TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Ladies i know this is a ttc thread, not a pregnancy thread. I also understand that because we have all suffered losses here, it's painful to hear about others pregnancies. So I intend to stay here to support all of you to getting your bfps but I'll be refraining from pregnancy talk.

Mediterranean I started a Fall 2017 rainbow thread in pregnancy after a loss if you'd like to join.
hi ladies, stopping in real quick to write that I started spotting tonight so I think the witch is FINALLY rearing her ugly head ;) Ok for terms of Clomid, do I count CD1 as when I start spotting, or does it only count as CD1 when it's an actual (red) flow?
Darling yay for spotting! I would count CD1 as the first day of full red flow. Which cycle day are you supposed to start it?

Still, I am super happy for you and really do like hearing about rainbow pregnancy success stories...but I do appreciate your sensitivity about limiting pregnancy talk amongst those of us who would "give our right arm to be pregnant again" :hugs:
My doctors office wanted me to call in day one of spotting for clomid cycle. Their thoughts were your body is starting to cycle and can take a few days but follicles might be growing. I guess it depends on how you spot, but I would call and let them know and they can tell you what to do.

Afm we lost the pregnancy pretty fast, only a few days after we got a positive from the doctors office. It was horrible as it happened on Blue's due date, so this week has been just freaking crazy emotional. I don't know how long this bleed will be, but hopefully will be over soon. This freaking sucks.
Is everyone on here Canadian??
I am just outside of Hamilton Ontario, but lived in Edmonton for about 7 years.

Where are you guys from?
Myshel I am so very sorry you're going through this, and for it to happen on your due date, well it's so cruel and unfair and it just makes me so mad at the universe. I hope the bleeding is over soon, although I know the emotional pain will take much longer to heal than the physical.

I'm in Ottawa. It's snowing and pretty here today...think we'll go for a cross country ski after lunch.
I'm in the United States:)

Myshel :hugs: I wish I had the right words to comfort you. This sucks so bad and is so very unfair. I hope the bleeding doesn't last long.

Darling glad she finally showed so you can get started with clomid!

Wish I just know how it feels and how hard it is. I want to stay and support you guys, not make anyone feel worse or "pour salt in the wound" so to speak. What CD are you on?

It's superbowl Sunday here....I'm only excited for the food haha
So very sorry Myshel that really sucks :/ Hopefully the bleed doesn't take long

I'm confused now, I seriously only had one incident of spotting (one brown wipe) and now nothing. Ugh my body hates me. Should I call about that tomorrow or just wait a couple more days and see if she shows?
Darling when did you finish the provera? How long did they say it should take for AF to start afterwards?

I'm CD5 today...AF is pretty much done. Now I just have to get through 5 more days of work till we're on vacation!
I am only lightly spotting now but it is still red, I just want it gone.
I want an appointment with my doctor so we can talk about the next FET!! I am being so impatient right now. Had a good crying weekend with hubs, which was nice. We are both still just all over the place but we finally got into the babies room and had a good cry. This is the first time we went in since the loss in September.

Darling, because it is a forced period with medication it might take a few days to start. I would call the doctors and see if they say the same thing.

Wishing, where are you going on vacation?

Omg I thought I loved lady gaga before, but it is an official crush now. She did an amazing job during the half time yesterday!
I'm an american living in Canada in ontario to my Canadian husband. Haven't been on for a while because I've just been trying to relax and focus on destressing and just enjoying my time with hubby. I had really short cycle last moth (26 days and I'm normally 32) and I think I ovulated early again so I'm in the TWW again now.

Hope you are are having a good wait and hopeful time with symptoms.
CanadianMoose I'm also in Ontario. Where about s are you? What CD are you now?
I'm in the US, east coast.

Called my doctor's office today and the nurse said if AF doesn't show by Wednesday to call back up. I'm starting to get a little freaked out that something is wrong with me even more than just my PCOS. I've been REALLY REALLY crampy all month, it started around what I thought was my ovulation but just stayed around, I have crampy episodes every day. I guess I could just have a nasty cyst that's causing trouble but I'm just tired of all the trouble!! Why does everything have to go wrong, especially when I was just about to start clomid?! I'm just hoping that maybe they will do some testing to see why I have YET to go back to normal since the MC.
Hopefully AF just shows and you can start your clomid, the waiting is just the worst! But I hope if they need to do more testing they can do it ASAP and solve it.
CanadianMoose I'm also in Ontario. Where about s are you? What CD are you now?

Windsor, and not quit sure I'm thinking maybe 4 to 5 but I just had a rush of lotion-like cm and I'm feeling stretched and full in the uterus. so...fingers crossed!
May I join this thread ladies? I was here as another user then for some reason I got locked out of my account and can't log back in or recover my password. I was Sweetmama26 before this. This is my fourth round of clomid.
Still- Thanks! I'm hoping something will happen. I am just tired of being in limbo. :(

Kamiann- Hi welcome :) 4th round of clomid, that's exciting, what dose are you taking and what CDs? I'm SUPPOSED to be starting my first round this month, but I am, I think, day 6 after my last provera, and still no AF. So, I don't know my plans anymore. haha
Limbo is the worst because time drags and you can't even start anything or be working towards a goal. Any sign of AF?

Welcome Kamiann!
Limbo is the worst. I got some pinkish tinged cm but then nothing. Even bdded to try and see if that would bring it on and nothing. Just keep hoping I'll wake up in the morning to af. Such a weird wish lol ttc makes you do and need crazy things lol.
Welcome Kami!

Darling, still no AF? Here's a crazy thought...when's the last time you did a hpt?

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