TTC baby number #1

Aww well in a way early period good thing you can start TTC earlier :)

And make a start on OPKs and make next month your month hopefully :) xxx

My AF still not here 5 days late now I keep looking at my past cycles and they have never ever been this long only when I was like 17 when I was on the pill, even when iv come of the patch they've been 28-35 days long and always come on around the 27th-2nd of each month this month would of been 7th if it was a 35 day cycle and I tested this morning BFN :( I'm losing the plot :(


Well get yourself to the Docs and demand a blood test hun! If you're not happy the Doc has to help you in some way and let's be honest we pay our way and we deserve treatment when we request it, specially if it's only a straightforward blood test. :hugs:

I know, part of me is relieved that it's came....Now it's OPK time and getting on with the task in hand.


Hope something happens for you soon and by somthing I mean a BFP or AF....More hoping on the side of BFP though! :flower:

Hi ladies!
Awww Sookie sorry to hear you got AF but like everybody else said at least you properly start etc now with opks etc. Better 5 days early than late as at least you don't have the nerve wracking wait anymore. Hopefully this cycle you Will get your bfp!

Kalia how annoying that you still have no definite answer either way. I would be booking a docs appointment if nothing happens soon.

Can I ask a question ladies, are any of you using sperm friendly lube? TMI If we don't use anything things are a bit ....tight down there to start. DH used durex last night but Im worried now because it said on the bottle it can slow sperm down!!!! Will BD again tonight but Will try and get to boots to find something sperm friendly!
Me n OH don't use anything to begin with and we sometimes have the same issue to start with....I've been told not to go near Durex by my friends lol...Is the one people talk about on here called Conceive plus?

Yup, hopefully this month is my month....We shall see! :) xxx
I don't use any yet but if I do finally get my AF then I think il be buying some if the conceive plus because we have same problem but tight to start of with but get it of amazon they do it cheaper :)

I'm defo going drs next week if I don't come on my Monday or get a BFP my back today is really giving me twinges and I'm feeling really nauseas but not enough to be sick so I'm hoping all these are good signs lol xxx
I don't use any yet but if I do finally get my AF then I think il be buying some if the conceive plus because we have same problem but tight to start of with but get it of amazon they do it cheaper :)

I'm defo going drs next week if I don't come on my Monday or get a BFP my back today is really giving me twinges and I'm feeling really nauseas but not enough to be sick so I'm hoping all these are good signs lol xxx

They sound like great signs to me Kalia! :thumbup:

Fingers and toes are all crossed for you!

There's another one peeps are using called preseed but apparently that's expensive stuff.

I gotta say AF is being a right B!*ch this month....Only started this morning and the pains and heaviness is shocking!! Jeeeeez Looouuuuiiiisssseeee!! I need to get BFP quick smart if this is the future of AF!! Yack!! :nope:

I really hope so but just don't get why it won't show up on a test yet I think iv gone through more than half of the cheap ones I bought think I'm guna have to place another order tonight haha

Hopefully this will be your last AF for a while because you will catch that little egg :)

How's everyone else today? Is everyone enjoying the sunshine? Xxx
Oh no!! Hope i haven't ruined my chances for this month. Found a fertility lube in boots which says it helps sperm mobility so Will use that tonight. Hope I haven't messed up this months chance.:-(
Aaaahhhh what is happening in my body??? I'm on CD 46 and I just got a positive on my OPK! I can't believe it! I was only doing them on a daily basis because I wanted to get used to using them. I'm seriously in shock! X
Sorry that post was really self centred. That sucks about your AF Sookie but I've got a good feeling next month will be your month! And Kalia the signs are all sounding really positive so I wonder what is going on :S defo get another order in for those HPTs sounds like you need them haha :p x
Omg tess good job your using the OPKs!!! Get BDing i think this just shows how we really don't work like clock work how strange! BD BD BD :) xxx
Omg tess good job your using the OPKs!!! Get BDing i think this just shows how we really don't work like clock work how strange! BD BD BD :) xxx

I know I actually can't believe it lol! I don't know if I'm happy that I got a positive or annoyed that I'm still ovulating so late! I pounced on OH as soon as he came home from work. Poor soul looked tired but as soon as I explained why he was up for it :) ooohhh I'm excited now that I know I'm ovulating! Kalia did you buy them? Maybe you should start using them in a daily basis because I didn't think I would get a positive as I was convinced I must have already O'd by now but clearly not so since you don't know what's happening with your cycles too you never know :) x
Quick tess tell OH he needs to man up fast! Thank goodness you were testing today!! At least you know your opks are working too.:)

Sookie your AF sounds awful but think of it as the start of your BFP cycle to at least find something good about it! Every cycle brings you one step closer to your baby!

Kalia I really feel for you, can't imagine how frustrated you must be feeling! Defo try and get a blood test to get an answer either way! Still got everything crossed for you though!
Haha im glad he manned up :)

I think I might I did do a OPK yesterday just for the sake of POAS I think haha but nothing,

Sookie AF not nice :( but like the other ladies say atleast it's closer to the next cycle :)

I honestly didn't expect this first month TTC if its going to be like this every month I just don't know how I'm going to cope I'm phoning drs tomoz and getting a blood test booked in, I'm scared though because its going to be the truth and at the moment I'm hoping its a BFP cuz if its not what are all these weird things that are happening to me... But yeah I need to know either way and il start using OPK kits I only got 20 so I think I'm going to order another 20 tests & OPKs xxx
Gee up Tess! Check u out getting a second wind with ovulation....very good job u had ur tests! :-D

Kalia, you are going to cope....You have us to vent at, ur OH will help to keep u sane.....See the truth from the doctor as a step closer to knowing how to get your little bundle in your arms....I'm hopeful that based on all of our symptoms that you will get the BFP you deserve.....

Snufflepop how ru doing today?

Sookie I am good thankyou!

I am worn out from BDing the last 4 nights and will do it again tonight, but this is probably my last fertile day so gotta do it! Will be worth it in the end. The novelty is quickly wearing of for DH he is exhausted too! I really hope we all get our BFPs quickly, don't know about you but I don't think we could sustain the level of BD for a year or more!
Thanks for your support ladies :) I have got over the initial shock of getting a positive on the OPK at CD 46 now. Originally I was quite annoyed because I thought what is wrong with my body!? But now I'm just happy to know that I actually am O'ing and that it's time to BD.

I'm so proud of my OH. I told him about my positive OPK and we BD'd straight away. We then BD'd again an hour later and he had now just asked me if we should BD again! He's a little trooper haha. I told him I think twice is enough for tonight and that he should save his energy for tomorrow now lol.

I agree with the others Kalia, I think if its really getting to you so much, then you should get a blood test to put your mind at ease. Sookie is right, it will be worth it when you get your little bundle. And defo invest in some more ov tests and get testing haha :p

Wow snuffle pop 4 days in a row! You go girl haha. I think your OH deserves a break at the weekend lol x
Yeah i think if I get a BFN tomoz I will I don't even want to test tomoz but I will mainly because I know how I'm feeling I haven't before and I will get a blood test booked in I'm so scared of another ectopic that I'm scared if I am I'm going to find out to late again...

Any way bloody hell tess he is a trooper has he been reading this site and saw us all telling our men to man up haha we were guna BD tonight but my minds else where so were leaving it till the weekend we have the weekend of together so iv said we will go for it Saturday and Sunday lol

So glad we all have each other :)

How are you all this morning? Xxx
Morning ladies!
Awww Tess your OH sounds like a sweetie! Its great that he understands the importance of timing and you don't need to nag him. You can tell him we were all v impressed with his dedication to the cause! :)

Kalia I am joining you now in waiting for AF. I am now in the dreaded TWW. Can tell I Will find this hard as I am having to stop myself going out to buy a load of hpts already and I am only 1 dpo!

Sookie hope your AF is passing quickly. Have you got your opks ready for your new cycle? They really helped me know when to DTD so I recommend using them. Plus POAS is kinda fun!:)

Have a good day everybody - its Friday!!!!!
Yeah i think if I get a BFN tomoz I will I don't even want to test tomoz but I will mainly because I know how I'm feeling I haven't before and I will get a blood test booked in I'm so scared of another ectopic that I'm scared if I am I'm going to find out to late again...

Any way bloody hell tess he is a trooper has he been reading this site and saw us all telling our men to man up haha we were guna BD tonight but my minds else where so were leaving it till the weekend we have the weekend of together so iv said we will go for it Saturday and Sunday lol

So glad we all have each other :)

How are you all this morning? Xxx

Haha Kalia I think he must have been!

I don't really know much about ectopic pregnancies so I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. Would you still get a BFP if it was an ectopic? Can the doctors do anything to prevent it if it is caught early? And does having one previously make your chances higher of having one again or is it just a completely random thing?

I think it's good to keep it to the weekend when you are spending time together rather than forcing it when your head isn't really in it. Keep the spark alive lol :)

I'm so glad we have each other too I think I would easily have gone insane this month if I didn't have this thread!

I got another positive on my OPK this morning so will BD again tonight :) I'm really excited now because in the past few cycles I've been convinced its not happened because we haven't timed it properly and I didn't know if I was even O'ing etc but this cycle I have a really good chance I think. When would my dreaded TWW start though? Would it be from the day that I get a negative on the OPK again? X
Well last time I had an ectopic I didn't know I was pregnant even though when I look back I had every symptom going like sore boobs, spotting, (tmi) brown horrible spotting, really tired and then one day when I was at work I was doubled over in this pain triple the pain of my normal AF n got sent home couldn't get out the bath and was really dizzy I put it all down to be doing due on stupid when I look back my OHs mom made me go the hospital at my OHs bday party thinking I had kidney stones cuz the pain was so bad not just in my side but in my back when I got to the hospital and they told me I was pregnant I was in complete shock so it did come up in a test but I was 8 weeks gone when i went home that night and went in for the scan on the Monday which is when I found out it was ectopic a dr came in and said I don't know how it's lasted this long your very very lucky they rushed me to theatre and said if I didn't have the op that day they dread to think what would of happened to me.

But they said iv got 15% chance of another even though my remaining tube is perfect.

Iv got 60% chance of falling pregnant naturally but iv seen and know people who have gone on to have healthy pregnancy 3 months later.

All this my own dr said iv read different on the Internet but my dr said if I haven't fell pregnant in 6 months they will send me & oh to a fertility clinic and start that process of.

There's nothing they can do to prevent an ectopic but if caught early they don't need to operate you get an injection which should flush it out and not damage the tube to much which is why I'm POAS like England because I want to catch it early if I am.

I pretty much obsess over the baby I lost and its just because I'm not completely over it even though its been so long because when I found out I was pregnant the feeling I had was amazing and me and OH we're really happy even though OH was more realistic than me he kept it to him self because he didn't want to pop by bubble but he knew the pains I was getting weren't right they weren't normal pains when I got them I couldn't physically move or talk because it really did take my breath away and had the worse shooting pains in my bum (tmi) but now I'm
So in tube with my body that every ache or pain I do get that I don't normally get in like what's that iv been drs loads and had scans done but if I didn't I wouldn't of found out about the poly cystic ovaries.

Sorry for the long post lol

Ohh snufflepop welcome to the horrible wait hope it goes quick for you and you get a BFP :) xxxx

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