TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Darling I feel like my cm is all over the place since my loss. Like our bodies cant really decied what theyre gonna do.

Wish yay for positive OPK!! glad you got the BD in :) how many days of positives do you normally get?

AFM I got a faint positive yesterday and today....Afraid to call it until I see an obvious BFP if that makes sense? I'm still angry at frer so not wanting to buy one but also afraid of blue dye? lol
Still, I'm going to offer a cautious congrats...I know you've been disappointed by crappy tests before, so I hope this is for real!

I sometimes get two days of 'almost positive' opk, or one day of strong positive. This line was as dark as the control line, and I am guessing it will be lighter tomorrow. I'm having a lot of O pains today, not sure if that means I'm going to O today or if it's just gearing up to rupture tomorrow!
still-wishing you cautious congrats as well, hopefully the lines darken tomorrow for you!

Wish- that's awesome about the pos. OPK and you get a sticky bean! :D

AFM-day 43, 9dpo? I've had a little bit of cramping today, and I've been really emotional, which could mean anything. I get that way BOTH with pregnancy and AF, so hard to call it lol
Dont you hate how pregnancy symptoms and af are so similar? Its very frustrating.

Thank you ladies, im not calling it yet. Not until i get completely obvious lines and then a digi. Even then after losing luke at 15 weeks idk if ill ever feel completely secure with the pregnancy you know?
I understand what you mean. My best friend lost her girls at 39 weeks. After witnessing that and then experiencing a loss at 10 weeks myself. I can't even fathom the idea of pregnancy being as breezy and carefree as my others were.

Side note I caved and took a test this morning. 9 or 10dpo? And I swear I see a hint of something but nothing capturable. It's the faintest of faint. Hubby says he sees something but I'm not sure if he's just trying to keep my mood up. Guess I'll be testing in the morning to see if it was something or not. Crossing all my fingers and toes that this is it but not holding my breath!
Ooooh darling I hope it darkens for you! Good luck!'s it looking today?

I'm CD17 and I'm going to call today O day. We will BD tonight just in case the egg is still hanging around. Ah another two week!
Not feeling very confident honestly. I've gotten lined consistently on wally tests as well as 2 of the generic blue dye but this afternoon I tried frer and completely bfn :(
Darling- anxious to hear how your next test goes!
Wishn- get to bd'ing!
And still- don't give up yet. You still have time!!

I had my first appt today and doc seems optimistic that this one will stay! Bloods last Monday (4w2d) were 55. Then Wednesday (4w4d) 166, and today (5w3d) 2765! I have no idea if this increase is normal, but as long as he doesn't seem worried (yet!) Then it puts me SOME at ease. He's going to ultrasound again in 3 weeks and then he wants to do chromosomal testing at 11 weeks!
Thanks roschey but I'm thinking chemical. I'm either 13/14 dpo. I'm pretty sure getting positives on multiple brands then a bfn on frer is probably not a good sign. But it's okay, we have our military ball coming up so I guess I'll be able to have a few drinks lol I'm so glad your bloods are soaring!! That's such a great sign!!!

Wish it's like a tww to the tww lol
I hate that for you Still- hoping that maybe it was just a faulty test. But if for some terrible reason it wasn't- then you most certainly deserve a few drinks!
I got my dress today which is lovely, just gotta find some shoes. I'll be testing with FMU tomorrow and Thursday to see how the lines look. AF should come on Thursday but I wouldn't be surprised if she is late.
Wait Darling I just realized I didn't see your post, you saw something?? OMG are you testing again in the AM?
I disappeared again sorry ladies. Sorry SP I'm also hoping it was a wonky test.

Wonderful news roschey!

Good luck darling!

My husband has come around on the trying front. He's even open to giving it a go this month. But all of a sudden I've got cold feet. Too scared to try! We've got too much going on to deal with any more losses right now :(
Hi confuzion! Thats great your dh has gotten on board the ttc bus! I know how scary it can be hun :hugs: just take it one cycle at a time, and wait if you feel like youre not completely ready. Or maybe go with ntnp this cycle?

im pretty sure this is a chemical for me. But only time will tell.
Wish yay for O- fxed for your bfp! :)

Still- I'm hoping you will get darker lines and that you're just on the line where hcg is and some tests aren't picking it up yet. fxed for you :)

Roschey- So glad your #s are going up nice! :)

Confuzion- good luck with TTC journey! ntnp method can be good for less stress :)

AFM- I guess that line yesterday was an evap line- it was soooo faint I was thinking it was one, but when you are excited for a potential line, you'd rather stay optimistic haha Today's test was definitely a negative. On another note. I sam setting an appointment for my old OBGYN clinic to start getting ready for fertility treatments. I'm going to try and convince them to let me start Clomid before 6 months because of my PCOS-and previous difficulty getting pregnant. I don't really want to waste 6 months with potential annovulatory cycles. Here's hoping they will go for it. Or at the very least put me back on Metformin while waiting for the 6 months.
Darling i hope theyll give in to you! Evaps and faint lines ar the worst!

AFM pink spotting so thinking chemical for sure :cry:
So sorry Still... :hugs:

Darling, darn that evap! I hope you can get clomid sooner if you aren't ovulating. Did you use it to conceive your first two?

Confuzion, welcome back. I can definitely understand being scared to ttc after having a rough time the first time.

Roschey, great numbers! I bet it's a sticky one this time!

AFM...I think I'm 2 dpo and my post-op appt is this afternoon. Going armed with my list of questions about our tests results and next steps.
Wish good luck at your appointment!

AF has arrived. *sigh*
Wish- good luck at appointment! :)

Still- so sorry :/ Here's hoping November will be the month! :)

AFM. I'm either having the worst luck with evap lines or I'm getting the faintest of lines. Tested twice today one with wondfo and one with FRER and both are giving me the faintest lines. and I mean, like BARELY there. Hubby says he definitely sees it. but I'm not convinced because I just can't seem to capture it on camera enough to show you guys, which makes me feel like it's probably just an evap. Anyways I set an appointment to discuss clomid today had to jump through hoops and call 3 different times because I didn't have my insurance card on hand, and I had to call hubby for the info since he has them in the car and he's at work. Appointment is a little ways out, December 16th so that gives me enough time to either be pregnant or definitely have my AF before then, whichever.

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