TTC Chitchat, advice and Rants!

Mrs Q

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2012
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Hi everyone! Me and my husband decided to start trying for our first baby at Christmas 2011. I came off my contraceptive pill on 12th Nov after 8 years and very quickly resumed my usual mentrual cycle (30 day cycle). I'm always in time every month without doubt.

So, I've been trying for 3 months now and nothing yet. I'm awaiting my AF which is due on Mon (13th) and I'm 100% sure I'm getting it lol i think im experiencing new symptoms and it turns out to be pmt :( What I want to know is has anyone tried the ovulation kits? I know I should be patient but it is frustrating when you want it to happen so badly !! I'm trying to keep our TTC quiet from friends/family as I think that would make me crazy if they kept asking etc.

Any one want to buddy up with me, give me advice on TTC or just let out steam I'm all ears ;-)
Hi! I'm new to this site and looking for a ttc buddy.
I was on implanon birth control for the past 2 1/2 years. I had it removed on Dec 28th. I waited for AF to return to normal and we are ttc for the first time this month.
I had two miscarriages 5 years ago and needed to heal emotionally before trying again. Now that we are trying again I'm becoming obsessed! :wacko:

I'm not using OPK right now but I probably will try that in the next few months.

Hi hihopes! Let's buddy up :) I'm sorry about your MC 5 years ago :-( I can only say don't let the past affect your future and I'm sure you'll be fine this time. It's very exciting isn't it! I hope you get your menstrual cycle back on track soon ! Keep me updated on your journey :)

Mrs Q,
My husband and I have been trying for going on 8 months now. Last month I tried the ovulation kits and according to it I actually ovulated 2 days later than I had believed. Unfortuniatly nothing came of it but I'm using the tests again this month. I don't believe its ever too any options. I totally understand how you feel...I'll be your buddy:) We can share the journey together!
Hey sweetie. I'd love to buddy up. We can share tips :) I'm going to try another month then if no luck after this next month i'm going to try the OPK. What stage are you in in your cycle now? I'm current on my period so have at least another two weeks before I can get down to the real baby making fun. 8 months of trying, i've only been trying 3 so far and I'm finding it frustrating. I hope our journies can get a positive at the end of them. Keep me updated xxx
This is our 8th I guess it's really like 7.5 months but seems like forever. My period ended 8 days ago so I've got around a week before my fun starts! I just hate that I let it get me down. I want a baby more than I've ever wanted anything! It consumes my thoughts. I try to look at the good! So that's exciting that we are only a week apart:)
Yes! It's consuming my thoughts and I know I should relax and let nature take its course but it's so hard and frustrating. I cry everytime I get my AF or a BFN and start to feel depressed until managing to shake myself off and think right, time for another go at it! I want it so bad too, I wanted to start TTC a year ago but things weren't ready then so even though I've been off my contraceptive pill only 3 months it feels longer. Lol.

Yes we only a week apart then. My cycles tend to me 29/31 days

Are you taking any vitimins? I'm just taking folic acid ATM. X
Trust me I understand! Then to top it off people tell me that you will concieve when you stop trying. Well how in the world do I stop trying? Try as I may I don't get it. I know I need to relax because the stress isn't good so I'm tryin to. Anyhow I'm just taking one a day prenatal. My cycle has been anywhere from 33-39 days. My average is 37 days. Which sucks because then its even longer till I have another chance! Oh well gotta keep our heads up!!!
Yes the hell are we meant to 'stop trying to conceive' or stop thinking about it when it's natural to be thinking about it when you want it so badly and to get frustrated when it isn't going to plan etc. I keep reading too much things on the Internet too which send me crazy. I think those things mess with your mind that's why I joined this forum to talk to real girls TTC and real stories. My new positive mind set for next few cycles will be to not time our sex too much. I'm going to have plenty of sex throughout the entire month. Also my life as normal as possible instead of thinking I'm pregnant each month and avoiding certain things like foods, alcohol, plans to go out or new activities! That two week wait does that to me. I must sound mad.
How old are you and your partner?
I totally agree with you! I was pretty good the first 6 months because I have heard the average couple takes 6 month to concieve. Then my husband tried to tell me that he hears women just "know" when they are pregnant. So last month I "just knew" I was pregnant. Of course it was all in my head but I thought that if I just "knew" that maybe I could will myself to be pregnant...hahaha and you think you sound that title for me! Anyhow I took it real rough for a day or two but now I've got my head up again. And besides if it takes longer than average that just makes us above average...right? lol. I am 26 and my husband is 29. How bout yourself?
Hahahahaha I read that about some women that just know when they are pregnant! I'm sure that they must have magical powers to just know before the obvious missed AF because the symptoms are so alike to that of your pms. I have new symptoms one month and I convince myself I must be pregnant this time! I think the missed AF is probably the only sure symptom and sometimes that's just messing with you. Lol. You did well then to keep it cool for 6 months. I think it's time I chilled out a little. That's my hopeful mind set anyways but emotions get in the way lol. I'm 24 and my husband is 30.
Awe sweetie if you ever get down just come rant it out on here, i sure will coz i know the few days prior to the witch i get Anxious and then the day the witch gets here i then sulk the next few days, get real down in the dumps! Most girls on here are in the same boat and we can all listen, reassure and help as much as we can. Ya not alone. X
I know thats why I love this! Its so nice to have others who understand! I mean I have a great support system but not everyone gets what I'm going through. Even my husband. Hes a wonderful man and I love him to death but he doesn't get all the emotions. He was a baby real bad too but hes got a much better attitude. He says our time will come...I say its past our He has a daughter with another woman...she just turned 10 last week! I love her with all my heart but we only get her every other weekend:( Anyhow I think I tend to blame myself and worry about what may be wrong with me because hes got good sperm! I know thats so silly. Theres a great chance that nothing is wrong with either of us! I know some things in my head...but sometimes my heart doesn't seem to understand. I don't know maybe I'm just being silly...but I love that I can just tell you how I feel and know that you will understand:) Thanks buddy!
My husband has the exact same attitude! He is extremely supportive, helps me see things outside my frustration or upset and reassures me our time will come and it will happen when it's meant to happen. I'm the impatient one, impulsive and the worrier lol! So its good thats hes more relaxed. I know he wants a baby so badly, I often shows me baby stuff online and always talks about our future including baby Q :) that's just makes me more excited though and impatient lol. Ahhhh :)

Aw so you have a step daughter! I bet that's lovely. But still you want to experience that bond with your own baby, to carry and give birth. I think there's nothing more amazing and special then creating a baby with your partner. It's beautiful.

There's nothing wrong with you! Don't point the blame because there's is no blame! I've noticed from this forum that many girl TTC are taking many months to do so. One lady I speak to is on her 25th month :( I read that sperm can change within 3 months, that's how long it takes to produce a completely new batch so if he has a change in his diet, lifestyle etc is takes 3 months to affect his soldiers so never just think because he's had a baby before it means it must be you! I really really think its a waiting game and theres the lucky ones and then there's the couples that have to go through all sorts to get there. Humans are one of the least fertile species and there's on a 25% chance of conceiving each cycle! That's not the greatest of chances lol. I know that when we get our BFP all this hard work will be forgotten and we will be over the moon with joy.

I love reading your responces. Feels like something I would say (only written better than I could word it) Have you ever heard of the SMEP (sperm meets egg plan)? Someone just told me about it. Its pretty simple but may be worth looking at if you haven't already. Yes I love my step daughter. I would, without a doubt give my life for her. It still crushes me everytime we have to take her back after the weekend. Even though I know I'll see her again in 2 weeks. You would think after doing this for 7 years it would get easier to take her back...but it never is. The thought of carrying my husbands child for 9 month is the most amazing thing ever! to feel your child coming to life inside you is very beautiful! I can't wait for the day I can experience that! I also can't wait for the day that I can tell my stepdaughter that she will be a big sister. She has been begging us since before we got married to give her a sibbling. I remember on our wedding day she said "so you and daddy are going to have a baby now right?" I told her "not yet" she responded with "well isn't that why people get married? To have a baby?" she was 7 then:) She just turned 10 last week and a few weeks before her birthday I asked her what she wanted. She told me the only thing she wanted for her birthday was a baby brother or sister. She didn't care if it was a boy or a girl though she said if she could pick she would rather a sister. She even said she would help change poopy diapers if we gave her a sibbling. Gotta love kids!!!
That is sweet. I bet that fills your heart when she says things like that. You sound like a lovely and caring woman, you'll make a great mummy as you already do to your step daughter. I know we will get there because we have to eventually :) I feel like you really understand me, it's so nice reading your replies too.

I've just checked out that SMEP ... It sounds like its a good plan, have you been trying this method? If no luck this month I will do that the following month. Gives me time to purchase those OPK! Can you get then from online cheaper or should I just buy from the store?

Yes its the modt beautiful thing and i like you cannot wait to feel our baby inside me growing, depending on me. I feel like its the most amazingly special thing i can do to carry my husbands child. I can't stop imaging myself pregnant :-O crazy I know! But It makes me happy to imagine i'm carrying and I often daydream about having our baby in my arms. I got so much love for this child and he/she isn't even half created yet.

Since buddying up with you I feel a lot more positive! I feel I can chat to you. I haven't really told many people as I don't want the constant attention ... I spoke to one friend who has 1 little boy and planning to TTC in may this year but she was lucky and after two irregular cycles coming off the pill her 3 rd cycle was back to normal and then she conceived! So she wouldn't understand about the frustration and never used and OPK or anything. Jammy git lol.

I actually can't wait to have a big fat belly and wobble around heavily pregnant. I'm going to enjoy the whole 9 months! So many girls on FB that are expecting no2/3 are always moaning and it bugs me. Lol.

Hope you have a great weekend hunni

Yes she does! She's such a good kid and will be the worlds best big sister! In fact she's here this weekend. I just can't get enough of her. I can't imagine having my own child that will be here all the time! Anyhow you are too sweet! I know you will be a great mom! Just the way you talk about having you baby I know it will be showered with love:) my hubby and I just started on the SMEP for this month! I had never heard of it before the other day! I'll let you know how it goes;) I also hear that it helps to orgasm when he does because the way your muscles spaz pulls his little swimmers That's a good idea to check online for opk. Can't say I looked there. This is only our second month using them and I've just got them from the store but they can be a little pricey so it may be worth checking price differences!
Trust me...nothing you have said sounds crazy! I feel the exact same way! That's why I'm glad we found each other to have this journey with! I agree it makes it not as frustrating. I've told a few people about it but unless they have been there the dont totally understand and cant relate. It's nice to know I'm not alone. We will do this and if we help each other stay possitive that will only make things that much better! Well my hubby and lil girl are waiting on me to go to the store! Hope you are having a GREAT day!!!
Hey. Thanks for the kind words about me making a good mum :) that really made me smile. I just can't bloody wait!!! Lol. We will get there. It's a waiting game I guess. Aww hope your all having a lovely weekend together. I'm cooking dinner later for me and the hubby :) Yeah I think I'll look at them online next month and see what the price comparisons are. If I see anything really good I'll get you the link! I'm just taking folic acid at the moment, are you taking any other supplements? I tried to look it up but different sites suggested different things lol.

We are having a great weekend! My stepdaughter is singing in church this morning! Then we are gonna celebrate her bday with the inlaws! What are ya makin for dinner?!?! I've been taking a prenatal but that's it. Someone told me to try Horlick but I had never heard of it before then. Haven't tried it but she says it worked for ther. That and "relaxing" which I seem to have a hard time mastering. The opks that I get are an off brand and they are $20 for 20 tests. Let me know if you find anything less expensive! Hope all is well:)
Hey haven't heard from you in two days. Everything ok?
Hey sweetie. I'm sorry I haven't been on to reply. I've had 2 days of working away and had to go see my family Tuesday. Busy week. I'm back now though and have a easy end to the week. How are you? Did you have a good weekend? Thanks for the tips about Horlick and prenatal, I will look into this.

I'm looking forward to baby making this month, Ive just finished my AF (Sunday/monday) and it was so unusual... Hardly bled and I was on and off. Very light but I'm putting it down to stress. If the next AF (if it comes eeeek) is the same i'm going to go to the doctors. Hope it's nothing to do with coming off my pill.

How's your cycle?


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