TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Hi Everyone, I hope you don't mind if I join? I'm sorry for everyone's losses, but am so happy for all the BFPs I've seen! I hope all you ladies have a h&h 9 months!

I had a mc at the end of May, and it took me a while to get back on my feet. It took 5 years of TTC before my DS was born (through IUI), so I guess I thought my biggest problem was always just getting pregnant. When I learned I was pregnant this time I was over the moon, and so excited. I tried not to worry and enjoy as much as possible (with my son I worried about every little thing) so when I had the miscarriage it really through me for a loop.

I'm now seeing an ND for accupuncture and taking some supplements to help my egg quality. Since it takes about 3 months for things to affect egg quality we are planning on doing an IUI in January 2017. From here till January we are trying the "old fashioned way" :)

I hope everyone gets to hold their rainbow babies in the near future!
O days are upon me now, I'm having the beginning signs of the cm, the horniness, the orgasm increasement, and the mini cramping. Fun time now :D wishing I had those ovulation tests but I'm just gonna keep relaxed and have the special time with me man when I want and can. See you ladies in another week for TWW!
Welcome mamaberry hope you get your rainbow before IUI in January!

Bow chicka bow wow! Enjoy yourself Canadian ;)
So we are officially back on the baby making train again.
Feeling positive as well as wary, I hope that this emotionally doesn't make me go crazy. It is still so strange to thing we are doing this again.
Hi, I want to join you ladies! I've had two back to back miscarriages, one in July @ 5 weeks, and one in October @ 7 weeks.

We had wanted to wait until January to ttc again so that I could enjoy the holidays without the worry of another miscarriage.

Well we've had an ovulation oops! It has been 22 days since my miscarriage, and 14 days since all bleeding stopped. My hcg reached 0 on 10/27.

After my first miscarriage I did not ovulate until 3 weeks after my first AF so 7 weeks after my miscarriage, which resulted in the pregnancy I lost in October. So I was not expecting to ovulate so soon.

Usually I have 5 days of ewcm leading up to ovulation. Last night I was mostly dry with pasty cm. so I thought we were safe to have sex. We did it twice 💗

Well this morning I woke up with very wet ewcm, and right ovary cramping, so I checked an opk, and both lines are very dark, and obviously positive! I've never had ovulation come out of nowhere like this!

If i become pregnant again, this would be my 3rd pregnancy with no cycles in between. Obviously if I this resulted in a healthy pregnancy I would be estatic! I am just terrified that it would end in miscarriage. So I don't know what to think, secretly I am hoping for a bfp, but I am terrified of the potential heartbreak!

What do you ladies think? Could I get my rainbow baby out of this? Has this ever happened to you? anyone else about to enter the tww?
Hi, I want to join you ladies! I've had two back to back miscarriages, one in July @ 5 weeks, and one in October @ 7 weeks.

We had wanted to wait until January to ttc again so that I could enjoy the holidays without the worry of another miscarriage.

Well we've had an ovulation oops! It has been 22 days since my miscarriage, and 14 days since all bleeding stopped. My hcg reached 0 on 10/27.

After my first miscarriage I did not ovulate until 3 weeks after my first AF so 7 weeks after my miscarriage, which resulted in the pregnancy I lost in October. So I was not expecting to ovulate so soon.

Usually I have 5 days of ewcm leading up to ovulation. Last night I was mostly dry with pasty cm. so I thought we were safe to have sex. We did it twice ��

Well this morning I woke up with very wet ewcm, and right ovary cramping, so I checked an opk, and both lines are very dark, and obviously positive! I've never had ovulation come out of nowhere like this!

If i become pregnant again, this would be my 3rd pregnancy with no cycles in between. Obviously if I this resulted in a healthy pregnancy I would be estatic! I am just terrified that it would end in pregnancy. So I don't know what to think, secretly I am hoping for a bfp, but I am terrified of the potential heartbreak!

What do you ladies think? Could I get my rainbow baby out of this? Has this ever happened to you? anyone else about to enter the tww?

Firstly, welcome. Secondly, I've also been on a keto diet and loving it. Not sure if I should give it up now that I'm pregnant since I'm not eating less just eating differently. Unsure. I had to comment on that sorry lol.

I haven't been in your specific situation but I can say I've seen it happen and it could totally be your rainbow. I had 4 miscarriages before my first and I thought it wouldn't happen and then my pregnancy with her was more or less textbook :thumbup:.
Confuzion, thanks for responding. I've been on keto 11 months now, and I'm not planning to stop eating low carb while pregnant, maybe add in a couple fruits occasionally, or beans here, and there. My doctors have said it is perfectly healthy, as long as I don't restrict calories.

I hope all the women here get their rainbows, I'm pretty scared of this tww
UGH!! why is it stressful things ALWAYS happen when it's O days and suppose to be sexy times! F U life!!!

Lost power because hubby's bank card is disconnected to the electricity to pay online. >.<
I miscarried/cp August 5.. I just got a bfp yesterday and confirmed it today. I'm studying cautiously optimistic and I'm not allowing myself to get excited yet. Waiting for my doctor to call to get me in for HCG testing.
I miscarried/cp August 5.. I just got a bfp yesterday and confirmed it today. I'm studying cautiously optimistic and I'm not allowing myself to get excited yet. Waiting for my doctor to call to get me in for HCG testing.

WOOT! grats girl! hoping you have good news and get that baby in your arms in 9 months!
Alright ladies, I need a bit of advice.

Friday I had pain near my ovary while we were shopping and it was a dull strong ache/pressure cramping. I had to go home and take a hot shower to get my body to stop hurting. Later that night we BD'ed and later found out I bled a bit. I have no idea if it was "ovulation spotting" or something else but been cramping randomly now in the cold and have had to use my heat pad. Thoughts? I'm suppose to be O'ing this weekend but we were thinking cause of the MC I might be a bit late but know I don't know what to think.

Still spotting today here and there, and most of the time it's a mix between pinkish brown. Had blood red Saturday for a bit, like a quarter's worth, then nothing but pinkish brown discharge.
Still how are things going with you? Sorry I've been a little MIA for the last couple days. I've been really distracted these days, I have sort of decided to take a little hiatus from TTC, well not really, but I'm not tracking anything. The stress of it all the last 8 weeks has just been overwhelming and I felt like I needed to back away from it a little. So, we're just bding every other day, and hoping for the best. My appointment is still set for December 16th, so if we don't get any results at least I'll have that to lean on a little. baby dust to everyone :)
When is AF due Darling?

I'm okay, I think I'm 4dpo. Lol actually don't think we caught it this cycle but we will see.
Thanks stillpraying. I'm a bit mad if I did O then though. Hubby's been pissing me off, because we read up and found out that it was probably Ovulation and that it's a sign that's it's powerful and potent when you do bleed a little for Ovulation and the fucker wouldn't BD and finish. That night he didn't finish inside even though he agreed to try now. Now that we know it was Ovulation the last few days in which we still HAD a chance to catch, he stayed away from me and refused to do anything even when I was begging. It's breaking my heart to know I had such a good chance and he's pussing out now and using excuses to try and cover his tracks.

Now I'm sitting here knowing there is pretty much NO chance this month and crying because I wanted to and he promised but backed out. I have no idea how to deal with it or talk to him about this, but I'm sure it will come up and he'll make up some reason and apologize. But that damage is done and I'm just wasting time and tears till next month. I don't even know if I will want to try again next month since he's obviously not walking the talk. Sorry, I just needed to vent. Congrats on the BFPs this month for those lucky ladies, and for the December girls maybe I'll see you next cycle.
Hey Canadian, I just want to send you some stress free vibes.

I all too well understand the frustration with hubs and not performing when it is ovulation time. Our story is a bit different we had five years, so 60 cycles of constant trying to catch the egg. We only finally got pregnant with IVF, which is another story altogether.

I know that anger you are feeling, the what if, that emotion of "why would you make me have sex and it was completely pointless!" (After years sex for us was very frustrating during O).
So I can tell you from experience that there are going to be some times when we want to be pregnant so bad that we are going to force uncomfortable, unloving, monotonous sex, but it just isn't going to work. I remember three months in a row where ovulation was coming up and out of the blue we would start fighting for no reason. We would force sex and sometimes it didn't end well. Then I would get even angrier because I convinced myself that if we had just had sex on that day we would have caught the egg. It was insane and we were miserable. Sorry I am rambling, obviously you both want to be pregnant again, the point is that even though you are both on the same page, it doesn't mean that every single month is going to be a good month sometimes you are going to miss the surge, sometimes you won't want to touch each other. Hopefully you will catch the egg soon, but don't beat eachother up about it if you don't. Especially after a loss.

I have no idea if any of this makes sense. We are both sooo emotional about having sex, him more so then me he was so scared he wouldn't be able to preform when it was time to try again and I would be disappointed in him. I would try to talk with him about it, he is probably just as angry at himself as you are.
Canadian I'm sorry you're going through this. I definitely know that pain all too well of begging to try and him not contributing. Things got much better when we agreed to ntnp.
Still- See, I don't know...because I don't know if it'll go back to how it was previously or if I'm still going to have irregular cycles. I was previously irregular, but the last 8-9 months it started becoming more regular as in 29-32 days.. but after miscarriage, with it taking 8 weeks to come, I have no clue what to expect.. Another part of the pulling away from tracking super hard, because it's a lot of unknowns and when I feel like I have no control I tend to get overly emotional about everything.
Only thing I am tracking is that I'm CD11 right now and I'm barely tracking that- I had to look on my phone on the fertility app to see.

Oh and 4dpo! not too much longer for testing! That's exciting :) baby dust! :)
Thanks guys, we talked about it and it was just with everything (family get together, and the bleeding had him worried something was wrong or that I might be in pain) It just didn't seem to match up with following up. The only thing was I felt like I told him I was alright and ready to go, and he was in my mind giving half ass excuses. Truth was he was worried about my well being, that I had bleed during sex and that i was bleeding for a day or 2 afterwards. He's still new to things about women's cycles and what's normal or not. So we came to an agreement and I think we know better where each other is coming from.

I'm just probably out of whack with hormones cause of the potent ovulation that something small like this festered and blew up to an emotional deal and i couldn't talk with him about it right away. I appreciate each one of you for responding and giving your support, it's helped so much and has calmed me down. Hope that you ladies still waiting get your lucky month if not maybe I'll be with you next month. :hugs: Love you all!
Ok so I've been a bit stumped the last few days. I was feeling warm and weak and "sickly" and just chalked it up to something I caught over last weekend. I was temping at 37-37.2 celsius last 2 days but this morning I was at 36.4. That's a huge drop and I'm wondering if that means anything especially since I'm at 6DPO. I'm trying not to get hopes up and trying to relax but I was just curious if anyone had any info on this.

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