TTC baby number #1

Morning ladies!

Kalia, u sound just like me there....I had a moment like that a few days ago! I totally agree with Marqelle.....he loves you :)

Marqelle, I'm keeping everything crossed u get ur opk positive soon....mine just snook up on me when mine happened lol

Hopeful....u are not alone in your craziness! I was poss gonna start poas this weekend purely cos I'm a poas addict already n I have looooooaaaaads of Internet cheapie s from Amazon lol

Hey ladies! Everyone have a Good Friday night?

I went to my friends house and she was telling me about her friend who has been sleeping with a guy for 6 weeks now (and apparently he's the type of guy who only wants one thing from her) and yesterday she found out guess what, SHE'S PREGNANT! God it just does my head in lol. Although it does go to show that when you are relaxed and not thinking about it then it happens a lot quicker so I'm really going to be calmer this month. I'm on CD14 now too and still no pos OPK. Please don't be another 56 day cycle!!!

Welcome hopeful :) glad you have joined us. Sounds like your body has adjusted well to coming off BC. I can off in feb and only get a period every 2 months its a nightmare! I've been to docs for blood tests and all is normal so just need to wait on it settling.

Oh Kalia that's a horrible thought :( I have thought that before too because me and OH have been together the longest out of our group of friends and yet all of the rest of them are engaged or have babies. Personally though I just think boys are lazy so sometimes they can't be bothered doing something that takes a lot if effort haha. I also started testing with OPKs on day 8.

Marqelle I'm right there with you! Do u expect a pos OPK soon? I'm not going to hold my breath.

Morning Sookie! How r u feeling? Any symptoms? X
Hey ladies! Everyone have a Good Friday night?

I went to my friends house and she was telling me about her friend who has been sleeping with a guy for 6 weeks now (and apparently he's the type of guy who only wants one thing from her) and yesterday she found out guess what, SHE'S PREGNANT! God it just does my head in lol. Although it does go to show that when you are relaxed and not thinking about it then it happens a lot quicker so I'm really going to be calmer this month. I'm on CD14 now too and still no pos OPK. Please don't be another 56 day cycle!!!

Welcome hopeful :) glad you have joined us. Sounds like your body has adjusted well to coming off BC. I can off in feb and only get a period every 2 months its a nightmare! I've been to docs for blood tests and all is normal so just need to wait on it settling.

Oh Kalia that's a horrible thought :( I have thought that before too because me and OH have been together the longest out of our group of friends and yet all of the rest of them are engaged or have babies. Personally though I just think boys are lazy so sometimes they can't be bothered doing something that takes a lot if effort haha. I also started testing with OPKs on day 8.

Marqelle I'm right there with you! Do u expect a pos OPK soon? I'm not going to hold my breath.

Morning Sookie! How r u feeling? Any symptoms? X

Oh wow, it does seem like some ladies have to just get looked at funny and BANG, they are pregnant.

My husband and I started dating at 17 and even then we knew we would be married just as soon as we could. We always talked about how we were going to spend the rest of our lives together and he always called me his wife, even when we were in high school. 3 months after graduation he had been out of town for two days and I missed him sooo much. When he got home he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and took the ring was so sweet.

Anyway, that's probably not helping you Kalia, sorry. But it doesn't mean he loves you any less, drop some hints girl!

I honestly thought I would have a pos OPK by now but I didn't get one til CD 21 last cycle so I haven't lost hope. I am just going to keep testing.
Hey ladies! Everyone have a Good Friday night?

I went to my friends house and she was telling me about her friend who has been sleeping with a guy for 6 weeks now (and apparently he's the type of guy who only wants one thing from her) and yesterday she found out guess what, SHE'S PREGNANT! God it just does my head in lol. Although it does go to show that when you are relaxed and not thinking about it then it happens a lot quicker so I'm really going to be calmer this month. I'm on CD14 now too and still no pos OPK. Please don't be another 56 day cycle!!!

Welcome hopeful :) glad you have joined us. Sounds like your body has adjusted well to coming off BC. I can off in feb and only get a period every 2 months its a nightmare! I've been to docs for blood tests and all is normal so just need to wait on it settling.

Oh Kalia that's a horrible thought :( I have thought that before too because me and OH have been together the longest out of our group of friends and yet all of the rest of them are engaged or have babies. Personally though I just think boys are lazy so sometimes they can't be bothered doing something that takes a lot if effort haha. I also started testing with OPKs on day 8.

Marqelle I'm right there with you! Do u expect a pos OPK soon? I'm not going to hold my breath.

Morning Sookie! How r u feeling? Any symptoms? X

Oh wow, it does seem like some ladies have to just get looked at funny and BANG, they are pregnant.

My husband and I started dating at 17 and even then we knew we would be married just as soon as we could. We always talked about how we were going to spend the rest of our lives together and he always called me his wife, even when we were in high school. 3 months after graduation he had been out of town for two days and I missed him sooo much. When he got home he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and took the ring was so sweet.

Anyway, that's probably not helping you Kalia, sorry. But it doesn't mean he loves you any less, drop some hints girl!

I honestly thought I would have a pos OPK by now but I didn't get one til CD 21 last cycle so I haven't lost hope. I am just going to keep testing.

Well my partner and I have been together 5 and a half years and after about 2 years we started discussing marriage and kids etc so we always knew we would be together forever. I think that's his problem though. He's knows I'm going to be here forever so what's the need for a ring lol? I think that's how he prob sees it. Plus he always talks about wanting to save up and get me a really ring but we had quite bad financial problems last year so that's us just back on our feet now and I am much more desperate for a baby than a ring which is why as soon as things got better I pushed for the baby haha.

I expected a pos by now too because I got a pos 3 days in a row last time so I thought if I'm going to O about day 14 I should get a pos around day 12 but clearly my body has other ideas! I would be really happy for a pos on day 21. Last cycle I didn't get a pos until day 47! I think if I go that long again I'm just going to give up x
Yes I remember you saying your cycles were so long. I really hope they get shorter for you.

It's funny looking at how different our home situations are from each other but we all are here for the same thing.
Hi ladies

Tess my oh is exactly the same we've been together 5 & half years after the ectopic which happened 18 months into the relationship it kinda shocked him and he realised how much he loved me and that day after he said your not leaving me now and as soon as your out of hospital were living together and that weekend he sorted his room out at his moms and I moved in with him but he knows im there forever so he don't see why we should get married we go to a wedding and his like I think we should get married once we have kids so I know it will happen one day it's just annoying how relaxed they are and it's on there terms not ours haha

I know he would never leave me he knew from after the ectopic we might struggle for a family of our own and he said he would be with me through think & thin.. I just have my moments of insecurity and forget all the good things and the fact he would do anything for me and does do some of the sweetest things like the weekend my feet hurt that much he swapped trainers with me so his feet were bunched up in my converse for 4 hours (the last few hours of the festival) lol it's the little things :)

Aww marquelle that's sweet bless him :)

Yeah I think il start testing cd 8 then :) aww hope your not waiting that long again tess :( how annoying :( xxxx
Hi ladies

Tess my oh is exactly the same we've been together 5 & half years after the ectopic which happened 18 months into the relationship it kinda shocked him and he realised how much he loved me and that day after he said your not leaving me now and as soon as your out of hospital were living together and that weekend he sorted his room out at his moms and I moved in with him but he knows im there forever so he don't see why we should get married we go to a wedding and his like I think we should get married once we have kids so I know it will happen one day it's just annoying how relaxed they are and it's on there terms not ours haha

I know he would never leave me he knew from after the ectopic we might struggle for a family of our own and he said he would be with me through think & thin.. I just have my moments of insecurity and forget all the good things and the fact he would do anything for me and does do some of the sweetest things like the weekend my feet hurt that much he swapped trainers with me so his feet were bunched up in my converse for 4 hours (the last few hours of the festival) lol it's the little things :)

Aww marquelle that's sweet bless him :)

Yeah I think il start testing cd 8 then :) aww hope your not waiting that long again tess :( how annoying :( xxxx

Sounds like our OHs would get on well Kalia haha!! When you have thoughts like that again you just need to remind yourself that you know he loves you and is always going to be there for you regardless of what happens baby wise. The last thing any of us needs during this whole TTC time is extra stress lol.

I know I really hope it's not that long again too. I can't remember, were you on BC before your last cycle or did you just have a one off long cycle? X
It was a one of long cycle I came of my BC patch end of January / February to see if I was ovulating because of the PCOS and to get my cycles regular before TTC so yeah it was a 1 of :( so I'm hoping I don't have another xxx
It was a one of long cycle I came of my BC patch end of January / February to see if I was ovulating because of the PCOS and to get my cycles regular before TTC so yeah it was a 1 of :( so I'm hoping I don't have another xxx

So what were your other cycles like? That's good you know that it's been a one off. I came off my BC in feb but my first cycle was like 68 days and then the next 2 were 56 days which is why I'm not going to get my hopes up at all x
My other cycles have always been between 28-35 35 days was the longest it's ever been since January so hopefully it was just because I over thought the hole TTC process so I'm reallllly going to take a more relaxed approach this month we will do OPKs and bd 2-3 times a week even at ovulation I'm going to try not to stress about it but its going to be hard xxxx
Hey ladies,

Well I'm out....AF just showed up....So that makes a 23 day cycle followed by a 24 day cycle with a 10-11 day lp.....I'm guessing my body wants to keep me on my toes! :)

Hope you're all well

Awww sorry sookie :( hopefully this next cycle will be one we can count on :)

Do you have OH taking vitamins if so which ones? Iv just told oh if iv got to take vitamins so has he :) he rolled his eyes but I said ok lol xxx
Awww sorry sookie :( hopefully this next cycle will be one we can count on :)

Do you have OH taking vitamins if so which ones? Iv just told oh if iv got to take vitamins so has he :) he rolled his eyes but I said ok lol xxx

It's ok Kalia, obviously just not meant to be this month....

Yup OH is on Wellman Conception...been on them for a few weeks now.....He isn't good with tablet and these hings are HUUUUUUUGE lol

Hey ladies. I need help! think I am going to lose my mind. My O was on July 18th (got a positive opk and felt it) so that puts me at 17 dpo today. AF was supposed to get here on Friday and there is still no sign of her. Under different circumstances I would get excited and hope that this could mean a BFP but since we were staying in close quarters with family during the whole week of O we missed the chance to BD. So... what the heck??? This is the second time (third if you count my 46 day cycle) that my LP is longer than 16 days. I am googling like crazy but can't find any sources that say that this is possible. :nope:
Ah really there the ones I was going to get him I wish they did a chewy one he wouldn't care about having them then lol when he rolled his eyes I said do you want a baby he was like yessss I went we'll you can't expect to just give me ur sperm and expect me to take all the vitamins, lose weight, get healthy, go through the stress of TTC, prodding and poking by drs, carry the baby for 9 months and then give birth and in all that all you do is give me sperm he was like yeah now you put it like that a vitamin a day ain't to bad haha xxx
Hi livia yes sookie a right did u bd at all in the 7 days leading up to ovulation? Sperm lives for up to 7 days so there could be a chance that you may be pregnant or have you been stressing this month as that can delay your period...

I would take a test you may just get that BFP :) xxx good luck
So did u not bd on the 5-7 days previous to O at all?


Nope. I was in Europe and he was still in the US so I know for a fact that it can't be a BFP. And I wasn't stressing either because I knew that this cycle was out. I have no clue what's going on... :shrug:
Hmmmmm that's a conundrum that one....

Remind me gain what ur cycles have been? Got that many numbers running round in my head I don't remember, sorry xxx
Could you of ovulated a little later than you thought? You maybe delaying your AF because your worrying why your not coming on without even realising it. Other than that I don't know what to suggest.

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