TTC clomid babies...

Babysmile I totally agree, I love that I can come on here and you ladies know what I'm talking about! Remind me, where are you in your cycle?

I'm totally confused, I started spotting on Friday, in then got slightly heavier (but not heavy) yesterday, then from yesterday afternoon is has faded and turned back brown? Now I haven't had a period in over a year, and I havent had a real one (i.e. not on the pill) for about 12 years, but Im fairly sure what Ive just described isn't normal? It also cam really early between 7-10 dpo. Im so confused!! Going in for bloods tomorrow though so hopefully that will explain more.
Mouse- I have PCOS but wasn't diagnosed until after a year of trying to conceive. VERY frustrating. I do ovulate on my own but it's so far and few between that falling pregnant was impossible! Agh! Clomid did the trick for me though - just two cycles of 50mg! I'm not being so lucky this time. Having said that it looks like the 100mg is working so I shouldn't complain.

Babysmile- yes! It's lovely to have a thread where there's just a few of us so we can keep up with each others journeys and support along the way!

Mouse- I can't wait for you to have those bloods done! I'm so curious!!!! Will you get the results the same day?

How are things with you Babysmile? What cd are you now?

I had a big temp drop this morning which I don't like at all. I expected to start to see a rise today as I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. Hmmmm I did have a bit of a restless night so I'll put it down to that for now and see what tomorrow brings.

Big hugs and positives thoughts, ladies!!! :hugs: :dust:
Angel - Yes I will get the results the same day, usually around 4pm. I think I might be so confused as I havent had a period in ages so not sure what to expect - does it change in colour and consistency throughout the day? i.e. sometimes bright red, sometimes brownish, and sometimes lots come out, sometimes not so much? The things us girls talk about hey!!
Hi girls!!

Mouse- usually for me, my first day is kinda heavy and by the 2nd day is much lighter and then i just have spotting off and on for another day or so. When i was younger like in my teens, my periods would be heavy for 7 days but since coming off the pill, its been much lighter. Im assuming thats normal. Good luck with the bloodwork!

Babysmile- how are you?? Yup so no clomid for me this cycle. I love the softcups, its make it so much easier, i still lay for a while with my legs up but i like not having to worry about leakage! Lol nothing is more uncomfortable than walking around somewhere and having the moment when it leaks out, such a gross feeling!!

Angel- i was thinking of doing the bbt, i think im a little late to start that now since im at cycle day 11. Do you find it hard to temp? I've heard that it can be very stressful.

How old are you girls? Im curious if we're around the same age. I just turned 31 on friday.
Awesome - how are you doing? Have you started your opks? I went out yesterday and got clearblue digital with the smiley faces.
Hi girls!

Mouse- I usually don't get a period on my own nowadays, when I was younger I did... It has to be induced, but when I do, the first day I get medium spotting starts off pink then red, the second day ITs very heavy bleeding, the 3rd day medium bleeding, and the 4th day it's either gone or I will have brown spotting for 2 more days. I'm really curious to know what's going on with you. Keep us posted on those results... & GL!!!

Angel - About the temp drop, I've heard it could be confusing with PCOS. I know when I temped it was all over. I will temp next cycle though. Let us know what the btt is tomorrow. GL!!!!!!

Mks - yes the no leakage is the best. I need to ask you something, may be tmi & gross, but it's my first cycle with softcups & I don't want to mess up. When you remove the softcup, Is it usually dry/empty or is there "residue" inside? I always have "residue" inside & I hope Its not due to me inserting it wrong. I will also buy the clear blue smileys next cycle because I'm so annoyed at the first response line one. Lol GL on your opks! Hope you get ur smiley soon! ;)

So update: I'm on CD 25, not sure if I ovulated because of my crazy opks. AF is supposed to not show her ugly face on the 18th. Since I'm not sure I ovulated I'm going to try to hold off on testing till at least the 18 because I do not want to Be discouraged by BFN. I've been having a few cramps on the sides of my stomach & some on my lower abdomen. But they only Last about 5 secs. Not sure what this means. I've been desperately looking for an IB.. But so far... NADA.
I'm 26, will be 27 in January.DH is 31. I've been married for 3 years. Me & hubby have been together for 5 years. We have been NTNP for almost 2 years, & now this is our 2nd cycle on Clomid. I have PCOS & tipped uterus, DH is perfect & has a 10yr old daughter.
She lives with us since she Was 6... & it's such a delight to have her around. She is like mini me, & says she wishes I was her mom all the time. Really wishing praying for a BFP so we can give her a little brother/sister she & we desire so much!

Tell me a little about you guys also!
GL & lots of Babydust!!!
Babysmile- i always have residual in the softcups and i think I'm inserting it the correct way. How long do you leave yours in? We bd this morning and i think i'll leave it until bedtime. Im a little nervous that i won't get a positive opk since im not taking the clomid. I usually would ovulate on my own but it could be at any point, my cycles are all over the place. Do you test twice a day or just once?

Our history -married for almost 2 yrs, together for almost 5 yrs. Stopped the pill august 2011 but didn't get a period until the end of sept 2011. Since then my cycles range anywhere from 30-45+ days. My bloodwork has come back pretty normal. Just waiting for hubby to have his SA done.
Angel - Yes I will get the results the same day, usually around 4pm. I think I might be so confused as I havent had a period in ages so not sure what to expect - does it change in colour and consistency throughout the day? i.e. sometimes bright red, sometimes brownish, and sometimes lots come out, sometimes not so much? The things us girls talk about hey!!

Youre such a worryhead :winkwink: I really dont think anybody can tell you what a 'normal' period is - everybody is so different and there are so many different factors that can contribute to differing bleeds. I have had periods how you describe yours so dont stress. Its fab you will get the results back same day. When I have bloods done I get them back the same day too. I was very impressed at this!!! :thumbup: Good luck. I will be very interested to see what they turn up. Write them all down in full and share :flower: Keep positive, lady!

Angel- i was thinking of doing the bbt, i think im a little late to start that now since im at cycle day 11. Do you find it hard to temp? I've heard that it can be very stressful.

I highly recommend temping. If nothing else, it gives you a little bit of control (if you know what I mean). I just found ttc so frustrating - that it was all out of my hands so temping made me feel better; that I was doing something plus it can never be a bad thing to learn about your body and understand how youre working a bit more. If you guys havent already - sign up for There is a free option and it lets you store,as well as your temp, all your little symptoms in one place so you can refer back which is fab if youre like me and forget little twinges and the likes from cycle to cycle... :dohh:

Angel - About the temp drop, I've heard it could be confusing with PCOS. I know when I temped it was all over. I will temp next cycle though. Let us know what the btt is tomorrow. GL!!!!!!

So update: I'm on CD 25, not sure if I ovulated because of my crazy opks. AF is supposed to not show her ugly face on the 18th. Since I'm not sure I ovulated I'm going to try to hold off on testing till at least the 18 because I do not want to Be discouraged by BFN. I've been having a few cramps on the sides of my stomach & some on my lower abdomen. But they only Last about 5 secs. Not sure what this means. I've been desperately looking for an IB.. But so far... NADA.

Fingers crossed you ovulated! Are you being monitored? cd21 bloodwork? Wow I admire your resolve in not testing yet! Im a POAS addict! :haha: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


Im Angel. Im 31. Been with my DP for aaaages :haha: and have 2 sons aged 9 and 2. I lost my first son's twin at 12 weeks. I had a miscarriage in 2008. I have PCOS and I dont get pregnant easily and I dont do being pregnant easily either with endless problems! It took me over 2 years to conceive my 2 year old (with clomid) and Im hoping it wont take as long this time!

Well done all those who managed to get to the end of this looooooooong post! :blush::thumbup::haha::winkwink:
Awesome - how are you doing? Have you started your opks? I went out yesterday and got clearblue digital with the smiley faces.
hey guys,

sorry i've been dad passed away so it's been a rough time. needless to say that i've totally lost track of my cd etc so dont think we're ttc this month

i've just been given sick leave as i've somehow managed to get bronchitis.... so i'm just home with my thoughts and decided to check my email, had some from this site and
i came on hoping i could get a little distracted and it worked - i enjoyed reading your posts and seeing the progress of you girls.

mks - glad about hsg experience and that your tubes are both unblocked - i hope this
makes you feel more positive about ttc
i do remember we were on the same cycle so i'll be stalking you the most :)
keep me posted on your smiley face ok

mouse - that's great news about your happy to have read your post.
hoping that it's implantation bleeding and not af

angel - so happy about your smiley face - your post reminded me about my first time getting one - i took a pic as well, i was so excited. fingers crossed for you that it wont take as long this time!

babysmile - i also have pcos and tipped you think this is affecting us negatively? i've read about lying on your chest as opposed to your back afterwards...dont know if it really helps or not because i've also read that it doesnt matter

looking forward to seeing some BFPs from you ladies :)
@ Awesome - So sorry to hear about your Dad :nope: Sad news. I hope you are doing ok. I cant imagine how tough that must be. :hugs:
Great to have you here - hope we can help distract you some more. :flower:

@ Mouse -where are you with your blood results!?!?! Hope youre feeling ok today - any more optimistic? Sending :hugs:

My temp dropped again today so Im now thinking that I havent ovulated despite the positive opk and lots of twinges and pulling and aching. I'm thinking that maybe my PCOS is going to be a big problem this time. I did an opk today and it was negative so I definitely got an LH surge just maybe no ovulation? Unless my temping is way off :shrug: I will go for dc21 bloods so will know more then. I hate all this waiting around :wacko:

Loads of :dust: to you all! :hugs:
Awesome- im so sorry about your dad, thats awful. Glad we can offer you some distractions! Feel better soon! More than happy to have you be my cycle stalker!! Lol

I've been noticing some crampiness on my right side so im not sure if i could possibly be gearing up for ovulation. Im checking my opks in the morning and at night when i get home just to make sure i don't miss my surge.

Mouse- any news on your results??

Angel- when would cycle day 21 be for you? Im def having mine done this cycle, the doctor that did my hsg said i should def have that checked.

Babysmile- so impressed that you're holding off on testing till the 18th! Im such a poas addict! Every month i say im not testing until af is due and i always cave and test.
His girls!

Awesome - I'm so sorry for your loss! Can't even imagine! We are here if you need anything. I'm glad we are able to distract you! ;) ❤
So about PCOS & tipped uterus. Definitely thinks it plays a negatively towards us conceiving. My doctor advised me to do the chest to knee position after baby dancing. He said I can do any position I want during but after to lay 15 minutes belly facing down butt up with knees on chest. I have gotten lazy with the softcups & I don't do this. Lol

Mks : so excited about that cramping rely hope it's ovulation!!! How is the opks going? I'm really not that strong as I want to be. I really want to wait this cycle though because I almost drive myself mad last time! Lol

Angel - its so frustrating with PCOS right? Either temps are everywhere & opks are giving you crazy results. I feel your pain. Let us know how does test results turn out. I'm not being monitored yet, my doctor wants to do 3 rounds of Clomid alone, than we will start with u/s & blood tests. He says it's a way of keeping it a little bit more natural which will probably help me take my mind off it & help my body relax so it can happen. So yea.. Lol they'd not really how I feel but ok

Mouse- Curious about those results. Hope everything is good!

Lots of Babydust to us! ❤❤❤
Hi girls, so went for bloods yesterday and estrogen had dropped right down which confirms it was definitely a period. I queried why it came so soon and the nurse explained that it actually may have been 10 or 11 days after ovulation as they can't pin point when I ovulated. So thats apparently within the normal timescale (10-14 days dpo). It was still fairly light though but perhaps that's just because it's my first proper cycle in about 12 years do I shouldn't grumble. Started clomid last night so let's see what this cycle brings!

How is everyone else?
Awesome-so sorry to hear about your dad, I hope you and your family are doing ok xx
PS this is my fave thread, I look forward to reading everyone's updates on my way to work!! Out of curiosity, where is everyone from/live?
This is my favorite thread too! I don't even look at anything else, i just go straight to here!

So far no smilies on my opk but im still having the same crampy feeling on my side, its not there all the time just every once in a while i'll notice it. Really hoping that this is ovulation coming, the last time i had a cycle on my own i didn't ovulate and had to take provera.

Mouse- good luck with the clomid!!!

Im from the philadelphia area. What position do you guys do for bd'ing? Usually we do missionary or from behind, I've read that both are good for conceiving.
I'm from jersey!
So I'm on this dreaded 2ww... AF is not supposed to come on the 18th... So what do
I do to entertain myself in these 6 days to keep from POAS??? Lol
Mks-how are you getting on with those opks?

Babysmile-I've only had the 2ww once and it was traumatic, but it's better than not ovulating so keep smiling!!
So far no smilies : ( just checked another one and the stupid thing malfunctioned so i have to wait and try again later on. So annoying, thats happened twice to me already. Im still having the same crampiness so im just praying i get my smiley soon! I've been checking my cervix and it feels soft so i think thats a good sign!

Mouse- how are you doing with the clomid? Any side effects?
Mks are you on clomid this cycle? I'm getting on ok with, Only side affect is weight gain and I get a bit hot in the night, usually only once though so not too bad.

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