TTC baby number #1

Happy birthday Tess!! I hope it's a good one, and I hope you get a great birthday surprise in 2 weeks!

As for me, got my pos OPK today, and man I wish I wouldn't have complained about having NO symptoms, because now they are setting in. Back pain like no other!!
Yep, tww buddies :) Maybe you can keep me sane. Knowing me I will be testing at 5dpo lol.
Happy Birthday Tess!!! Wouldn't that be the best birthday present ever if it happened today!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's nice that the two of you have your TWW together. I'm glad Kalia and I are on the same schedule too. I hate having to wait alone.

You know how they say women's cycles start to sync up when they live together? Maybe the same thing happens here and we'll all end up O on the same day... lol
Haha livia how good would that be we would all be on tww together :) lol xxx
Hey girls! Come check out the thread! All of us are in the same boat!
Helllooooooo ladies!

First of al....Happy birthday Tess! Hope u have had the best day!

Sorry I haven't been on, usual story....busy busy bee!

Hope ur all well....I'm cd5 n af is about to leave! Whoooop whoooop

Thanks very much ladies :) I had a great day yesterday rounded off by some BDing with the OH haha so fingers crossed I have done enough this cycle to get that BFP! I haven't done an OPK today yet because I like to do them at about 10am but I'm not expecting a pos because this would be my 4th day of pos OPKs! OH and I will BD again tonight anyway just to be on the safe side.

Haha Livia that would be so funny if all our cycles marched up! Maybe that's why my last cycle was so long ... Because I was waiting for you all to catch up with me lol.

Yay Sookie I'm glad the witch is leaving u. Have u decided if you are going to use your OPKs this month or are you just going to wing it? X
Hi ladies how are you? Ay tess who else you going to be BDing with haha ;) glad you had a good night iv told oh that we're BDing tonight, sat and Sunday he was like but you ain't ovulating though I went yes but I need fresh swimmers at all times he was like ohhhhh godddd haha xxx
Haha, when I get my BFP and don't have to schedule BD anymore, it's going to be weird just having sex whenever I feel like instead of when we need to.

My husband has to get up really early in the morning today for work, and little does he know that we have to BD...and I am going to make him in about an hour...poor guy :)
Haha Our poor OHs lol I'm on cd 8 now and Im so tempted to not do OPKs i feel so much more relaxed this month and thinking I hope it happens but if it don't then realistically I'm only on my 2nd cycle but I know I'm going to be completely different in a couple of weeks when on the tww il be like I don't even know if iv ovulated lol so I think I need to lol I'm not getting oh to take vitamins yet we've both started eating loads healthier and exercising so I'm letting him of for a couple of months. Lol xxx
Haha Our poor OHs lol I'm on cd 8 now and Im so tempted to not do OPKs i feel so much more relaxed this month and thinking I hope it happens but if it don't then realistically I'm only on my 2nd cycle but I know I'm going to be completely different in a couple of weeks when on the tww il be like I don't even know if iv ovulated lol so I think I need to lol I'm not getting oh to take vitamins yet we've both started eating loads healthier and exercising so I'm letting him of for a couple of months. Lol xxx

I know poor boys haha! Yeh I'm the same Kalia. The only reason I'm going to keep using the OPKs is because I wanna know for defo when I'm in the TWW rather than guessing because I think that's what stressed me out in my last cycles. I got another pos today which I wasn't expecting! So I've warned OH that he's getting jumped on when he finishes work :) x
I think I am the exact same Tess. I get the most stressed out not knowing if I am in my tww or not. And I also get stressed if I think that I didn't BD enough or if I could have and should have done more. So I just like to pinpoint my O day down to a day or two.
Yeah I think I need to do them so I don't regret it I only have 4 left I ordered some more yday so fingers crossed they come quickly xxxx
Hi Ladies,
I'm having a bad day... Last night I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. (My husbands cousin is having twins so I think that's how it got into my subconsciousness). I had just found out but for some reason I already knew that it was a girl and a boy. I was so excited... Then I woke up and realized it was just a dream. So depressing. :( Now I'm at work and one of my bosses is being super nasty. Just a crappy day all around. TGIF!!!

Hope you guys are doing better.
Sorry to hear that, waking up after amazing dreams like that to find it wasn't real is the hardest. Negative pregnancy tests are already cruel, does our sub-conscience have to be cruel as well? Hope your day turns around!
Hi Ladies,
I'm having a bad day... Last night I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. (My husbands cousin is having twins so I think that's how it got into my subconsciousness). I had just found out but for some reason I already knew that it was a girl and a boy. I was so excited... Then I woke up and realized it was just a dream. So depressing. :( Now I'm at work and one of my bosses is being super nasty. Just a crappy day all around. TGIF!!!

Hope you guys are doing better.

Oh Livia I hate that :( I have dreams like that all the time and I feel so disappointed when I wake up and i realise its not really happening. I've really calmed down since going to my dr and getting my OPKs so I've not been dwelling on it as much as I did before so I've not had one of those dreams in a while but I know how upsetting they can be. I'm sure you will get there soon. Chin up x

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