TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Yup 11 dpo today...I will start to get the itch to test at 13 dpo I'm sure!
hahaha good luck Wish! I can never hold out longer than 11dpo!

Still- I am playing a legacy challenge on sims 4 and it's crazy fun, basically you start your sim out with NOTHING no house no money, and they have to make a family legacy in 10 generations. There's a detailed point system. It's fun ;) and also, I'm not sure when I start Clomid honestly, I am to call them the day AF shows and they will fax my script over to take it, but she didn't give me any details on it. I am assuming she'll have me take it CD3-7 because that seems to be the standard, but I won't know until I get them. How are you feeling?

Just took provera pill #4, only 3 more pills and then I get to impatiently wait for AF hahah These 7 days are taking forever! haha
11dpo, I rarely make it past 7dpo :rofl:

Ugh Darling the waiting would make me insane! But the game sounds fun, hopefully it passes time for you.

AFM I'm okay just frustrated because my clinic put the referral for me to be seen at OBGYN last Weds, I get a call today saying they sent the referral back for missing information. It really annoyed me because I really want to make sure I get seen as early as possible, but maybe I'm overreacting.
Well the witch got me this morning. I'm bummed but not devastated...I guess I just expect it now. Going to try to a more relaxed approach for Feb and then we will do IUI in March as planned.

Still, did you get things worked out with your ob/gyn referral? That is so annoying. When (if?) I get pregnant again, I'm going to self-refer to a midwife. They do first prenatal appointments around 7-8 weeks, whereas ob's here won't see you until 11-12 weeks. Hope you can get in soon.
Oh so sorry Wish! :/ wishing you a nice relaxing February cycle :)

I'm finished with my provera and I'm just impatiently waiting for AF. I was really hoping she'd show today but it doesn't look like it. I have already told dh that I just KNOW it'll show around 5pm Friday, because that's when the doc's office closes and I'll have to wait until monday, which would make it CD4....when I have to take it on CD3. I think I'm going to call them and ask if they can go ahead and fax the script. Just in case.
Ugh wish that sucks! I'm glad you have the IUI to look forward to. Have you done IUI before?

Darling that's so annoying! I don't see why they don't just give it to you beforehand?

AFM finally got a call from my OBGYN, and I have my first appointment on the 17th. I'm going to be requesting a midwife, but it doesn't actually matter because I will change Dr's when we move in July.
Darling, not that I advocate lying to your doctor, but you could always call on Friday and say AF started or that you're spotting or whatever so that you can be sure to get the script.

Still I'm glad you got your appt date! Where are moving to? I hope nowhere cold...I am always envious of people who live in places with no real winter.

We've never done IUI before, and it will be with injectable ovarian stimulation so I'm pretty nervous. I've never given myself injections before. The doc says it has about a 15% chance of success.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here. I just came across this site a few days ago. I have a son who will be turning 3 this month and my husband and I started trying again when he was 1.5 yrs old. I had a miscarriage in January 2016 at 6.5 weeks and another in December 2016 at 6 weeks (I found out when I was 10 weeks and went for my first ultrasound that the baby was only measuring 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat). That miscarriage started after taking misprostol at 11.5 weeks and it was very traumatic! I actually gave birth and no one had warned me what was going to happen or what could come out. Everything kept growing except the baby so the placenta and sac came out whole. I never want to have that experience again. Nor do I want another miscarriage of any sort again.

I was tired of waiting to test so I went on Monday and got bloodwork done to check my HCG levels and they were at 37! (I had one period on Jan 1 after my mc). I went again on Wednesday and my levels were at 109.

I still have not told my husband. He had a hard time with the first loss so he closed himself off for this last pregnancy so when I lost that one I felt so alone. I don't know when to tell him. I'd love to wait until I know my chances of miscarrying are slim but then I think that's not really fair. Has anyone else kept their pregnancy from their SO for a while?

I went to my family Dr yesterday to get a prescription for progesterone suppositories (I've never been tested but wanted it for peace of mind) and they called to see what my husband recommended (he's a pharmacist) and he had no idea I was asking for it. I told him I was being proactive.
I should mention that when I got my bloodwork done on Monday I was 9 dpo. Today I'm 13 at dpo. I didn't ovulate this month though until CD21 which is unheard of for me. I'm very regular at 27, 28 day cycles. I did OPK's for the first time in my life this cycle though and thankfully I did or I would have stopped TTC a week before! I recommend OPK's to everyone TTC
Welcome Meditteranean! I'm sorry for your losses :hugs: I personally wouldn't keep it from your SO. I'd let him know, but then not push the subject. My SO was the same way after we lost our son, and this pregnancy he's been hesitant to talk about it. So I just don't push the subject and let him bring it up when he feels like it. That's why I love these forums, its amazing having other women to talk to who understand what you're going through. have you considered baby asprin? I'm currently on baby asprin because of mc history.

Wish I despise southern CA and the fact that it doesn't have seasons. its unbearably monotonous. We are moving to Virginia :happydance:
15%? I thought it would be higher than that...I can totally understand being nervous. But you still have another cycle to try right?
Welcome Medit, sorry to hear of your losses but congrats on being pregnant again! I could see maybe hiding it from my DH for a week at the most, just to make sure it wasn't a chemical or whatever, but no way would I be able to conceal it any longer. I truly hope this is your rainbow baby!

Still, wow Virginia is a long way from CA! That's will have seasons, but not severe, horrible cold winters like we have up here.

Yeah Feb will be a natural cycle since we'll be away on vacation from the 11th to the 20th. We're going to go visit my little brother in Alberta and spending 6 days in Banff!
My husband has been stationed there before, and it dropped below zero in the winter, but the snow doesn't get that high I guess. I'm from Oregon so I'm used to cold winters :) does it get super cold where you are? How exciting to visit your brother! I miss my brother :( lol
Thanks for your thoughts Stillpraying and wishnandhopn . Congrats to you as well Stillpraying! I guess I didn't read far enough back to where you got your BFP! How far along are you? Did your Doctor recommend baby aspirin or did you have reasons to take them? I've read about a lot of people taking baby aspirin and I've thought about it. I'm scared not to do anything but scared to take anything I may not need too. Im torn.
I know, I'm pretty excited to see him! He's a police officer so I will probably get to see him in uniform, bullet proof vest and all. He's 9 years younger than me...weird to see my my baby bro is all grown up!

This morning it felt like yeah pretty cold! I'm supposed to be a tough Canadian, but I truly hate being cold! My DH is a skier and he just loves winter so he gets me out of the house. If it was up to me I'd hibernate.
My Dr advised it my last pregnancy, but unfortunately I didn't get it until I was 12 weeks, and I lost my son at 15. My Dr told me that if anything it couldn't hurt me.
I'm 5 weeks 4days now. What about you?
Wish mad respect for police officers :) I'm always cold so I hear you. It gets that cold in VA where we are moving! The coldest it gets here in socal is like 45 degrees Fahrenheit
Still praying had you had any testing done after any of your miscarriages? Did you go full term with your first and would you have likely went full term with your other daughter if not for the preeclampsia?
My SIL has a blood clotting disorder and she had a premie (7.5 months), and two miscarriages. She was told she'd either have a miscarriage, a premie or a mentally handicapped child if she didn't take the aspirin and a shot in her stomach daily. I wish I knew whether it would benefit me or not. Maybe I'll start.
I started with a naturopath taking herbs and acupuncture. Now the progesterone. I needed to do something differently.

By my LMP I'm 4 weeks 6 days but I didn't ovulate until day 21 so I'll be a week behind that at 3 weeks 6 days

I am jealous of your nice weather in California. I'd love summer all year round. I'm in Northern-southern Ontario and its very cold here! Can get to -40 celcius although that's rare.
I only had testing after my last loss. They drew panels and panels of blood and i was tested for every thing. Everything with me came back clear so they think his loss was either early preeclampsia, or some kind of heart defect/spinabifida/chromosomal. We chose not to test him. I was too heartbroken at the time to stomach the thought of them cutting into him. Dd2 I would have been fine if not for the preeclampsia.
Stillpraying I can completely understand the reason for not testing your son. That is a hard decision to make. Do you have your first scan booked yet? I go in at 9+ weeks on March. 10th. Have you got your HCG levels checked? I think in the states it's more of a common practice when you're first pregnant. In Canada it's not part of the typical pregnancy workup. I asked for it because I was worried after my first mc.

Do you have any symptoms? I don't really have any other than insomnia, eating more frequently and I'm more emotional. My boobs aren't sore and I don't have an nausea but I never did have nausea before either.

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