TTC baby number #1

Welcome to the thread ash & amber good look in your TTC journey have you been TTC for long or is this all new to you aswell? Xxx

Hey Kalia, thank you :)

This is my first go round after giving up about 4 years ago.. changed alot of things in my life now ready to give it a shot :D figured didn't happen before for all the right reasons so maybe now hopefully will have better luck! This is the first time that I'm actually using OPK's and trying to actually pin point the big O. I love having so many people to talk to about this.Because i know i drive my SO CRAZY!! lol
On top of that my body decided that if it can't be pregnant it will at least simulate all the awful symptoms. I was horribly nauseous (on and off) all day yesterday and today. Mostly when I smelled food. I also have heartburn and light cramping. I told my husband if it was a week later I would totally think that I'm pregnant but that's obviously not possible since I haven't ovulated yet or only am 1 dpo. What a cruel joke... :growlmad: I'm just hoping that I'm not getting a stomach bug because that would obviously ruin our chances for this cycle.

Hey Livia, i think our bodies are in sync lol I haven't felt nauseous yet, but I feel like im dieing with heart burn today!! ugh.. I had my gall bladder removed back in Feb and haven't really got heart burn like this since then... I had the light twing pains on my lower right abdomen this morning on my way to work and once i got here is when the heart burn hit ugh.. I got my first positive OPK yesterday, according to my charts I O on the 22nd or the 24th.. im guessing more along the lines of 22nd. will take another OPK today.. I hope your not getting sick as well and sending baby dust your way :dust:
Let us know what your OPK looks like today AshNAmber!

I Posted A Thread With It Girly, Go Check It Out.. It Says Test Check Please

I Dont Think Im Going To Be Able To AI Today Or Tomorrow. You Think I.still Have A Good Chance? Iv Been Having Lower Abdominal Pains On Both Sides All Day
Well, as I have said, the best days to have sex are the day before ovulation and two days before. I have read on one site that two days before gives you the greatest chance. My fingers are crossed for you.

But if anything chances and your donor is available, jump on that!
We Did AI YesterdAy.. Tomorrow Suppose To Be O Day. I Think My OPK Still Positive..
Ah good look ash & amber hope this is your month :)

Sooookie iv missed you hope your ok sounds like me & you are very relaxed this month I think iv already ovulated I got an almost positive on Tuesday & yesterday got a point blank negative so I think I must of caught the end of the surge but il do another today and see what it says I'm guessing I'm out this month we haven't BDed much and I haven't been able to pin point ovulation as i have been that relaxed I didn't do OPKs until Tuesday I'm now cd 21 and should be 1 dpo so I'm either ovulated a little earlier orrrr I'm having another late month which i hope I'm not I don't think I could cope with another 61 day cycle but we will see xxxx hi tess yes atleast your cycles are regular again now so hopefully you will get that BFP soon :) xxx
Good luck ash n amber!!! Fingers crossed it works out for you.

Oh Kalia I hope you haven't O'd yet if you don't feel like you have BD'd enough! Have you took an OPK today? I know hopefully my body is defo back to normal now and next cycle will be my 2nd PROPER TTC cycle.

Well in on CD 2 and my AF pains are terrible! The worst AF pains I think I've ever had. Not only is my cramp really sore but my boobs are also really sore. It actually feels like they are bruised all over it is horrible. I'm wondering if this is maybe the only cycle I've had that I've definitely ovulated since coming off BC and maybe that's why my pain is so bad. Do any of you know if it is possible to have an LH surge and get an AF without actually ovulating? Because seriously I've never felt this sore because of AF in my life! X
Thanks Tess..

I'm really hoping you get to try this go round..
Agghhhh I duno what's going on iv had cramps today Iv only just got round to doing an OPK I didn't need a wee I forced one its a negative a line there but very faint fainter than the other day so who knows we guna bd again tonight n every other day now I know next month il be doing my OPKs religiously so I don't get into this situation of not knowing again :( xxxx
I'm sorry Kalia :( I hope what y'all did do and going to do was/ is enough for you to get your BFP this cycle... Sending hoping for the best or you...

I just took my OPK and its negative so today starts my TWW...
Hopefully iv done enough

Iv just read my ex best mate is pregnant and due in feb & iv burst out crying I say ex best mate because we're still mates but she only comes to me when she wants something from me so I don't bother with her any more I'm there for her when ever she calls or texts but me when I was in hospital with the ectopic I texted her and didn't even get a text back until 2 weeks later.

She's such a selfish person she has one daughter and all she does is moan moan moan and it makes me angry and now she's pregnant again I should feel happy for her but I can't im actually sat here in tears... I'm so glad I have you ladies to turn to :) xxxx
I know that feeling, deff have a friend or 2 like that actually.. I had a "friend" and use that term loosely the last time I TTCed about 4 years ago got preg while I was almost a year in tring with not even a false BFP when she found out she was preg with baby #1 she tells me" maybe one day if your lucky enough to have a baby, you can call me for advice" I was so mad.. Some" friends" just suck..

Your right.. I love having a place I can come to and talk about all this TTC stuff because I know I drive my SO crazy with it
I know it's so hard some times and then when you have ppl like that fall pregnant its nasty but I think you don't deserve it!

Haha I drive my oh mad aswell lol his glad I can come here and chat and vent and ppl can relate or give advice or just listen :) xxx
Yep mine to :) she will ask, what ya doing an ill say oh you know baby talk and she will go ok continue lol
That's exactly why I like to do the OPKs Kalia, so that I know for definite if I'm in the TWW or not. But you said that you have been BDing twice a week and if the swimmers live for up to 5 days then fingers crossed you have still done enough :)

I know what you mean Kalia and ashnamber with regards to 'friends' getting pregnant who sometimes (let's be honest) don't really deserve it lol! I have one friend who has decided she's going to try for baby number 2 and she is really patronising towards me when she talks about it. It really annoys me. And I can't believe ur 'best' friend didn't call you when you were in hospital Kalia that is ridiculous! You always have us to come to when you need us x
I have to admit im so stupid excited to see 12 days till testing on my little ticker lol :)

but to try and take my mind off of it I just throwing myself into wedding stuff with little to no stress booked our honeymoon as of yesterday today ordering the invitations then plan on searching the must do's while were on honeymoon.. although I did slip up last night at dinner with my SO and my mom.. my SO LOVES roller coaster and mom was like oh there's a huge one at one of the hotels and with out even thinking i was like well if im preg i cant ride a roller coaster.. (no one is suppose to know were trying) My SO face was priceless and my mom was like what? so yeah had to try and cover that up.. oops lol
I have to admit im so stupid excited to see 12 days till testing on my little ticker lol :)

but to try and take my mind off of it I just throwing myself into wedding stuff with little to no stress booked our honeymoon as of yesterday today ordering the invitations then plan on searching the must do's while were on honeymoon.. although I did slip up last night at dinner with my SO and my mom.. my SO LOVES roller coaster and mom was like oh there's a huge one at one of the hotels and with out even thinking i was like well if im preg i cant ride a roller coaster.. (no one is suppose to know were trying) My SO face was priceless and my mom was like what? so yeah had to try and cover that up.. oops lol

Oh planning your wedding must be do much fun. My OH gave me a choice 6 months ago, did I want an engagement ring or a baby? So looks like I will need to wait for the ring lol!

Yeh I slipped up recently too! My friend was telling me that apparent if you have sex in certain positions you have higher chances of having a boy or a girl (personally I think it's all ridiculous but it was funny to talk about lol) so she mentioned one position that gives you a higher chance of having a boy and I turned to my OH and said well if you really want a boy that much then you know what you gotta do! And my friend was like em what??? So I tried to backtrack like of course I mean when he finally agrees to give me a baby! I don't think she fell for it lol ... X

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