TTC baby number #1

Thanks! Good luck to you too! I hope you get a positive soon. What opk are you using? Is this your first round in this cycle or your first round ever?

thank you, I think there called Answers or something lol they are in a green box with a baby on them.. bought them because they were just a little cheaper then the digital ones.. think if I have to go another round ill pay the little bit extra..

this is our first go round this cycle.. I tried before about 3 years ago with no luck.. but iv lost 30 pounds and laid off all caffeinated drinks and started taking prenatal vitamins this go round and I have a donor willing to donate more then once a month.. plus i was with my ex who thought us having a baby would fix everything that was wrong in our relationship.. so I know that was meant not to work thank god for un answered prayers.. now im in a happy healthy relationship.. So FX that this is the time it actually takes.. we did first round of AI last night will do another tomorrow unless today's OPK is positive..
Hi tess yeah I just haven't stressed about it at all Its been really refreshing I had some cramps the other day n thought I was ovulating then we BDed but couldn't get any more in over the weekend but I'm of tomoz & wed and il pounce then I might do OPKs over next couple of days orrrr I might not and have it as a month of see how it goes because I think stressing really don't help u hear all these ppl stop stressing and fall pregnant so I'm going down that route lol and if nothing happens by Christmas then i can go drs. If defo say give it a try without doing anything because I think as long as your BDing regularly then that's the main thing esp as were still in the early days of TTC :) positive thoughts :) xxx
Hi tess yeah I just haven't stressed about it at all Its been really refreshing I had some cramps the other day n thought I was ovulating then we BDed but couldn't get any more in over the weekend but I'm of tomoz & wed and il pounce then I might do OPKs over next couple of days orrrr I might not and have it as a month of see how it goes because I think stressing really don't help u hear all these ppl stop stressing and fall pregnant so I'm going down that route lol and if nothing happens by Christmas then i can go drs. If defo say give it a try without doing anything because I think as long as your BDing regularly then that's the main thing esp as were still in the early days of TTC :) positive thoughts :) xxx

See that's my only problem, unless I'm ovulating then we don't really BD regularly that's why I think my only option is to use the OPKs! My OH has a really low sex drive and only really wants to BD once a week. He will step up to the plate and BD with me every day I get a pos OPK but apart from that its sometimes a struggle to get him to stop being so lazy and then we just end up arguing. I've decided if nothing's happened by the end of the year then I'm giving up completely lol x
Aww chick hopefully you will get your BFP by then :( no i know what you mean my oh is the same but at the moment were BDing twice a week and I thought if sperm lives upto a week twice a week isn't to bad I know in a couple of weeks il get my self in a tether & regret not doing them and tbh il probably do an OPK tomoz because I'm due to ovulate any day now so I probably will do one tbh lol I think in this process (for me anyway) every day is different at the moment I'm ok come tomoz il be in a panic lol xxx
Aww chick hopefully you will get your BFP by then :( no i know what you mean my oh is the same but at the moment were BDing twice a week and I thought if sperm lives upto a week twice a week isn't to bad I know in a couple of weeks il get my self in a tether & regret not doing them and tbh il probably do an OPK tomoz because I'm due to ovulate any day now so I probably will do one tbh lol I think in this process (for me anyway) every day is different at the moment I'm ok come tomoz il be in a panic lol xxx

Well at least your okay at the moment haha!! I think the OPKs are good so that I know exactly when my TWW starts otherwise I would prob waste loads of HPTs because I wouldn't know if AF was late or if I was far too early or what! I had a really bad day yday but I'm feeling better today. This whole process is just so up and down lol x
Hi ladies!! How are you all? And welcome to the new ladies as well! Just been reading through and trying to catch up on the posts I have missed. Apologies for my lack of posts, I am battling through work day by day and by the time I get home at night I pretty much conk out on the sofa and sleep. Nausea and fatigue got me pretty bad at the mo, still I wouldn't change it.

Sounds like everybody is taking a more relaxed approach this month, Kalia you sound happier now you are not doing opks and stuff. Hopefully that will result in your bfp now that you are not feeling under so much pressure. What does your OH think about the change of plan? If he is anything like DH he will prefer it. DH hated it when we 'had' to do it because I got a positive opk . Even though he did man up when I asked him I think the lack of spontaneity killed his enjoyment of actually dtd which can't be a good thing.

Livia how are you finding the clearblue digital? I loved them. At last you don't need to worry about interpreting questionable lines and if OH doesn't have a high sex drive it narrows the window right down which was good for us anyway. Just a shame they are pricey to buy!!

Tess sorry to hear you are feeling down. Remember it is still early in this journey and even though it is a long, hard, bumpy road as soon as you get your bfp it will be instantly worth it. Good to hear you LP is lengthening though. That is defo a good sign that you could get your bfp pretty soon!

Marqelle won't be long before you are opking for this month. Hopefully this will be your cycle!

Ash n Amber wow how exciting!! Sounds like you have a good donor and are really doing everything to get that bfp! Congrats on the weight loss too 30 pounds is great!!

Will try and pop in daily again from now on so I don't miss so much next time!! Anybody heard from Sookie lately? Hope she is ok!!
Kalia it's nice to hear from you. I am glad you are so relaxed this cycle but can you please do an opk so we can be in the tww together!! :winkwink:

AshNAmber I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I don't know much about AI. Is this something that's assisted by a doctor or are you guys doing that yourself? Are you using anything else (softcups etc)?

Tess do not give up! I really hope you'll get your BFP long before the end of the year but if not you still shouldn't give up. There is still a ton of stuff that can be done to make it happen. I made an appointment with my OB/GYN for next week to discuss Clomid or whatever else she recommends...

I got another solid smiley this morning and just for fun did another one of the answer opk's which for the first time was an absolutely obvious positive. The test line was much darker than the control.
Thank you tess, but I already ovulated this cycle, I am 4dpo, not CD4 :)

You are pregnant right? Just making sure because your thing says waiting to try
Thank you Snufflepop really trying while being stress free and relaxed

Livia thank Hun.. You can do AI with a doctor but were doing it our self, I took OPK today still neg but darker then has been the last 2 days O should be here in a couple days so hoping it will continue to darken up for me..

Yay for your positive OPK!! Sends tons of :dust: your way!!! And keeping FX for you!!
Thank you tess, but I already ovulated this cycle, I am 4dpo, not CD4 :)

You are pregnant right? Just making sure because your thing says waiting to try

I think you mean snuffle pop lol. And yes she is preg.

Ash n amber, I don't want to sounds really niave but how are you doing AI yourselves?

It's great to hear from you snuffle. I'm sorry to hear you are still suffering from sickness but if its any consolation, we would give anything to feel how you are feeling lol.

Livia I know there are loads of things that can be done but I've almost lost hope now do I think if it gets to the end if the year and I'm still not preg then I will just need to accept that it's not happening fur a reason. All of the OPKs will be getting binned and I will just need to see what happens. You hear about all these people who try for years and then when they stop trying they get preg. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that but will just need to wait see.

Thanks for trying to cheer me up ladies, don't know what I would do without you all :) x
Hey Tess you don't sound naive at all Hun..sorry if its tmi... Our donor gives us specimen in a sterilized cup then my SO takes a sterilized needless syringe then does the AI with my hips propped up and after she's done I lay with my hips elevated for 20 min.. Not sir if that really helps anything but doesn't hurt to try..
I think we all lay down for 10-20 minutes with our butts propped up even if it doesn't do anything. I think the only part that doesn't do anything is propping legs/butt up since that doesn't actually tilt the cervix anymore then it already is. But laying down afterwards definitely helps it not fall out.
I think we all lay down for 10-20 minutes with our butts propped up even if it doesn't do anything. I think the only part that doesn't do anything is propping legs/butt up since that doesn't actually tilt the cervix anymore then it already is. But laying down afterwards definitely helps it not fall out.

Lol that's what I think!! Every little bit helps.. 60 OPK and 30 HPT package came in the mail today!!

So exciting!
I took an OPK, just for fun, and the line was pretty clearly there...I hate that I am one of the people that I guess has a pretty good amount of LH in their system at all times, because my second line is always pretty dark. Not positive obviously, but there still.
Well my 2 from the other day were really light I could see them but very very light.. The one from today was light but dark enough I could actually see it.. O day will be here in a couple days so I'm guessing that's why the color change
Well here are two pictures of one that I just took. This is supposed to be 4 dpo. The pics were taken 10 minutes after I took the test.


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I believe when you are pregnant the OPKs will be positive, but I took a really cheap HPT strip test after I got this OPK and it was stark white, negative...

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