TTC baby number #1

Oh and Kalia enjoy your festival, we will miss u haha!! X
Oh wow, I would probably be in a mental institution if my cycles were as long as yours Tess! I am using test strips from eBay. Since I just started ovulating last month I have only used them once but now I am on CD 6 (technically 7 since it's 3 in the morning here) so I am now testing again. The only thing is I don't have that many left and I cant even afford to buy the cheap ones online right now. I hope I don't run out before I ovulate! Even if I did I would just BD every day haha.

I hope your cycles get shorter soon. That is such a long wait to ovulate and then to test. I did not even know that about the LP needing to be at least 12 days for implantation to have a seems like there is always something new to scare me with.

I JUST found out about an hour ago that 70% of pregnancies are chemical...that scared the crap out of me. I have been waiting since March of 2012 to get a BFP and if I finally do and it's chemical...I don't even know what I will do..
Oh wow, I would probably be in a mental institution if my cycles were as long as yours Tess! I am using test strips from eBay. Since I just started ovulating last month I have only used them once but now I am on CD 6 (technically 7 since it's 3 in the morning here) so I am now testing again. The only thing is I don't have that many left and I cant even afford to buy the cheap ones online right now. I hope I don't run out before I ovulate! Even if I did I would just BD every day haha.

I hope your cycles get shorter soon. That is such a long wait to ovulate and then to test. I did not even know that about the LP needing to be at least 12 days for implantation to have a seems like there is always something new to scare me with.

I JUST found out about an hour ago that 70% of pregnancies are chemical...that scared the crap out of me. I have been waiting since March of 2012 to get a BFP and if I finally do and it's chemical...I don't even know what I will do..

Tell me about it they are a nightmare! I've been off my pill for 6 months and only had 3 AFs. It's almost asif my body is skipping a month but I have had blood tests done and everything is normal so it must just be my body still trying to adjust. I've also been under ALOT of stress at work recently (to the point where I've come home crying some days) so I don't think that has helped at all. I have just been moved into a different job at work though which I'm really enjoying so hopefully I will see a difference this cycle :)

I know I didn't know that about LP either! I only read up on it about a week ago because I was in the TWW and AF appeared from no where at 8DPO and I was like what the hell??? Lol so when I read up on it, it said a short LP can be caused by a lack of the progesterone hormone (which I know I don't have because the blood test I had done a few weeks ago was specifically checking my hormone levels were all normal) or a deficiency in the B vitamin so that's why I decided to buy the B complex to see if it makes a difference.

I know I read that about CPs as well and it freaked me out!! The scariest thing was when it said most people don't even know they have had a CP because they just assume its their AF. I mean for example last cycle I either had a really short LP or I could have had a CP but just didn't know about it. I was tempted to take a test to see if I would get a faint like but I thought what's the point? Even if I am PG I won't be for much longer so I will just assume its an early AF and move onto my next cycle.

That's good that your OH will just BD every day lol! Mine works really long shifts sometimes so he really wants me to be able to pin point the best time for us to BD so he doesn't need to force it all the time when it could be the completely wrong time anyway. We tend to BD about once or twice a week and then everyday that I get a pos on the OPK including the first day I get a neg and then just go back to once or twice a week again.

Sorry about all the reading there ladies I feel like I've just wrote war and peace lol x
Haha no worries, I like reading others' experiences. My last LP was 14 days, so hopefully it stays in the safe range and hopefully your returns to that as well.

Yes, it is kind of strange how some women don't even know they are Pg they just think its AF.

That could never happen with me because I take pregnancy tests like they are vitamins so I would for sure know. I think that would crush me.

Those first couple weeks of being pregnant are going to be so hard when all I will be able to do is just freak out about MC.

I am glad that you are enjoying your work more though, we certainly do not need any extra stress on any of us right now, so that is great for you.

Actually, i just read something interesting, it says that the reason stress can delay conception is because it affects the function of the hypothalamus which is responsible for the releasing of the egg each cycle. It said that it can cause you to ovulate later and that may make you miss your chance to conceive.

However, if you are tracking ovulation with tests or other methods that are reliable, you will know when you ovulate even if it is early or I feel a little less freaked out about the stress thing.
Haha no worries, I like reading others' experiences. My last LP was 14 days, so hopefully it stays in the safe range and hopefully your returns to that as well.

Yes, it is kind of strange how some women don't even know they are Pg they just think its AF.

That could never happen with me because I take pregnancy tests like they are vitamins so I would for sure know. I think that would crush me.

Those first couple weeks of being pregnant are going to be so hard when all I will be able to do is just freak out about MC.

I am glad that you are enjoying your work more though, we certainly do not need any extra stress on any of us right now, so that is great for you.

Actually, i just read something interesting, it says that the reason stress can delay conception is because it affects the function of the hypothalamus which is responsible for the releasing of the egg each cycle. It said that it can cause you to ovulate later and that may make you miss your chance to conceive.

However, if you are tracking ovulation with tests or other methods that are reliable, you will know when you ovulate even if it is early or I feel a little less freaked out about the stress thing.

Do u haha? I tried my best not to test unless I absolutely have to because I can't afford to keep buying more! I tested loads before I started using OPKs because I never knew if I had O'd or not since my cycles r so long but since I started using them I haven't tested at all.

Oh that is interesting about how stress makes you ovulate later. I also read that stress can cause your body to produce more oestrogen than normal which can overpower progesterone and cause your LP to shorten so that's quite possibly what happened to me last month. It just goes to show that our bodies are sooooo sensitive.

I know that's the danger with testing so early isn't it because then you have longer to worry about a MC or a CP. and then stressing isnt good when your PG either but it's just so hard not to stress. I wish there were such things as chill pills because I could defo be doing with some haha x
Marqelle I am totally at that point of freaking out about MC and CP right now. I tested really early 8dpo and got bfp so consequently this week has been the longest week of my life waiting to see if AF will show. Thankfully nothing yet but I am getting really AF like cramps that are freaking me out. I am like a walking ball of nerves! Everytime I have to go to the bathroom I am paranoid I am going to see blood! This is a million times worse than TWW as there is that chance of a pregnancy that you don't want tp end I will be gutted if i get a late period or MC in next few weeks!

Sookie how is the temping going? Are you starting to see any patterns yet?

Tess don't be worried! I am sure its just your body taking a while to adjust after all you were on bc for quite a ling time so things will take a while to get back to normal. Plus if you are stressing about it then it will only make it even worse! I wish there was a chill pill we could take aswell - i need about fifty right now!!

Kalia have fun at GG! We will miss you!
Marqelle I am totally at that point of freaking out about MC and CP right now. I tested really early 8dpo and got bfp so consequently this week has been the longest week of my life waiting to see if AF will show. Thankfully nothing yet but I am getting really AF like cramps that are freaking me out. I am like a walking ball of nerves! Everytime I have to go to the bathroom I am paranoid I am going to see blood! This is a million times worse than TWW as there is that chance of a pregnancy that you don't want tp end I will be gutted if i get a late period or MC in next few weeks!

Sookie how is the temping going? Are you starting to see any patterns yet?

Tess don't be worried! I am sure its just your body taking a while to adjust after all you were on bc for quite a ling time so things will take a while to get back to normal. Plus if you are stressing about it then it will only make it even worse! I wish there was a chill pill we could take aswell - i need about fifty right now!!

Kalia have fun at GG! We will miss you!

I hope everything goes well for you snufflepop! Doesn't it always seem like our family members, celebrities, and people on tv, when they get pregnant it's never a miscarriage or anything wrong. And they always get pregnant really fast like after a one night stand or missing a pill...but the main thing is they never seen worried about a MC or anything.

Growing up watching those things you always dream about having lots of babies. You never think about the high chances of MC or the long journey of TTC. You just think you have them when you want them.
:hugs:GL Snuffle pop lots of sticky baby dust your way!! Its funny we want to know about our BFP ASAP and when it happens we got soo many things to worry about before AF due date. Dont worry hopefully everything will be fine! :D
I'm backkkkkk iv just walked through the doors 3.15am and I had a quick shower and POAS it was a bfn I'm now technically 8dpo :( I didn't barely drink this weekend because I was so paranoid still had a fabbbbbb weekend though :) how's everyone? Xxxx
Hey kalia 8dpo is still very early so don't be sad, glad you had a great weekend. Good days are so helpful to get our mind off this whole TTc thing esp during tww. I hope you ladies don't mind me hopping in the conversation! :)
Of course not :)

And yes, you are right, that is still a bit early to test so don't be down yet. It can take up to 10 days for implantation to occur.
Hello hello!

Stay positive Kalia!

I spent yesterday at the races with my was fab....very busy and long though lol.

I'm currently 4-5DPO so still early days :)

How's everyone else doing?

I am currently on CD 9 waiting to ovulate and hoping it comes soon!
To help during my wait I just got done watching 2 hours of youtube videos
of girls surprising their families with baby announcements and girls taking live pregnancy
tests after months or years of TTC.
Hi ladies :)

I know your all right it is still early days in Saturday I got some bad cramps and had to sit down apart from that I didn't notice anything else and tbh i didn't think about it only a little bit OH doesn't really talk about his feelings and he closes up sometimes when I talk about TTC he wants it but he doesn't get excited until he knows its happened and knows everything's fine because of what happened before & that does my head in at times because I think his doing it because I want to even though deep down I know he wants it just as much as me and this weekend he really did open up to me and said he can't wait for it now his scared incase anything happens like before but he thinks its going to happen sooner than we thought and he has positive feelings and his really excited I told him
How I feel ATM but I don't want to get excited because it could be my hormones going a little crazy because its now been almost 2 months since my period & he was great he did his best to understand me so that was good...

Hey sookie how was the races? How you feeling 4-5dpo? You feel like your going crazy yet? I did haha

Hi marquelle bless you for watching them videos I couldn't watch em I would be filled with jealousy and just cry lol

Hi tess how are you? You started doing your OPKs now? What cd are you on?

Hiii snuffle hope your ok and not stressing to much I would be exactly the same as you with the twelve week edit would be a nightmare, I'm going to pay for an early scan I am I think my friend paid £40 for an early scan when she was about 7 weeks it was just to make sure it was all ok and was in the right place il defo be doing that if drs don't give me an early scan. But you just really need to try and relax you got your BFP and try and enjoy it easier said than done i know xxxx
Hi guys!
Welcome MrsWKJ! Feel free to join our little group! How long have you been ttc?

Sookie waiting anxiously to here if this month will be your bfp!!! FX it will be!

Tess any positive opks yet? Catch up on your zzzs now, you will be worn your from BDing!

Kalia I think I am going to get an early gender scan. There is a place in Sutton Coldfield that does them from 16weeks for £40. I wonder if that's where your friend went?

Marqelle I can't believe people put POAS on YouTube!!!!!!
Hi ladies!

Sorry not been on had a really busy weekend. Missed you all :)

Kalia glad to hear you had a good weekend and that OH opened up to u! My OH opened up to me too when I got my AF telling me he was really gutted and he just really wants this etc and he kind if caught me off guard but I'm so glad he did because I get too wrapped up in how I'm feeling and how much I want it and I just forget about him! I wouldn't be worried about getting a BFN because its still really early so there's still hope :)

Sookie how are you feeling so far in your TWW? I've got everything crossed for u :) and snuffle I'm glad to hear everything is still going well for u. I'm sure everything will be fine so just enjoy it :)

Marqelle I can't believe people are actually filing themselves doing HPTs haha! I'm just a day behind u, I'm in CD8. Been doing my OPKs since thurs and I'm not expecting to get a pos until at least next week but I just want to make sure I don't miss it. Reay hope I do get a pos next week coz that wil mean I'm FINALLY back into a more regular cycle. Im back at the dr tomorrow to discuss what else could be causing me to have such long cycles since my blood tests came bk normal x
Hi guys!
Welcome MrsWKJ! Feel free to join our little group! How long have you been ttc?

Sookie waiting anxiously to here if this month will be your bfp!!! FX it will be!

Tess any positive opks yet? Catch up on your zzzs now, you will be worn your from BDing!

Kalia I think I am going to get an early gender scan. There is a place in Sutton Coldfield that does them from 16weeks for £40. I wonder if that's where your friend went?

Marqelle I can't believe people put POAS on YouTube!!!!!!

Thanks Its my 3rd month TTC currently on CD8. Did you do anything different this month? Im trying SMEP Though its alot of work for a month but i guess desperate times call for desperate measures :haha:
I am all up for an early gender scan too some people love element of surprise but i feel if you know the gender you feel more close to the baby :D
lol People these days put everything on youtube hehe :p
No it wasn't in Sutton Coldfield it was near Solihull on the Warwick road I think it was an early scan before her 12 week scan xxx
Hi guys!
Welcome MrsWKJ! Feel free to join our little group! How long have you been ttc?

Sookie waiting anxiously to here if this month will be your bfp!!! FX it will be!

Tess any positive opks yet? Catch up on your zzzs now, you will be worn your from BDing!

Kalia I think I am going to get an early gender scan. There is a place in Sutton Coldfield that does them from 16weeks for £40. I wonder if that's where your friend went?

Marqelle I can't believe people put POAS on YouTube!!!!!!

Thanks Its my 3rd month TTC currently on CD8. Did you do anything different this month? Im trying SMEP Though its alot of work for a month but i guess desperate times call for desperate measures :haha:
I am all up for an early gender scan too some people love element of surprise but i feel if you know the gender you feel more close to the baby :D
lol People these days put everything on youtube hehe :p

Oh exciting I'm on CD8 too :)

Me and OH basically just BDing when we feel like it and then every day when I get pos OPKs. I was gonna try SMEP but I was worried that OH might have been exhausted by the time i got a pos OPK lol x
Oh exciting I'm on CD8 too :)

Me and OH basically just BDing when we feel like it and then every day when I get pos OPKs. I was gonna try SMEP but I was worried that OH might have been exhausted by the time i got a pos OPK lol x

haha great we'll keep each other company this month then. How long are your cycles. Mine vary either 29 and sometimes 35. Yeah thats what i was thinking but i haven't told DH yet. I'll just make him believe i want him really bad this month :haha: The first month we did Everyday unfortunately that didnt work. Second month i was down with UTI and just DTD two three days close to ovulation. So this month im hoping it works. Keeping my FX

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