TTC clomid babies...

Hi girls!

Im feeling very discouraged and confused. So the infertility doctors said if i don't have a period today, i should have a blood pregnancy test done but of course with this crazy weather we're having i couldn't go. Instead i took a test at home and it was BFN. My question is where the hell is my period at or is there still a chance that i could get a BFP? If im not pregnant, why isn't my period coming when it should!? This is so frustrating! We have an appointment next week to review all of our tests including
dh's second semen analysis.

Awesome- i used to do yoga and loved it! Def helped calm me down, i should probably start up again!

Mouse- we use preseed as well and i love it! Clomid makes me feel kinda dry too and this def helps a lot!

Babysmile- glad im not the only one that has these feelings. Some days i just want to throw in the towel : ( this shouldn't be so hard!

Welcome littleminnie!
The next two weeks are going to be the longest yet. According to my body I have ovulated. BUT the OPK testing was inconclusive as I tested for 5 days in a row, including the days I had O pains. I am now waiting for a BFP...Keep fingers crossed as I am just dreading AF and I knwo I will be discouraged and heartbroked again :(....Will keep you posted.
mks: as far as i know a positive will be detected the earliest by a blood test so most definitely ur bfn from the home test could just have been too early for the test to detect the hcg...i agree with you 10000000000000% - this really shudnt be so hard and it's so unfair when it seems like everyone around me is just getting pregnant by "accident" arrggghhhh

i do hope you and your family are safe with the weather conditions!!!

littleminnie: good luck with that 2ww!!! when do you think you'll test?

yesterday i had my doc appointment and i was ridiculously discouraged because he told me that he isnt impressed at all by the eggs i'm producing :( so he's officially upped my clomid dose to 100mg and i have to go in on cd12 for a scan and possibly a trigger shot. i also have to do the hsg :sick: and dh has to get his semen analysis done.

the doc did say that he's seeing one mature egg that looks like ovulation may occur within the next few days which did make me a bit hopeful for literally a min but he didnt look excited at all :( and i did an opk when i got home and it didnt look positive so i really was ready to give up on this cycle cuz i've never gotten a positive after cd 16 but this morning (cd18) i did two and i THINK they are both positive :shrug:....what do you guys think?

Awesome- thats def a positive opk! Go get busy bd'ing!! : )

Im def going to go tomorrow for the bloodwork, still no sign of af.

Hows everyone else doing?
Hi ladies, so I think I got a positive opk yesterday, and my temp started to rise this morning. I'm really really hoping I ovulated yesterday, but won't know until I get my bloods done on Monday!

Mks-try not to get down hun, I know it's hard but unfortunately we all have to be patient. Seems unfair and cruel I know, quite frankly it's rubbish that we all have to go through this emotional rollercoaster. I agree with awesome though, you could still get a bfp. Did you have ovulation confirmed by bloods?

Littleminnie-stay strong over the next two weeks. When do you think you ovulated? We can keep each other company over the next two weeks!

Awesome-I know how you feel getting discouraged from the doc, but stick with it. Let us know how everything goes for you.

Hope my American friends aren't too affected by Sandy-must be a total nightmare!
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me popping my head in.

I thought it was time I changed the title of this thread to something more fitting.

I have my fx that you all get to come join me soon xx
Foxy- how are you?! So glad to hear from you! Hope your pregnancy is going smoothly so far!

Well woke up this morning and af has arrived. I talk to a nurse at the office, she said we could do another round of clomid but i told her i wanted to hold off until we talk to the doctor next week to review all of our results. Here goes another month!
Hey there ladies can I join you? I confound out yesterday I have got pcos, very upset but never mind! Had strange periods for about 3/4 years, lasting 14-21 days very light and then off for 7-14 days! Been to go few times and they always fobbed me off, saw gynaecologist three years ago and he gave me an examination and said everything was Normal, no blood test or scan or anything. Then this year decided to ask for blood test, gp said it was fine but referred to gynaecologist at my request to finally get to bottom of it as we would be ttc soon. Gynaecolost said my results did indicate pcos, the ratio or something. Anyway had blood test sand scans and then got all results yesterday and they said I have no cysts on ovaries but have pcos due to hormonal imbalance, she said I didn't ovulate on month they tested me on day21 as progestrone 4.9, is that really low I take it. Now feel very worried as they have given me metformin till Xmas to regulate periods and then clomid in January and scan on day 21 every month to see if I am ovulating, but thought ovulation normally happened day 14 ish? Confused, also worried to why they have put me on both medication when they seem to put most people on just one? Do you think it is cos my hormones are really bad? Anyway really upset to hear all this and it was such a shock, even though had weird periods they said don't have nay other signs at All, in fact seem to have really good metabolism, not overweight or any other symtoms.
O'ing is different for everyone, and is typically around cd 14, but doing tests on cd21 will indicate whether or not you ovulated at all in the previous days. I myself am having blood drawn on cd21 to check my progesterone level - if I ovulated the test will indicate whether I did or not as the progesterone level differs significantly before and after ovulation. The metformin, theoretically, will help to regulate you and help you and your doctors figure out your cycle (I think).
awwww mks so sry af came :cry:
when's the doctor's appointment and what results need to be reviewed again?

foxy - good to hear from you...hope all is well with you and ur bump :happydance:

mouse - i think we might be in sync this cycle as i got my positive opk one day after you and my temps have risen as now for the 2ww, i expect af around the 14th or 15th

Suzyq1981 - welcome!!! sry to hear about your pcos diagnosis but not having any cysts on your ovaries is good right? did they say that it means you have mild pcos? it's definitely not unusual to be prescribed both met and clomid. most ladies with pcos are diagnosed both as it's more effective when taken together. women with pcos tend to suffer from insulin resistance which is where the met comes in and the clomid helps with development of the follicles and then ovulation. oing depends on your cycle. i've never had a 28 day cycle so i never o on day cycles tend to be longer (anywhere from 30 to 34 days while on clomid and even longer in an unmedicated cycle) and so my o days tend to be after day 14. i usually get my positive opk from cd 16 onwards. once i've o'd, i would get af approx 14 days later. i therefore have my blood checked on cd 24 to see if i o'd as opposed to cd21

babysmile, angel, littleminnie how are you guys?
Hi ladies!!

Awesome- this appt is to get the results of all of our blood work, my endometrial biopsy results and dh's 2nd semen analysis. The doctor did call us on friday to say that the semen analysis came back good and everything was within the normal parameters which is much different than his first one. We also want to figure out what our next step should be, if we should go straight to the IUI or try on our own for a few more months. Were you also going for blood work to confirm ovulation?

Mouse- did you go for your blood work? Keeping my fingers crossed that you ovulated!

Hope everyone is doing good!
hey mks

great news about dh semen yaaayyyy!!! what did he do ? :)

remind me again what IUI is please?

i actually wasnt gonna do the prog test, as this cycle i was just so scatter brained but i ended up doing it today (last min decision lol) and it's 40.4 nmol/l so it looks like i did ovulate so i dont know why my doc was not impressed but i'm happy lol cause to me it seems like the clomid is working!
Awesome- great that you ovulated! Woohoo! So when do you expect af?

Dh didn't really do anything, he did kinda cut back smoking on the weekends but thats about it. The first one he did was done at a local hospital and the second was done at the infertility office. The doctor had said that they don't trust the first one since they don't do them that often where at their office, their done every day so they know exactly what to look for and are more intensive.
IUI is when they take the sperm and insert it directly into the uterus, the doctor said we would have a 90% chance of getting pregnant, I'm not sure when we would actually do it, we have to figure out the cost, its definitely much cheaper than IVF.
We did find out at our appointment that i have to start taking a thyroid medication, apparently i have anti thyroid antibodies which so far hasn't effected my thyroid level, its still normal but its a high normal. I don't really understand much about it but i did read online that having these antibodies can have an affect on getting pregnant. We'll see what happens!

Hows everyone else? Where's everyone at???? : (
Hey everyone. Ive been awol because Ive been feeling pretty down about the whole ttc thing.

However I had cd21 bloods today on my 4th round of clomid (annovulation the first 3) and I ovulated! Estrogen - 809 - Progesterone - 50. :happydance: So its given me a little boost and I know my body isnt totally screwed! :wacko:

So I am in tww! Wow! :happydance: I dont think I am pregnant though as I dont have any of the usual symptoms and by this time with my son I was nauseous with tender boobs already! But at least I know I can ovulate. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow which was thrown on me today when I got my results so Im a little nervous as it is quite ominous. :shrug:

Mks I have the exact same thyroid problem and I am waiting to hear whether I need to start on meds for it. If its not one thing its the other :nope:

@ Awesome - I think 40 is a really good level! I am told that anything over 10 shows you ovualted but obviously the higher the better. How many dpo were you when you had your bloodwork?

Where are all the other ladies? Updates from everyone please!!! :hugs:
mks: af is due tomorrow and spotting has already begun so i really expect it tom

i'm glad that you've been able to get more answers from this appointment wrt the thyroid issues. my sister in law actually has thyroid issues and it took her about a year to conceive my nephew and then she went on to have another.

so where are you actually at in this cycle?

i've been googling people's experience with this hsg test and i'm soooooo terrified!!!!! i told DH to go get his SA done first so if it's an issue with him i'll hold off on the hsg

angel: yippppeee! so glad that we were able to confirm O! that's at least something positive right!!! :happydance: was your progesterone also measured in nmol/l or ng/l ?

i actually went in on 8dpo i tink ...i cudnt tell exactly when O was cause it's the first time i'm trying out fertility friend and they had me down for the same day i got my first positive opk but i disagree :haha:

when is af due for you?
Hi ladies, I have some reading to do but wanted to post to mark my spot :). More later if you don't mind having me join you. Good luck everyone.
@ awesome - yes, my progesterone was in nmol/l so I figure 50 for 3dpo is pretty good as it is supposed to peak at 7dpo? Fingers crossed anyway.
I have no idea when AF is due as my cycles are soooo irregular. Im 6dpo now. I have loads of backache and sort of period aches in my tummy. Im symptom spotting like crazy! :dohh:

Welcome, Horseypants! Good luck to you too! :hugs:

How is everyone else? :hugs:
Welcome horseypants :hi:

Angel 50 for 3dpo is amaaaaazing!!!!! Yayy :happydance:

I usually have irregular cycles once i dont ovulate but once i ovulate i get af 15-17 days after O. So once i confirm ovulation i could guage when af would arrive

My first month temping and using fertility friend was good...i did learn a bit about my cycle even though i didnt agree with d O day they selected, but just by a day so it was ok

My af arrived bright and early this morning so in about a week i would do the hsg test ahhhhhhhh ...i'm nervous but excited to get the results of that and depending on how that goes i would decide on the trigger shot

Gosh i really hope by end of year we all get our bfp!!!

How is everyone else???? Babysmile, mouse, littleminnie....i miss u guys :hugs:
Thanks. Im hoping it is amazing though Im not 100% on what exactly the progesterone means. Is it literally the higher the better?!? :shrug:

I have only had two previous cycles (in the past 5 years) with confirmed ovulation and the second of those I fell pregnant so I cant really guage as I dont have enough to go on! :nope: :dohh:

I got my last bfp at 7dpo which is today in this cycle so I couldnt help but poas but it was a bfn :nope: Will probably now poas each day until either bfp or AF! :haha:

Stick with Fertilityfriend. I have used it lots now and always found it easy to use and a great reference as youre able to compare cycles etc.

Hope AF is kind to you and bring on the hsg test to get things moving along for you. :flower:

Yes! Where IS everyone!?!?!? You all need to get on here with updates!!! :winkwink::hugs:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

I'm relieved to have some answers and I'm hoping that maybe going on this medication will do the trick. I've been reading online about it and it sounds like it can have an effect on conceiving so keeping my fingers crossed. We decided that in jan if nothing has happened, then we'll do the IUI.

Awesome- sorry af showed :( don't read too much about the hsg, i did that and it scared the crap out of me! Honestly i really didn't think it was too bad. You will have some cramping, thankfully it only lasts a few seconds. I just kept taking deep breaths and i was fine. I had some spotting for a day or so after and some cramping too but honestly it wasn't as bad as i read about! Dh was allowed to be in the room with me during the procedure which was nice because i was so scared! Make sure you eat a big breakfast that morning and take ibuprofen before hand too!

Angel- sorry for bfn but its still early! Keeping everything crossed for you!

I'm on day 19, i haven't been using opks this month, i wanted to take a break from that. We've been bd'ing every other day and will continue until probably this weekend. I think i may see if i can have my progesterone level checked on tuesday just to see if i have ovulated. I think i did but I'm not 100% sure.

Welcome horseypants!!!

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