TTC my Rainbow Baby! Looking for buddies who log in often!

Canadian I don't see anything either but it looks washed out to me and I'm bad at seeing lines, I hope if it is positive you get a clearer picture later in the cycle.

AFM: I'm going to test again tomorrow. I tested on CD 9 and it was a BFN so I thought I'd wait a few days to be safe.
8DPO and I still am a bit sick, but I'm not holding out much hope right now. I'm not having any cm or sign/symptoms. I think I didn't luck out this cycle. Took another test 5 am and nothing. thinking I'm just gonna try and focus on getting better and taking care of hubs that just turned sick now.
goood luck girls! When I got pregnant with #2 on clomid, I tested on AF day and it was negative and then I was 5 days late when I realized I still didn't get AF and tested again and got a positive, so don't give up hope!

Today is Clomid day 1 Eeeeeek! :) AF is still here, although it's pretty much gone, so I'm looking forward to bdding like crazy this month (bahahaha) that's the part where you actually feel productive in this ttc craziness.
goood luck girls! When I got pregnant with #2 on clomid, I tested on AF day and it was negative and then I was 5 days late when I realized I still didn't get AF and tested again and got a positive, so don't give up hope!

Today is Clomid day 1 Eeeeeek! :) AF is still here, although it's pretty much gone, so I'm looking forward to bdding like crazy this month (bahahaha) that's the part where you actually feel productive in this ttc craziness.

Productive and the only really satisfyingly good. Is it just me or does sex during ovulation feel soooo much better? have fun darling and remember don't stress about it just enjoy!
I am so sorry about you loss. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason even though it gets hard sometimes. I have a one year old and we lost our second baby at 5 weeks on January 1 of this year. I am hesitant about trying again. I defiantly need support and encouragement.
thanks Canadianmoose ;) heheh

Hi shotgunrider, hate that you have to join the group but welcome :) This group is definitely a very supportive community, I understand the hesitation. Have you considered a NTNP method until you feel more ready to try?
Darling I hope this is your cycle.

AFM I took another test yesterday at 12 DPO and it was BFN but I feel sick to my stomach all day every day. However my temps are sitting around 98.6 so that's a little disheartening.
Both times I got positives I did not get the temp spike everyone seems to get. I think it depends on you body, so don't get too down about temps.

So I think we are going to try naturally this month, maybe starting around Vday, which will be 14 days after the start of the MC we had this month. Still talking with DH about trying another FET next cycle or waiting for another month. Looks like he might have to take a work trip so we might have to plan around this trip he will be taking.
Welcome shotgun rider :flower:

Canadian when is AF due for you?

Darling how is the clomid so far? Are you close to O soon?

Myshel trying natural for a cycle will probably be good for both of you, kind of take a deep breathe and have some fun :)
Still -Day 2 of clomid done! I've read o usually happens 5-9 days after comid but I'm not sure if that's always the case. So not in fertile window yet but we fit in a practice session today lol plan is to bd every other day until window then everyday during and then back to every other day until af or bfp....just in case I got O wrong lol
.....I'm going to be tired this month lol
Darling I took Clomid days 5-9 and I O'd on day 15 so that falls in the 5-9 days after clomid idea, I'd have to agree with it.

Myshel - I also think a natural cycle might be more relaxing for you.

AFM: My temp dropped below cover so I'm officially out this month which is super frustrating.
Um not quite sure when AF is due, I think I O'ed early this month again. some time this weekend or something who knows. but V day with be 10 DPO and I'm not getting much on my 25 HCG level cheapies. So I think I'm just gonna wait till the weekend and see what happens. I'll let you know if anything changes but I don't have much hope for anything this month.
Well AF is due tomorrow and Hubby and I had sexy times to try and see if it would trigger or anything. While doing it was super weird for me, I was semi dry but there was no pain, which usually near my monthly I'm super sensitive and it ends up hurting so bad. I bled a little but I think that was cause we ended up getting a bit raw due to no lube and I felt almost no pleasure/pain it was weird just high muted sensations. Hubby saw it was weird for him as it was really tight and he felt like he was hitting my cervix (which is low and soft.)

I haven't been having really any cramps or feeling icky like I usually do when AF is about to arrive, and I have 2 FRER's that's I'm saving for this weekend if she's a no show. Woke up with muscle pain under my breasts and they are full but same size not "swollen" like usual right before period. I'm not sure what's going on but if I am pregnant I don't follow the rules that other women apparently do (super wet, sore breasts, cramping.) so here's to crossing fingers and that it will stick if so.

Hope the rest of you are doing well and have an exciting V day week.
I had no extra wetness with my first pregnancy, so I don't think that is the same for everyone.

So start of sex week is now. Work has been crazy for hubs so he is just not in the mood which is annoying, will have to be extra nice when he gets home to get at least a shot in hahaha.
Still haven't decided if we will do FET next month or not, so torn but now it is because hubs might have to go to New found land for work for a week, and he really wants to be here for the transfer. So annoying, I wish we knew what was happening.
Canadianmoose- well wishing you luck! :)

- what must that be like? haha my husband pests for sexytime all the time, I'm the one that isn't in the mood that often, but with TTC I have to force myself to be in the mood enough to get a deposit :p I was scheduling our BDing times so that we got all the bases covered and we usually do every other day up until what I predict to be my fertile window, and then we do it every day during the fertile window, and then afterward we go back to every other day but with clomid I'm a little confused when the window starts, so I was talking with him about it and he goes, well we can just do it every day!! bahaha

AFM- Clomid is finished and I've discovered a LOVELY side effect that I don't remember getting last time I took it. I'm getting crazy vaginal itchiness/burning. I went out and bought mucinex because I read that clomid dries you out, and that could be why I'm itchy/dry and that mucinex helps thin out your CM. We'll see!
Good luck with the mucinex. I had some good luck with it, I also bought pre seed, which is fantastic!
Good luck CanadianMoose, wow there is quite a few of us Canadian girls on this board, my usual boards have girls mostly from the UK lol.

AFM: CD 3 and my AF is nearly gone so now it's going to be clomid for cycle day 5-9 and BDing frequently.
AF day and nothing yet, gonna probably test tomorrow with and FRER If I get nothing. Still no usual signs of monthly. Have lots of gas though, but boobs don't hurt anymore.
No AF and hubs says he wants to wait till maybe Monday or something due to sometimes I am a few days late. But she was a no show today, and had seemingly creamy milky cm today but no cramps and still full breasts with slight twinges now. I still feel out but I pretty calm and relaxed. Gonna get some sleep tonight and wait out the weekend. Gl ladies

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