TTC baby number #1

I'm confused oh wanted our manager to know we're TTC because if I was to fall quickly then there will be 2 of us of on maternity leave at similar times and he emailed her last night explaining and she said basically that they could get rid of me at any time in 2 years if they want to and don't have to give me maternity leave... Oh has looked on net and its right a company can get rid of you now if youv worked less than 2 years but they have to give you maternity pay and leave as long as you have worked continuously for them for 26 weeks well I got a bit worried oh would say let's stop trying for another year (iv only been in this job almost a year) but he was quite the opposite he was like if they was to get rid of you they would be stupid because your one of the best operators they've got but if they did we would manage we get laid quite good money for what we do really but still it would be hard on just one wage so now I'm going have the stress of that wondering are they going to sack me or not just because I get pregnant... I told oh we shouldn't of told her she was happy for us but was just letting us know... I left my last job because it wasn't secure and I got made redundant from the job before that which was the job of my dreams and iv come here its an ok job and money is great for what I do but now I'm scared they will sack me if I get pregnant but surely they couldn't do that... Lol well there's my long rant for the evening while on lunch at work haha

Sookie I hope your BDing!!!! And your mouth is ok lol

How are you tess? Relaxing after a busy day? How u feeling excited to start a new cycle? Xxx
Also iv just had pain under my belly like really low pulling pain I almost doubled over but that might be trapped wind couldn't it haha (tmi) lol I'm seriously finding any symptom I do get I'm finding any other reason what it could be just so I don't get ahead of my self like the saliva thing that's the only thing i can't account for lol apart from maybe im thinking about it and that's making it happen haha xxx its to early for symptoms sort ya self out... Yes that's me telling my self out (iv officially lost it haha) xxx
Also iv just had pain under my belly like really low pulling pain I almost doubled over but that might be trapped wind couldn't it haha (tmi) lol I'm seriously finding any symptom I do get I'm finding any other reason what it could be just so I don't get ahead of my self like the saliva thing that's the only thing i can't account for lol apart from maybe im thinking about it and that's making it happen haha xxx its to early for symptoms sort ya self out... Yes that's me telling my self out (iv officially lost it haha) xxx

Yes it's right that a company can fire you if you have worked there less than 2 years but for things like under performing, being off sick a lot etc but by law they cannot fire you for being pregnant. If they want to get rid of you for that reason then unfortunately they might try and find another reason to do it so just don't give them a reason and you should be fine! Do you have a union in your workplace? I'm a union representative in my work and something like that would NEVER be allowed to happen. Intact the fact that your employer even suggested it as a response to you telling her you are TTC would be enough in my work for a disciplinary! Make sure you keep that email because if they do try and get rid of you when you are pregnant that email will really help you in trying to prove that it's BECAUSE you are pregnant rather than DESPITE the fact you are pregnant. Hope that helped lol x

Yup bd complete...for now :) lol

Tess is right Kalia, they have no right to sack you for pregnancy related reasons....defo keep that email. I was once told by an employment rights expert that, and I quote, "pregnant women are the most protected species on the planet" that manager needs to watch herself banding about comments like that....sure the HR dept would overjoyed to hear what she thinks.

Tess, I am very fortunate o never have had many issues with down there when it comes to periods Etc. Theonly issue that had the potential to develop was I began to have a slight sensitivity to progesterone.....Sent my body a bit haywire when I had injection then implant which are both progesterone only....thankfully that all seems to be calming down now though.

I work for a for a fairly small company that don't have a union it was my oh who sent her the email she didn't email him back she just said that to him today they have no reason to even think about sacking me I'm one of the best operators they have so they'd be stupid to get rid of me but you never know they might find something stupid if it happens as soon as I fall pregnant then id fight against it... I don't get why she would say well we can get rid of a member of staff in first of 2 years its stupid... I'm not going to stress about it because if it happens id fight it...
Just in shock you would even say it lol she don't think before she speaks... Xxx
Haha well iv just spoke to oh and he said well we will just tell them his doing the maternity leave haha his been there 4 years lol we was joking though we've said if it comes to that then il find a part time job OHs mom has already said she's pretty much either giving up work or going to a couple of days so she can do child care my mom she's got her career going over the last few years after having me at 16 but she's said on her days of she will do a day a week so if It really came to me having to do part time work I will but oh don't think it will come to that iv just had a moment of panic but they wouldn't have a leg to stand on so I'm not going to worry xxx haha yeah she is a Doyle everyone hates her lol x
Morning ladies :)

I'm feeling much better this morning after all that stuff about work lol I'm not letting them rule my life :)

Of to get my hair done sooon wooohoooo :)

How's everyone feeling today? Sookie are you 1dpo now or have got another positive today?

My boobs are annoying me my god if I could detach them from my body right now I would! There really achey :( that saliva has now turned into nausea and iv felt like that since yday afternoon I still don't believe it's pregnancy related though I really don't want to get my hopes up a the girl at work last night we was talking even though she fell pregnant straight away she did an OPK saw it was positive and dtd she only done twice in that month and got BFP her first month trying so there is hope for us ladies :) she was saying when your pregnant you will just know even before you do the test you will know, well I'm hoping I know soon haha xxx
I think the worst wait has to be right when you start your period. Because then you have TWO 2ww ahead of you. You have to wait two weeks to ovulate and then wait two weeks to see if you get your period. Since it is 2 am right now, I am officially on CD 6, which is when I like to start testing for O. Although I didn't get it until CD 21 last month, but that was the month my periods returned after a year of none, and my period also lasted 2 weeks. So now I am hoping I am regulated and it will only be around 12 days not 21! Waiting is the worst!
Aww marquelle I hope the wait isn't so long this time round for you :) I know basically its a 4ww not a 2ww because we're always waiting for something lol this cycle I ovulated cd48 so I get where your coming from I'm on 5dpo now and just want to know lol xxx
Oh wow that is a huge wait! Im sorry!
Hopefully both of us O sooner this time around!
I know I think last month I thought about being pregnant and stressed that month I completely missed my period as soon as I stopped stressing I ovulated but when I was stressing I didn't realise I was until it was pointed out to me hopefully we either get out BFP or our cycles get better to get that BFP sooner :) xxx good luck xxx
Exactly. Sometimes I don't even realize I am stressing.

I was camping with my family and I wanted to play a board game but when it was my brothers turn he wasn't paying attention and I flipped out on him and was like ARE YOU PLAYING OR NOT BECAUSE IF I TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME IM PUTTING THE GAME UP.

My moms boyfriend was like, you gotta calm down this is why you are getting pregnant....haha.

Then I stress about how I am stressing too much! It never ends lol.
I know ATM I'm doing my best to not symptom spot and we've been WTT for over 3 years since I had my ectopic abc I really didn't think of be this bad because I always thought it would take ages now were TTC I'm trying to be positive thinking it could happen straight away n now I'm symptom spotting but then coming up with other reasons for why I have that lol it's a no win situation I'm away this weekend so it should take my mind of it and then il be closer to testing when I get back :) xxx
Well it's always good when something can take your mind off of it. I literally get on this website every day for hours. And I also research for hours.

I am a stay at home wife and so I have nothing to do except Google every little thing lol.

Yes I am counting today as 1DPO! I'm officially in the wait again! lol :-D So watch this space! :)

Good to hear you're not letting the doyle get to you! Ooooooo happy new hair!! :-D

I hope none of us have to wait for too long for what we all want....Cos patience can soon wear thin! lol

Patience definitely can wear thin hehe!

Marqelle - I'm the same, stay at home and googling every little thing so I try to keep busy but hmm...still find time to google!
Hi ladies! Sorry for long time no post! How has everybody been?
Been trying to take my mind off of whether or not AF would come by not constantly thinking and reading about ttc. Didn't really work I just ended up driving DH insane by constantly testing to check I was still getting a positive line. It looks like I am officially PG - done like a million tests (am so broke now!!!) including a clearblue digital that said I am 4/5 weeks pg. Am v excited but I am so paranoid that my period will just come a week or so late. Will be gutted if it turns out to be CP! Am now in the next TWW the twelve week wait and my nerves feel like they are being shredded!

Kalia your symptoms sound good! I had a bit of nausea - that is what made me test as I am not normally a sickie person. Plus I read increased saliva and drooling (Ooooh sexy!) are an early symptom of pg as your hormones increase saliva production! When do you think you will test?

Sookie won't be long before you join us in TWW so keep that BDING going!

Tess what cd are you on now? Nearly time to start opking?

I hope this month you all get BFPs then we can wait out first tri together!

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