TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Hi Ladies,

For some reason i do enjoy reading how you preggo ladies are doing:) makes me feel warm and fuzzy:) It just gives me hope that it will happen to me, wish and the other ladies :)

Left that is a beautiful nursery. Cant wait to see how the new one will look like.

Mdc hope you had a safe flight:)

By the way Mdc and Left are you Ladies going to find out what you are having?

Jessie am praying for worry free delivery. Anxiously waiting to see your beautiful baby boy. Positive thoughts for DH bar exams.

Thats all for now and many prayers and positive thoughts for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you all.
Left, wow hopefully we can continue as bump buddies, and good to know your symptoms are just kicking in and they do not sound too bad. You have a scan coming up soon right? Adorable nursery! Not even thinking ideas until my scan. :winkwink:

Ok everyone I may be cracking up! Man it is going to be forever until my scan it feels like (11 more days). I know I am being crazy, but symptoms come and go right? Last night and even this morning my boobs were not as sore. I know it is just my body getting used to the level of hormones before they jump again, but it is enough to drive a pregnant person crazy. Me to myself 'you are pregnant today and your body and embie are doing what they need for a healthy pregnancy'. PMA!
Yes mdc they drive you crazy like that .... Here one min ... Gone the next .... Lol
Left: tatty teddy! hahaa so cute. I had to look it up. I guess it started in the UK but has slowly made its way to the US. Yea, don't worry about posting if you're feeling yucky. I barely posted anything during my first tri. Typing on here was just too much with full time work, feeling exhausted and just overall cruddy.

Yea, mdc- the symptoms will fluctuate! Can't wait for your scan. Post a pic please!!!

Thanks for the prayers, Star!! I'm so nervous. Going to try for a natural birth, but we'll see....... im flexible. Still have a bunch of things to do before the little guy comes. I have my hospital bag semi packed- mostly with goodies and treats. :happydance:

Went to a friend's baby shower today. It was the most organized baby shower ever! I'm all babied out tho- 99% of the women had children or were pregnant-i don't think i want to talk about pregnancy, labor/ birth or breastfeeding for at least another 24 hours. :winkwink:
hello lovely preggies and preggies to be! ;)

I echo what Star said - I'm glad this thread got going b/c I love reading all you're going through in your different stages, etc. I love watching you all on your journeys, I'm living vicariously through you (for now) and definitely taking notes!

jessie - that's great that DH gets to spend an extended time with you and the baby! i'm sure he's happy to be able to focus on you both now.

left - ugh, i'm sorry you're feeling yucky! but not really b/c i think that's a great sign! ;) super cute Teddy nursery, that's a great idea.

mdc - same - feel gross and bloated and have sore boobs. But only every now and then! HAHA!

left/mdc - are you going to do the Harmony tests or anything, since we are of 'advanced age' and all that? Will you find out the gender?
Wish and star, I was exactly the same way when I read this thread. So I have a feeling you will both be here soon!

I will be asking about the Panorama test (U.S. version) and you can do it as early at 9 weeks. It tests for Down's, other trisomy disorders, and other sex chromosome disorders (fragile X, etc.), and you can find out the SEX!!!! No team yellow for way Jose!
Hello ladies, hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty uneventful, which is fine by me since I seem to be losing energy to do anything by the day.

Left- Super cute nursery! I still need to pack up our guest room so I can get started. Will also need to drag my hubby to the furniture store soon.

Mdc- Yep, symptoms came and went for me as well. That is why I took pregnancy tests all the time up until my first appointment! lol

Jessie- good to hear things are still going well for you. That is awesome that hubby gets to spend time with you and baby before he goes back to work. I can imagine being all babied out by now! I have been watching Call the Midwife (on season 2 now) and it makes me want to have my little one already! I am really getting antsy now.

I have a friend's baby shower to go to this Sunday... Kinda dreading it because my friend carries really big, so I know I will get comments on how "small" I am... even though I think I am looking pretty normal/average size right now. The "I hate you" and "You are so lucky" comments get old! Especially when they do not understand how hard I have to work to be like this. If I did not meticulously track everything I ate like I do and workout 6 days per week, I would be huge. I know this because of how fast my body responds to days I have too much sodium or bad food. I have another friends shower to go to a week before I am due... Not sure I will make that one...

For our nursery, I want a sophisticated baby girl look. I attached photos of the look I am going for. I am going to do gray walls, the wall the crib will be on, I plan to do horizontal stripes of two shades of gray. I want vertical pink thick stripe curtains for the window and other pink accents through out. The middle picture is a mobile that my mom and I are going to attempt to make (otherwise it is about $165 on etsy!). And I am going to order the pictures of the ballerina's to hang. And I LOVE that rocking chair so I plan to find something similar to that. So, we will see how close I am able to achieve that look! I have a lot of work to do!

Oh! And hubby is starting to be okay with the name Ireland Claire! :) Anything else I throw out, he turns up his nose at. Yesterday, he said "I thought you already had the name picked out?" I asked him if he was okay with Ireland and he said "sure, why not." So I guess I will take that response. He has not been any help with picking a name. He has made zero suggestions... So we are back on with my favorite baby name! I do have a back up now... Kiley James. As most of you know Kiley is actually my maiden name :) James is my step-fathers name. So this way I can have both dads honored with her name if I go with Kiley. I guess we will just wait and see what she looks more like when she gets here! :)


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wow, you are in super nesting mode, Kiley!! :haha:
I love the pics and the ideas - someone on another thread said they were doing gray and yellow, I thought that was great too. I hadn't thought of gray. Our room that will be the nursery is already yellow - may as well keep that. So maybe hints of gray sprinkled in.

I know what you mean about the comments. Not pregnancy, but just being a woman - I'm thinner, always been somewhat athletic and I know when I start to gain weight to start watching what I eat and get out and MOVE and I lose it. But I'm tall (almost 5'8") and have always been thin, so I'm dismissed from a lot of conversations about hips, dieting, the joys of clothing shopping, etc. Oh well. I'm not dismissed from conversations about working out and finding yummy good-for-you recipes, so I guess I'd rather be involved in those.

Speaking of which - 3rd kickboxing class today and my whole body was sweaty and shaky. I LOVE IT!! :ninja:
Oh Wish, I am envious of your height! You are going to look great while pregnant! Lots of room to carry that little one. So get ready for the "OMG you are sooo small! I hate you!" comments! You will look great until the end I am sure since you are conscientious of what you eat. I am only 5'1" and a short torso. I am thankful I am all baby belly right now though. As she gets bigger, my belly has been shooting straight out. I am carrying all in front of me. Can't tell from behind that I am prego. And yes, when people complain about their weight, if I say anything about struggling to eat right, they totally dismiss me since I seem to be able to keep it under control. But that doesn't mean we are naturally this way and don't struggle with it!!

Yellow and gray will be so cute! I love gray. Definitely keep your yellow room. I like your adding gray accents idea! Now we just need AF to pay you a visit so you can get started again!!

Great job on keeping up with your kickboxing classes!
Oh and as far as nesting mode... I am not quite there yet. I have all these big plans, but have yet to execute! I seem to be lacking in motivation to start. Probably because it means packing up stuff first and putting it into storage until our basement is done.
Kiley, that theme is adoreable! I used to dance ballet all thoughout school, so I am a sucker for the pictures!

I also get you and Wish about the weight talk. It always frustrated me that people assume it is easy to stay healthy because it is damn hard work (pregnant or not). And man Wish I would love some of your height I am 5'2 and short torsoed also so who knows what kind of small species whale I may become. :haha: I do plan on staying super active and so far so good. Eight days and counting to the scan! The scan is the day before my bday, scheduled that way bc if it was bad news I did not want to associate it with my bday. However I decided to start writing down my symptoms throughout the day as reassurance that everything is going perfect. I also did find a mc calculator that uses a statistical regression model to show the drop in risk as the days today is 10.5%. Oh how I love statistical math!
Coupla short stacks over here, huh?? :haha: I was allllllways the tall one out of my group of friends growing up. I was a cheerleader and was always in the back, on the bottom, and they were up front or flying high!

I forgot to mention, Kiley - I love love love the name Kiley James. But there are lots of Kileys out there, not many Irelands! :) I only know of one (Alec Baldwin's daughter). I love how James is becoming a crossover name for girls - it's one of my faves for a boy's middle name. You could go with Ireland James? Even 'I.J.' sounds neat!

mdc - you crack me up daily, thank you for being you. :flower: Symptoms will come and go, or stay or not. No rhyme or reason. Just keep that incredible PMA you've been having and (try to) forget about the rest. My fingers, toes, nose, elbows are so crossed for you and a healthy scan in a week.
A www shucks Wish...thank you! I have a great feeling for a sticky baby or two for you this round!!!! You are so supportative or everyone and it is your time.
Mdc I can't wait for your scan also! I have a good feeling about it. Don't think you have anything to worry about. :) Easy for me to say though since I am through that phase of pregnancy. But I was the exact same way as you. Taking a gazillion tests and looking up stats. Tracking your symptoms is a good idea. Probably helps with some of the anxiety I bet.

Wish- I absolutely LOVE Ireland James, I even talked about that with my sister when I first thought of Ireland. But, with having two Dads, I don't want my biological Dad to feel left out. Thats why I am okay with Kiley James... then both Dads are somehow included. I do like Ireland better than Kiley and for the same reason you pointed out, that there are already lots of Kiley's. But I can't think of a better back up name and don't want to just settle on one that has no meaning to me. I was really liking Sutton Kiley as well, but hubby does not like Sutton. I am surprised he likes Ireland better. I have a pretty good feeling she will be Ireland though. :) I can already picture a little girl running around named Ireland. So pray for me if we decide to have another and it is a boy. I am assuming my husband is going to claim naming rights if that happens! LOL

And I second what Mdc says Wish! I have a really good feeling for you this time too. :)
it's settled then - Ireland Kiley James! hahaha

thank you both - the positive vibes and good feelings are welcome!! Today is 5 weeks since the D&C so.......where the frig is AF? :coffee:
Kiley, love the names! I like that you will wait to meet her to decide on what she looks like. I love Sutton cute! I may have to steal it for my list that I will be making after the first ultrasound (which will be a perfect cute little gummy bear :winkwink: ).

Wish, I read on the other thread that AF is surely on its way! Yeah!!! Let's get one more short cycle and get the show on the road.

Afm, I had my first little emotional burst last night, but DH did his part. While I was making dinner he was playing music which is totally fine, but sometimes he likes to play a game and ask me the first artist that comes to my head. Usually I play along, but I was just dead tired and said my brain was not working and I did not want to play along. He said you just don't care, and to me it sounded like a whiney toddler so I just kind of lost it. Poor guy! Not sure he truly understands the hormone thing, but I think he will learn quickly if not the hard way. Later during dinner he said he is starting to believe it more and more and said last night he was to redo the living room to make it more family cozy. So there was that cute part. Then I forgot to turn the oven off right away and it was pretty hot before we went to bed...and silly DH he made a comment asking why it was still so hot...bad decision. Queue another melt down. Then to top it off I think my stress gave me some moderate cramps for a while at night which did not help my emotions...luckily no bleeding, but just tried to do some deep breathing and it helped. Need to tell myself...zen feelings. I did get some extra cuddle time this morning, so happy girl for now at least :haha:

I did take another test which will hopefully last me till next Tuesday. Yeah! 3+, as it should be because today is 6 weeks!
Forgot to add the pic.


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Kiley- love both name choices, you can't go wrong with them. Adorable! Also love the nursery theme, very girly chic.

Can't wait to hear how your scan goes next week Mdc. I hope it's a great way to kick off your birthday!

Hope all of you pregnant ladies are feeling great and hanging in there. I love reading your updates and following along. =)
love the pic, mdc!!

I'm glad DH sounds like he'll be understanding about the meltdowns. Wonder how mine will be - he gets all disapproving or confused if I show any other emotion than the logical, steady one that he only shows.

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