Aww well in a way early period good thing you can start TTC earlier
And make a start on OPKs and make next month your month hopefully xxx
My AF still not here 5 days late now I keep looking at my past cycles and they have never ever been this long only when I was like 17 when I was on the pill, even when iv come of the patch they've been 28-35 days long and always come on around the 27th-2nd of each month this month would of been 7th if it was a 35 day cycle and I tested this morning BFN I'm losing the plot
Well get yourself to the Docs and demand a blood test hun! If you're not happy the Doc has to help you in some way and let's be honest we pay our way and we deserve treatment when we request it, specially if it's only a straightforward blood test.
I know, part of me is relieved that it's came....Now it's OPK time and getting on with the task in hand.
Hope something happens for you soon and by somthing I mean a BFP or AF....More hoping on the side of BFP though!