TTC baby number #1

Oh, quick questions for all of you.

Last cycle after ovulation I had HORRIBLE cramping and the sorest boobs for two weeks straight until AF was my first cycle having a period or ovulating in a year so that could have caused it, BUT, this cycle I am on 5dpo and have NONE of those symptoms. I have hot flashes, restless sleep (or just restless when I lay down), and terrible headaches...but my boobs are perfectly fine and no cramping except for at 3dpo there was mild cramping, is that normal?

I think it's really hard to tell Marqelle because you have only had 1 AF in a year so you haven't been able to work out what's normal for you yet. I'm not sure about the hit flashes and restless sleep etc aswell because if you have caught the egg, you wouldn't implant until between 6/10DPO so I'm not sure if that could be symptoms just yet. But I could be wrong! I tend to get cramping and sore boobs about 3/4 days before AF arrives. So on what day did you O this cycle? I'm on day 17 and sti no pos OPK.

Oh thanks Kalia :) I've never been before so I'm really looking forward to it! X
Well that's the thing, I am not really 100% positive if I did ovulate on the 1st like I thought I did...but that is when I think I did. So today is 5 dpo...But it could be that I didn't O when I thought I did and just haven't Od yet so I am not having the symptoms I did last cycle.
I had never been until my oh took me for my 21st I loved it I didn't understand the tube at all though and the escalators there scared me there huge lol apart from that I loveee London lol :)
Well that's the thing, I am not really 100% positive if I did ovulate on the 1st like I thought I did...but that is when I think I did. So today is 5 dpo...But it could be that I didn't O when I thought I did and just haven't Od yet so I am not having the symptoms I did last cycle.

So what is it that makes u think u O'd on the first then? X
I use ovulation test strips and I got sooo close to a positive and it stayed like that for about a day and a half, and then out of the blue it just dropped back down to barely a visible line.

I know that could mean it was just a surge and that I may still be waiting to ovulate.
But I got certain pains around that time like twinges and cramping around my lower right and center.

Also, When my period lasted 14 days last cycle, I ovulated on CD 23, now that it lasted 6 days this cycle, it just makes sense that O would come 8 days earlier than last cycle since my period ended 8 days earlier...which puts it at CD 15, and that is about the time that I felt those pains AND got the could-be positive O test.
Oh, quick questions for all of you.

Last cycle after ovulation I had HORRIBLE cramping and the sorest boobs for two weeks straight until AF was my first cycle having a period or ovulating in a year so that could have caused it, BUT, this cycle I am on 5dpo and have NONE of those symptoms. I have hot flashes, restless sleep (or just restless when I lay down), and terrible headaches...but my boobs are perfectly fine and no cramping except for at 3dpo there was mild cramping, is that normal?

My last cycle was similar. I had a little bit of cramping around O (which I always get) but my boobs were really sore and they got huge!! I would have thought 100% that I was pragnent had I not known that that's impossible since we didn't BD until after O. It's crazy how our bodies keep switching things up on us... I hope that you get your bfp though!

I was going to ask you... Does your oh know that he will have to clean the litter box for 10 months? We have a dog and two cats and I told my husband that he would have to change the litter while we were pregnant (because of the toxoplasmosis). He didn't believe me at first and thought I was making it up.
Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one I also look at nursery stuff like cots and mobiles and blankets and I have a favourite list on amazon with a lot of stuff including wardrobe and push chairs lol

Yeah when I go shopping in sainsburys as you walk in the first thing that's there is the baby section so i always have a look at the Nappys and baby stuff I only do that if I'm on my own oh would think I'd lost the plot haha

Aww sorry your AF come livia but like you say atleast your now onto a new cycle :)

I loveeee London tess have a great time :)


I'm glad you guys look at stuff too... was starting to wonder if that was weird. It's funny I also make sure my DH doesn't see me looking at stuff. I am also trying to hide the fact that I'm in this forum here and he already asked me what the secrecy was all about. Every time he comes into the room I close my ipad or turn it away from his view... Do you guys think that our men are really as relaxed as they pretend to be about the whole ttc? Why the heck are we so worried and obsessed and they are not? I know my DH really wants a baby now but he doesn't seem the least bit freaked out that it hasn't happened yet. Oh well... I guess somebody needs to stay sane. ;)

Tess I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get a positive opk!! Which ones do you use again? CD 2 for me today... I think I will start with opk on CD 10. Sookie when do you start testing?
Well sounds good to me Marqelle fingers crossed that means you did O and not long now till you can test!

I'm the same Livia, my OH has no idea I'm on here. I think he would be quite happy about it though because I don't badger him with baby stuff all the time now, I have you ladies for that haha! I just don't want him knowing how obsessed I am with the whole thing because he keeps telling me to 'chill out' and 'it will happen when it happens'. I think the men don't get as obsessed with it as we do because it is our bodies that it is happening too and really all they need to do is do the BD with us and then sit back and wait for the good news lol.

I'm using the one step strips from amazon. I want to use the clear blue ones because then there's no confusion over whether there's a second line or not and if it looks dark enough etc but because my cycles are still all over the place they would just be a waste of money whereas I can use as many of the cheap ones as I want without breaking the bank. What ones do u use? X
Well sounds good to me Marqelle fingers crossed that means you did O and not long now till you can test!

I'm the same Livia, my OH has no idea I'm on here. I think he would be quite happy about it though because I don't badger him with baby stuff all the time now, I have you ladies for that haha! I just don't want him knowing how obsessed I am with the whole thing because he keeps telling me to 'chill out' and 'it will happen when it happens'. I think the men don't get as obsessed with it as we do because it is our bodies that it is happening too and really all they need to do is do the BD with us and then sit back and wait for the good news lol.

I'm using the one step strips from amazon. I want to use the clear blue ones because then there's no confusion over whether there's a second line or not and if it looks dark enough etc but because my cycles are still all over the place they would just be a waste of money whereas I can use as many of the cheap ones as I want without breaking the bank. What ones do u use? X

I use the CB digital advanced (they give you the 4 most fertile days). I can see how that would get very expensive if your cycles are unreliable though... Why don't you get the CB and use them only on the days where you get a questionable result with the other ones?
Well sounds good to me Marqelle fingers crossed that means you did O and not long now till you can test!

I'm the same Livia, my OH has no idea I'm on here. I think he would be quite happy about it though because I don't badger him with baby stuff all the time now, I have you ladies for that haha! I just don't want him knowing how obsessed I am with the whole thing because he keeps telling me to 'chill out' and 'it will happen when it happens'. I think the men don't get as obsessed with it as we do because it is our bodies that it is happening too and really all they need to do is do the BD with us and then sit back and wait for the good news lol.

I'm using the one step strips from amazon. I want to use the clear blue ones because then there's no confusion over whether there's a second line or not and if it looks dark enough etc but because my cycles are still all over the place they would just be a waste of money whereas I can use as many of the cheap ones as I want without breaking the bank. What ones do u use? X

I use the CB digital advanced (they give you the 4 most fertile days). I can see how that would get very expensive if your cycles are unreliable though... Why don't you get the CB and use them only on the days where you get a questionable result with the other ones?

Livia that's a great idea I don't know why I didn't think of that lol!!! Is it 7 that you get in them? X
Well sounds good to me Marqelle fingers crossed that means you did O and not long now till you can test!

I'm the same Livia, my OH has no idea I'm on here. I think he would be quite happy about it though because I don't badger him with baby stuff all the time now, I have you ladies for that haha! I just don't want him knowing how obsessed I am with the whole thing because he keeps telling me to 'chill out' and 'it will happen when it happens'. I think the men don't get as obsessed with it as we do because it is our bodies that it is happening too and really all they need to do is do the BD with us and then sit back and wait for the good news lol.

I'm using the one step strips from amazon. I want to use the clear blue ones because then there's no confusion over whether there's a second line or not and if it looks dark enough etc but because my cycles are still all over the place they would just be a waste of money whereas I can use as many of the cheap ones as I want without breaking the bank. What ones do u use? X

I use the CB digital advanced (they give you the 4 most fertile days). I can see how that would get very expensive if your cycles are unreliable though... Why don't you get the CB and use them only on the days where you get a questionable result with the other ones?

Livia that's a great idea I don't know why I didn't think of that lol!!! Is it 7 that you get in them? X

The ones that I get (digital advanced) have 10 in one package.
Ladies I need your opinions! Would you say this OPK was pos or neg? I'm thinking its neg because the line is still slightly lighter than the control line but I'm hoping it means I'm going to get a pos tomorrow!! I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I'm sure you can all understand how excited I am because my last 2 cycles have been 56 days so if I'm even close to a pos at CD17 I'm over the moon haha x


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Ladies I need your opinions! Would you say this OPK was pos or neg? I'm thinking its neg because the line is still slightly lighter than the control line but I'm hoping it means I'm going to get a pos tomorrow!! I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I'm sure you can all understand how excited I am because my last 2 cycles have been 56 days so if I'm even close to a pos at CD17 I'm over the moon haha x

I never know with those test strips but I would say you must at least be close... I would definitely bd today to be safe and maybe get the CB digital. :)
Ladies I need your opinions! Would you say this OPK was pos or neg? I'm thinking its neg because the line is still slightly lighter than the control line but I'm hoping it means I'm going to get a pos tomorrow!! I'm trying to not get my hopes up but I'm sure you can all understand how excited I am because my last 2 cycles have been 56 days so if I'm even close to a pos at CD17 I'm over the moon haha x

I never know with those test strips but I would say you must at least be close... I would definitely bd today to be safe and maybe get the CB digital. :)

Thanks Livia!! Yes definitely I'm going to go out and get a box of the digital ones on my way to work tomorrow. How strange that we were talking about getting dubious results and then I come home and get one haha. If this is a negative (which to be honest I think it is) its the closest negative ive ever had. I usually have a second line but it is really faint, nothing like this one so I really hope it means I'm close x
Yes Tess! I agree with Livia....that's looking close to me :)

I'm thinking about testing from cd6 purely because my cycles are short...but I'm undecided lol, might just wing it this month n not use anything....ooooooo lol

Hope you've all had a good day!

I would say its getting close to a positive :) xxx

Sookie I was wondering the same thinking shall I just chance it this month and not use anything just make sure we bd every 2-3 days and then over the time ovulation is due bd every other day if I feel ovulation again then go for it then I'm thinking the less stress the better but at the same time I want to know iv defo ovulated lol xxx
Yes Tess! I agree with Livia....that's looking close to me :)

I'm thinking about testing from cd6 purely because my cycles are short...but I'm undecided lol, might just wing it this month n not use anything....ooooooo lol

Hope you've all had a good day!


Thanks Sookie :) well I would maybe use OPKs again for this cycle and if you O on the same CD as you did last cycle then you won't really need the OPKs.

I'm so confused I done another 2 OPKs and one was darker which looked defo positive but then the next one was a lot fainter and def negative! Although just before I done the third one I drank a pint glass of water so my pee may have been too diluted. It's all so confusing lol. I will buy the digital ones tomorrow so there's no confusion over them.

I wonder how snuffles appointment went yesterday x
I'm thinking the same Kalia, bd every other day then from 14th bd every day for3 days then every other again so that means dtd a total of 11 times....which is looooaaaadddsss for me n OH in one month lol our record is around 8 times lol so that's gonna be a tricky one

Has anyone seen Snuffle? Hope everything went ok yesterday

I know i realllly want my rota from work for the next couple of works so I can figure out what shifts il be on to bd haha I hope I'm on days because on nights it's sooo difficult BDing starts tonight I'm expected to ovulate around the 19th again so for now a 2-3 times a week and then the week leading up to the 19th every other day and the week after 19th every other day to cover all basis hopefully :mad: what's going to do my head in is if I ovulate from my left side again because I know my right tube may catch the egg from the left side but its not guaranteed ugh...

I know I looked just at my app and we did I 9 times in July and this month I plan on doing it quite abit to I think we only used to do it like 4 times a month lol xx

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