TTC baby number #1

Morning ladies! Sounds like you have been kepr busy Kalia lol. Had an absolute fab time here even though we got beat in the football! The atmosphere has been amazing anyway lol. Heading home now. I know I don't know where they have gone :( I'm confused Marqelle, I thought you O'd 2 days before I did :S? X

The O test that I thought was positive only turned positive after 4 hours. So I figured I would just count it as my positive O test....then today I got an obvious positive, so I was mistaken, and I am for sure ovulating probably tomorrow.

I am a little disappointed that my tww starts over, but I am excited because I was unsure about when I ovulated last week so I thought that I didn't BD when I should have. Now that it's for sure happening this time, I can feel the pains badly, and I am BDing as I should be.

Oh cool well that's good then! Good luck :) x
Hey Ladies!

How is everyone doing? Tess I hope you are enjoying your trip! I've been pretty busy between work and getting ready for graduate school... but I am super excited about going back to school and think it will help me be a little more relaxed about ttc.

Marqelle I am glad you just got your definite positive. Thank god you kept testing. :thumbup: At least you are not alone in your tww. Tess is right in the middle and I think Kalia will join you soon. As for me... I keep getting negatives on my advanced opk. The last couple of months I got a blinking smiley on days 10 or 11 and a solid one on day 16 but this month nothing so far...

I also tried the soft cups for the first time last night but I'm not sure I did it right. "Stuff" was still seeping out after I put one in. (sorry tmi) :blush:
The easiest way I found to put them in is pinch them and push it back until it slips behind the first little "bump" or whatever in the front. The first time i didnt feel it slide into place. But today I put in while laying in bed and pushed it all the way back with my finger and it slid into place.

This is mine and my husbands first month TTC. I am very new to this site and i have no idea what to expect. I had the big o on Monday and we did the deed the 4 days leading up to and on O day. So im 4days post ovulation and i have very sensitive boobs and a fluttery tummy does this mean i could be pregnant? Has anyone else experienced these feelings. I have to wait until 27th to see if AF comes/to test and seems ages away...... Can anyone offer any advice?

This is mine and my husbands first month TTC. I am very new to this site and i have no idea what to expect. I had the big o on Monday and we did the deed the 4 days leading up to and on O day. So im 4days post ovulation and i have very sensitive boobs and a fluttery tummy does this mean i could be pregnant? Has anyone else experienced these feelings. I have to wait until 27th to see if AF comes/to test and seems ages away...... Can anyone offer any advice?

Hey bees fan and welcome to our thread :) to be completely honest with you I think those are probably just a coincidence. You wouldn't feel any pregnancy symptoms until after you implant which occurs between 6-10DPO so it is still too early to feel pregnant yet. But good luck to you and fingers crossed! X
Think I'm out this cycle ladies. Been getting cramps today and an increase in CM which I usually get before AF :( I should be happy because if I get my AF tomorrow then I have an exact 28 day cycle but it means that yet again I'm only going to have a 8 day LP which is far too short :( oh well nothing I can do now x
Blah... AF started yesterday, was hoping maybe it was just going to be a 1 day spotting type thing since sometimes that happens to me, but it kept goin' today. :c


At least now I have a fresh start, and this is my first AF I've seen in months so I'm kind of excited about that. This way when I go to my appointment in September and they ask when my last cycle was I can say a definite day hah first time ever.

*Staying positive*
Sorry AF came, that can be tough...but good luck to you this cycle!
Hey ladies! The conversation seems to have died a little lol. I'm sorry to hear your AF made an appearance fauxcaloid :( but a you said atleast you know exactly when you new cycle started and hopefully it's your BFP cycle! How long was your last cycle? Was it so long because you had just come off BC?

Well I still definitely think I'm out. My cramps have been getting worse and i know i said i would wait till 12DPO to take a test but i couldnt help myself lol so i took one this morning (9DPO) and it was a BFN. i know it could still be too early but snuffle got a bery faint pos at 8DPO using the same test strips as i have so i would expect atleast a tiny second line if i was preg so im taking from this that ive not caught it this cycle yet again!! god it can get so frustrating. but oh well just need to hope AF comes soon so i can move knto next cycle. one positive to take from this cycle is that my LP last month was 8 days which is far too short but this cycle its so far going to be atleast 9 days. as long as AF stays away until tomorrow to make it 10 days then im in the safe zone so im happy about that. the B vitamins must have actually made a sifference!

How are you feeling in your TWW Marqelle? And Kalia did you get a pos on your O tests at all yet? Livia where are you in your cycle now? I wonder where Sookie and snuffle are, we haven't heard from them in a while :( x
Hey ladies! The conversation seems to have died a little lol. I'm sorry to hear your AF made an appearance fauxcaloid :( but a you said atleast you know exactly when you new cycle started and hopefully it's your BFP cycle! How long was your last cycle? Was it so long because you had just come off BC?

Well I still definitely think I'm out. My cramps have been getting worse and i know i said i would wait till 12DPO to take a test but i couldnt help myself lol so i took one this morning (9DPO) and it was a BFN. i know it could still be too early but snuffle got a bery faint pos at 8DPO using the same test strips as i have so i would expect atleast a tiny second line if i was preg so im taking from this that ive not caught it this cycle yet again!! god it can get so frustrating. but oh well just need to hope AF comes soon so i can move knto next cycle. one positive to take from this cycle is that my LP last month was 8 days which is far too short but this cycle its so far going to be atleast 9 days. as long as AF stays away until tomorrow to make it 10 days then im in the safe zone so im happy about that. the B vitamins must have actually made a sifference!

How are you feeling in your TWW Marqelle? And Kalia did you get a pos on your O tests at all yet? Livia where are you in your cycle now? I wonder where Sookie and snuffle are, we haven't heard from them in a while :( x

Sorry to hear that tess! That is great news about your LP getting longer, hopefully it goes to 10 days, maybe 11 :)

I am more relaxed then I have ever been in my tww this cycle :) I am not even thinking about testing (obviously I am only 3dpo) but I am not even wishing I was 12 so I could test. It's pretty great :) I know once 10dpo comes I will probably be freaking out, but I am feeling pretty good right now.
Hey ladies! The conversation seems to have died a little lol. I'm sorry to hear your AF made an appearance fauxcaloid :( but a you said atleast you know exactly when you new cycle started and hopefully it's your BFP cycle! How long was your last cycle? Was it so long because you had just come off BC?

Well I still definitely think I'm out. My cramps have been getting worse and i know i said i would wait till 12DPO to take a test but i couldnt help myself lol so i took one this morning (9DPO) and it was a BFN. i know it could still be too early but snuffle got a bery faint pos at 8DPO using the same test strips as i have so i would expect atleast a tiny second line if i was preg so im taking from this that ive not caught it this cycle yet again!! god it can get so frustrating. but oh well just need to hope AF comes soon so i can move knto next cycle. one positive to take from this cycle is that my LP last month was 8 days which is far too short but this cycle its so far going to be atleast 9 days. as long as AF stays away until tomorrow to make it 10 days then im in the safe zone so im happy about that. the B vitamins must have actually made a sifference!

How are you feeling in your TWW Marqelle? And Kalia did you get a pos on your O tests at all yet? Livia where are you in your cycle now? I wonder where Sookie and snuffle are, we haven't heard from them in a while :( x

Sorry to hear that tess! That is great news about your LP getting longer, hopefully it goes to 10 days, maybe 11 :)

I am more relaxed then I have ever been in my tww this cycle :) I am not even thinking about testing (obviously I am only 3dpo) but I am not even wishing I was 12 so I could test. It's pretty great :) I know once 10dpo comes I will probably be freaking out, but I am feeling pretty good right now.

That's good Marqelle I'm glad to hear it :) do your friends/family know that u r TTC? Like do you have others to speak to about this stuff? Sometimes I feel like I am refreshing this page about 20 times a day to see if any of you have posted anything because I have no1 else to speak to about this stuff lol!

I felt ok earlier bout thinkin my AF was on its way but as the day has gone on its started to really upset me. I feel like for the past 2 cycles I have done everything I should and there's still just nothing happening. I wish my OH would let me speak to one of my friends about it or my sister or just anyone but he has said he doesn't want me to say anything incase for some reason it doesn't happen. I know where he's coming from but I don't think he realises that it drives me close to insanity sometimes! He also doesn't know I'm on here, I think he would have me sectioned if he knew lol x
Aww sorry to hear that. You may feel like you are refreshing it 20 times, but I LITERALLY am refreshing it like 50 times a day. This site and facebook are pretty much all I do during the day...and night.

I only talk to you guys and my husband about it, but pretty much everyone in my close family knows. I don't have any friends (Sounds sad, but we all grew apart shortly after high school) so no friends know. My mom and her fiance know. My dad knows that I said I wanted one, but he doesn't want to hear about it because he thinks I am too young. He lives hundreds of miles away though so it's not hard to hide it.

I bet you are upset! That same thing happens to me. I start crying to my husband and I say "I did everything right! What else am I supposed to do!? What if something is wrong?"

But you just have to remember that each cycle that passes, your chances of conceiving get higher and higher, because healthy couples have a 98% chance of conceiving in the first two years, but your chances get higher each month. It will happen, and when it happens you will forget ALL about how hard it was waiting and how you are so upset right now.

I really hope it happens for you this time.
Tess that's great that your LP is getting longer! I'm sorry your feeling frustrated right now. I think it's normal though... I just accepted that there are constant ups and downs for me. As you guys already know... ;)

We haven't told our family and friends. I only talk to one of my friends who was ttc for years and years before she got pregnant (naturally) about it. She can totally relate and understands what I'm going through. As much as I love my other friends and my family I couldn't stand talking to anybody who has not gone through this themselves. Those are the people that will say "just relax and stop trying then it'll happen". Right... Thanks for the advice. :(

I am on CD 14. It's weird though... I used the CB advanced and got nothing on CD 11 & 12, then a blinking smiley on CD 13, and a solid one today. We've been BDing since yesterday and I tried the Preseed and the soft cups. Let's hope it helps!
Good luck Livia I'm sending loads of baby dust your way :dust:
Your just a couple days a head of me I'm CD 12 still getting nada on my OPKs did my first round of AI today thoe so will continue to do that until I get a positive!
Thanks! Good luck to you too! I hope you get a positive soon. What opk are you using? Is this your first round in this cycle or your first round ever?
I'm sorry to hear your AF made an appearance fauxcaloid :( but a you said atleast you know exactly when you new cycle started and hopefully it's your BFP cycle! How long was your last cycle? Was it so long because you had just come off BC?

Yeah I am confused with my cycles, honestly I have no idea how long my last one was. I know I hadn't had AF since at LEAST Mid-June (I remember packing tampons just in case on my trip to my Grandparents' but didn't use a single one).

And the light flow I was having lasted 2 days followed by spotting again. I just don't know what to think, it seems like I spot almost every day and when I don't then I have light flow and occasionally heavy flow with large clots.

Just gotta chart everything in an effort to give the doc a good idea of what's going on... >_<

And I haven't been on BC since I was 16 years old; and even then it was the patch for 3 months and didn't continue.

I know it sounds stupid for some one my age to have no idea what my cycle is but I honestly have no freaking clue. I don't know what qualifies as AF other than there being more blood than yesterday, but even then... it only lasts a day or two... so confused.:nope:
Thanks for the kind words ladies. They really help :) I know what you mean Livia, I tried to speak to my closest friend about it but she was just saying to me oh your too worked up about it so just stop thinking about it and it will happen so now when she asks me how things are going I just say I will tell you when there's something to tell. She has a little girl but she wasn't planned so she has no idea what I'm going through!

Good luck with your too week wait then Livia and fingers crossed you get a pos OPK soon ash! I just don't know how much longer I can go on doing this before I go insane! If it hasn't happened by the end of the year then I'm giving up on everything and will just need to see what happens. That does sound confusing fauxcaloid! Have your cycles always been like that? X
Hiiiii ladies how are you all aww tess I hope AF don't show up :(

Hi marquelle how many dpo are you now?

I'v not been doing my OPKs iv been so busy and keeping my mind of if it all I thought if I'm not worrying about it but I'm BDing regular I'm not going to do them we haven't BDed as much as we wanted to yet but according to my app that was correct last month I'm due to ovulate Wednesday so il do my OPKs starting today to see & will bd tomoz, wed & Thursday xxx hope everyone's ok!!! Xxx
Hiiiii ladies how are you all aww tess I hope AF don't show up :(

Hi marquelle how many dpo are you now?

I'v not been doing my OPKs iv been so busy and keeping my mind of if it all I thought if I'm not worrying about it but I'm BDing regular I'm not going to do them we haven't BDed as much as we wanted to yet but according to my app that was correct last month I'm due to ovulate Wednesday so il do my OPKs starting today to see & will bd tomoz, wed & Thursday xxx hope everyone's ok!!! Xxx

Nice to hear from you Kalia, I missed u! :) I'm pretty sure she is on her way because I am 10DPO and another BFN this morning so I just want her to come now because my LP is a good length now and I want to just move onto my next cycle!

Have you manager to put it out your mind by stopping doing your OPKs? I got positives on CD 18, 19 and 20 this cycle so I've decided that if it is the same this next cycle then I'm going to stop using then. I feel like I'm getting obsessed by it again which I really didn't want to happen because I've been so relaxed the past 4 or so weeks!

Hopefully you O exactly when u think u r going to then. Do u have any signs suggesting O is close? X

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