TTC & Everything Else

Thanks, u no me I'm prepared for a bit of a wait. I dont feel too disappointed, the reason im not feeling sociable is more due tk the pain and irritated due to PMS lol. This cycle would be nice to fall pregnant and have a September baby, next cycle wouldn't be so great because there's already too much in October lol but obviously I won't say no if it was to happen. I actually quite like the idea of a december baby, early december tho lol not around xmas.

Glad u don't have to cook, last thing u want to be doing early in ur pregnancy is making urself exhausted. Have u thought about how ur going to tell them? I think iv figured out how I will tell me lot, probably with a card in the post lol. I had thought how i wud tell my oh if i found out this cycle, was going to buy a daddy Christmas card and write sorry this is late but iv only just let mummy find out that im here so merry Christmas daddy, lol. my back up idea for other months is to write I'm pregnant daddy on the fridge in our magnetic scrabble letters which live on the drive then send him to the fridge for something lol. I want to make it memorable.

Merry christmas honey, have a lovely lovely day xx
I think I will tell my family by explaining how my DD's birthday is in May and in July and that I will be another birthday in August. I want them to get sooooo confused. I wonder how long it will take them to get it. LOL!!

I hope you are resting now since you are having pain. Merry Christmas!!!!! Let me know how your day goes!!
There are too many people here lol. We have 16 people over.

Sounds like a good plan to tell ur family get them confused then happy x
Wow a house full!!!! You will have a fun day today!!

My neighbor gave my DD's gifts and my husband and I! I told her that she didn't have to. She said I love you all like my own family.

I will tell my family at dinner! I can't wait!!!
I told them!! Their expressions were priceless!!! Then 2 minutes later my sister yelled OMG you are pregnant! Then everybody was saying are you are you?? Then DH and I said yes we are having another little one on the way. My mom was just soooooo happy and my sister said "I just have to figure out a way to move closer to you way before the baby comes." My family is just soooo excited right now. There were smiles and also tears!:haha:

I hope your day is just going ok so far. I hope you pain is trying to ease up.:hugs:
Aw that's lovely.

I've had a bit of the Christmas blues to be honest. Just watching other people with their kids helping them unwrap presents and just seeing them together just made me envious. I think my patient time ttc is over now lol I really want this cycle to be my cycle. If it was I would be 8 n half weeks gone when I come back here to celebrate 3 kids birthdays. It wud make perfect timing to tell everyone. I think if I dont get pregnant this cycle i will start letting it get to me and i dont want that so obviously I will try not to put too much onto it but I do hope its really my time. The only thing on my wishlist for next Christmas is to have a little one to spend it with. My oh put in my christmas card that hopefully next year it wont be just the two of us and there will be a little one here. I think I'm just having a bit of the Christmas blues but iv got another 2 days of seeing them all be so happy as a family and having lots of kids around me. I will be making sure oh knows we need to bd on certain days, if my cycle is similar to this one I will o around the 9th Jan but im going to start opks about 5 days after af stops. I'm quite happy with a 13 day lp like last cycle so hopefully now that will be my normal.

I'm so glad ur family are happy for u that will be one Christmas they will never forget xx
I hope you are doing better today. :flower:

That was so nice what your oh put in your Christmas card. TTC can be very stressful since the only thing you think about is baby baby baby. I was losing sleep since I was soooo angry that I was not pregnant yet. I hope your time comes soon. I will keep my FX for you. It is a great thing that your lp was 13! I remember my lp off off BCP went from: month 1 was 11 lp, month 2 & 3was 14 lp, month 4 was 12 lp. It is just so hard to figure out your fertile days when you are just starting out. It seems to me that your body is trying to go back to normal. Soon you will know when AF will arrive or if you are late, and your cycles will be shorter.

I am always here for you no matter what. It gets frustrating but one day you will receive your BFP!!:hugs::flower:
Thanks, its nice to have someone to talk to who understands, my oh knows how badly I want it but its very different for men.
I will always be very happy for ur pregnancy no matter what happens with me because I know how much u wanted it.

Was at my sil family last night, her brother has the most annoying wife ever, she's a big girl and does herself no favours. She has pcos so had a hard time getting pregnant, her husband is in the navy so away a lot. Got annoyed that theyve hardly had any cycles naturally trying and she's getting fertility treatment. the best thing they could do for her is help her lose weight while she tries naturally when her husband is home and when she gets down to a normal BMI if she still hasn't conceived then help her. They relationship is a joke as it is, last time he was away, a few days before he came back she told him it was over, which she's done many many times and then now they both sit there looking miserable as sin around each other. In my opinion if she gets pregnant thru treatment the NHS will have failrd that poor baby because it will end up being a pawn in a broken home she won't play fair and that kid will be pulled from pillar to post. They've told her the only reason shes getting fertility treatment is because her husband is away with the navy a lot. Maybe I'm letting my opinion of her get in the way but seems a bit unfair that she gets that help immediately when i no I will have to wait ages if i need help.

Anyway rant over lol sorry x
It is very different for men. They don't uunderstand how much we want to be pregnant, and plus they do not think like us!!
I appreciate that so much!!! :hugs:

You would have thought by her husband being away at the navy that she would respect him more, and will always stay by his side as his wife. :shrug: Wow, that is not fair since I thought you have to wait at least a year to get fertility treatments. You are right, they should work on her weight first and then she could try to get pregnant later naturally. If their marriage is broken, how come they don't want to get a divorce since they are not happy? Her husband should of told her that he do not want to bring a child into this ruined marriage since the child will need to have 2 loving parents and not having us fussing at each other all the time.

Don't be sorry about your rant!! You make a point!!! :hugs::hugs:
He will never stand up for himself. He's a push over and just let's her walk all over him.

I'm finally back home, so so glad to be home, some peace and quiet now, phew!! back at work Monday for 2 days x
I know you are so happy that you are back at home now!!

I had a rough day!!! I have a fever blister!!! My oldest DD was playing in the kitchen with the the little one and she fell and broke broke of her front teeth in half. She broke them straight across. I took her to the dentist but come to find out that they wasn't open. The lady was rude to me and DH and everything. DH was about to go off on her. So then we just took her to the ER and they gave her some antibiotics and something for the pain. The Dr. told me that she would probably have to have a root canal on them and they will put caps on the teeth. I remember whn I was a kid there were plenty of pediatric dentists that was open on the weekends and after hours. Time has changed. When I was sitting in the ER talking to a nurse that's when the fever blister pop up. I thought my lip was dry and I kept putting my tongue over it. So when the nurse walked out the room, I looked in the mirror so I can put chapstick on my lips and bam, a fever blister. The last time I had a fever blister was years ago. Had an stressful day!!!!!!!

I hope your day was less stressful and just quiet and pleasant! :hugs::flower:
Oh gosh the poor baby, are they her baby teeth or adult teeth? I assume with u saying do a root canal they are adult teeth. Bless her, she must have been in so much pain.

I got weighed the other day....all is not good lol,we've started doing meal lists again so we know to take meat out of the freezer so we don't end up eating rubbish, we also bought loads of frozen ready meals for when we really really dont want to cook and usually end up getting a take away but we bought them so we could just stick them in the microwave, not the best food to eat but a dank site better than an expensive and fatty take away. I also want to buy myself an exercise bike or something so I can just do half an hour every day or something. being overweight is not going to do me any favours when it comes to getting pregnant and even if I do get pregnant it will put me at risk of gestational diabetes and pre eclampsia and then it will also be harder to shift the weight after so I need to do something about it now. I will get weighed on my wii fit tomorrow so its recorded down and then I will make a start on doing something about it (again). Going to be realistic and just go for between 4 and 7lb a month to lose and even if i only get the 4lb a month in 6 months i could be 2 stone lighter, if I hit the 7lb a month which I doubt i wud, I wud be 2 stone lighter in 4 months. so either way I would be down to a good weight by summer, and if I do it in a healthy way then there won't be any harm keeping it going while pregnant as well because I won't be doing it as a diet, just changing some of my poorer eating habits.

How is the pregnancy going? Any sickness or anything? Make sure u take it easy xx
You are correct it is her adult teeth. My DD went to the dentist yesterday and she had to have 2 root canals done. She has to go back in 2 weeks so that they can finish the 2nd part of the root canal and they have to build her teeth up (the other half) so that her 2 teeth can look like the rest of her other teeth. The dentist said that he will have to put metal rods in the teeth that is remaning and then attach the the other half of the made up teeth. I hope I made any sense. I am kind of sad since she have to go to school with her teeth looking like that. But the good news is that right now, she is acting like her normal self. She is not in pain, which is a great thing!

I have to weigh myself. I still have not purchased a new sale yet.:shrug: You are right frozen meals is bette than fast food. Hubby want me to stay away from fast food. You can probably find an good qualty exercise bike used. Exercise bikes are great! My mom used to have one when I was younger since she ws overweight. It helped her with her weight but years later since she is now much older she has gained all of her weight back since she stopped exercising. What I am going to do is eat plenty of leafy veggies, fruits, lay off the junk food. It will be great that after I have the baby that I will lose weight since my eating habits will change.

How has your day been going?:hugs::flower:
Day is going ok. Not very eventful for new years eve, I'm already in Pjs lol.

Got my wrist strapped up, it started hurting Friday so iv now got to try and restrict the movement to try and stop the pain, not taking any pain killers tho because I will be ovulating in just over a week so dont want to do anything that might affect it.

Been taking sandwiches to work and having proper meals in the evening, still got to work on the snacking though.

My kitchen stinks right now, oh made mulled wine awful stuff!!

I hope ur dd ges her teeth looking good again such a shame that one thing as a child can leave something so permanent.

Happy new year xx
Happy New Year!!! :hugs::hugs:

I hope your wrist will be ok soon. That's good that you have been taking sandwiches to work. It's better than eating fast food for lunch daily.

Yikes, I bet your kitchen does stinks!! The odor should be gone by now! I hope!! I hope my DD teeth will look much better in 3 weeks. I think she will be ok when she goes back to school on the 6th. She seems like she is not worried about what the kids is going to say.

Ur dd has the best attitude possible, if she was worried what ohter people said it would really knock her confidence which would probably stick with her for life.

Feeling hopeful about 2014 got this cycle and 2 more cycles before i go to the Dr for some tests, doesnt feel like long but a lot can happen in 3 cycles. I'm now cd9 so should be o in 8 days if things stay the same as last cycle but Im going to start opks tomorrow incase things change again which is a strong possibility with it only being cycle 3, my last 2 had 11 days separating them so it could quite easily change again, hopefully a little shorter and not longer.

Cant believe its already been almosy 2 weeks since u found out ur pregnant, bet it feels like so long ago. Hope everything is ok and no sickness or anything xx
I am happy that she is taking this well.

Wow, time sure do fly by. It would be great if you did not have to go to the Dr. for the tests since you already fell pregnant before the appt came. I will keep my FX for you!!! That would be great to start OPK's just in case you O earlier. I hope this cycle will be at least 29 or even better AF don't arrive! :winkwink:

I can't believe it either!! Well yesterday I could not keep any food down until 2 a.m. during the day I had 2 small sausage muffins, afternoon I had an apple, small salad, and very little of hamburger helper. After I ate the hamburger helper, 20 minutes later my stomach did not feel well. I was taking down the tree with DD's and I had to go to the bathroom since I knew I just had to vomit!! I was in the bathroom saying I do not want to do this!! 2 minutes later it happened. 3 times to be exact. :sick: Let's see how I will do today. I will have to buy some crackers and more ginger ale. I was drinking the ginger ale and it seems to helped.
Aw bless u, it must be so hard being happy about being pregnant when ur throwing up everything ur eating. That's part of pregnancy I'm not looking forward to, I hate throwing up.

Iv already done lots of Christmas shopping for next year, did it online on boxing day, got lots of half price stuff, some are clothes for the kids and some are sets of smellies and stuff for adults. Should be mostly sorted by the end of Jan except for oh who is awkward to buy for x
I have been feeling quite ill & very tired! :growlmad: I got some crackers and some ginger ale and peppermints. They help very little. I do not feel like doing anything at all!! I just been laying in bed today, which I know I have to stay active but it is just hard. I told DH that if he understood what is going on with a pregnant woman then he will finally realize! I bookmarked some websites so that he can look at so he know some of the things that I have been going through. I would have thought he would understand by now since we have 2 kids already, but I guess he just forgot.:shrug: I tell him when I fall asleep when watching a movie, please do not wake me up since I am very tired. He used to wake me up all the time.

That is great that you went Christmas shopping early!!! How you been doing today?? How is the weather there? I have been watching the news and they say that we are supposed to get another winter storm! Thursday was sooooo horrible, couldn't barely see anything. It would be nice if there was no school since it will be freezing temps. Kiddies go back to school on Monday from their Christmas break.

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