TTC & Everything Else

It's very frosty here. But the weather hasn't been too bad inland, the coast has been dangerous.

It's my birthday tomorrow, well today as its past midnight, but oh gave me present on Friday, best present ever!! He got me a cockatiel and I bought a second one to go with it, I love them they are awesome. The boy I've called gizmo or giz for short and the girl pebble. U aren't supposed to handle them for 48 hors so not until tomorrow but giz got out of the cage today and he was out for 4 hours then I decided to let pebble out too, she is very placid and would easily step up onto the perch i used as they arent hand tamed yet but giz was a bit more reluctant and it was harder to get him back in. Personalities are showing thru, he is funny, currently using a carrot lodged in the bars, supposed to eat it but its now his perch. Going to teach them to whistle some tunes soon. Oh says will keep me occupied until I get a baby, its working so far, not really even given what cd I'm on a thought the last 2 days. They are super cute!!

My wrist seems better now, thank god.

Im due to o next week, I hope, started opks on Friday, no line yet but its better when I do it at work because the times I pee work out better with a much longer hold.

It's a good idea for ur dh to no what ur going thru so he can be more sympathetic it must be hard for men as they have no idea what our bodies go thru
Hope ur well and sickness passes soon xx
Happy Birthday!!!!!! :cake::hug::mrgreen: I hope you enjoy your day!!! Wow a cockatiel!!!! That is the best birthday present ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love then sooooo much! I had them when I was a kid, and then a teenager!! Will have to get one in the future! They are so amazing to have! I love the names for them.
I had a Cockatiels when i was a kid, we got it from someone who's kids mistreated it and they werent giving it any attention so it started hurting itself when we got it it had no feathers. Poor thing cudnt fly, i was the only one in the house who it wudnt bite or hiss at. Been nagging oh for ages to let me get one, he always said no so was a bit of a surprise. They like sitting on the ceiling lights and pooping in them lol, the cleaning up ever night should be fun lol. I'm getting more exercise chasing them around the house to get them back in their cage lol
Oh no!!! Did the Cockatiel start growing back its feathers because it was with you who gave it love and lots of attention? I remember those days chasing the birds around!!! You will get lots of exercise! Eventually they will be spoiled, they would not want you to leave them for too long! Since we are talking about birds, I have 4 parakeets: 3 boys and 1 girl!! Their names are billy, veronica, cassidy & pepper! I know they have silly names! I had billy & veronica first and then 2 months later, I got the 2 boys which I thought 1 was a girl and the other was a boy. I had them for 2 years now.

I hope you enjoy your birthday today!! Are you 16 today!!?? :winkwink:
I bloody wish I was 16, I'm officially old lol 25!!

The bird did grow feathers back but we never let her out the cage in case she tried to fly and cudnt and hurt herself (I still call her her even though we've figured out it was probably a boy lol). My two were a bit easoer to get in the cage today, pebble just got on the t stick and gizmo took himself in lol. Managed to get giz on the perch tho even tho he was pretty reluctant. Pebble attempted to get on my figer but she lost her balance.

Cd13, started gettin some colour on the opks today so I guess I should get a pos in a day or two. Looking good. I feel bit more positive this month. Hoping this is my month. Noticed a massive change in the way i feel since i got the birds tho, taking my mind off babies a bit. Have u had any problems with birds and babies at all?? Or anything a pregnant woman shouldnt do with a bird?
They are cool names, I almost called pebble kiwi lol, they were bubble and squeak for all of 5 minutes then i changed my mind x
LOL!! You are not old young lady!!!:flower::winkwink: Did you enjoy your birthday??

I haven't had any problems with birds and babies at all. You can still do the same thing with the birds as when you wasn't pregnant! All the nosies they make, the baby will still sleep.I am glad I don't have my cat since I would have to worry about being pregnant due to cleaning out the litter box,but still sad.:cry: I am an anmial lover!!! At one time I had 4 cats and 1 dog!!! Whenever we move we are getting a dog since the next home we will move to will be a lot bigger!! Keep telling me more stories please!! I am glad that the birds are getting a lot of your attention.

How are you coming on your opk's? I will keep my FX for you!!!:hugs::hugs: LOL @ the 1st names bubble & squeak!!
How is your wrist now? I hope better? How are you coming on your opk's? I hope you are doing ok!! :hugs:
Hey, not been on much, busy with the birds lol. Thy are def keeping my mind off things. Opks now havr no colour in them but thy never went pos, I don't no if i missed surge or haven't od, temps are still low so will have to wait n see whether they raise or not.

Went to drs today about my wrist, they said iv probably got a muscle strain. Will just wait and see if it gets better, Dr said I shud take paracetamol n use ibuprofen gel then I asked about the gel n pregnancy n she said avoid it, not going to take paracetamol either.

How's things ur end?? X
Hey. Just thought I wud update. I'm pretty sure i od today, opk was super pos and cervix is high n open, we bd last night by didn't see the need to tonight as I'm certain I have od through the day somewhere and obviously sperm need time to mature so they wud miss it so i will leave it to the batch that are in there, plus we bd cd16 too so 5 days ago, i no the chances of those ones still being there are slim but u never no.
Feeling pos, and a lil bit desperate too tbh. I'm not leaving much time between due af and family coming over for drinks, I will have to test, if af shows i will be getting drunk as a skunk to drown my sorrows lol.
Did i tell u iv bought an exercise bike? Trying to start slow, im currently doing 15 minutes every other day doing 4 minutes fast 3 minutes get breath bk and then 3 minutes fast again and finishinh off with a slow.5 to bring my heart rate back down. Hoping by the end of the month il be up to 5 fast, 2 slow, 5 fast 3 slow

Hope u and raspberry are good :) xx

Oh and the reason I think I ovulated Thru the day is because my temp is up even tonight, normally I take temp in the evening too, just for me more than anything and it doesn't tend to differ from am temp so this time I look to be having a 35 day cycle x
Hey!!! I apologize I have not been on here. I have been sick everyday.:growlmad: I cannot eat my favorite foods anymore. I can't wait until this has passed. I hope in my 2nd trimester it will be much better.

I hope you did od! It sounds like you did since your temp is high now. FX for this cycle!! I understand you drinking if AF shows up, that's what exactly I did every month!!!

That's great that you have an exercise bike! When did you get it? Did it costs a lot? That's the best way to start off exercising is start slow. I will start back walking on my treadmill once I get back to myself again.:hugs::hugs:

Will chat later. Have to get ready for work. I hope the cafeteria do not have any horrible smells/nasty food since I have to open up the kiddies food and everything else. I hope today will be okay for me!:hugs::flower:
Aw u poor thing I hope the sickness eases up soon for ur sake and the babies.

I got the bike just after the new year, trying to do even a couple of minutes every other day, today I couodnt be bothered but jumped on for a couple of minutes of fast peddling whild the kettle boiled lol, every little helps hey.

I'm pretty sure I od, ovuview agreed with me but ff hasn't given me an o date yet guess its waiting for more data.

I'm really hopeful shot this month and have a good feeling, I will be completely crushed if af shows.

Hope u feel Better soon xx
Thank you. I can't wait until this part is over with.

Keep sticking with the bike. Don't forget a little goes a long way. The more you get on your bike the longer you will want to be on it.

I will keep my FX for you that this cycle is it!!! That's great that you have a good feeling. :dust::dust: :hugs::hugs:
That Good feeling is fading. iv been trying to stay positive with each thing this cycle is throwing up but my temp still isn't high this morning so startingto wonder whether I actually od. This ttc lark is a pain in the arse
Just try to keep positive! I know it is just so frustrating ttc, but one day you will finally get your BFP and it might be this month or next month. I know it will be soon! Will always keep my FX for you hun!!! Will always be here for you.:hugs::flower:
I'm not going to get my hopes up about this cycle, i really feel like its messed up this month, guess i won't be able to tell family at niece n nephew birthday parties.
If my temp isn't up tomorrow I will assume its an anovulatory cycle. Cm has dried up so i dont no what's going on, if temp isnt up it can't be a good sign for progesterone levels x
Maybe it will take some time for your body to go back to normal. :shrug: I know my Dr. told me that it will take me up to 6 months for my body to get back to normal. Was your temp up today?
My temp rise happened today, shud be 4dpp, ovuview have put me at 3dpo n ff hasn't given me a date yet. I duno jusy feels like a weird cycle and I'm not holding out much hope tbh.
Temp stayed up today, I put a fake temp in for tomorrow and ff puts me at 2dpo today, ovuview has put me back to 5dpo but keeps changing its mind between two dates. Im going to go by what I think whig is 4dpo and it maybe took 2 days for my temp to rise.

Hope u and bean are ok x
Well that's good news that your temp is still up. It takes ff a while to figure out when you O.

I am doing ok.:flower: Yesterday I ate a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast and when I was at work I had some chocolate milk and an apple. 20minutes later I had to use the bathroom and then I threw up. I threw up at least 5 times. When I finally got back to class the Pre-K teacher knew I was sick. She offered me a kiddie toothbrush and toothpaste since she did not have any mints or gum. I felt horrible yesterday.:nope::growlmad:

Please keep me updated on how everything is going. By the way how is your wrist and did your oh find a job yet? :hugs::hugs:
My wrist is still sore and unfortunately oh hasn't found a job yet, fingers crossed he does soon though its getting a lottle desperate now.

Had an eventful afternoon esterday my stepdad ended up in a hospital near where i live because a 40kg leg off a crane fell off and landed on his head, he was there for 4 hours while they did a ct scan and patched his head up, it took my mum 5 hours to get here so good job I live close by to go and see him and bring him to mine. He was very lucky and thankfully he's ok.

Hope uv had a good day and no puking today x

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