TTC baby number #1

Tess are your cycles messed up due to BC? I really hope this one is alot shorter than your previous. :hugs:

I think so but I'm the same as Kalia, my body seems to have just skipped a month of O completely but it has happened to me for the last 2 cycles! I have been to the doctor and had blood tests done which showed everything is fine so it looks like I just need to be patient and wait it out x

Oh just when we want our bodies to cooperate with us!:wacko: i really really pray things get back to normal from this cycle x. The tww is enough to deal with.
Hey snuffle,

I know it feels aaaaages since I posted....but I'm back now....I will prob test early...when did u get ur earliest bfp? Xxx

How many DPO are you and when are you testing? I wonder if there are women who actually manage to not test early. I just know that I always tell myself that I won't test until the day after AF is due and so far I've caved in every time!

My cycle won't start until Friday and I am slowly getting impatient... I am starting a new job on Thursday and am signing up to get my masters degree at the same time. One would think that that should enough to distract me from the whole ttc thing but so far it hasn't. :winkwink:

I really think that this cycle I am going to wait.
Normally I am impatient even when taking ovulation tests as I
just want them to be positive.
This cycle each time I take an ovulation test I almost forget about it
and have to remind myself to go check it.
Then when it's negative I just line it up with the others and leave the bathroom without it bothering me.

I don't want to face all those negative HPTs, so I am going to wait.
Marqelle I know what you mean. Getting a BFN is so frustrating and I told myself the last two cycles that I wouldn't test early but couldn't help myself. :nope: It wouldn't have made a difference though because both times AF came late and I would have tested anyway.
I always know it's going to be negative, but there are about 5 seconds while I am waiting for the results that I can't breathe and I think...what if? What if this one time it just happens...and then it doesn't and I think, who was I kidding.
I always know it's going to be negative, but there are about 5 seconds while I am waiting for the results that I can't breathe and I think...what if? What if this one time it just happens...and then it doesn't and I think, who was I kidding.

I know that feeling... :cry: Have you seen a Dr. or thought about hormones yet? I thought about seeing a fertility specialist but my DH thinks that's jumping the gun. We have done those fertility tests for him and her that you can get at the drugstore and both of those came out positive but I just don't get why it's taking so long. :nope:
I didn't know there were fertility tests at the drug store...I may have to look into that on Friday.

Livia: I went in for blood tests and they didn't find any hormone imbalances like thyroid or anything.

Then I went in for an ultrasound and my follicles looked good.

Since you are a little newer than I am you probably didn't read my story anywhere, but here is just a recap:

I haven't ovulated or had a period for a year, I just got it back in June, so TECHNICALLY this is only my second cycle TTC where it had actually not been in vain. All those other months I was trying without ovulating, so this is my second cycle where it means anything. I know I shouldn't be worried yet considering this.
Livia you can get basic tests. Like atransvaginal U/S and you husband can get SA done. I got these things done during th first 2 months of ttc I thought its better to know if something is not right than trying for a year and then finding out. Cuz then it hurts more that a small thing that couldve been dealt early with meds kept you away from conceiving. I haven't got my harmones tested though.
Morning ladies how are you all today?

Any positive OPKs yet tess & marquelle?

Hey sookie how many dpo are you now? Any symptoms?

I feel like AF is coming today with a vengeance iv woke up with my really bad period pains that i usually get and I think she's adding a little bit more on to make up for not having an AF for almost 2 months! Iv tested its a bfn :( ah well there's always next month xxx
Morning ladies!

I amd 7-8DPO...I think....Those are estimated cos let's be honest I dunno when I Ovulated really....I got positive OPK's on Mon 22nd and Tues 23rd July...So I'm assuming Ovulation was Wednesday lol :)

Well I had an unsettled night last night....The most excruciating stomach pains I have known and then, TMI, I pooped for England....Like literally for a good 4-5hrs! Needless to say I am cream crackered today lol....Don't think it's TTC related, I tend to think it was prob summat I ate that my stomach didn't agree with....Plus the heat hasn't helped....I'm naturally a hot person, my temp is always pretty high, always has been....Dunno why....Maybe I'm a werewolf like those peeps from Twilight! lol.

Anyhoooo, chin up Kalia....Until AF raises her ugly head and arrives u are not out!! ;-)

Sorry to hear that Kalia, good luck for next cycle if AF comes today!

I am currently on CD 12 (its 3 AM here so I will be testing once I go to sleep and wake up). My O test line was a tiny tiny bit darker yesterday than it has been so hopefully it's coming soon!
Sookie I tested on 7dpo and got a resounding negative but then tested on 8dpo and got the faintest positive in the world. It was so faint I almost thought I was imagining it. It was only because i had tested the previous day and got bfn that made me realise that actually there was a line there however faint. I wouldn't recommend testing that early (I have no self control!) because waiting to miss AF was excruciating. I was convinced the witch was coming (and still am!)

Marqelle it sounds like it won't be long til you O if your opks are getting stronger! Hopefully this will be your cycle!

Kalia hoping the witch stays away! Two months worth of AF in one month doesn't sound fun!
Ahhh sookie hope you are feeling better today! But you saying that I had it this morning I woke up with horrible AF kind of cramps but worse and I had to go toilet like run for the toilet for like 2 hours. I feel fine now and don't feel like AF is on her way any more why do our bodies play these horrible tricks on us and not do
What we want!

Ahh marquelle fingers crossed you will get a BFP OPK in next day or 2 :)

Hi ladies I have just been for my first smear test and my god how horrible would of been fine but she couldn't find my cervix she had me on my side, bent over all sorts I ended up in tears she used two different things to open me up sorry if tmi but I can't think what there called and she still couldn't find my cervix she said its to high and she couldn't reach it or see it I'm booked in again in a couple of weeks with someone who can deal with difficult cervixs, when people check there cervix what does it mean when it's high? Xxx
When I had my last smear/pap test last year, the nurse said my cervix was really high and she struggled big time.....Went on for, what felt like, forever....Results came back borderline(personally I don't think the nurse collected enough cells) so I had to go 6 months later and had the older nurse(been doing tests for 20 years and only had one patient in that time she couldn't do....Which happened to also be my mother!lol) she managed just fine, results came back and everything was fine and dandy....She didn't say anything about my cervix being high up nut it can move apparently,

Hope it's not put you off too much hun, just because we all know how important they are...

I didn't know there were fertility tests at the drug store...I may have to look into that on Friday.

Livia: I went in for blood tests and they didn't find any hormone imbalances like thyroid or anything.

Then I went in for an ultrasound and my follicles looked good.

Since you are a little newer than I am you probably didn't read my story anywhere, but here is just a recap:

I haven't ovulated or had a period for a year, I just got it back in June, so TECHNICALLY this is only my second cycle TTC where it had actually not been in vain. All those other months I was trying without ovulating, so this is my second cycle where it means anything. I know I shouldn't be worried yet considering this.

Yea... I'm not sure how reliable drugstore fertility tests are but when I saw them I had to try anyway. :winkwink: They have these two at CVS and Walgreens

They only check for sperm count and FSH so there are obviously other factors that can play a role. I had my hormones checked a few months ago but have not gone in for an ultrasound.

What did your ob say about not getting AF for a year? Did your BC mess up your cycles? I wish they would tell you that this can happen BEFORE they put you on BC. :growlmad:
Yeah iv not had one before iv had tests n vaginal scans but never a smear I was nervous but not to bothered until she had me in all these positions and I was like ohhh how embarrassing, she said its nothing to worry about it happens im booked in with another lady for in a couple of weeks who finds difficult cervix lol Iv read on here how people check there cervix and if its high does that mean AF is on way or not? Xxx
Hi ladies I have just been for my first smear test and my god how horrible would of been fine but she couldn't find my cervix she had me on my side, bent over all sorts I ended up in tears she used two different things to open me up sorry if tmi but I can't think what there called and she still couldn't find my cervix she said its to high and she couldn't reach it or see it I'm booked in again in a couple of weeks with someone who can deal with difficult cervixs, when people check there cervix what does it mean when it's high? Xxx

Kalia I'm sorry you had such a crappy appointment. I think when your most fertile your cervix is very low so I would imagine high up means not fertile. That should be accurate since you are either about to get AF or hopefully BFP!
Yeah iv not had one before iv had tests n vaginal scans but never a smear I was nervous but not to bothered until she had me in all these positions and I was like ohhh how embarrassing, she said its nothing to worry about it happens im booked in with another lady for in a couple of weeks who finds difficult cervix lol Iv read on here how people check there cervix and if its high does that mean AF is on way or not? Xxx

This is what I found online:
After ovulation, your cervix will drop lower in your vagina and feel firm, like the tip of your nose. During pregnancy, the pregnant cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman and thus makes it not possible to diagnose pregnancy from examining the cervix. - See more at:
I had my first pap smear done 3 months ago I was a scared but it didn't hurt a bit. The doc was so sweet! She said I did so well for my first time! (Had mine done 2 days before my period) Don't worry kalia probably she was new at this and didn't have much experience. I hope the next doc/nurse is much more experienced x.
And I agree with livia a sign of pregnancy is very high cervix!

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