I hope its a sticky month for you mme and you don't need to have any testing. Fx!
Afm im still pg, Yay! I was 11 weeks last Sunday. I had some awful sickness around week 8 but I think its starting to ease. Just want some energy back. I have my dating scan on the 30th so feeling excited and nervous for it.
I had my hospital appointment yesterday at the fertility clinic. They took lots of info & examined me & took swabs & are going to repeat my bloods. I have to ring when I start my next period to book in a hyposy where they insert dye inside me. She did say my progesterone level on my recent blood test was a bit low but was done on day 22 so they're going to see what it is on day 21 this month. After my hyposy we get an appointment to discuss all my results.
I just feel a bit low about it all today I'm due on next week & even tho our timing was great this month I don't even have any hope I will be pregnant this month. It makes it worse that we're not gna be trying again until January now as we have a big family holiday booked for next August!
Pamg I feel your pain hun we're in the same boat with the waiting. We have commitments in July & August so have to hold off till January.
MME I so hope this month brings you a BFP I really do hun xx how are you
Just wanted to say hello & best of luck to everyone. Waiting can seem forever! I'm in Preston, although from quite a multicultural background (moved from the USA 15 years ago).
Ttc for a year before with a lot of heartbreak, but finally got blessed with dd, now just hoping for #2. My cycles used to be 30 days back in those days but now they keep getting longer which worries me and I rarely get a + opk. Haven't had any fertility tests but if things don't go well after this cycle I will be knocking on doctors door for some because I am getting old now & running out of time!
I had 2 faint bfp's during the summer, here's to hoping I get a sticky break soon!!
How many dpo are you now did you track this month. That was one of the 1st things with me lots of lotion type discharge & break out in spots.
So hopefully for a possative month hun. Xx
Hugs. I can totally sympathize. I'm finding it so hard also. I have a hycosy booked to check my tubes 7th Dec. I was hoping it would be sooner but there is a waiting list then after that we will see a consultant, I'm guessing could be January now. I'm just convinced there must be something wrong with me as to why we haven't conceived yet.
Remind me again how long you have been TTC ?
It is getting harder for me so much so I’m considering calling it a day TTC after this cycle