reassurance from your dr whereas I'm probably just overreacting a bit.

I know what you mean snuffle pop it's so hard not to symptom spot! Especially as Kalia said, we have BD'd at the right times so it would be hard not to look out for signs. I'm excited we can go through the TWW together lol :) how many days in a row did you get positive OPKs for? I got one yday and today and mine say that a positive means I will O within 24-36 hours so I expect to get a negative tomorrow which means I will be BDing tonight and then into the dreaded wait tomorrow! Also, do you know how long the sperm stay alive in you for? Some sites say 72 hours, others say 5 days and then others say only up to a day so I'm really confused! X
Wowsers!! I missed looooaaaaadddssss.......Read read read!!

Tess, ur OH is a star! and so ru....I very much doubt me n OH would manage 4 days in a row! lol.....Although I'm always willing to try anything at least once! Hehe.

I gotta admit ladies I cannot wait to start POAS....I'm sad I know but I've got my jug ready to rock n roll(TMI!!lol)

Apparently boy sperm have a lot shorter lifespan than the girl sperm so 72hrs could be the lads and 5 days could be the ladies! lol.

Snufflepop!! TWW!!! Exciting times! Cannot wait to "not symptom Spot" with you.....Cos we all say we won't then say "but I have noticed this, that and the other happening" lol

OK ladies, personal question time, tell me to get lost by all means but how old are we all?? Myself I'm 31 and OH is 31 as well.....

Wowsers!! I missed looooaaaaadddssss.......Read read read!!

Tess, ur OH is a star! and so ru....I very much doubt me n OH would manage 4 days in a row! lol.....Although I'm always willing to try anything at least once! Hehe.

I gotta admit ladies I cannot wait to start POAS....I'm sad I know but I've got my jug ready to rock n roll(TMI!!lol)

Apparently boy sperm have a lot shorter lifespan than the girl sperm so 72hrs could be the lads and 5 days could be the ladies! lol.

Snufflepop!! TWW!!! Exciting times! Cannot wait to "not symptom Spot" with you.....Cos we all say we won't then say "but I have noticed this, that and the other happening" lol

OK ladies, personal question time, tell me to get lost by all means but how old are we all?? Myself I'm 31 and OH is 31 as well.....


I know Sookie I felt like that one day last week. I came on and has missed about 20 comments haha!

I'm the same I love testing just to be sure. My cup just waits for me in the bathroom on a daily basis lol :) how is the AF going?

I don't mind you asking at all! I'm 22 and my OH is 27 x
Yeah I noticed different sites says different I think it's 72 hours though but can't be 100% sure xxx
The AF is having my life! TMI.....Flooded out but is a combination of red and brown.....Reeeaaally weird! The pains yesterday were a little difficult initially and I was knackered yesterday like full on Zzzzzzzzzzzzz by half 5, but went to Yoga to try and battle through the tiredness lol.

Oh my goodness, so far I am the matriarch oldy to u lovely youngsters!! lol 31 and the oldest...The shame ;-) hehehehe

PS. Don't forget your pillow for 30 minutes chill out legs up sesh!! ;-)

Iv just rang the drs against ready for another argument but got another receptionist who was lovely she said she can't book me in for Monday but to call back Monday when I finish work at 3 and just go straight up there and she will make sure I get seen so that's made me relax a little xxx
Hey everybody! Its the weekend!!!! Yesss!!!! Anybody got anything fun planned?

Sookie don't mind you asking at all! I am 28 and DH is 34 (old man hehehe). He hates the age gap so I always tease him about it! Its quite amusing that we know the intimate details of each others sex lives but not other basic stuff! We have all bonded over BDing!

Tess I got one flashing smiley opk which means high fertility and then two days of solid smiley opks for peak fertility (clearblue digital) so three days in total. Then back to negative today. You read my mind about the lifespan of sperm as I Googled the same thing last night and it seems to be anything up to 3/5 days depending which site you look at. V exciting that we Will be waiting it out together!

Kalia I'm so glad you had a better response front your doctors surgery today. Definetly go in Monday even if just to put your mind at rest because the stress can't be doing you any good especially with your history.

Was sitting at my desk today trying to work out if I feel any different to normal.....I am only 1dpo and already driving myself nuts....its gonna be a long two weeks!
Lol, well if u go nuts we will keep u in chek ;-) lol.

I find the fact we bonded over BD n telling our OH's to man up n our friends to do one!! Lol

I know I love the fact we can be so open with each other I can't be this open with most of my friends!

It's a very long two weeks and you can't help but to symptom spot because its something we want do badly.

We're in the garden today getting it sorted its like a forest out there at the moment haven't had the chance to sort it so today's the day we get it sorted & while doing that keep my dog entertained his like a child honestly he hears a child's voice from next door and wants to play he gets super excited when he has children around him it's funny bless him I do treat him like a little human though :) xxxx
Morning ladies! Thanks Sookie I think I Will need talking out of buying millions of hpts! Must resist ......soooo hard!! Yes it does feel like we are all friends on here now! I tell you guys more than anybody else I know....crazy but good.:)

Kalia we Will be having garden day too. Moved house in January and have been so focused on getting the inside all done that the garden had been left to grow wild!

I'm confused today. Not sure what my body is up to. I took an opk this morning , really only doing it to use up the pack so was fully expecting a negative like yesterday......and it was positive!? WTF!! Thought I had already O'd. Oh Will have to get DH back on it....poor guy he was so relieved to get a night off BD last night, he'll be gutted! :)
Haha bless him tell him to man up for one more day the men will rest with BDing when a baby is here hehe :) then they will have sleepless nights but we don't need to tell them that bit yet haha

Same here we moved in September, we decided to take a holiday a crazy mad one in ibiza and get bits for the house and do things we won't be able to do as much of when we have a baby and now we have one more festival in 2 weeks which I won't be going to if I am pregnant lol and now it's time to get house sorted properly and I thought seems as weathers nice need to get the jungle sorted :) lol xxxx
Ladiessss how are you all? hope your all enjoying the sunshine we've sorted the garden and had a BBQ and OH has flared up with a real bad case of hayfever his hole face is red his eyes are big n puffy bless him and his just gone shop to buy some stuff for it and came back with 2 digital pregnancy tests I was like what you got these for iv got some he goes well I went in the draw and noticed you only had two left and thought your going run out tomorrow lol bless him :) can you believe that in just over a week iv used 18 pregnancy tests!!! How?????? Haha good job I ordered another 25 yesterday haha I'm officially an addict!!! Do they do POAS anonymous????

I really don't think I am now after another BFN this morning I did an OPK aswell that was a BFN aswell I think my body may well be playing an evil trick on me :( because surely it would be showing up now I'm 6 days late... Xxxx hope your all having a lovely day..
Hi everybody!
Awww Kalia your OH sounds lovely for bringing you back the hpts! My DH wouldn't even think of that! Your bbq sounds great, shame about the hay fever though! I can't believe you have done 18 tests!!! I don't think I wee enough to do 18 tests!!!! Can't believe they are still bfn though, must be driving you nuts! Are you going to the docs Monday?

We've been busy in the garden too! Looks much better and tidier now. Am worn out now! Collapsed on the sofa trying to get cool!

Tess and Sookie hope you have been enjoying the sun too!

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