TTC baby number #1

I got off the pill in September. I've always had 28/29 day cycles up until this past April when I had a 46 day cycle. Then I had a 30 day cycle last month and now I am on CD 33. I know that it's possible that your O gets messed up when you worry too much but I really don't think I did. Plus, it would also mean that I didn't O when I think I did which seems very unlikely considering that I am temping, using OPK's and usually feel my O. Have you guys ever heard of a LP that's longer than 16 days?

This situation is annoying. I just want AF to show up so that we can get back to work! :winkwink: I am very surprised that I am not loosing it right now considering that on top of all this I found out today that the last girl in our friends cycle that doesn't have kids is now pregnant. AND... I will be getting an invitation to my husband's cousin's baby shower in the next few days. They are expecting twins. Oh well... I guess I'll just wait. :coffee:

Btw. Sookie I'm sorry AF showed up today. If my stupid AF wasn't late we would at least be on the same cycle day now.
Awww Sookie sorry to hear the witch got you :-( Look at it this way, you could now be at the beginning of your bfp cycle!

Livia your cycle sounds odd but maybe it is down to stress. Think we have all experienced our bodies going a bit nuts due to stress.

Kalia been reading last few pages. Don't worry about the marriage thing. Men don't get it. To them its no big deal. You live together, you love each other so why do you need a piece of paper to prove it. When DH proposed to me he had actually planned(in his mind) a really long engagement (5-6years) because he thought once we were engaged that was the same as being married???!!! I was like....ummmm no, we're getting married. Anyway the moral of the story is men have a totally different outlook on this to us!

Right I'm off to the docs now....Eeek exciting! Need the toilet though. Didn't want to incase they want me to do a hpt!
Hey guys,

Just been catching up on these comments and it has took me a while lol!

Oh Sookie that's rubbish AF came :( the positive to look at is that it sounds like you have a decent LP and short cycles so you won't be waiting too long to get back to trying! Although hopefully this will be your BFP cycle and so you won't need to worry about future cycles!!

Oh snuffle that's exciting! Let us all know how you get on. Have you told anyone you are PG yet or are you waiting for your scan?

Livia that sounds like a pain. From what I have read stress can cause your AF to be late because it can cause you to O late so since you know you have already O'd it shouldn't really affect when your AF arrives. I know it must be annoying waiting but I have just typed 17 day luteal phase into google and it has come up with loads o stuff! Also having a longer LP is a good thing, it's a short one that you would need to worry about. I'm jealous that yours in 17 days because my last one was only 8 meaning that I had no chance of a fertilised egg being able to implant x
Eeeeekkkk exciting stuff Snuffle! :-D Remember to let us know how it goes!


Livia, I dunno what to say hun, some people on here have gone to their doctors and have been given something to bring on their period....Also alot of people take Evening Primrose Oil to regulate their cycles...Maybe try that option?

As far as my Cycle is concerned I'm over it now, I had 20-30 minutes of feeling bummed out but now I'm ok....CD2 already and if I've got a 23-24 day cycle I'm already nearly a tenth of the way through!

Eeeeekkkk exciting stuff Snuffle! :-D Remember to let us know how it goes!


Livia, I dunno what to say hun, some people on here have gone to their doctors and have been given something to bring on their period....Also alot of people take Evening Primrose Oil to regulate their cycles...Maybe try that option?

As far as my Cycle is concerned I'm over it now, I had 20-30 minutes of feeling bummed out but now I'm ok....CD2 already and if I've got a 23-24 day cycle I'm already nearly a tenth of the way through!


Exactly Sookie that's how to look at it! You have such a short cycle that it means your never waiting too long to O and then test (although at the time it may seem like forever lol).

Maybe I should try that primrose oil to try and regulate my 56 day cycles!! I'm already taking vitamins and folic acid though and I'm a bit paranoid about taking too much at the same time incase my body freaks out a bit lol x
Everyone used to tell me that I wasn't getting periods because of stress, since the doctors didn't know why...but it can be hard if you don't even know what's stressing you.

Snufflepop, I cannot wait until I am saying that! You are so lucky!
Hiii snuffle :)

I know what you mean it's defo a man thing with my OH he wants to propose when we can afford to get married and right now our money is going on getting the house sorted and saving for when we have a baba so I can't moan really I know it will happen one day...
I was having a moment where I forget all the good n just think of everything else

How did you get on the drs? Hope everything went well :)

I'm now on cd4 now I'm feeling so much more relaxed than last month AF has got on her bike and done one last night so it was quite a short AF 3 days mine usually last 4-5 days but I'm happy she's gone and I can get on with BDing :) iv decided I'm not going to go crazy mad with my OPKs I think if I start doing them I might stress my self out and cause my self to ovulate late again soooo because I felt my self ovulate last time I'm going to bd 2-3 times a week and then from day 8 bd every other day I ovulated on the exact day that I should of in July so im going to relax abit and then from cd 14 do OPKs and bd every other day.. I'm going to concentrate alot this month on losing weight to keep my mind of TTC I'm going to go and join a slimming world group on Thursday again really keep my mind on that...

Has anyone else got a way they are going to "try" and keep there mind away from TTC this month?

Although saying all of that i was in Solihull with my mom today and we were both looking at people's prams and we were like ohhh that's nice ohhh nooo that looks uncomfy and we went in shuh n I was picking up the baby converse n I was like I will have these n these n these lol

Does anyone imagine what there kiddies will look like?

I do I'm very bad for it I know if I have a little boy I want him as a toddler to have long hair I loveeee long hair on little boys with his little combats and converse & vans lol I imagine him to have blonde hair me and my oh have very light hair we were both born with blonde hair I can't help but wonder what they will look like & dress like I even have a wish list on amazon with loads of stuff in it I want to buy lol xxx
Hiii snuffle :)

I know what you mean it's defo a man thing with my OH he wants to propose when we can afford to get married and right now our money is going on getting the house sorted and saving for when we have a baba so I can't moan really I know it will happen one day...
I was having a moment where I forget all the good n just think of everything else

How did you get on the drs? Hope everything went well :)

I'm now on cd4 now I'm feeling so much more relaxed than last month AF has got on her bike and done one last night so it was quite a short AF 3 days mine usually last 4-5 days but I'm happy she's gone and I can get on with BDing :) iv decided I'm not going to go crazy mad with my OPKs I think if I start doing them I might stress my self out and cause my self to ovulate late again soooo because I felt my self ovulate last time I'm going to bd 2-3 times a week and then from day 8 bd every other day I ovulated on the exact day that I should of in July so im going to relax abit and then from cd 14 do OPKs and bd every other day.. I'm going to concentrate alot this month on losing weight to keep my mind of TTC I'm going to go and join a slimming world group on Thursday again really keep my mind on that...

Has anyone else got a way they are going to "try" and keep there mind away from TTC this month?

Although saying all of that i was in Solihull with my mom today and we were both looking at people's prams and we were like ohhh that's nice ohhh nooo that looks uncomfy and we went in shuh n I was picking up the baby converse n I was like I will have these n these n these lol

Does anyone imagine what there kiddies will look like?

I do I'm very bad for it I know if I have a little boy I want him as a toddler to have long hair I loveeee long hair on little boys with his little combats and converse & vans lol I imagine him to have blonde hair me and my oh have very light hair we were both born with blonde hair I can't help but wonder what they will look like & dress like I even have a wish list on amazon with loads of stuff in it I want to buy lol xxx

That's good your AF came and went nice and quickly for u Kalia :) mine was much shorter last time too, I'm usually 5 days and mine was only 3 days this time too. That's a good idea to start ur OPKs on CD14 because I starter mine on CD8 and I'm starting to get annoyed now that I'm on CD16 and still nada! I really thought I was going to get a pos today because I had quite a lot of CM (soz if TMI) and I was getting some cramps low down on the right hand side of my stomach but nope, OPK was still a BFN!

That's a good idea too about BDing every second day. I would defo do that if I could convince OH but he's having none of it haha. He said he would much rather we have sex whenever we feel like it and then he will step up to the plate and BD every day I get my pos OPKs but he doesn't want it to start feeling like a chore. I get where he is coming from but sometimes it annoys me. He is very much still of the 'it will happen when it happens' view.

I am really going to concentrate on losing weight too but I'm going on holiday next week so I don't see the point in starting I diet now because I know I will just cheat haha. But I'm defo going on one when I get back.

I know what you mean aswell about picturing your baby! My OHs sister has a little boy who is the double of my OH so I can't help but look at him and think, I hope my baby looks like u! Lol x
Haha it's funny isn't it yeah I say every other day now but Im on days this week and we haven't BDed in a few days so oh is all up for it but come next week it may change... His views on vitamins have changed over night aswell he said I don't see why I should take em yet we've only been TTC since June I said to him because iv read food reviews and I'd rather be able to go to my drs in December when its been 6 months and say I'm doing this this n this and oh is doing this n this and he did a sarcastic laff like yeah ok I don't have much choice I'm going to buy the vitamins and say at the end of the day I don't see why I should go through the stress if it all and taking every vitamin I can and u just lie back and wait as it all seems to be on me when you should step up aswell did any of your OHs not want to take them straight away? Or just mine lol

Ah well hopefully you will get a positive OPK when ur away when your all relaxed :) you going any where nice?

Yeah I know what you mean iv left dieting properly until holiday and festivals and everything were over because I wouldn't of stuck to it xxxx
I can easily get my dh to take the chewable vitamin c but I doubt he would take pills. Lol
I always imagine it. I want it to have my mouth and my husbands eyes and his skin tone...And I really want a boy!
AF arrived early this morning and she came with a vengeance! I am in sooo much pain I can barely move. Nonetheless I am very relieved... CD 1!!! :happydance: Sookie I was going to say we are only one day apart but then I remembered that your cycle is a week shorter. I guess I'll still be alone in my TWW.

Snuffle that's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you! How many weeks are you along? When do they do the first ultrasound?

I have to admit I never imagined what my son/daughter would look like. I spend a lot of time looking at things I would do with or for the baby. The other day I kept looking at nursery furniture and paint ideas... I know that's kind of weird considering that we should probably worry about getting a bfp first but I just love looking at that stuff. Do you guys do that too or is that just me? :blush:
AF arrived early this morning and she came with a vengeance! I am in sooo much pain I can barely move. Nonetheless I am very relieved... CD 1!!! :happydance: Sookie I was going to say we are only one day apart but then I remembered that your cycle is a week shorter. I guess I'll still be alone in my TWW.

Snuffle that's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you! How many weeks are you along? When do they do the first ultrasound?

I have to admit I never imagined what my son/daughter would look like. I spend a lot of time looking at things I would do with or for the baby. The other day I kept looking at nursery furniture and paint ideas... I know that's kind of weird considering that we should probably worry about getting a bfp first but I just love looking at that stuff. Do you guys do that too or is that just me? :blush:

I am the exact same, everytime I got into walmart and I make my way to the pet section in the back, I find myself looking at the cost of diapers and baby food and mentally picturing the crib in my house...My mom even stopped and looked with me and kind of helped me pick one out and said that she was going to by it for me when the time came...She feeds my obsession.
AF arrived early this morning and she came with a vengeance! I am in sooo much pain I can barely move. Nonetheless I am very relieved... CD 1!!! :happydance: Sookie I was going to say we are only one day apart but then I remembered that your cycle is a week shorter. I guess I'll still be alone in my TWW.

Snuffle that's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you! How many weeks are you along? When do they do the first ultrasound?

I have to admit I never imagined what my son/daughter would look like. I spend a lot of time looking at things I would do with or for the baby. The other day I kept looking at nursery furniture and paint ideas... I know that's kind of weird considering that we should probably worry about getting a bfp first but I just love looking at that stuff. Do you guys do that too or is that just me? :blush:

I am the exact same, everytime I got into walmart and I make my way to the pet section in the back, I find myself looking at the cost of diapers and baby food and mentally picturing the crib in my house...My mom even stopped and looked with me and kind of helped me pick one out and said that she was going to by it for me when the time came...She feeds my obsession.

Haha... That's dangerous to have people who support our obsession! :winkwink: I haven't really told anybody that we are ttc so I'm alone with my obsession. What kind of pets do you have?
I also imagine our babies. I am excited for my husband to wear cute little matching outfits with a baby boy...haha it would be awesome.

I am a shoe fanatic and I always find myself checking out the baby shoes. I always am surprised that they are just as expensive as the large versions.
I know what you mean ladies. I try really hard not to look at babies things but I'm really quiet in work at the minute so I find myself looking up prams on the Internet lol!

Kalia I'm going to London for a week :) x
AF arrived early this morning and she came with a vengeance! I am in sooo much pain I can barely move. Nonetheless I am very relieved... CD 1!!! :happydance: Sookie I was going to say we are only one day apart but then I remembered that your cycle is a week shorter. I guess I'll still be alone in my TWW.

Snuffle that's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you! How many weeks are you along? When do they do the first ultrasound?

I have to admit I never imagined what my son/daughter would look like. I spend a lot of time looking at things I would do with or for the baby. The other day I kept looking at nursery furniture and paint ideas... I know that's kind of weird considering that we should probably worry about getting a bfp first but I just love looking at that stuff. Do you guys do that too or is that just me? :blush:

I am the exact same, everytime I got into walmart and I make my way to the pet section in the back, I find myself looking at the cost of diapers and baby food and mentally picturing the crib in my house...My mom even stopped and looked with me and kind of helped me pick one out and said that she was going to by it for me when the time came...She feeds my obsession.

Haha... That's dangerous to have people who support our obsession! :winkwink: I haven't really told anybody that we are ttc so I'm alone with my obsession. What kind of pets do you have?

I have a dog, min pin mix. And I have a black and white cat :)
Oh, quick questions for all of you.

Last cycle after ovulation I had HORRIBLE cramping and the sorest boobs for two weeks straight until AF was my first cycle having a period or ovulating in a year so that could have caused it, BUT, this cycle I am on 5dpo and have NONE of those symptoms. I have hot flashes, restless sleep (or just restless when I lay down), and terrible headaches...but my boobs are perfectly fine and no cramping except for at 3dpo there was mild cramping, is that normal?
Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one I also look at nursery stuff like cots and mobiles and blankets and I have a favourite list on amazon with a lot of stuff including wardrobe and push chairs lol

Yeah when I go shopping in sainsburys as you walk in the first thing that's there is the baby section so i always have a look at the Nappys and baby stuff I only do that if I'm on my own oh would think I'd lost the plot haha

Aww sorry your AF come livia but like you say atleast your now onto a new cycle :)

I loveeee London tess have a great time :)

Oh, quick questions for all of you.

Last cycle after ovulation I had HORRIBLE cramping and the sorest boobs for two weeks straight until AF was my first cycle having a period or ovulating in a year so that could have caused it, BUT, this cycle I am on 5dpo and have NONE of those symptoms. I have hot flashes, restless sleep (or just restless when I lay down), and terrible headaches...but my boobs are perfectly fine and no cramping except for at 3dpo there was mild cramping, is that normal?

Hi usually on my AF I just get sore boobs just before AF and very bad AF pains this cycle I think because I missed an AF in June from ovulation straight up to AF I had sore boobs and nipples and things I don't usually get so it may of been because you haven't had a period in so long.


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