TTC baby number #1

No I don't temp I work shifts so wake up at different times so I don't think temping would work for me I use OPKs because last cycle was over 60 days and I ovulated on cd 48 - I'm hoping I don't have to wait that long again lol xxx I'm using OPKs iv not done one ATM I'm just BDing every other day at the moment and il do OPKs starting tomoz xxx
I know exactly how ya feel haha, I saw a spike in my temp today and I am thinking maybe it had to do with BDing right before bed, but it went up a lot. OPKs are still negative >w<

Do you test more than once a day? At first I was just doing FMU but then some one told me it's possible to get the positive at a different time of day and miss it. Another person even said that she personally took one in the morning (negative) one in the afternoon (negative) then one at night (positive) and the next morning it was negative again. So I have been taking them like every other time I go to the bathroom lol!
Hi little beans, and welcome :) it seems like you have come to the right place because I think the majority of us are in the same boat lol! I came off my birth control in Feb and since then I have only had a period every 56 days. It is only this cycle that seems more regular as I use OPKs and I got positives on days 17, 18 and 19! So I wouldn't worry just yet, BC affects your body a lot and so it's no wonder it takes a while to adjust after coming off it. I went to the dr last month as I was worried perhaps one of my ovaries wasn't functioning properly and maybe that's why I was only getting a period ever 2 months but they done blood tests and everything was normal so maybe it was hearing that, that made me chill out a bit. I also only had an 8 day LP last month so I started taking a vitamin B complex to try and increase it this cycle so that could be an option for you. Try and stay positive and remember we are here for you to vent at anytime you need us!

Oh and we have another new comer how exciting haha! Welcome to you too fauxcaloid it's nice to have you here. I only use OPKs too as I think if I started temping I really would drive myself insane lol. I only do one test a day unless I get a near positive so then I will maybe do another 2 or 3 that day to see if the line gets darker each time. I tend to have a 3 day LH surge aswell so fingers crossed it stays that way and I don't need to worry about missing it!

Hey Kalia feels like I haven't spoken to you in so long :) I'm now 2DPO. Fingers crossed my AF doesn't decide to show up early again!! I feel like this cycke has flown in actually because i have been used to 56 day cycles and im already in the TWW with this one and im only in day 22 lol. OH and I BD'd 3 times in the week of O so fingers crossed that's enough. I wish there was a way to pin point when during the LH surge you actually O without having to temp! Is you OH still stepping up to the plate and BDing every other day lol? And is it today you are starting you OPKs or tomorrow? X
Oh Tess, your attitude makes me want to give you a great big HUG <3

Thanks for the warm welcome. c:

I used to think that too, about charting, temping, monitoring CM, ect. I used to even plan my BD days LOL it was ridiculous. I've pulled back a lot, and with temping I hardly ever even remember doing it I'm so half asleep, it's sort of auto-matic. Haha. As far as the rest, well, I supposed it's sort of automatic, too. I might be getting a little too obsessed with the OPKs but I'm sort of putting myself in to denial about the fact I'm not ovulating, and I'm possibly just missing it. D:

I plan to make an appointment on Monday anyways.
Oh Tess, your attitude makes me want to give you a great big HUG <3

Thanks for the warm welcome. c:

I used to think that too, about charting, temping, monitoring CM, ect. I used to even plan my BD days LOL it was ridiculous. I've pulled back a lot, and with temping I hardly ever even remember doing it I'm so half asleep, it's sort of auto-matic. Haha. As far as the rest, well, I supposed it's sort of automatic, too. I might be getting a little too obsessed with the OPKs but I'm sort of putting myself in to denial about the fact I'm not ovulating, and I'm possibly just missing it. D:

I plan to make an appointment on Monday anyways.

Oh that's so sweet haha! Big hug back :hugs:

So did you say you don't know what CD you are on? I have a little app thing on my phone that tracks it all for me. See I have tried monitoring CM but I just feel like mine it watery all the time and never really changes lol that's why I just leave it all to the OPKs and hope they are right!! I try to check my cervical position aswell but ive only started getting used to that this month and i have to say i really did feel a massive difference at O time so that's an extra sign of O I'm going to keep an eye on for next cycle. Well I know that speaking to my dr really made me relax so I think that's a good idea if you are starting to get worried x
Hiiii I know tess lol ohh 2dpo already it has gone quick lol Im going to do a OPK tonight and then every day now until I get a near positive & then il start testing multiple times a day lol but even if I get a positive I don't know if il be able to bd because I'm on nights from Thursday again :(

Iv got my smear again next week hopefully they will be able to find my cervix this time lol

Hiiii I know tess lol ohh 2dpo already it has gone quick lol Im going to do a OPK tonight and then every day now until I get a near positive & then il start testing multiple times a day lol but even if I get a positive I don't know if il be able to bd because I'm on nights from Thursday again :(

Iv got my smear again next week hopefully they will be able to find my cervix this time lol


I know I can't believe how quickly it's gone lol. Just goes to show how quickly your body can settle when you just relax. I feel so much more calm this cycle and its obviously made a massive difference. The only thing that kind of is worrying me though is having a really short LP again but I'm going on holiday next week so hopefully that will take my mind off it and I won't risk stressing about making me have a short one! There's just so much to consider lol.

Yeh that sounds like a good idea. Fingers crossed you O a little but later than you expect then so that you will actually be able to BD! That's where I'm quite lucky because I work days mon-fri and so does OH. Occasionally OH will do overtime and work later than usual or sometimes nights but it would never happen so much that we wouldn't be able to find time to BD so that must be a real pain for you :(

Oh god fingers crossed your you don't have the nightmare you did the last time! X
Yes I am pretty much leaving it up to OPKs as well, just doing BBT and CM to confirm <3 I don't have a phone lol (I know, I live in like the stone age) but I use fertility friend c:

It's time for beddy bye for me though, so I'll see ya'll lata!! <3 <3
Hi everyone, I am new to this thread but it seems like there are some great people here. My husband and I have been ttc since January. I don't know if anyone else is in this boat or not but I am starting to lose hope. I know it has not been that long but each month I get my hopes up only to see another BFN. I have very irregular cycles After being on birth control for several years and I thought they were starting to regulate ( between 30 and 36 days) but now I am on cycle day 43 and 2 BFN's. AF is no where to be seen. I feel like I never know where I am in my cycle and it is getting frustrating. It seems like everyday someone I know is pregnant the first month or while not even trying. Anyone else out there in the same boat?

I'm sorry you are having a hard time ttc. Yes most of us are in the same boat. For me personally its a constant up and down. Sometimes I'm very optimistic and sometimes I'm just frustrated (usually when I'm waiting for O or BFP/AF). The worst is seeing yet another BFN... I kind of know before I test but there's always a little bit of hope.

I also have tons of pregnant people and newborns around me. Within the last year literally everybody around us decided to have kids-and it seems like its happening so easily for everyone else. :(

Being on here and talking to others who are in the same situation really helps me though. I hope it will help you too. :)
Hi everyone! Welcome fauxcaloid!

Tess 2dpo that's exciting... Don't worry about your LP I'm sure the vitamin B helped. Plus you're going on vacation and will be super relaxed. Are you packing lots of HPTs? lol

Kalia I would like to start my opk's today but I only have 8 left so I will wait until CD 9 before I test. Fingers crossed you will Be able to BD around O.
Hi everyone! Welcome fauxcaloid!

Tess 2dpo that's exciting... Don't worry about your LP I'm sure the vitamin B helped. Plus you're going on vacation and will be super relaxed. Are you packing lots of HPTs? lol

Kalia I would like to start my opk's today but I only have 8 left so I will wait until CD 9 before I test. Fingers crossed you will Be able to BD around O.

I know how exciting haha. No no, I'm deliberately not taking any HPTs at all because that way I won't be able to test until I am at least 7DPO and I really want to hold off as long as I can. Don't want to waste more HPTs and the BFNs are just so depressing lol. I know I'm trying not to worry about my short LP. I mean it was only that last cycle that I know for sure when I O'd and I was reeeeeally stressed with work which I'm not anymore because my job has changed so I'm hoping my short LP was just a one off.

So what CD are you on now Livia? You feeling better? X
I'm feeling great right now-just a little impatient as usual. ;) CD 7 today... I can't wait to use my opk's, pre-seed, and the soft cups.
I only have 4 left & ordered some more I'm now on cd 10 I'm hoping I ovulate earlier because I can bd every day until Thursday and then sat & sun before work lol I have it allllll planned out haha

Hope we get our BFPs this month :) xxx
That's good Livia glad to hear it :) I've never heard of pre-seed and soft cups lol. What do they do?

Yeh earlier would be good too Kalia haha. And it sounds like even though you will be working nights you still have plenty of BDing opportunity!! I hope we do too and I think we will! I have a really good feeling about this cycle :) I just feel so much happier and more relaxed this time around and it seems like you are too x
That's good Livia glad to hear it :) I've never heard of pre-seed and soft cups lol. What do they do?

Yeh earlier would be good too Kalia haha. And it sounds like even though you will be working nights you still have plenty of BDing opportunity!! I hope we do too and I think we will! I have a really good feeling about this cycle :) I just feel so much happier and more relaxed this time around and it seems like you are too x

Preseeed is a lubricant that is sperm friendly and provides a fertile environment for the sperm to travel up. Softcups are these little cup type things that go up inside you after you have sex and they go up right against you and keep everything up in there, even while you walk around.
I know it's weird i am much more relaxed I think it's because our last cycles were so long our hormones and we were worked up because of all that so this month I'm alot more relaxed and thinking il be over the moon if I got my BFP but if I don't then realistically it's still early days and only on 2nd month xxx
Oh I see. Well I'm hoping the OPKs are going to be enough for me. This whole TTC business has been expensive enough so far so I'm trying to spend as little as possible on it now lol.

Yes that's EXACTLY what I'm thinking Kalia :) and I've decided that I'm just going to count this as my second cycle because my other cycles were so all over the place and I wasn't sure when/if I was O'ing and therefore I wasn't planning BD around it and defo not doing it enough. So really my last cycle is the first cycle I knew when I O'd and planned stuff around that. So really up until then we were prob NTNP as opposed to TTC. So everything crossed for this cycle! X
Gooooooood morning!! Or afternoon, or night, whichever you are experiencing! <3
Oh I see. Well I'm hoping the OPKs are going to be enough for me. This whole TTC business has been expensive enough so far so I'm trying to spend as little as possible on it now lol.

Yes that's EXACTLY what I'm thinking Kalia :) and I've decided that I'm just going to count this as my second cycle because my other cycles were so all over the place and I wasn't sure when/if I was O'ing and therefore I wasn't planning BD around it and defo not doing it enough. So really my last cycle is the first cycle I knew when I O'd and planned stuff around that. So really up until then we were prob NTNP as opposed to TTC. So everything crossed for this cycle! X

Yeah, that makes sense. I ordered soft cups the other day, 6 of them for 6.00 on eBay, but I think that preseed is only if you don't get ewcm on your own. If you do then preseed is really not going to help except for a lube.

Yes it's very expensive. I have spent thousands on medical bills just ruling out possible explanations for why I wasn't ovulating for a year...and then I started ovulating on my own out of the blue, money wasted.
Heeeeyyyyyy ladies!

Did ya miss me!! ;-)

Welcome all newbies! Got a fab group here n we are all very supportive! I was at my friend's 30th bday party last night didn't get n til 5.30am!! I am getting waaaayyyyyy too old for this....lost a whole day today! Lol

Sorry to hear about the sickness snuffle but I'm so glad ur back, we were defo missing u :)

I am currently on CD8....Totally winging it this month, and it's already a lot n oh have not had a chance to bd yet....oooopppppsyyy, gonna jump him tomorrow night before he goes to work...sure he won't mind lol

How's everyone else at the moment?


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