TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Myshel, good luck this month! Here's hoping Santa brings you a BFP and you don't even need to do the FET in January.

Darling maybe it was a late O when you had all that EWCM! Getting close to your appt! Let us know how it goes.

I'm cd6 today. We successfully BD'd Sunday night for the first time in weeks (DH was scared to hurt my elbow) and my fertile window should be next week so it's on! I'm not going to be having surgery after all, starting physio after Christmas and following up with the doc in Jan to see how recovery is progressing.
In the TWW now will probably test the 22nd or 23 before the holidays so as I know to drink or not. Not much going on except sore all over from shoveling 5 inches of snow off the driveway. LOL my arms boobs back and butt all hurt, so I'm just sleeping it off and chilling. Hope I didn't strain myself and screw my chances. see you in a few weeks ladies!
Good luck Canadian, hope this tww goes by quickly for you.

Darling - Any updates?

Wishing - hope your elbow is starting to feel better. Good luck on sex week!

We got so much snow over the weekend, and it looks like we are giong to get another 10cm. Fertile window is open, so it is fun times for the next few days in our house.
4 more days till I start testing, but I'm not having any hugely hopeful signs. I have been having low cramps and pulling but no sore boobs, no nausea, but have had increased appetite. Been up at weird times during the night and sleeping during the day in consecutive naps. Unless I get a huge wave of lotion like cm or something I have a feeling we failed again...and yet we did 7/11 days out of the fertile window.

Starting to give up hope of ever succeeding.
Canadian don't give up hope! Sounds like you got the BD covered anyway. My DH might die if we did it 7/11 days. No symptoms doesn't mean anything. I've had more 'symptoms' in BFN cycles than I did in the one cycle we did conceive where my only legit symptom was cramps without AF. Hang in there and good luck with your testing, keep us posted!

Myshel, I actually think the cold snowy weather is more conducive to lots of BDing during fertile week! We started last night. (Is there a fist pump emoji?) I didn't think it was going to happen since DH fell asleep on the couch immediately after dinner, but after a 3 hour couch naps he got his second wind.
Canadian don't give up hope! Sounds like you got the BD covered anyway. My DH might die if we did it 7/11 days. No symptoms doesn't mean anything. I've had more 'symptoms' in BFN cycles than I did in the one cycle we did conceive where my only legit symptom was cramps without AF. Hang in there and good luck with your testing, keep us posted!

Myshel, I actually think the cold snowy weather is more conducive to lots of BDing during fertile week! We started last night. (Is there a fist pump emoji?) I didn't think it was going to happen since DH fell asleep on the couch immediately after dinner, but after a 3 hour couch naps he got his second wind.

that's usually what I let the Hubby do too, he comes home after work and I let him take like a hour or two nap and I usually get him after dinner to get some BDing done, well that and my AF is usually 5 days long and 2 days after that I'm too sensitive. So afterwards he's rearing to go due to withdrawal LOL! I hope so but I have a feeling I have a problem with my cervix and that it's not either open or allowing for "passage" for the little swimmers. Or that I have a track for MCing in the early stages, so it just might have failed to stick or split well.

October I was pregnant and had bunch of signs but lost it after Implantation due to coughing spasms. So I don't have much to go on this cycle except mild cramps, off and on gas and more frequent usage of the bathroom. Then again I'm 4-6DPO soooo who knows, I just hoped I ovulated, and am wishing I bought the Ovulation strips right about now....
Sounds like you covered all your bases, I would just keep your feet up and be hopeful. It is a bit early for any symptoms so just try to relax.

Wishing - I was thinking the same thing! My hubby would fall over from exhaustion if we did 7/11. I am hoping for every other day for seven days, give or take.
Had a bd session last night, and then a crying fit. Oh man I am all over the place lately!! Fearing Christmas season.
Hi everyone! Good luck in your tww Canadian moose and good luck with the fertile window myshel and wish!

Update:had my appointment today and if went great! All that stress for nothing. Forgot how nice this doctor is. She said because of all the troubles with my daughter she won't delay any sort of treatment. So she gave me Provera to get my cycle going again (because cycle day 43 and nothing. ) and started me back on metformin. She said she likes to see women on metformin for 6 weeks before starting clomid because it increases your chances (as she said it more bang for your buck...but I think I see it as more buck for your bang lol) anyways so i'm taking 4 different meds right now lol! So in 6 weeks if in not pregnant she said that I can call up there and get started on clomid :)
Woke up this morning in cramping burning pain. I've had to pee like crazy lately and it's probably cause of the tea, but I'm so thirsty all the time and feeling hot and dehydrated. Took a test when I woke up and of course BFN (6-8 DPO) but now I'm wondering if I just have like a bladder infection or something. I'm not getting the nausea or the tender breasts, but I do have crazy ass hunger.

Took a Tylenol to combat the pain and starting to think I should go to a doctor to get checked out for the infection just incase. Any thoughts or similar experiences to share would be lovely ladies, and I hope you are doing far better than I this month.
Feeling hot and dehydrated was my first symptoms, so say that is a positive thing.
I didn't get sore breasts or nausea until 8 - 12 weeks an it was really mild so not sure if that is one of your sysmptoms or not.

But there is no issues with anyone every going to the doctors to test for a bladder infection. If you think you have one I would go.
Darling, so glad your appt went well! It must feel good to have a plan. Maybe the metformin will do the trick for you!

Canadian, 6-8 dpo is right around the time of implantation, so any symptoms could just be progesterone peaking rather than pregnancy. Definitely go to the doc if you think you might have a bladder infection! It's worse if it goes up into your kidneys. I am actually surprised I haven't had one since we've been ttc...I stay lying down after BDing for at least 20 min, sometimes I go right to sleep without peeing. They say that you should pee right after sex to avoid UTI's, but it doesn't really work while TTC!

Myshel, glad you were able to start BDing, but sorry about the crying :hugs:. TTC after loss is so tough. It's like you really want to be pregnant again, but also so terrified. I hope the rest of sex week is more fun.

Have any of you read Coming to Term? It's about miscarriage, I just started reading it. Very good read so far.

I'm CD11, waiting to O, CM seems to be getting more fertile but OPK's still negative. We had a really nice BD yesterday afternoon...makes me want to go again today but need to stick to our every other day plan or DH will run out of steam before O!
Darling, so glad your appt went well! It must feel good to have a plan. Maybe the metformin will do the trick for you!

Canadian, 6-8 dpo is right around the time of implantation, so any symptoms could just be progesterone peaking rather than pregnancy. Definitely go to the doc if you think you might have a bladder infection! It's worse if it goes up into your kidneys. I am actually surprised I haven't had one since we've been ttc...I stay lying down after BDing for at least 20 min, sometimes I go right to sleep without peeing. They say that you should pee right after sex to avoid UTI's, but it doesn't really work while TTC!

Myshel, glad you were able to start BDing, but sorry about the crying :hugs:. TTC after loss is so tough. It's like you really want to be pregnant again, but also so terrified. I hope the rest of sex week is more fun.

Have any of you read Coming to Term? It's about miscarriage, I just started reading it. Very good read so far.

I'm CD11, waiting to O, CM seems to be getting more fertile but OPK's still negative. We had a really nice BD yesterday afternoon...makes me want to go again today but need to stick to our every other day plan or DH will run out of steam before O!

Yeah I usually pee right afterwards and clean up, I lay down for like 5-8 minutes (gathering strength to move haha) but I always pee and clean up. Hubby usually ends up helping me to the bathroom and being there, or getting me something to drink. But we are usually both wiped afterwards and lie there for like a few minutes trying to get breathing back to normal. So I never worry about the UTIs anymore, besides if you drink cranberry juice that helps fight it off too.
Had a very hopeful experience happen today, but I'm a bit worried to see to much into it. Hubby and I were shopping for presents for our nieces when I was sudden really overcome with nausea. Like it was so bad I had to stop where I was, crouch down and close my eyes, and hold my head and try to focus on NOT vomiting right then and there. Hubby being sweet as he was stood there and rubbed my back and held my hand, and asked if I really felt like I was going to puke that we should probably head out (politely). I laughed and it made me feel a bit better but it lasted about 10 minutes.

The thing I worry about is I'm taking new prenatals and I'm wondering if this is due to that, because I had a bit of nausea yesterday but it wasn't nearly as bad. I also had the nausea return in the car and had to open the car door (when we were parked in the parking lot) and dry heave. Even with this nausea in spells I'm still hungry and wolf down any food, which helps to keep it at bay. Here's the rub though, I'm not even 9DPO (I think) and I'm feeling like this, and I've only got swollen boobs with mild to none tenderness. The cramping is no longer in the uterus and just pressure/pain, cramping in my ovary (right side).
Everyone has been quiet for a while on this forum. Any news or updates?
In the tww right now and busy doing holiday things. We haven't been able to conceive naturally so I am doubtful this month worked, but we tried and even had fun so that is something!

Such a ramp up to Christmas in my family. Lots of prep, lots of family outings even prior to the big weekend so just crazy busy.
What are you up too? Have you decided to test yet?
Canadian, that wave of nausea sounds promising! When are you going to start testing?

Myshel, sorry you aren't optimistic about this cycle, but somehow it's just easier to keep your expectations low, you know? It's great when you can be super busy and distracted during the tww, it should fly by with all the holiday stuff going on!

I am cd13 today and happy to report a nice strong positive opk this morning! Excellent BD last night and we'll go again tomorrow. This will be my earliest O since my miscarriage, so even if this month isn't a success, at least my cycle is finally going back to normal. Tomorrow marks one year ttc for us and also my mom's lovely it would be if it also turns out to be the day our rainbow baby is conceived. I really hope that holiday travel and festivities can distract me during this tww...I don't plan on testing until 2017!
I have been testing since sunday, but the cheapies I'm using I think are like 25 mIU/mL HCG level. So I might just end up using a FRER on the morning of the 24th to make sure I can go to my SIL's house and drink without worry. However, like you all have said for yourselves, I don't feel like I have much hope that I'm pregnant. I've had little to none CM and most of the time it's been milky, globby, and stringy. only after I've been taking the prenatals has it turned to watery and more present.

I can post the tests if you'd like here on this forum, was thinking of doing one today later in the evening, since the cheapies I bought have 25 I've got plenty to spare.

*edited to clear up confusion, sorry bit tired from sleeping cycles being all whacky
I don't think any of us said that you don't have much hope Canadian. I think we said that you bd on the best days possible and keep the hope up. I hope you haven't read into anything I have said negatively, I think you have a great chance and I truly hope this is the month for you!

We have male infertility issues, which is why we can't (haven't) conceive naturally and I might have mentioned for me personally when I did get pregnant I didn't have any symptom that normal people say they get, so I don't know how to symptom spot ...
I don't think any of us said that you don't have much hope Canadian. I think we said that you bd on the best days possible and keep the hope up. I hope you haven't read into anything I have said negatively, I think you have a great chance and I truly hope this is the month for you!

We have male infertility issues, which is why we can't (haven't) conceive naturally and I might have mentioned for me personally when I did get pregnant I didn't have any symptom that normal people say they get, so I don't know how to symptom spot ...

Oh no I didn't mean you guys said I didn't have a chance, I was agreeing with you on feeling like you didn't have a chance. I was saying I feel the same, sorry if that didn't come across clearer. We don't know what type of infertility we are dealing with (being me or him) but we have had 3 MCs this year alone. Which leads me to believe I'm the one needing the help since they either end in a chemical or failed implantation.

I truly appreciate the positive outlook you have for me this month, it truly be something I would love to have happen but want to remain realistic so as not to hurt later if I fail again. Although as I write this I'm fighting waves of nausea and was quite sure when I took a test earlier that there was a faint line. Sadly I was in the shower waiting for it and picked it up getting water on it. I'll try and test again later today or maybe tomorrow.
Canadian I hope your faint line is the real deal! We haven't had anything to squint at on this thread for a while so do post your next test!

I always find it easier to be hopeful for others than it is to hope for myself.

I bought some 10 miu sure predict tests from amazon so maybe I will test early, like 10 or 11 dpo so that I will know if I can drink New Year's Eve.

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