TTC baby number #1

So that's me got my first neg OPK so I'm officially in the TWW :) I got my definite positives on wed, thurs n fri but couldn't BD on thurs so I'm hoping wed n fri should be enough! And just incase I actually O'd yday we will BD again today to be on the safe side since the egg can live for up to 24 hours.

When did your TWW start Marqelle? I think I'm a day or 2 behind you aren't I?

And what about you Kalia, those OPKs getting any darker yet? X
Welcome :) Yeah I am 2dpo today...2 days down, feels like a million to go!
Hi everybody. Apologies for lack of posts have been having horrendous morning (afternoon and night) sickness and have not been able to drag myself away from the toilet long enough to do anything.

My docs appt on Monday was totally pointless. She didn't do anything except say book in to see the midwife. Well duh like I didn't know I needed to do that!

Anyway since then I got signed off work, I literally couldn't keep anything down for about five days, not even water. Went to hospital and they said if nothing changes in 24 hours you will need to go on a drip for dehydration. Luckily the last 24 hours seems to have eased up and I am just trying to sip fluids and keep them down.

Honestly I was expecting some sickness but I never ever realised it would be this bad. Just got to keep focused on the end result which will make it worthwhile.

How are you guys all doing? What CD is everybody on? FX you can all join me in first tri pretty soon!
Good to hear from you Snuffle. I'm sorry you've been so sick... Glad you're doing better!

Tess & Marqelle when are you testing? I wish I was in the TWW already... I can't believe how time is dragging this cycle. Only CD 6 for me.

I'm doing much better than yesterday. These ups and downs are crazy!!! I was on the pill pretty much my whole life so I am not used to all these hormonal mood swings. Oh well...
I know it just drags doesn't it lol. Well I'm going on holiday next week and I'm not back until when I would be 7DPO But I'm going to wait until at least 10DPO to test. I'm hoping I make it that long because last cycle I got my AF at 8DPO so my LP was really short.

It's great to hear from you snuffle! We were starting to worry a bit. I'm glad you are starting to feel better. God I never thought I would be jealous about someone else feeling sick haha! I can't wait until its me! X
Snuffle, so sorry to hear you are so sick but I am glad to hear it's easing up in time to avoid the drip :)

I think I will be testing starting at 9dpo, just because I don't think I can hang on that long, and 9 seems like a good day to start.
Snuffle, so sorry to hear you are so sick but I am glad to hear it's easing up in time to avoid the drip :)

I think I will be testing starting at 9dpo, just because I don't think I can hang on that long, and 9 seems like a good day to start.

Well snuffle you got ur first faint pos at 8DPO didn't u? X
I know for a fact I won't be able to wait that long. 9 dpo is in 7 days and that's just not realistic for me, I am big enough to admit that haha. Ill probably test in 5 days and then every day after that lol.
Thanks everybody!!
Marqelle I got a v faint bfp at 8dpo so you never know. 9 dpo sounds like a good place to start to me. Do you have any symptoms? Only thing to bare in mind is that I was so nervous then that because I tested so early it was going to turn out to be a chemical. I guess that's the benefit of waiting til AF is due before you test but I did not have the willpower to do that!!
Hey guys I'm stuck here... Okay so would it be more accurate to take 3 different pregnancy tests? Also which pregnancy tests can detect early? I'm not sure when I'm going to get my period because they're irregular. But about a week ago I had some bleeding but it was very light and lasted for 10 days. I'm usually very heavy. Could this have been implantation bleeding? I took a pregnancy a day after and it was a BFN. I also took one this morning when I first went to the bathroom it was about 4:30 in the morning. It was also a BFN Also I have been tracking my weight and temp. Yesterday it was 98.5 and I was 117.0 I'm very nauseous and am having very bad back pains on my left lower back. My right lower back hurts also but not as much as the left. I've been having abdominal cramps and I'm very tired all day but when it comes to the night I can go to sleep and when I do I can't stay asleep. Today my temp was 98.6 and I weigh 115.6 I'm not very hungry lately but when I do get hungry whenever I see my choices I don't want it. Also I'm always wanting sweets but I can only eat a little. Are these symptoms of pregnancy? I can't get to the dr until Wednesday. Is there any test I can take that will detect early? Please help I'm so confused. If I'm not pregnant what else could it be?
Hey guys I'm stuck here... Okay so would it be more accurate to take 3 different pregnancy tests? Also which pregnancy tests can detect early? I'm not sure when I'm going to get my period because they're irregular. But about a week ago I had some bleeding but it was very light and lasted for 10 days. I'm usually very heavy. Could this have been implantation bleeding? I took a pregnancy a day after and it was a BFN. I also took one this morning when I first went to the bathroom it was about 4:30 in the morning. It was also a BFN Also I have been tracking my weight and temp. Yesterday it was 98.5 and I was 117.0 I'm very nauseous and am having very bad back pains on my left lower back. My right lower back hurts also but not as much as the left. I've been having abdominal cramps and I'm very tired all day but when it comes to the night I can go to sleep and when I do I can't stay asleep. Today my temp was 98.6 and I weigh 115.6 I'm not very hungry lately but when I do get hungry whenever I see my choices I don't want it. Also I'm always wanting sweets but I can only eat a little. Are these symptoms of pregnancy? I can't get to the dr until Wednesday. Is there any test I can take that will detect early? Please help I'm so confused. If I'm not pregnant what else could it be?

Hi alessia :) that sounds very strange. I'm not entirely sure because its never happened to me obv but from what I've read about implantation bleeding it lasts from 3-4 days, I've never heard of it lasting 10 days. The HPTs I've been using are the one step ones from amazon which detect the HCG hormone at 10mlU and are therefore the among the strongest tests available. You say you have been temping so have you worked out from that when you O'd? I don't want to sound too pessimistic but I would be more inclined to think you bleeding was probably an AF even though it wasn't as heavy as your usual ones :( fingers crossed I'm wrong though. I constantly convince myself that I'm having preg symptoms like cramping/nausea etc but then AF arrives and I know it's just been my body playing tricks on me. Our body's can do cruel things when you want something so bad! How long have you been trying? X
Well the symptoms, other than the 10 day bleeding, sound like they could be pregnancy. With such long bleeding, even light, it's possible that it was your period.
Hi everyone, I am new to this thread but it seems like there are some great people here. My husband and I have been ttc since January. I don't know if anyone else is in this boat or not but I am starting to lose hope. I know it has not been that long but each month I get my hopes up only to see another BFN. I have very irregular cycles After being on birth control for several years and I thought they were starting to regulate ( between 30 and 36 days) but now I am on cycle day 43 and 2 BFN's. AF is no where to be seen. I feel like I never know where I am in my cycle and it is getting frustrating. It seems like everyday someone I know is pregnant the first month or while not even trying. Anyone else out there in the same boat?
I have tried the ovulation strips once but when I got a pos, I had a two day period a week later and then nothing since then and that was 43 days ago:(
You should try temping just to make sure that you are actually ovulating.
Hi ladies how is everyone?

Hi alissia i don't know if implantation bleeding can go on for 10 days the symptoms you have sound like pregnancy symptoms but also are AF symptoms so its hard to tell if you don't think the 10 days bleeding were AF I'd go drs & get a blood test if HPTs are coming up negative.

Hi littlebeans how frustrating have you been to your drs yet? I know they tell most couples to wait a year & then go drs but it may be worth a shot, could if be stress delaying your AF every month? I know it's sooo easy to get stressed about TTC I did it in my first month and completely missed my period it's never happened before & it was because I was over thinking TTC xxx hope you get BFP sooon and welcome to our little thread :) xxx
Hi everybody!

I'm new to the forum, just started actively TTC#1 again on the 31st last month.

How is everyone tonight?

I'm usually only online around this time (because I work overnight shift).
Hiya fauxcaloid

Are you in America? I'm in the UK it's 7.30am & I'm just on my way to work lol

Welcome to the thread :) I'm now on my 2nd cycle of TTC I'm cd 9 and waiting to ovulate what cd are you on? Xxx

Yep, USA! It's 3:30am for me, only 3 and a half hours of work to go, woo hoo!

I don't really have a way to know what CD I am :c I'm really irregular. I think I may go to the Dr. this Monday and get some tests done, don't even remember my last period o_o;;

I guess tech. I'm waiting to O atm, too c:

Do you use OPKs or just chart your cycle?

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