TTC - buddies please? xx

I am working today as well, only got an hour to go. I am then getting all the camping stuff out, making sure we have everything and may air the tents, but that depends on the weather.

I full syringe???? OMG, you dont have EWCM problems either :haha: I normally only use it upto 1.5 or maybe 2 and thats plenty. I use to much the first time we used it to but not a full one. What did hubby think of the pre seed? apart from there being to much lol.

I dont want an early night tonight as tomorrow is my only day of this week but i am tired so we will see how late i last. Think we are just going round to my sisters for a few drinks and maybe a take away.

I dont do scary movies. I am the worlds biggest whimp!!! Kev has been trying to get me to watch that for a while. There is no chance :growlmad:

Sounds like ov is very close hun. I have my fx as always for you.
haha.... was so funny I was pissing myself laughing the next day. I asked him how he found it and he was like 'erm it was
entertaining at least'. It kept on putting me off and surprised we managed to bed at all. Ok 1.5 it is hehe.....
and if need anymore will increase to 2. I do get quite alot of EWCM but never really see much of it only with BM soz tmi
I defo get it tho but thought would use preseed just as a helping hand. Is Kev fine with it or does it put him off?
Knew you would find it funny I dont know why I tell you these things sometimes you must think im a right duh lol....

Cool I hope the weather is good for camping. Yummy takeaway and drinks sounds good. Im going to have a couple of drinks
and watch some telly knackered today. Crap that sundays your only day off!!!
It was quite good but kind of like the 'blairwitch project' like the guy was filming it the whole way through just him
and his fiance in their house. It was freaky but could have been scarier (I love horrors) but I wouldnt have watched it
on my own. I think what freaked me out is that I believe in all this kind of stuff, spirits, etc. In our old house when I
was growing up it was over 100 years old (we rented it) and a sister died in our house from a fire from the chimney in my
mums bedroom and the other sister gave birth in my mums bed. When we moved in two weeks later our chimney caught fire
and I was always hearing noises when in the house on my own which couldnt be explained. Seriously freaked me out.

And me for you too hun! Should be tonight or tomorrow my legs are really achy today happens every month so sore. Feel
like I hardlyt get a break be it AF or the OV pains.
No, its great hearing your stories. We have had so many laughs with different TTC products, i think soft cups were the funniest. He is ok with pre seed, wasn't keen at first, dented ego and that. I just told him it was more to do with me and tried to explaine EWCM but that bit went over his head but was satisfied with it. Men!!! He keeps saying that we dont need any TTC aids and it will happen when it happens. He was really keen to use the CBFM though, i think that is because he has seen it work with his friend.

Thats well scary about your old house. I beleive in stuff like that to so it just freaks me out. I can cope if i thought is was harmless or someone watching over you sort of thing, find that quite comforting thinking of people i that i have lost. Our house is over 100 years old. I have had a couple of strange sitings but may be just things playing tricks.

Hope your pains ease of soon hun :hugs:

Well i am going to have a lazy day i think. Going to see kevs nan tonight, she is still in hospital. Apart from that i dont intend on doing much :happydance:
hehe... yeah the softcups are massive arent they? Goodness knows how they fit! There was a thread on here titled 'my beautiful cervix'
Oh my gosh dont look at it if you nare fainthreated very detailed! But have to say was interesting how it all works. It was a student
doing it for an assignment on cycles.

Tried 1.5 of preseed that seemed comfortable but upped to 2 to see and was too much so think 1.5 for me. I bed in morning of first
peak day then that evening but didnt on 2nd peak day should be ok tho as I usually ovulate not long after the peak. Im quite laid
back this month think partly cos so much on and partly as I dont believe Im going to get pregnant anytime soon lol......

:haha: men just think they have supersperm and dont need to do anything else. I know some men refuse to cut down on drinking and
take any vitamins so I think im quite lucky, was a struggle to start with but cos we are old to this now he is cool with it.
A couple of times we nearly split up through it cos of the stress, when I got my AF every month I would cry and he couldnt
handle seeing it which would lead to fights as we were getting so obsessed. I think after this one Im done with this rollercoaster
obviously I can get pregnant but I always take so long and cant do this again unless a happy accident AS IF!!!

no cramps this time 3 dpo maybe a sign!! :rofl: I believe it more if no symptons. Yeah I totally believe in all that kind of
stuff hubby thinks im mad. Be selfish to think its just us and thats it and something must happen when we die. Wow thats not
morbid at all.

Hows your nan? Hows your week going so far? My mate that is pregnant well she has been spotting since yesterday and is having
a emergency scan tomorrow morning I really hope shes not losing it as 10 years ago when she was last pregnant she has a MMC. jeesh
took her 16 months to get pregnant
1.5 of pre seed as just the right amount IMO

I have seen the cervix thread. OMG! Found it quite interesting though.

Thats horrid about your friend. I really hope she isn't losing it :hugs: Such a shame, and after 16 months.

Just keep thinking that you have Cody hun. The second will come.

My worste fear is never getting that :bfp: and never being able to experience having a bump and having that conection to a baby. I know its only been 9 months but just starting to feel a little negative. Cant help thinking what if there is something wrong with me.

Anyway, another of the sob story. I have just ordered a reading from Sandra. Just waiting for to email. I think i have to send her a photo. Is that what you had to with Jenny.

Kev is good, he is taking zinc, think he would forget if left to his own devices but i pass it him when i take my meds at night. Hehe like a chid :)

Nan is doing good, she comes home on Thursday. She cant wait. She was in a private room but they have moved to a shared one with 3 other ladies. They have been arguing over the TV, the Lights and who makes the most noise. I shouldn't laugh but it was like something out of a sitcom last time we went.

Oooohh 2ww for us both!!!! You have covered yourself hun so dont worry about the second peak day. With you using pre seed as well it give them a better chance to survive :happydance:

I have had a few cramps but do get some everymonth. I have had mood swings for about a week now, poor Kev :blush:
Yeah hun she lost it last night, started spotting on Sunday. I was just hoping it was slight irritation of the cervix after :sex:
Big clots passing last night and they said some of the baby is still inside her, how bad is that. I just wanna :cry: after so long aswell lifes
so cruel sometimes. She doesnt want a d&c so she is letting nature take its course I hope she doesnt get an infection

Yep your right Cody is keeping me occupied and making this easier Im ok about it just frustrates me when there is nothing wrong and
the rest of my family are so quick. I know how you feel that was how I felt two years ago I mean I have stepson but its not the same
as being pregnant and could never picture myself with my own baby but look at me and it did happen. It will happen for you hun!!!

With Jenny no and she was so wrong with her prediction. I sent a pic with when I would conceive, EDD and gender that was 8 days ago
now and still waiting for her to get back to me. Gail was v quick and I promise you this is my last reading or I will become addicted
to it. Haha my DH is so like that too I had to give him his vit when I got in from work. He doesnt mind taken it but wouldnt take it of
his own accord and screws his face up when I mention it so cute hehe.....

Yes your right about covering my days and plus I didnt want to make it mundane. I think this is what I did. 7,9,11,12,13,15(twice on this day),
17 so FX and used preseed and a softcup last nite too.

Ah we are entitled to have mood swings no wonder with our hormones going up and down constantly men dont know how easy they have it. All they have
to do it have sex :haha:

I got cramps earlier but also get that every month and promised not to obsess and test early this month!!!
How horrid, how many weeks was she? Whats a D&C? Hope she is ok, do you know if she is going to continue with TTC?

I have emailed Sandra so just waiting for her to get back to me, cant wait. So Jenny was wrong then? Glad i didnt go with her. Its so very interesting.

Thats is how i feel. I cant picture myself preggers. But who can until they are, its such a life changing thing.

You have defo covered up so stop worring and relax for a week or so :hugs:

Cramps is a good sign, i have been told. I have had a few twinges, last night i woke up with like a stabbing pian in my left side. I think i may have streched or coughed or something in my sleep. Only lasted about a minute. Want to think its a good sign but i have been here so many times before.

Have you heard from sandra?
I know it was awful hun she was 9 weeks today. Was so happy for her and she was on cloud 9 this was
exactly why I was on edge up until my 12 week scan its quite common but this is her second one
now its totally crap. Yep feel like I have done more than enough and Im quite laid back about it
the way I look at it now is that its not gonna happen just cos im forcing it just gonna happen
when I least expect it like last time. I totally get where you are coming from could never see myself
as a mum and he is all that I think about now and could never see myself not being a mum it will happen
for you when you least expect it. Was such a shock when I seen it after trying for so long. Are you going
to get basic tests done? Im sure everything is fine but was good peace of mind for me.

Emailed Sandra 8 days ago and still nothing yet?? Gail sed end of July so we shall see. Yeah she was wrong
but Gail said July too so maybe Jenny meant July she did say BFP in July but conception in June so
who knows?? Yeah know how you feel hun I have been here so many times too before and some pinching, stabbing
and sharp pains and seem to be getting that more often but if its something new for you could be a
good thing? I start belieiving it and then get my AF I get so mad lol...... I hope this is it for you tho.
I wish I could remember what happened in the 2ww with my last BFP. Any pains I get now I try and ignore
tho cos I always get pains and never used to in 2ww when trying for Cody.
Had a doctors appointment last week, not for TTC but was going to bring it up but i forgot all about it didn't i. I am so dizzy lol Did you get any tests done before 12 months then? Kev has mentioned going to get his swimmers counted.

I really feel for your friend, really hope she dusts herself of and gets back on track, she may be more fertile now she has been preggers recently. She may need a break though, have they said if there is anything wrong with her? Do they know why she is struggling so much.

I have been checking my in box liken every half hour for my reading, think i will forget it about it until after weekend then if you still haven't got yours.
I have sent her a couple of emails hun and she hasnt responded to any of them. You know I wouldnt be so annoyed
about it if she at least gave me a rough idea of when she would get round to it. I mean its not much money but its
the principle of it.

They werent going to see me for a year but I told them a little white lie at 8 months ttc that I had been ttc for 12
months :haha: plus they would have done it anyway as I had appendicitus when I was little. Wow thats great Kev thinking
like that as lots of men wouldnt. DH got his SA done and then I had a scan to check my lining, my follicles and then
my 21 bday bloodwork to make sure my levels were fine and then I had a Laproscopy quite alot when there was nothing
wrong with me but once I knew we were fine I was more relaxed. D&C is an op where they scrape out the remains of the
baby and the lining so lower chance of infection. Myself I would rather get that done couldnt handle the thought of that
still inside me. Im not sure what shes gonna do I dont wanna ask I would try again straight away but thats just me and I
hope she and her partner dont distance themselves from each other. She said they wont investigate as too much for them to
go through?? Why would the hosp say that surely they have to do something soon? Think its after the third miscarriage

Whens yur AF due hun?
I am thinking though its a good thing if she doesn't rply straight away. Mayb she has to wait until she gets a reading for you, with it being spiritual she might have to wait for them to come to her, if you know what i mean lol.

Your poor friend, i really hope they continue with TTC and it will be third time lucky.

My AF is due around Sunday/Monday. Hoping i dont come on when we are camping but knowing my past luck will, she knows whenever you are away :growlmad:

Just getting all our stuff together, there is so much stuff you have to take and we are going in my car, which only a micra lol. Glad its stopped raining anyhow.

How are you? Any plans for the weekend?
Hey hun very true maybe thats why reading taking so long. She should really tell people though that it might take a while.

Wow love the pic! Wicked when do you leave for camping? Its sunny here would you believe it!! Well I hope you come back from yur trip late. Nothing for me so far in 2ww. No Plans really stayed overnight at my sis last night just more packing this weekend and Im working tomorrow. Only 1 week 6 days til we go!!! xxx
We went Friday lunch time, no sign of AF. If there is still no sign tomorrow i will do a test in the morning but it may not be due until tomorrow or Tuesday. Depends how long my cycle wants to be, was shorter last month.

Thanks, Changed my pic as a few girls have mentioned that the ladies that do the readings could be on the site so i changed it to one that she will not reckonise me in. I know its a slim chance and i dont want to think that she would do that coz i do beleive in this stuff and does seem genuine.

Camping was good, got a bit of rain yesterday but it didn't spoil anything. There was an airshow on at Bowness so that was a bit rubbish in the rain. The campsite was ace though, really laid back and clean.

Wow 1 week!!! Time is flying. Bet you have a million and 1 things to do.
wow hun sounds promising for you, well I think she is genuine too and I dont post a pic on here
and I dont use my normal name and didnt give her my username. She had my hubby description down to
a tea, told me something very close in the future was stressing me out but is all coming together now
(moving) and that I had problems ttc last time which was true. I suppose could be a conincidence but seemed
pretty spot on to me. There was a thread on this site about people not being happy there is a thread about
pyschic predictions I think too much is being made out of this. I know that some people think its a scam and they
dont want people being conned but Sandra is very popular and even though I believe in it I take it with a pinch of
salt and we are big girls and can spend our money on whatever I want as someone else said we dont need babysat and
not the administrators are talking about removing the threads. No matter what they do thats fine but think there is
an over-reaction. I got my Sandra reading and she says she sees me pregnant now and I will find out either end of this
month or pregnancy July at the latest as she sees a birth in March. But if Im not pregnant this cycle then no way she is
right as would be due in April if pregnant next cycle. She took 10 days to do my reading.

Do you have any signs of pregnancy? Glad you had fun camping and glad AF didnt spoil it. Oh you better post your results
first thing I will be eagerly checking!!!! Yeah it is flying by wednesday evening my last shift at work! Lots of packing.
I have to get around to posting your book, soz hun just had so much to do
No worries about the book hun, in the middle of reading something at the mo anyway.

WOW!!!! I so have my fx your reading is right. Youe due date maybe April but that doesn't meam the baby will come in April. Both my sisters and my BF were early. I do agree that there has been an over reaction and i reserve my judgment for my own experiences. I just hope no one gets to obsessed or stressed over them. She doesn't know my user name but knows i got her info from this site. Cant wait for my reading!!! Its amazing what she did know.

I keep getting cramps and i was sick twice about an hour ago but now feel fine. The sickness could be anything though, i have eaten loads of crap. Or it could even be travelling. Will post as soon as i can.
Just read your post, ooooh that sounds promising. Im off to bed but will check tomorrow!!! xx
cool hun will send it soon tho. I hope so but I wont believe anything til I see it.
I hope you get a BFP when you test this morning. Yeah I was thinking I could be like
week early I guess it doesnt have to be bang on right just roughly and see said I
would be really big this time even though I didnt tell her I was small last time. Oh
would be so cool to get BFP within a week of each other. Yeah thats the thing I get
what they are saying about people that take it completely seriously but its there
choice to be honest.

I hope its morning sickness!!!

Didn't get to my test, she got me before i had chance. Guess i am gratefull she is at least on time and i am regular.

I had a dram last night though, dreamt that i came on B&B and you got your :bfp: at 9dpo!!!! I know thats really early but how strange if you do get a :bfp: this month???

Cant wait for my reading :happydance::happydance::happydance:
awwww hun..... I was checking all morning and hoping :hugs:

But at least like you said that she is regular and hoping you
get high days this month and at least you know your defo ovulating.
Do you have a journal hun? Mines on my siggy

Wow that would be very strange you are my lucky charm!!! Maybe cos I have been known to test early in the past :rofl: That would be so weird
tho that you dreamt it and I was predicted it, I really hope so. I may test fri morning tho as going out fri nite for my leaving do. Wow that would be so wicked. Yay let me know as soon as you get your reading xxxx

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