TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

My appointment went well yesterday! Turns out the polyp was 2 cm, even bigger than the ultrasound showed. The pathology report won't be back for another month. So I have a clean bill of reproductive health. We're getting a second opinion from a urologist next week as to whether there's anything we can do to improve DH's count and motility. Doctor said since we've been pregnant once before, we could try on our own for 4-5 months now that the polyp is out, and then move on to medicated IUI if we're not pregnant by then. It feels good to have a plan! I'm really hoping for a sticky BFP before what would have been my due date, April 3. That day will be easier to get through if I have a bun in the oven.
Hope those lines darken for you darling!!

Thanks to all of you guys for the encouragement. I think I just need to let go of my fears. We're gonna have to try sometime so gotta just rip off the bandaid.

Hi confuzion! Thats great your dh has gotten on board the ttc bus! I know how scary it can be hun :hugs: just take it one cycle at a time, and wait if you feel like youre not completely ready. Or maybe go with ntnp this cycle?

im pretty sure this is a chemical for me. But only time will tell.

We actually have decided to just NTNP starting now. If a few months pass with no BFP then we'll give it a more serious try. We had some unplanned nookie last night and I got a positive OPK this morning so looks like I'm in with a chance this month.

I'm sorry AF showed :hugs:.

My appointment went well yesterday! Turns out the polyp was 2 cm, even bigger than the ultrasound showed. The pathology report won't be back for another month. So I have a clean bill of reproductive health. We're getting a second opinion from a urologist next week as to whether there's anything we can do to improve DH's count and motility. Doctor said since we've been pregnant once before, we could try on our own for 4-5 months now that the polyp is out, and then move on to medicated IUI if we're not pregnant by then. It feels good to have a plan! I'm really hoping for a sticky BFP before what would have been my due date, April 3. That day will be easier to get through if I have a bun in the oven.

Wow glad that polyp is out! If you got pregnant with it in there then hopefully that means your chances are a lot better now even with your DHs sperm count. I hope you're pregnant and showing by April :hugs:.
Wish your prior due date is my birthday. I know the feeling, my due date with Luke is February 7th. really hoping it happens for me before that. hopefully with your polyp removed you wont have any problems!

confusion are you an early tester?
SP I have been known to be an early tester in the past---like stupidly early lol--but I'm going to try to wait until/if I'm late this time. OPK negative this AM so I'm assuming today is ovulation day. We had another baby dance last night but now I need to let my lady parts rest lol. Seems like we've got a pretty good shot this month!
Im debating on early testing. in laws will be here this month so would love to share it with them on Thanksgiving....not sure yet.
Hi girls, my tests were definitely negative and I'm now at 50 days since MC and have yet to see AF. This is so discouraging and I am just so over this. How the hell am I supposed to try when I have nothing to go by?! I mean, we are still bding every other day, to cover all bases, but it's still really annoying..

hope you guys are having a better cycle than me! How is everyone?
Oh gosh darling- I'm so sorry to hear that. How discouraging! Does your doc have any suggestions?
Now that I think about it, it was about that long before my cycle started back up after I lost my first princess in July. Maybe AF is just around the corner!
Roschey- They originally told me 4-6 weeks but when I called up there saying it's been 7 weeks they said "well if you had a DnC, it can take up to 8-12 weeks" when I said, it was a natural miscarriage, they said, "oh, well it's still normal. Make an appointment at your GP if you don't get it by 10 weeks or so" But they are also the ones that told me, "yes that cramping and clotting is totally normal with a sch, don't worry about it." so I really feel they will say whatever to get you off the phone up there.
Darling I'm sorry, that's so frustrating to wait that long! I wonder if you could ask to have your progesterone checked? At least then you would know if you O'd this cycle or are still waiting to O.
I know exactly how you feel Darling I was in your shoes, it was quite miserable :hugs: I didn't get a negative test post mc till 7 weeks almost 8. This is my first real AF post mc. I hope you get out of limbo soon.
Thanks girls. I guess I just have to continue on my days and find something else to preoccupy myself with until AF decides to show.. Luckily I stitch a lot, so I can usually get absorbed in that. Just wish my doctor's appointment wasn't a month in a half away. I have a friend that was pregnant at the same time as me and she just found out the gender of her baby, and it made me realize that by this point I would've been finding out as well.. so the emotions have been a little strong this week. I am ok (well not okay, but you know) with not being pregnant at the moment as long as I knew things were moving in the direction of GETTING pregnant. LIMBO SUCKS. I KNOW if I starting a whole diet/exercise combo, it'd probably get things moving better, but when you're blue the last thing you can think about is exercising and eating right. Gah. Sorry for ranting, my friend who I usually rant to has been so busy these days I've not had anyone to talk to except a 6 and a 2 year old, and although those convos are great, adult talk is realllllly needed! lol
Sorry I came in a bit late, but I just wanted to say hi and get my story and info out there real quick. I had MC last month(5wks) and a chemical in may before that. Probably another but never got the positive on it, but I have low progesterone levels. I sadly only have one ovary due to surgical removal of left ovary and Fallopian tube due to entanglement when I was 15. I ended up having to have a force MC due to ectopic pregnancy(was attatched to the uterus but half of the baby was in the opening way of the tube) 7 weeks in at age 22, but before I took the misoprostol it started the process already. (Guessing it was already starting to flush out, they couldn't see the heartbeat so maybe all I needed was the Mifepristone.) I just wanted to know if it's possible to O this month even after the recent MC or should I just take it easy?

I hope all of you get your Rainbow babies and have that happy and healthy pregnancy that we all deserve. :D
Welcome Canadian, I'm sorry for your losses. It is definitely possible to O the cycle after a miscarriage, I O'd a week late after my loss at 5+4. I've heard of some women who even conceived right away. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones!

Darling, you've come to the right place to rant! It does really suck to be in limbo and can make you feel like you're going crazy trying to figure out what your body is doing!

I'm 8 dpo with nothing interesting to report. I'm going to Paris one week from today! If AF hasn't shown by then I will have to pack tampons AND hpts in my suitcase!
What DPO do you think you will test then SP? I'm 4 DPO and with this tww wait going by so slowly I might test early :wacko:. I used to start testing from 6DPO on lol. Now I don't know if I'd have enough time in the day to sneak away and test lol. But I'm dying to know the outcome of this wait!

Canadian - definitely possible to O. I've always Oed after a miscarriage just a little later than usual. I would treat first day of bleeding as CD1, do you OPK?

Wishn - Paris sounds awesome!! Hope you get to pack some HPTs :)
What DPO do you think you will test then SP? I'm 4 DPO and with this tww wait going by so slowly I might test early :wacko:. I used to start testing from 6DPO on lol. Now I don't know if I'd have enough time in the day to sneak away and test lol. But I'm dying to know the outcome of this wait!

Canadian - definitely possible to O. I've always Oed after a miscarriage just a little later than usual. I would treat first day of bleeding as CD1, do you OPK?

Wishn - Paris sounds awesome!! Hope you get to pack some HPTs :)

Not really I find it's more stressful that way. What we did last time I might try again, just watching the CM and BD every other day till I start have the "TWW vagina sensitive" symptoms. I tend to get really sensitive after ovulation and s*x can be uncomfortable. I hope you ladies are right, but I'm just more excited to getting back to the fun times with my hubby. we've been on break for almost 2 weeks! Poor guy, poor me! he's really been good about it but I'm going crazy from lack of loving.

I wish you a BFP before you leave wishn and confuz hang in there! don't do too many early tests and bum yourself out! that can cause too much stress and then you might think your not when you are. That's the worst!
CanadianMoose- So sorry for your loss, but welcome to the group, it's very great support here :) It's definitely possible to O right away, but also want to warn you that, at least for me, my CM was and still is all over the place since the MC. I'd have days I swore were building up to O and then theyd disappear, and then 4-5 days later come back again. I actually stopped tracking anything at this point until AF shows, because it's just a bunch of confusion.

Wish- Thanks hehe yesterday was a rough day. and Paris!! That's so exciting I hope you have tons of fun and have that + test before you go! :)

Confuzion- hehe I'd maybe try to make it to 10DPO if you can. I feel like that has the best early testing % without driving yourself crazy with waiting.

Erm. Day 53? I can't even remember now. Still nothing. Swore it was going to be here yesterday since I was crampy the day before, but nothing, now no cramps and still nothing. THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Took a test again, idk yesterday or the day before and it was negative. Keep testing every couple days just to make sure, because who knows if there's an ovulation during these crazy times. I've decided that if I don't get AF by Monday, which would make it 8 weeks since MC that I'll call back up to the new dr. office and see if they can squeeze me in before my December appointment.. we'll see.
Welcome Canadian! Sorry for your losses. Most women do O first cycle after early MC. You count your first day of bleeding as CD1. Just know that O can be earlier or later than normal. I did OPKs a lot after my losses to figure it out. like darling said you cant really track by cm or anything cuz your body is all confused.

Darling I hope you can get in to see your dr. If not pregnant again maybe they can give you something to start it?

confuzion I'm planning on trying to make it to 10dpo this time. Just got done with AF so it's OPK time!
ugh was hoping since it was so early I could just feel it out and not have to get OKPs. However, if that's the case will just have to bd every other day till I feel the sensitivity. Hubby and I got nothing against that! hahah

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