TTC baby number #1

Sookie my OH & ur OH are the same my oh will not eat any veg at all iv just managed to get him eating casserole!! And peppers in food his terrible I might look at getting him some vitamins then I didn't even think about him iv just been thinking about what I should be doing iv told him he can't wear tight boxers haha

It took me ages to get him eating home cooked meals like chilli, spag Bol, casseroles, cottage pie but since I started slimming world iv said I'm not cooking you pizza n garlic bread if I'm eating healthy now he loves the home cooked meals but still refuses to eat veg!

I think I might get a thermometer but because I dork shifts I'm up at different times every day so I don't know if that would make a difference xxx

Well I had left my OH alone until this week and now he's not allowed his laptop directly on his lap, no tight boxers and he's got to take Vitamins....Dunno how he'll manage like cos my pregnacare are huuuuuuuuuuge and he doesn't like to take tablets butI'm gonna make him take them! lol I'm dead bossy arent I! lol

Well it says to take temp at same time every day so it may affect it I suppose...

I'm dead jealous of you going to GG(another acronym to add to the pile)


Oh my god ladies I can't believe how much we actually have in common!!! My OH will eat nothing other than burgers and sausages! I wish I could get him to eat other things like lasagne and spag Bol but I've been trying for 5 years and its just not happening!! He wont even eat chicken. hes the only person i know who will even have a cheeseburger on christmas day! Must be a man thing, they really are all like children haha.

I was going to get a thermometer but I really wouldn't know what to do with it lol. I'm still being positive anyway and keeping my fingers crossed that I won't actually need it x
Yeah I'm going to buy him some vitamins aswell if he moans il say well this is nothing compared to me having to give birth one day so this is the least you can do :) yep I'm bossy to...

My OH is that much of a GG goer last time I found out I PG we worked out if be due 21st July and he was like well what if your over il still have to go GG and if you go into labour then il just have to nip in a taxi! He will be the oldest person going he won't ever stop lol he keeps all the bloody wrist bands on he has the last 6 years on!

When I get in il look for that website with all the different BD plans xxxx
That website is:

And then if you go to tools & tickers and intercourse timing you put in the date of your last period & how long your cycle is and then it shows you all the different plans for BD that website is really intresting if you go to days past ovulation it tells you the symptoms for each day it's a really good website xxxx
Can I add DH to the fussy eater list please! Its the one thing that drives me nuts about him. When I met him he used to eat fish fingers and oven chips every night or if he wanted to be "healthy" pasta with sauce out of a jar!

He has improved (slightly) but only because I flat out refuse to eat junk all the time. The list of things he won't eat is ridiculous - like cheese!!! Who doesn't like cheese!!! It means we can never go for pizza unless places serve spaghetti bolegnese! Sorry ladies just realised that turned into a mini food rant!!

I've heard lots of people talking about charting temps but I don't know much about it, is it supposed to be quite reliable in predicting ovulation?
It really must be a man thing yeah pasta was always jar he refused to eat my home made food he said I couldn't cook!! It was cuz he didn't let me he would be the only one who would cook (I did set the grill on fire once, and set a tea towel on fire all in one week) until I told him he needs to get healthy but you can still have food that feels like junk his got alot better but it's taken 5 years!! It's only the last few months his opened up to eaten better he even ate a carrot a few weeks ago!! Yes he felt he had achieved something! Lol

Yes it has turned into a man food rant haha

I know I'm wondering about all this charting but I just don't get it xxxx
Yeh it is defo a man thing lol!! Well if you ladies decide to start temping you will need to let me know how to do it. Sookie you mentioned you were going to start temping at 10/11 DPO but AF interrupted, would that have been a way for you to work out if you were preg? Kalia that site is great thanks for posting it!!

Okay I think I've managed to post the picture of my O tests. The top picture is the neg test and the bottom is the pos test. You can see there is a faint line on the top one but the line on the bottom one is very clearly as dark or possibly darker than the control line. Until I got my pos on the OPK I found them very difficult to read because there was always that second faint line but when I got the pos I noticed there is a big difference. Hope this helps ladies x


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Hi tess
I know that site is good isn't it really helpful I thought

Thanks for posting pic mine are lighter than your neg one so I know now that they are defo negative least I know what to look out for now :) xxx
Hi tess
I know that site is good isn't it really helpful I thought

Thanks for posting pic mine are lighter than your neg one so I know now that they are defo negative least I know what to look out for now :) xxx

Yeh it's really good. I've already done every one of the little tests haha!

Sometimes my negatives are lighter too it seems to depend on how much I've had to drink before I do the test. I assume its based on how concentrated the sample is! X
Yeah il keep doing the OPKs but tbh I'm hoping AF just shows up and I can start a fresh then just feel like a hole month has been waited because now my AF should be finished and I should be cycle day 10 and waiting to start my OPKs! Not bloody still waiting for AF... I'm still secretly hoping for my BFP though and my hcg levels or what ever there called got lost in the post but should show up soon haha wishful thinking ay lol xxx
Yeah il keep doing the OPKs but tbh I'm hoping AF just shows up and I can start a fresh then just feel like a hole month has been waited because now my AF should be finished and I should be cycle day 10 and waiting to start my OPKs! Not bloody still waiting for AF... I'm still secretly hoping for my BFP though and my hcg levels or what ever there called got lost in the post but should show up soon haha wishful thinking ay lol xxx

Yeh I know how you feel. I can't believe I'm on day 51 and still no AF!! But now that I know I didn't O until sat or sun I won't get AF for another 2 weeks. It's just getting ridiculous!

You never know, the HCG levels might just be too low right now since you don't know when you O'd! Here's a question, do you still get AF if you haven't O'd? Or is an AF always a sign that you have O'd a couple of weeks earlier? X
Well looks like we have looooads in common n so do our OH's! Lol

That picture has helped tess thank you! I meant to say I was gonna test from 10DPO but apparently yes temping can indicate pregnancy as well cos it apparently stays up n only drops if AF is on her thermometer comes tomorrow so I'll start trying it out.

Snuffle, the time n effort I have put into oh's eating habits is uncountable lol, they're all just weird when it comes to food lol.

Ooooooo I'm gonna have a looksy at that website now lol

Yeah you only have AF if you have ovulated if you haven't you don't get your period xxxx
Unless your on BC and then there forced periods that's what drs told me xxx
I remember reading that late period is actually late ovulation. Its only you don't realise that till you start ttc.

Ummm gross question about temping. Where do you take your temperature? Is it the same as normally (like orally) or is it down there? Can only imagine DH's face if he came home to find me with a thermometer down there! He would find that one step too far I think!

Have a great day everybody!
I remember reading that late period is actually late ovulation. Its only you don't realise that till you start ttc.

Ummm gross question about temping. Where do you take your temperature? Is it the same as normally (like orally) or is it down there? Can only imagine DH's face if he came home to find me with a thermometer down there! He would find that one step too far I think!

Have a great day everybody!

Yeh as far as I know late period is late ovulation. Well that's good at least I'm know I'm def ovulating because my cycles are long but I still get a period at some point!

Well I went to the docs and she agreed that its not normal for my cycles to still be this long :( she felt about my stomach and said everything feels normal. She asked questions like do I bleed after sex and does it feel uncomfortable having sex but my answer to everything was no. They have taken blood to check my hormones and said we will take it from there when the results come in which should be early next week. I'm really nervous now I just want everything to come back normal or for the problem to be something really simple to fix x
Tess your docs appointment sounds good. Sounds like she will be genuinely trying to help find out why your cycles are long rather than just brushing you off like some doctors do. At least you answered no to all the questions and if all your tests come back normal your mind will be at rest and if they do find any problem its better to know sooner rather than later so they can fix it. Keep us updated and fingers crossed everything comes back ok.

Have you had any symptoms at all for your tww? I am still symtom-less, don't think this is going to be my month!
Afternoon ladies!!

Tess, I agree with snuffle....Your doctor sounds really good and understanding and proactive!

Snuffle, some ladies don't get any symptoms at all until they miss their AF...I'm very excited to see how everyone gets on! If we all fall quite close to each other somehow we need to meet up or something....Mass skype maybe!?!? lol that would be amazing!

Hi tess that's good your drs have taken you serious and hopefully it will be sorted :)

I still can't believe iv still not come on now cycle day 46! This is ridiculous I'm not even stressed now iv not done a HPT today I thought no there's no point main reason iv only got one left until they get delieverd on Monday :( lol xx

How is every one today xxx
Hi Kalia, I'm excited for my thermometer coming!! lol Sad or what!!

Good that you're not stressing...just take opk's instead cos you never know! :) xxx
Haha i know I'm so tempted to get a thermometer but I can't temp at same time every day and you have to temp from down below dont you? And they say to do it as soon as you wake up imaging OH waking up and there I am with a thermometer he'd be like ermmmm mick alia what are you doing" haha xxx

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