mummy20 my lp is 12/13 days normally but it may have been 14 days last cycle. Again, I am unsure because I cannot accurately temp due to lack of/interrupted sleep. I'm not so much worried that I can't conceive because of lp but worried that it takes a while to ovulate and I don't want to miss it because with long cycles I have to wait longer. My last two cycles were 35 and 36 days long.
It took us 9 months to conceive our daughter, which I understand isn't too long, and I consider myself lucky, but this unfortunately isn't my first rodeo. Last time I conceived I took vitex to regulate my cycles, this time, it's not working for me and the doctors have claimed it's not PCOS (and that my hormones seem balanced). So I don't understand, why so irregular? I am no longer overweight and I get plenty of exercise and I have a good diet so all I can blame is sleep and stress. What happened to my 29 day cycles!? sorry, rant over.

Cd17 and no positive opk yet. I had forgotten how impatient I can be when it comes to ttc. It's never easy and only gets harder.
Kitty my opks will fade in and out until I get a positive. They don't always progress from nothing, to light, to darker, to positive, so don't be discouraged or surprised. You may not have missed the surge. You can always try temping if your sleep schedule allows so you know whether or not you have definitely ovulated.
I hope everyone is doing well.