TTC baby number #1

Snuffleeee iv missed you I was actually starting to worry!! So happy your back and ok :) I'm sure everything will be fine I'm so happy for you and it's completely normal to feel how your feeling I'd be completely the same!! But we will always be here for you :)

Ohhhh saliva is actually an early sign I really hope it is for me iv never had this before and I'm feeling nauseas with it aswell I'm going away this weekend so by time I come back it will be 8 dpo so I'm going to try last it out to 10 dpo and start testing then cuz I'm only 5 now & will be to early to tell but my boobs are getting worse...

Are you getting any other symptoms now you know your pg? Xxx
Snuffle!!!!!! Where have you been all my life?!?! I was actually gonna mention something on here to ask if anyone had seen you!

Stick with us, we will keep those nerves and worries at bay!! I'm sooooo happy for you!!

The bd'ing has been going on, I even NEARLY had to tell OH to man up yesterday....I managed to sweettalk him though instead lol. Well my OPK last night (11pm) was defo negative in my opinion so it's tww time! Eeeekkkk.

Yayyyy I'm so glad I'm not in this 2ww alone now haha we can go crazy together :) xxx
Welcome back snuffle and congrats! I'm over the moon for you. Have you told anyone yet? The fact that's it happened so quickly for you though is making me think is it taking this long for me because there's something wrong and it's just never going to happen :|!?!? It's so hard to stay positive all the time and not get stressed. And I know stress doesn't help this process at al but ARGH!!! I could scre
Sometimes lol :(

I'm CD5 now so will start OPKs today. Fingers crossed I'm bk to a normal cycle coz I don't think I could handle another 48 day wait to ovulate.

I'm glad tour feeling better today Kalia :) and I hope u and Sookie get a nice BFP at the end of your TWWs :) x
Aww tess there isn't nothing wrong with you it even says online it takes upto a year for a healthy young couple to fall pregnant and its still early days, your body is still maybe getting used to coming of BC but hopefully there won't be such a long wait for the positive OPK :) it's very hard not to stress about it but I think relaxing a little doing things to keep mind of it (as hard as it is) does help with de-stressing :) hopefully this well be our month :) xxx
I agree with Kalia, bc can make a huge impact on our bodies....I think the Internet can be a blessing and a curse...Blessing is meeting you lot, curse is sometimes a little information is too much if u catch my drift :)

I hope you feel you can confide in us n we can all get through this as a group :) xxx
Yes defo get through this as a group :) I find google is great to a certain extent but no matter what you google it brings you either to pregnancy symptoms or some very horrible illness it's our best friend and worse enemy all in one lol

Hey sookie glad he manned up haha I get in from work last night and oh was like come on then u had me as soon as I stepped through the door let me have you I was like okkkkk haha

I haven't told him of any of my symptoms only about my boobs because I can't have him touch em haha I'm like noooo they hurt lol his a boob man lol (was that tmi) lol ahh well we're all friends here now lol :) xxx
Yeh you are right ladies thanks :) I just want to feel like me again! I feel like for the past 6 months I've just been a ticking time bomb and I literally don't think about anything else lol. Anytime I go to plan something my first thought is always 'but I could be pregnant by then'. I wish I could get it out so I could relax but I doubt that's going to happen so I will just need to have random outbursts at my new friends (that's you ladies by the way lol) and then hopefully nothing will get bottled up therefore I won't feel so much stress.

And I know it's still early days after coming off BC but at the same times its been 6 months so I would hope it was at least STARTING to settle. I wouldn't mind so much if my cycles were gradually getting shorter but I think I'm getting paranoid because they aren't getting shorter at all. Although I bet it's me worrying about them being long that's making them long. Jeez it's just a viscious circle isn't it lol.

Oh go you ladies!! I can't wait till AF is over. Me and OH haven't BD'd for about 2 weeks now which is the longest we have went since TTC and I getting agitated now haha! I'm
Just spotting now so I will be back on it as of tomorrow :) x
Omggg I feel sooo ill :( I feel like I need to sleep for a week and be sick and I have AF kind of cramps right now iv got to be up at half 6 in the morning to get ready for the festival were going to iv told oh we've got to get his sis to stop of at maccy ds for a brekki I snapped at oh cuz he couldn't find nail varnish remover in the shop and I really need some :( xxx
Kalie how man dpo are you again? Sorry if you already repeated it.

And Tess, at 6 months TTC you are right around when most of the people I have talked to who have come off of BC fell pregnant. A lot of them said it took 6 months after BC. Definitely if you are feeling really stressed let it out on here, anything to help you relax is good for the baby making :)
Kalie how man dpo are you again? Sorry if you already repeated it.

And Tess, at 6 months TTC you are right around when most of the people I have talked to who have come off of BC fell pregnant. A lot of them said it took 6 months after BC. Definitely if you are feeling really stressed let it out on here, anything to help you relax is good for the baby making :)

Wow Kalia that all sounds really good :D it's strange saying that your happy abut someone feeling sick haha.

Oh really Marqelle?? That gives me a bit of hope thanks very much for that :) I think coming on here is the best decision I've made in relation to this TTC business of I would have gone insane by now haha x
Omggg I feel sooo ill :( I feel like I need to sleep for a week and be sick and I have AF kind of cramps right now iv got to be up at half 6 in the morning to get ready for the festival were going to iv told oh we've got to get his sis to stop of at maccy ds for a brekki I snapped at oh cuz he couldn't find nail varnish remover in the shop and I really need some :( xxx

Ooooooooooooo that sounds like some great symptoms! :thumbup:

Not liking that u feel I'll but the reason behind why you're feeling ill is possibly great! Xxx
I'm now 6dpo I'm really trying my best to not think its pregnancy related abc linking it all to everything but that but its soooo hard lol xxx
Ugh I wish I was 6dpo lol. Im on CD 6 and this wait is killing me. Wouldn't you know it though, no symptoms of anything (not even period symptoms even though I am still on it)...but wait til 1dpo and all of a sudden I will be feeling everything haha.
Ugh I wish I was 6dpo lol. Im on CD 6 and this wait is killing me. Wouldn't you know it though, no symptoms of anything (not even period symptoms even though I am still on it)...but wait til 1dpo and all of a sudden I will be feeling everything haha.

Looks like we are in the same boat Marqelle, I'm CD6 too!!! :) just hope this cycle will be more normal than my last few x
Morning ladies

Haha I know it is weird wishing illness upon someone haha I'm not putting it down to that though I really don't want to get my hopes up again lol

I'm of for the weekend inability so I will catch up with you all Sunday :) have a lovely weekend everyone xxxx
Ugh I wish I was 6dpo lol. Im on CD 6 and this wait is killing me. Wouldn't you know it though, no symptoms of anything (not even period symptoms even though I am still on it)...but wait til 1dpo and all of a sudden I will be feeling everything haha.

Looks like we are in the same boat Marqelle, I'm CD6 too!!! :) just hope this cycle will be more normal than my last few x

Yes I hope so too, for both our sakes! My first period after a year was last month and it lasted 2 weeks, I would die if that happened again! I am on my period right now but I think it's fading pretty fast. Will probably be done tomorrow. I also didn't O until CD 21 last cycle so I hope that doesn't repeat itself. I want a 28 day cycle!

What was yours like last cycle?
hi everyone!
I hope i'm doing this right, but i'm completely new to this site and was just looking for some ladies to talk to.
My husband and I have been TTC since September last year - i've had blood tests and he has had a sperm test, everything came back normal.
I'm just getting really inpatient and wondered if anyone else is in this position, and what you can do to increase your chances every month?

Pretty much all of us are in this position.

Some of us have some medical issues, some of us are normal but just aren't getting pregnant.

There are the usual tips you see online like these:

Track ovulation by tests, temperature, or cervical mucus.

Have sex regularly (at least every other day) before and during ovulation (and after just to be safe).

After sex stay laying down for at least 15 minutes to help the sperm travel up. (After 15 minutes the sperm that are going to reach it will already be up high enough.

But make sure you go pee after sex to avoid a UTI, just don't do it for 15 minutes.

Don't use lubricants that may harm the sperm. Pre-seed is what is recommended when you are trying to conceive. You may want to look into it.

They always tell you not to stress but that is pretty impossible.

That's all I can tell you, I am sure other ladies have more advice. The biggest thing is to just know when you are ovulating considering that is the only time you can get pregnant is when your body releases an egg. And ovulation days can vary from month to month so it's best not to guess.

Good luck!
Ugh I wish I was 6dpo lol. Im on CD 6 and this wait is killing me. Wouldn't you know it though, no symptoms of anything (not even period symptoms even though I am still on it)...but wait til 1dpo and all of a sudden I will be feeling everything haha.

Looks like we are in the same boat Marqelle, I'm CD6 too!!! :) just hope this cycle will be more normal than my last few x

Yes I hope so too, for both our sakes! My first period after a year was last month and it lasted 2 weeks, I would die if that happened again! I am on my period right now but I think it's fading pretty fast. Will probably be done tomorrow. I also didn't O until CD 21 last cycle so I hope that doesn't repeat itself. I want a 28 day cycle!

What was yours like last cycle?

Well unfortunately I can beat that Marqelle, my last cycle was 56 days and I didn't O until CD 48! Absolute nightmare. My cycle before that was 56 days too but I don't know when I O'd because I only started using OPKs last cycle. Do you use OPKs or are you temping? I would settle for even a 35 day cycle just anything that is relatively normal!

Hey Han, welcome :) speaking to these ladies has really made me chill out about the whole TTC process so I hope we can help you too. Don't get me wrong, we each have our random outbursts and rants but we're all here to support each other so it's ok :) have you told your friends etc you are TTC? And were you on any sort of BC before? I was on the pill for 5 years and have been off for 6 months but my cycles are still really long and messed up so don't know how long it will take me to work them out. A few of us on here bought one step ovulation tests from amazon to help us work out the best time to BD and they are really good and cheap. I bought 100 (a bit excessive I know haha) and they were only about £14. Sookie has tried temping so if your doing that then maybe she can help. The only other thing I'm doing now is taking a B complex multivitamin with folic acid on a daily basis because my luteal phase last cycle was only 8 days and as far as I know it needs to be at least 12 days for an egg to have time to implant so I read that increasing the B vitamin in your body can increase your LP so fingers crossed for this cycle :) x

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