TTC baby number #1

Glad to hear from you Sookie! That's awesome that you are relaxed about winging it. I tol myself I would do the same...yet here I am with about 20 empty ovulation test packages on the back of my toilet haha.
Morning ladies :)

Sooookieeeee glad to have you back :) I'm glad were feeling alot more relaxed this month :)

I did an OPK just (6.15am) and again the only line that came up was the control line so I'm not close to ovulation just yet so going to leave it another few days before testing again if I got 2 lines then yeah I'd test every day until a positive but no point when it wasn't even a faint positive lol

How is everyone today? Can't believe how quick this month is going cd11 already lol we will bd again tonight & Wednesday and maybe tomorrow but I'm trying to make bd as fun as poss don't want it to turn into a chore.

Sooo sookie are you not doing OPKs this month? Xxx
Oh go you Sookie!! I don't have the guts yet to stop using my OPKs lol. Maybe I will when my cycles are completely regular but I know if I gave up on them now I would just stress myself out thinking 'have I O'd yet???' And 'am I in the TWW or not???' So I think for now its best if I stick with them lol.

Kalia was that just when you got up this morning? Because with the OPKs they advise you to do them between 10am-8pm because the LH decreases in your body while you sleep or something. I try to do mine at 4pm every day and I don't drink any liquids for at least 2 hours before doing it. That's a good idea Kalia, I'm doing the same. Don't want to BD every single day incase I tire OH out and he gets bored of it quickly lol. And yeh this cycle is flying in! I think we are all so much more relaxed this cycle because we have each other from the start :)

Marqelle how are u? I watched your vlogs on YouTube and I have to say, well done u! I would never have the guts to do something like that lol. Plus no1 knows I'm TTC and I intend to keep it that way x
Kalia, you are correct I am not doing OPK's....Eeeeekkkkkk lol. This week is going really quick....It's been nice having lots of things to take my mind off it to be honest :)

Marqelle, I'm managing to hold off quite well at the minute....

Just decided it's a calm month and what will be will be....Cos to be quite honest my little paddy(english term for bad mood) that occured when AF turned up was totally ridiculous and unreasonable in my eyes...I have never been like that before and I decided that I'll never be like that again...Me and OH are at the early stage of TTC and should be as relaxed as we are gonna get right now...If I have paddy's now, it's gonna be unbearable another few months down the road and I refuse to allow myself to go there.....One of my best friend's took 2 years to have a child(she now has gorgeous 7 month old Triplets!) but during those 2 years she lost her 'mojo' and was a completely different person, seeing that effect first hand has stayed with me and when I had my paddy I immediately thought of my friend and the Hell she went through....Well not me, no siree! :)

Hope everyone is having a good day!! xxx
I completely get what you mean sookie I really feel like doing the same but because of how long my cycle was last time Im going to do the OPKs this month if I ovulate when I think I do then next month I won't use them and just totally relax & see what happens.

Yeah it was fmu I will do another tomoz afternoon then & see what it says then I didn't realise that about fmu & OPKs lol xxx

I totally get you I think to my self iv prepared my self before TTC that it would take a long time because of the 1 tube so I'm now going to relax and think if nothing happens by December then I know the drs are sending me to a fertility clinic so no point me getting stressed I'm just going to relax and let it be until then :) I think once you relax it will happen xxxx
I totally get where you are coming from Sookie. I have seen myself change as well. I am a lot meaner, especially to my husband over little things. I have gotten a bit depressed over the last year as well. I hate that I have changed like this but it's hard to remain positive after so many negatives. Good luck to you!

and Kalia, fingers crossed for a positive soon!
Today I scheduled an appointment with OB/GYN for preconception check up and to find out about why I haven't had a period in 4-5 months.

I'm really nervous...
Today I scheduled an appointment with OB/GYN for preconception check up and to find out about why I haven't had a period in 4-5 months.

I'm really nervous...

Good luck!! Is your appointment today? When I made an appointment with my dr they couldn't give me an appointment for 3 weeks lol x
Morning ladies how are you all?

I don't think il be ovulating this weekend last month I had faint positives building up for a week I haven't even got a second line at the moment I Spose its a good thing because we haven't been BDing much this week i haven't felt to well really tired & dodgy belly :( I'm on cd 13 my planner I use says il ovulate next Wednesday it was accurate last time so hopefully it's right again because I'm of next Wednesday & can pounce on oh as soon as he gets in Tuesday & Wednesday and possibly Thursday lol :) xxx how's everyone else? What dpo are you now tess? Xxx
Morning ladies how are you all?

I don't think il be ovulating this weekend last month I had faint positives building up for a week I haven't even got a second line at the moment I Spose its a good thing because we haven't been BDing much this week i haven't felt to well really tired & dodgy belly :( I'm on cd 13 my planner I use says il ovulate next Wednesday it was accurate last time so hopefully it's right again because I'm of next Wednesday & can pounce on oh as soon as he gets in Tuesday & Wednesday and possibly Thursday lol :) xxx how's everyone else? What dpo are you now tess? Xxx

Morning Kalia :) I'm great thanks. Waking up in sunny London today! So excited to go sight seeing haha. Well that's good then fingers crossed you O when you think you will if that means lots of chance for BDing!

I'm 5DPO today. No symptoms but I know you don't get symptoms until after implantation which happens between 6-10DPO so I'm not too worried yet. I just hope my LP is longer than 8 days this time! I feel so relaxed this time because I O'd roughly when I should have for having a normal cycle so if I don't catch the egg this cycle then it's not too long until I get to try again :) x
Yeah it's good you are thinking positive atleast your cycles are back to normal and you don't have to wait long :) but fingers crossed you get your BFP :)

Ahhh sunny London which sites are you doing? Xxx
Yeah it's good you are thinking positive atleast your cycles are back to normal and you don't have to wait long :) but fingers crossed you get your BFP :)

Ahhh sunny London which sites are you doing? Xxx

Thanks :)

Well I'm only here for 1 day for the football so to cram in as much as I can during the day today I'm just going to go on the bus tour x
hope you have had a fab day tess :)

me and oh are buying some new wardrobes and i said to oh if you have new wardrobes i need to have new clothes to go in them :) he was like yeah ok you can go shopping next week woohooo and then quickly changed his mind and said well what about all the clothes that are in that wardrobe what you going to do with them.. soooo today i have spent the hole of today sorting through alllll my clothes sorting into charity and ebay and bin....

anything that has tags on that hasnt been worn and was bought over 2 months ago has gone on ebay... anything that hasnt been worn in 3 or more months has gone on ebay...anything that is now to small for me because of the weight i put on and i just couldnt part with has been put on ebay.. (apart from a few dresses & jeans which im determined to get back into) i then have 2 black bags of stuff for charity and another black bag for the bin of bras that are to small for me!!

I honestly didnt realise how much clothes i had!! thats kept me busy today...

hows everyone else doing? xx
Hope you have a great time tess!
And Kalia, wow! I have a ton of clothes but none with tags still on them haha.
It's nice that charity is getting a lot of stuff though!

I am great thanks for asking. I have pretty bad ovulation cramps and killer headaches off an on for a week now, but I got a positive OPK today so I couldn't be happier!
Yayyyy get BDing :) I hate ovulation cramps mine are always niggly :(

I know well I always buy new dresses wear them once and don't wear them again so iv put all them on eBay - vest tops & tshirts are going to charity unless iv not warn them then there on eBay lol - I want new clothes atleast its keeping me busy lol xxx
That is true. Anything to keep you busy! And new clothes are always fun!
Morning ladies how is everyone... Where's sookie & snuffle gone :( xxx
Morning ladies! Sounds like you have been kepr busy Kalia lol. Had an absolute fab time here even though we got beat in the football! The atmosphere has been amazing anyway lol. Heading home now. I know I don't know where they have gone :( I'm confused Marqelle, I thought you O'd 2 days before I did :S? X
Morning ladies! Sounds like you have been kepr busy Kalia lol. Had an absolute fab time here even though we got beat in the football! The atmosphere has been amazing anyway lol. Heading home now. I know I don't know where they have gone :( I'm confused Marqelle, I thought you O'd 2 days before I did :S? X

The O test that I thought was positive only turned positive after 4 hours. So I figured I would just count it as my positive O test....then today I got an obvious positive, so I was mistaken, and I am for sure ovulating probably tomorrow.

I am a little disappointed that my tww starts over, but I am excited because I was unsure about when I ovulated last week so I thought that I didn't BD when I should have. Now that it's for sure happening this time, I can feel the pains badly, and I am BDing as I should be.

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