TTC baby number #1

Oh me n you are gonna be neurotic pregnant ladies when we get there!! lol

It says implantation bleeding can occur 6-10 days after ovulation BUT you can also give or take a few days either side.....I love how precise TTC is!?!? lol xxx
GL sookie.
Kalia i've heard ladies get just brown(old) blood at AF time and get their BFPs. The high cervix and brown blood looks promising! x
Hope you two get your BFPs!!! Baby dust yourway!! :hugs:
I know nothing that happens can say yes it's defo apart from a BFP which just seems to take foreverrrrr yet we seem to still google everything and everything that happens could be a sign or symptom it's just not simple is it haha aww thanks mrs where are you in your cycle now? Xxxx
That last post didn't completely make sense I was at a bus stop wrighting it and having a fight with a wasp at the same time lol

I was also listening to a convo with a couple of young girls on the bus which wound me up a little she had twins in the pram 4 other children running riot on the bus and she was saying she had another 2 at home with her oh! So that's 8 children! And guess how old she was 26!! I over heard her say her eldest is 10! She was saying how she can't work because she can't afford child care and that she hasn't been able to work since she left school because she had a baby it was like she was trying to blame everyone but her self for the position she was in it wound me up so much! She was moaning she don't get much money and get oh can't work because she needs help looking after kids and by sounds of it the kids have 3 diff dads it was a proper Jeremy Kyle story lol just thought id share that rant with you all haha xx
LOL! dont wanna sound rude but why do people who cant afford to have kids have a whole team :( I wonder how come their lives are so stressless to have so many kids. All docs say stress isnt good and look at them making babies after babies and have no clue how they'll afford them. Sometimes i think this whole theory about stress is not true at all :huh:
Well Kalia remember I had brown bleeding towards the end of my last cycle and I got really excited thinking it might be IB because I was on CD7 at the time but unfortunately it was just the start of my AF because I got up the next morning and the witch had made an appearance :( I hope it's different for you and you get a BFP tho! And if not then its PMA for the next cycle. I really expected to get a pos OPK today because I have been getting EWCM today but no :( oh well just need to keep testing every day!

Oh god haha!! The Jeremy Kyle comment made me laugh but the rest of that just really annoyed me!! It's so unfair that people like that can just pop out kids whenever they feel like it but those of us who get ourselves in a good financial position etc and decide to try have such a hard time!

Marqelle and can't believe you and your OH BD every day!! My OH would tell me where to go if I asked him to BD every day lol. I do the same as Kalia, BD about twice a week but then every day when I get pos OPKs.

Good luck to you Sookie, I have everything crossed for you x
lol tess me and my hubby BDed every day during our first cycle ttc too. Cuz ihad no idea when i ovulated and didnt want to take any chances. It was very tiring and was no fun at the end. Sadly it didnt pay off either :(
lol tess me and my hubby BDed every day during our first cycle ttc too. Cuz ihad no idea when i ovulated and didnt want to take any chances. It was very tiring and was no fun at the end. Sadly it didnt pay off either :(

Oh that sucks :( so what do u do now? Me and OH BD'd a lot more before I got my OPKs because with them I know exactly when I O but like you said, when we BD'd a lot more my OH started to feel like it was a chore and then I would worry that when we didn't BD for a few days that we would miss O so I would nag him and we would just end up arguing. I think the OPKs are a god send x
After soo much BDing i ended up having UTI. So the next month i only managed to BD 3 times before ovulation. This month we are doing SMEP. BD every other day till +OPK(not lucky with ICs either so trying CB digital this time) and then 3 days in a row. i've also been temping so Keeping FX hope it works out. If only i knew which month would be our lucky. The only thing that's frustrating is that even with all the planning we have no control over the outcome :(
After soo much BDing i ended up having UTI. So the next month i only managed to BD 3 times before ovulation. This month we are doing SMEP. BD every other day till +OPK(not lucky with ICs either so trying CB digital this time) and then 3 days in a row. i've also been temping so Keeping FX hope it works out. If only i knew which month would be our lucky. The only thing that's frustrating is that even with all the planning we have no control over the outcome :(

Yeh I know it's so annoying that we can try and control it as much as we like but it's still mostly out of our hands! I'm using the OPKs but that's all I'm doing because I even find using them stressful enough. I think I would need to be sectioned if I started temping aswell lol x
I know that's what I thought tess so have to wait & see my mom said it could also be from all the prodding they did yesterday xxx
Tess hopefully you will get a positive OPK in next couple of days :) yeah I think BDing every other day is covering all basis but yeah me & oh because of the long hours he works and weird shifts I work we bd 2-3 times a week sometimes just once but when ovulating as much as we can xxx
Oooh ladies i'm keeping my fingers crossed that you all get your positives, Sookie and Kalia your BFPs and everybody else positive Opks.

MrsWKJ I found the clearblue digital opks really good. Only thing is you have to time them right and not start testing too early or you won't get a positive (plus they are expensive so you really don't want to have to buy two packs!) At least there is no room for confusion over positive or not lines!

Yeah Marqelle I agree with the others. Your OH should get an award! No way mine would BD every day! He wouldn't have made it through the month!
I'm just really hoping I'm going to a pos OPK at some point in the next week because that will take me up to day 21 and if I still don't have one by then I think I will want to pull my hair out!!! I don't even need a 28 day cycle, a 35 day would do me just fine. I'm not greedy lol :(

How are things going with you snuffle? When is your dr appointment? X
Morning ladies!!

Hope you are all very well...

I'm 9DPO and this morning I am currently having some achey pains coming from down there....Dunno what that means but as long as AF stays away it's aaaallllllll goood!! :-D

How are you all? Up to anything exciting at the weekend?

Morning ladies :)

Snuffle when have you got the doctors?

Tess I'm sure you will get a positive in the next week i know it's frustrating isn't it next cycle I really am going to do my best to not stress I'm going to just start doing the OPKs a week after AF and see what happens iv got 5 months left of trying before getting help from doctors and if I look at it in cycles then its not that long :) I'm trying to think positive haha

Ohhh sookie fingers crossed for you :) I hope it's a good sign iv been woken up with shooting pains down below today I neeeeeed sleep I'm on all nights tonight until 6am tomoz :( I did a test when I got up and a bfn so I think AF is on her way with a vengeance this weekend making up for the month she was on her holidays!

But I just want her to come now so I can move on to my next cycle this ones been long enough today is cd 61! I think that's why this tww has seemed alot longer aswell because I waited so long just to O lol

You up to anything exciting the weekend? I'm working all nights tonight & tomoz and then of on Sunday which will be spent sleeping & DVDs I think haha xxx
Morning ladies!!

Hope you are all very well...

I'm 9DPO and this morning I am currently having some achey pains coming from down there....Dunno what that means but as long as AF stays away it's aaaallllllll goood!! :-D

How are you all? Up to anything exciting at the weekend?


Oh sounds promising Sookie! Have you tested yet? I'm having a chilled out weekend this week because I've been absolutely exhausted all week. Every time my alarm has gone off I've just wanted to cry lol so I plan on sleeping all weekend. You?

I have a bit if a confession to make. I'm soooooo bored in work so I just sat and wrote down my top 10 boys and girls names lol :| I think I need psychiatric help!!! X
Morning ladies :)

Snuffle when have you got the doctors?

Tess I'm sure you will get a positive in the next week i know it's frustrating isn't it next cycle I really am going to do my best to not stress I'm going to just start doing the OPKs a week after AF and see what happens iv got 5 months left of trying before getting help from doctors and if I look at it in cycles then its not that long :) I'm trying to think positive haha

Ohhh sookie fingers crossed for you :) I hope it's a good sign iv been woken up with shooting pains down below today I neeeeeed sleep I'm on all nights tonight until 6am tomoz :( I did a test when I got up and a bfn so I think AF is on her way with a vengeance this weekend making up for the month she was on her holidays!

But I just want her to come now so I can move on to my next cycle this ones been long enough today is cd 61! I think that's why this tww has seemed alot longer aswell because I waited so long just to O lol

You up to anything exciting the weekend? I'm working all nights tonight & tomoz and then of on Sunday which will be spent sleeping & DVDs I think haha xxx

I know how you feel Kalia because that's 2 cycles in a row I've had now that have both been 56 days long and the waiting is an absolute nightmare! And I was the same as you, I was at a point where I was thinking right I'm def not PG because I would have had a BFP by now so AF just hurry up so I can get you over with!!

The only reason I'm feeling really positive about this cycle is because I'm really not stressed anymore and I've been taking these vitamins which I hope are going to make a difference. I've been checking my cervix on a daily basis since AF aswell and although I'm not completely used to how it should feel yet, it felt a lot higher this morning than it did yday morning. TMI warning lol, yday I only had to put my finger in till my 2nd knuckle and I could feel it whereas today I had to put my full finger in to touch it. Fingers crossed that's a good sign and means I should O soon. Did you check your cervix the other day after your appointment Kalia? X
Morning ladies :)

Snuffle when have you got the doctors?

Tess I'm sure you will get a positive in the next week i know it's frustrating isn't it next cycle I really am going to do my best to not stress I'm going to just start doing the OPKs a week after AF and see what happens iv got 5 months left of trying before getting help from doctors and if I look at it in cycles then its not that long :) I'm trying to think positive haha

Ohhh sookie fingers crossed for you :) I hope it's a good sign iv been woken up with shooting pains down below today I neeeeeed sleep I'm on all nights tonight until 6am tomoz :( I did a test when I got up and a bfn so I think AF is on her way with a vengeance this weekend making up for the month she was on her holidays!

But I just want her to come now so I can move on to my next cycle this ones been long enough today is cd 61! I think that's why this tww has seemed alot longer aswell because I waited so long just to O lol

You up to anything exciting the weekend? I'm working all nights tonight & tomoz and then of on Sunday which will be spent sleeping & DVDs I think haha xxx

Well this weekend is possibly a night out in Newcastle....Dunno if I can be bothered or not lol. Then on Sunday going to a BBQ....So a busy one for us...

My washing machine is now fixed so Washing galore this weekend!

Also it's my facial day on Saturday so reeeaaaally looking forward to that....My skin needs it....NEVER had spots on my face in my life(I thank my rents for their genes) well in the last 2 days I have had 2 meaty spots on my face....One on my nose and ya know the delve that runs from your nose down to the corner of your lips...Well one on there as well!! I'm putting it down to my hormones trying to normalise after coming off BC....

Oooooo yes Snuffle, when is ur doc appt?


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