TTC baby number #1

I know tess I think that to I class you all as friends and I actually said to OH earlier ohh snuffle said he was like snuffle eh I was like oh yeah you know on my forum haha he was like ohh yeah haha

Oh dear hang overs are not good always good at the time till the day after haha

Right now I'm hoping my batch of pregnancy tests hurry up iv 3 left inc 1 that OH bought yday lol :mad: don't want to run out I can't believe iv done 19 tests in just over a week!!! So if you plan on being a POAS addict order some more in hahaha xxxx
I know tess I think that to I class you all as friends and I actually said to OH earlier ohh snuffle said he was like snuffle eh I was like oh yeah you know on my forum haha he was like ohh yeah haha

Oh dear hang overs are not good always good at the time till the day after haha

Right now I'm hoping my batch of pregnancy tests hurry up iv 3 left inc 1 that OH bought yday lol :mad: don't want to run out I can't believe iv done 19 tests in just over a week!!! So if you plan on being a POAS addict order some more in hahaha xxxx

My OH still doesn't know I'm on here because I think he would think I was going overboard with this obsession lol.

God I know it's been an absolute nightmare. Can't wait for this day to be over lol.

Hahaha 19 in just over a week :O I think it might be you who needs the peetervention Kalia lol. I've only used 3 of my HPTs but I've been doing 2 OPKs a day, one in the morning and one at night! I got a negative on my OPK today so that's me officially in the dreaded TWW :) x
Eeeeeek let's hope it is just a 2 week wait and you get a BFP :) sooo exciting... OH don't know the extent I'm on here but he knows I'm finding it tough right now and I think he thinks if I'm here venting I won't be worrying as much or crying on his shoulder all the time.. His great but I don't want to put to much onto him about it if I don't need to if you know what I mean lol

I know I didn't even know cuz I'm just taking them out its when he said I looked and there was only a couple left in there I thought a couple looked n he was right I was like as if iv used that many haha I defo need peetervention haha xxx
Lol, Tess I think I'm just as much in disbelief as you, I was like "eh?!?" I even made Oh check lol

Mind you, since I've been off my bc, this is technically my first "proper" last cycle from cd1 to af was apparently I now ovulate cd9-cd10! But that could all change this month lol

Aw I'm gonna poas like no other this cycle lol xxx
Evening folks! Another yukky humid night awaits!

Tess you're back!! Hope your heads feeling better! Look at it this way though, hopefully it will be your last hangover for 9 months if you get your BFP! Good to have you joining me in tww! Am only 3dpo and already keep thinking Oooh my tummy feels tight etc....probably just overdid it with the gardening!

Kalia you gotta update us if you go to the docs tomorrow. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you. Read a few posts on here by ladies that didn't get bfps till a week or so after missed AF so you could still be in the game! I think I Will be taking up the hpt obsession from you though. I really want to test!! I know there is absolutely no point testing yet but even still....i just want to pee on something!

Sookie, tell OH he needs to get some zzzZ the next few nights because pretty soon he will be doing the horizontal hula every night! I'm sure he will rise to the occasion! (literally!!)

I must say all our OH's seem really positive and on board for this journey, we are lucky ladies!
Evening folks! Another yukky humid night awaits!

Tess you're back!! Hope your heads feeling better! Look at it this way though, hopefully it will be your last hangover for 9 months if you get your BFP! Good to have you joining me in tww! Am only 3dpo and already keep thinking Oooh my tummy feels tight etc....probably just overdid it with the gardening!

Kalia you gotta update us if you go to the docs tomorrow. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you. Read a few posts on here by ladies that didn't get bfps till a week or so after missed AF so you could still be in the game! I think I Will be taking up the hpt obsession from you though. I really want to test!! I know there is absolutely no point testing yet but even still....i just want to pee on something!

Sookie, tell OH he needs to get some zzzZ the next few nights because pretty soon he will be doing the horizontal hula every night! I'm sure he will rise to the occasion! (literally!!)

I must say all our OH's seem really positive and on board for this journey, we are lucky ladies!

Thanks snuffle, just starting to feel like myself again. I think that is genuinely the worst hangover I've ever had in my life! Yeh you're right hopefully it will be my last for a long time :)

Ooohhh how exciting!! I'm 2 DPO so I'm just a couple of days behind you :) I'm so glad we have each other and hopefully we both get BFPs! Did you buy the cheap pregnancy strips from amazon? Because they can detect the HCG hormone at 10mlU so it says on the packaging they can pick that up 4 days before missed AF!!! :) I'm the same I keep thinking oh that was a wee twinge but i think I'm just making it up in my head.

Wow Sookie I can't believe you O so early in your cycle! You are so lucky I wish my cycles were 23/24 days because then if you don't catch the egg (which I'm sure you will!) then you don't have long to wait until you get to try again! Whereas my cycles have been 56-60 days so if I miss it then I need to wait 2 months before I can try again its absolutely horrible. Got a good feeling about this month though since I got my positive on the OPK so I defo know we BD'd at the right time. Staying positive.

Good luck at the docs today Kalia I will be thinking of you! I hope all goes well and snuffle is right, you could still be in the game, you haven't struck out yet x
No like you say until AF shows there's a chance positive thinking lol iv just rang drs to get my appt she tried telling me they were all canceled I told her what the nice lady on Friday said and all of a sudden there was a cancellation for 3.45 not with a dr iv seen before so I'm guna see him and then depending what he says book an appt with my fave dr :)
Hey everybody!

How is everybody doing today? I have today off because I am working Saturday so I am at home painting the kitchen....soooo hot!!

Got fingers, toes and eyes all crossed for you Kalia! Update us asap!

I have a confession, went to boots earlier and hpts were on buy one get one free so I bought 4!

Hey everybody!

How is everybody doing today? I have today off because I am working Saturday so I am at home painting the kitchen....soooo hot!!

Got fingers, toes and eyes all crossed for you Kalia! Update us asap!

I have a confession, went to boots earlier and hpts were on buy one get one free so I bought 4!


Yeh Kalia let us know what happens at the docs. I'm interested to hear because I feel like I'm in the same boat as you with the long cycles n not getting AF! Obv I know not to expect AF for 2 weeks now but if I hadn't started using my OPKs on CD32 then I would be sitting here now thinking where the hell is she!?!?

Haha be string snuffle!!! No point wasting a test now because you know it's gonna be too early to tell. How soon after conception can you start to feel the symptoms does anyone know? I've been getting slight cramps today but I think it's more to so with the alcohol rotting my stomach haha!! I'm officially not getting drunk again now until after I have a baby regardless of how long that takes! X
Hello Ladies!!

Kalia! Defo let us know the craic when you have seen the doc....I'm on countdown to your appt...

Tess, I know, I should be happy with short cycles...I would be just like you if they were really long...I'm not the most patient of people. OH has been told the SMEP tactic! So he knows what his job is and the expectations when it comes to BDing lol

SMEP Step by Step

Here is your to-do list for the Sperm Meets Egg Plan (SMEP). You should decide to try SMEP within the first week of a new cycle. To get started, you may want to buy a nice calendar or print a calendar page from the internet. The first week of your cycle you will relax and get prepared. After that, it’s go time!

Cycle days 1-7

CD1 is your first day of full flow
Stock up on Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)
Stock up on Pregnancy Tests
Mark start dates on your calendar:
CD8 = BD (“Baby Dance”/have intercourse/”try”) every other day until you receive
positive OPK (+OPK)
CD10 daily OPK tests

Cycle day 8

BD, and plan to BD every other day until +OPK

Cycle day 10

Start daily OPK testing until OPK turns positive

+OPK day

BD today, tomorrow, and the next day.
Skip a day and BD one more time.
Mark test day on your calendar: +OPK day + 15 = test day
If OPK never turns positive, BD every other day until your period (AF or “Aunt Flo/Flow”) arrives or until CD35

Test day (or CD35)

If AF has not arrived, take a home pregnancy test
First morning urine (FMU) does not always yield the best results, you may wish to try with your second morning urine (SMU) or an afternoon test after a 3-4 hour hold (no liquids)

For your info! lol.

Snuffle! I've got in excess of 40 OPK's and 20-30 HPT's and 1 Clear blue digi(That's the confirmation test for when I get a BFP on the Amazon ones! :-D I took one of all 3 this morning....Just cos I could! lmao!

Hello Ladies!!

Kalia! Defo let us know the craic when you have seen the doc....I'm on countdown to your appt...

Tess, I know, I should be happy with short cycles...I would be just like you if they were really long...I'm not the most patient of people. OH has been told the SMEP tactic! So he knows what his job is and the expectations when it comes to BDing lol

SMEP Step by Step

Here is your to-do list for the Sperm Meets Egg Plan (SMEP). You should decide to try SMEP within the first week of a new cycle. To get started, you may want to buy a nice calendar or print a calendar page from the internet. The first week of your cycle you will relax and get prepared. After that, it’s go time!

Cycle days 1-7

CD1 is your first day of full flow
Stock up on Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)
Stock up on Pregnancy Tests
Mark start dates on your calendar:
CD8 = BD (“Baby Dance”/have intercourse/”try”) every other day until you receive
positive OPK (+OPK)
CD10 daily OPK tests

Cycle day 8

BD, and plan to BD every other day until +OPK

Cycle day 10

Start daily OPK testing until OPK turns positive

+OPK day

BD today, tomorrow, and the next day.
Skip a day and BD one more time.
Mark test day on your calendar: +OPK day + 15 = test day
If OPK never turns positive, BD every other day until your period (AF or “Aunt Flo/Flow”) arrives or until CD35

Test day (or CD35)

If AF has not arrived, take a home pregnancy test
First morning urine (FMU) does not always yield the best results, you may wish to try with your second morning urine (SMU) or an afternoon test after a 3-4 hour hold (no liquids)

For your info! lol.

Snuffle! I've got in excess of 40 OPK's and 20-30 HPT's and 1 Clear blue digi(That's the confirmation test for when I get a BFP on the Amazon ones! :-D I took one of all 3 this morning....Just cos I could! lmao!


Lol this is fab!!!! Did you type that up yourself or did you find it on a site?

I love that it says 'BD every other day until AF or until CD 35' and my OPK didn't even show a positive until day 46! Damn my body.

My plan is still to just BD whenever OH wants and then when I get the positives on the OPKs we will BD every day until it goes negative. That's what I did this cycle so hopefully it works :) x
Fingers crossed! I'm dead excited for you to get through you tww....I only managed 9-10 days of it before AF spoilt the party! lol

What time are you all poas when it comes to OPK's? I done one this morning, BFN on amazon but faint line on friends batch....So I'm going to do another tonight when I get in from work...

Fingers crossed! I'm dead excited for you to get through you tww....I only managed 9-10 days of it before AF spoilt the party! lol

What time are you all poas when it comes to OPK's? I done one this morning, BFN on amazon but faint line on friends batch....So I'm going to do another tonight when I get in from work...


I'm hating the TWW already lol! But I'm happy that at least I know I'm in the TWW rather than just sitting about not knowing if I've O'd or not yet and how much longer its going to be before AF makes an appearance.

I've been doing my OPKs around 4.30pm each day when I get in from work and I've been making sure I don't drink anything from about 2pm onwards so that it isn't too diluted. I have seen a few people talking about faint positives on the OPKs but I've not had that at all. I've either had no second line or just a little faint second line which are obv both negative or a really strong second line which is the positive. I think they have been really easy to use and I just hope they make a difference!!

I hope Kalia got on okay at her dr app x
Hi ladies just got out the drs (I will go through all your posts when I get home looks like lots been going on hehe)

She said ectopic or not it should show on hpt by now and there tests are no different to what we are using iv got to leave it another week and if nothing they will do a blood test but its very unlikely I'm pregnant this month..

She did say the twinges and back ache could be my AF is ready but I'm stressed so I'm delaying it...

With my cycle it could be stress I told her about my faint OPKs and she said I could of ovulated late and to keep testing with OPKs and she said sperm lives for 5 days and she said have sex 3 times a week and that should catch the egg she also said I may not of ovulated this month even though AFs have been regular since coming of my patch beginning of the year the poly cystic ovarys could still decide for me to not ovulate so every cycle could be different, if I still have nothing in a week to go back or if I do happen to get any symptoms of ectopic to go straight to a walk in centre to have blood work

Iv got to keep a diary for 6 months of everything as if nothing happens in 6 months il be referred to check my remaining tube is ok and a fertility clinic to start looking at ways to help me get that BFP so iv come out a bit more relaxed and hopefully AF will come soon or I might still even ovulate lol who knows lol our damn body's never work how we want them to lol xxx

She alsoooo said in first month TTC it's on your mind all the time because its something you want so bad so you can delay your period because your just thinking about symptoms and pregnancy soooo much lol

So right now I'm going to "try" and relax and not test for a week I only have 2 tests left & my next batch said expected delivery 22nd! Soooo I'm not going to test as I think seeing the BFN every day is stressing me out... I'm going to POA OPK stick every day in stead haha xxxx
Well we can only cross our fingers and hope they make the difference.

I know, I hope she got on ok too! No doubt we shall hear from her soon!

I'm defo going to test when I get in....If it's positive OH is getting jumped! lol xxx
Hi ladies just got out the drs (I will go through all your posts when I get home looks like lots been going on hehe)

She said ectopic or not it should show on hpt by now and there tests are no different to what we are using iv got to leave it another week and if nothing they will do a blood test but its very unlikely I'm pregnant this month..

She did say the twinges and back ache could be my AF is ready but I'm stressed so I'm delaying it...

With my cycle it could be stress I told her about my faint OPKs and she said I could of ovulated late and to keep testing with OPKs and she said sperm lives for 5 days and she said have sex 3 times a week and that should catch the egg she also said I may not of ovulated this month even though AFs have been regular since coming of my patch beginning of the year the poly cystic ovarys could still decide for me to not ovulate so every cycle could be different, if I still have nothing in a week to go back or if I do happen to get any symptoms of ectopic to go straight to a walk in centre to have blood work

Iv got to keep a diary for 6 months of everything as if nothing happens in 6 months il be referred to check my remaining tube is ok and a fertility clinic to start looking at ways to help me get that BFP so iv come out a bit more relaxed and hopefully AF will come soon or I might still even ovulate lol who knows lol our damn body's never work how we want them to lol xxx

I'm glad you are feeling more relaxed about it Kalia! I'm glad the dr could put your mind more at ease and hopefully her info helps you get your BFP.

I would really stress the importance of doing those OPKs every day. I mean I was convinced I must have O'd already this month but something made me do the tests every day anyway and I couldn't believe it when I got the positives on CDs 46/47/48. Now I feel like I have at least given myself a good chance at catching the egg.

They live for 5 days?? That makes me really happy haha! Because we BD'd twice on the first day of my positive OPK but on the second day OH was roped into doing 4 hours overtime and was too tired to BD and in the third day I was so drunk that I came straight home from my friends party and fell asleep on my bathroom floor lol (so embarrassed about that!). But if the sperm live for 5 days that means hopefully BDing on the first day of my OPK may have been enough :)

How amazing would it be if we all got our BFPs within a few months of each other. I know I may be getting a bit ahead of myself but I can't help it I just feel really excited!! X
Kalia I'm glad you have come out feeling more relaxed from your appointment. It was worth you going just for that. Its good that she doesn't think its an eptopic pregnancy. That must have been really playing on your mind after your previous experience.
Maybe if you can relax a little now (easier said than done I know!) AF will show and then at least you can start a fresh cycle. Sorry you didn't get your BFP this time though *hugs*
Haha tess fingers crossed out was your last hangover for a while you could be going a very very long time without one lol

Sookie your step by step plan is intresting I saw on a website there's all these diff plans isn't there with weird names I will find the link and post it on here.. That's interesting about the second urine of the day I always thought it was the first...

Haha I love we all have loadssssss of tests & OPKs lol i will be fully stocked back up soon after going over board Haha xxx
Yeah I'm defo going to relax now, I'm just so relived that its not another ectopic I hope every month isn't going to be like it but yeah I think the first month has been stressful just getting used to it all and all the info your taking in ect...

I would of been soooo much worse if I didn't have you ladies xxxxxx

How are you all? How's the TWWs coming on any symptoms? Hope you get your BFPs in a couple of weeks :) xxxx
Kalia, that's great that you feel more relaxed about the situation! And it sounds like at least you have some kind of plan to work from....

yeah, the smep looks nice n organised for me....I love a bit of organisation! Lol

Think it is time for you all to book in your facials ladies!! ;-) xxx

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