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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Good morning everyone!
Jessie, pins and needles over here. So close!

Hope everyone is doing great!

I think nausea is slowly settling in. Last night before dinner I had 'that taste' in the back of my throat. Yuck! Might just be reflux, but either way makes me feel oddly better. I do have to vent for a bit. So we were having a lovely evening and I got a text from an old BF, no biggie just saying hi. DH asked what as I looked at my text and so I told him. I guess that did not go over well in his head. I guess I am too honest for my own good, but I really did not think it was a big deal. So the rest of the night he just pouted guess I already have one toddler on my hands. :dohh: He was upset because he thought I was trying to get a rise out of him which was SO not the case. I guess he wants it to be don't ask don't tell. I did apologize for because making him feel upset, but I did not say I was not sorry for someone texting me and telling him. Sometimes I think he has more estrogen and gets hurt more easily than I do. Maybe I was unintentionally out of line. What are your honest opinions?
mdc - boy oh boy......this is similar to the situation I was just in with my DH, if you remember a few weeks ago. I really think that men are less secure than they lead us to think. My DH would flip if an ex-BF of mine still had my number and felt the need to think of me and text me. Even if it wasn't a big deal - someone you used to have a level of intimacy with was just thinking of you. I get your point, though - you didn't invite the text and you didn't lie about it, so why's he mad at you? I assume he's not mad at you but just unhappy about the whole situation. I'm glad you didn't lie about it - I lied about my situation b/c I knew it wasn't a big deal but he would, and that ended up being the bigger deal. :(
Thanks Wish! Guess we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. :winkwink:
I have to chime in here, because this makes me laugh... not at the situations, but at how complicated both men and women are when it comes to relationships. I would love for my DH to be MORE sensitive and jealous about situations like that, even though I totally know that I would be frustrated with him if he was. An ex (who was going through a divorce) reached out to me a few weeks ago and DH sat there like an excited, mischievous 13 year old girl telling me to "text him back and let's see how far this goes!" So you're right, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't... and so are they! LOL
omg, dandi!!! how I wish my DH was more like that!
I was thinking about this last night - my friendliness, or need to not be a d-bag human being, gets me in so much trouble. In the way that I want to just believe that people can have a conversation without it meaning that you want to hook up with them! Or other people thinking that of you! Oy. So if I got a text, I'd feel badly not responding. But then if I responded, I'm engaging, so is that showing 'interest'?? it shouldn't automatically mean that! GAH!
anyway - shower thoughts over!

JESSIEEEEEEE!!! is baby Mo here yet?????
HI!!! Guess who is here????!!!
Mo was born on Thursday Aug 13 at 10:40 PM (7 lbs 4 oz, 19.5" long) after a very long and traumatic 20 hour labor and vacuum assisted delivery. We got home yesterday and have family here taking care of us for the next 10 days. I can barely walk so the help is much needed and appreciated. My milk hasn't come in yet so Mo has been nursing a lot for his liquid gold, aka colostrum, and this has been my only break in 48 hours. Daddy has been amazing with him and i love seeing him take care of our boy. I haven't changed one diaper yet! :winkwink:
I will write more about my labor and delivery once I'm feeling better!!

<3 to all my B&B friends!!
Yay! Congrats Jessie! I have to creep on this thread now to hear about the births, as pretty much everyone on the other thread has had their babies and disappeared, except for me and Kylie! He is so cute.
CONGRATS Jessie!!!! He is absolutely perfect!!

Stacey- just join us over here in this thread. :). How are you doing?

Mdc- your scan looks perfect! Nice size little bean for how far along you are. And good news on the strong heartbeat! And on the DH situation, I had a similar experience about a year ago. My hubby is very protective of me and can easily get jealous in those situations.

Left- can't wait for your scan!!

Sorry I've been MIA last week. Work has been crazy busy. Have another busy week this week as well. I have my glucose test on Wednesday. Hoping I get a ultrasound too. It's been a while since I've seen her! Feeling less stressed now that I get her in at a really good in-home daycare for when I go back to work. Have been stressing about that lately feeling like I'm running out of time. Just 11 weeks left! Eek!! I still have so much to do!!
Congratulations Jessie!!! He's adorable :) Sounds like you had a tough labour. I hope the trauma of it goes away quickly and you can enjoy your little boy xxx
Mdc, I love your little bean scan. So exciting :)
Kiley, good luck for the next 11 weeks!

I'm on 4dpo and hoping so much to be able to join this thread soon!
Am popping over too!

Congratulations Jessie! Little Mo is gorgeous! Good to hear from you so soon, take all the help you can get as you have the most important one!

Us over 35 ladies need a baby thread to graduate on to after pregnancy as I have had a look over in baby club and can't see anything already there and feel like it's too easy to lose touch with the ladies who have already had their babies.
Will you ladies join if I start one up?

PS I have posted a pic of baby Joe on the other thread if anyone wants a peek!
Jessie, he is absolute perfection and it sounds like you have great support! So sorry about the less than ideal labor, but I am sure he was so worth it!

Welcome Stacy! It is always exciting to have more people jump in this thread! You and Kiley are so close!

Kiley, thanks about the bean. I am excitedly waiting the next one! Gl with your glucose test. I am sure you will pass easily!

Ellie, I will be stalking! Hope you can pop over too to grow this thread!

Hi left and everyone else!

Heidi, I would love to join that thread ...in 33 weeks that is. :haha: So weird how the TTC threads are huge, pregnancy so small, so I could imagine the baby one was not created. Congratulations on Jo!

Afm, just hanging out with my sore boobs. Wow! This is what some people go through on a monthly basis. Ouch! Not that is am complaining at all, bc it puts my mind at ease. No real nausea at all so far, but depending on what day I really am it could still be waiting. This weekend hiding it was not so easy from my in laws and I know they expect it. We just was to keep it a little longer to ourselves. Did everyone do the Panorama or other test also did you get the sex from that or wait?
Yes Heidi I will join it if you create it. I would really like to have some place to stay in touch after the baby is born. You seem like you are a lot like me, and you are awesome to talk to. You should private message some of the others from the previous thread and invite them as well as they may not check here. I do miss the ladies who already gave birth... We used to be able to get really great advice. There seem to be a lot of newer pregnancies now, but not many who are close to delivery. Kiley and I are pretty close so we can ask each other I guess, but more opinions are always better!! I have a few friends who just gave birth which is nice as well. When you get the thread up, just let us know where it is! I am going to check your baby picture out right after this.

Everything is still great here. The baby kicks less these days, but she still wiggles a lot. It's just very different now, and less intense. It worried me at first because she is still more often, but I think she is just comfortable/sleeping, as my doctor says all is well. My hands are having some difficulty. They are swelling and I have a lot of joint pain. Apparently it's normal for pregnancy, but I couldn't get the top off of a bottle yesterday and had to ask Marc. Pretty sure when he isn't around, I'm just going to have to start asking random strangers. Should be an adventure. I see the doctor again on Wednesday and have a scan on Thursday to check my placenta (it was slightly low lying at my 20 week scan). Pretty sure it will be higher at this point, so all should be well.

Are you having any issues Kiley, or are things mostly good?
Jessie!!! Congratulations!!! <3<3<3 Little Mo is gorgeous!
I'm so sorry you had a rough delivery. Very happy to hear that you have family around you to take care of the both of you. And DH taking such good care already - awwwww - I couldn't be happier for you all!
Come back to us when you can but enjoy every single moment. :)

welcome, stacy and stacy's pineapple! :)
Jessie :) huge congratulations :) what a beautiful baby !!!!!!! WELCOME TO THE WORLD BABY MO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So excited for you xxxxxxx
Heidi- I will join too! I was just wondering if there was a post pregnancy thread for us! I have been following along with so many of you that it would be nice to be in a Mama group with you all!

Mdc- I did not have any genetic testing done. My doc knew at about 13.5 weeks we were having a girl (he goes by the nub theory). I did wait until my next appointment (almost 17 weeks) to confirm though, but he was right!

Stacey- I read it is normal for baby to kick and move less in the third trimester since baby starts running out of room. I already feel like I have no more room left! I am feeling my baby move as I type! And when I glance down, I see my belly moving. :) She was really active last night when I went to bed. It is sometimes kinda weird to watch.

I am feeling okay for the most part. Fatigue is kicking in, most likely because I now have a hard time finding a comfortable position to sleep in and because I get up multiple times through out the night to pee. And as I mentioned, I feel like I am running out of space, sometimes it is tough to breathe. Luckily I have not had any swelling yet and I am still powering through my workouts 6 days per week. They are definitely getting tougher though. I took a bare belly bump pic the other day and noticed I still have abs!! That made me happy despite the fact I the belly is getting larger and larger by the day. For you ladies who workout and have yet to get a bump, I highly recommend a belly support band (you can see the marks it leaves on me in my pic I posted). I do not think I would be working out without it! Makes a huge difference! I am no longer doing cardio intervals on the elliptical though. Pretty sure it was triggering Braxton Hicks. One day while doing it, I got side aches, my lower back started hurting a little, and the front of my belly got really tight so I had to stop. Now I am just going strength training and ballet barre workouts. So far so good with those workouts.


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Kiley, you look awesome and I will totally take your advice for the belly band. When did you start (or do you think you should have started) to use it?

Left, I hope you are feeling well and everyday is closer to your scan!

Hi to everyone else!

I am starting to feel a little nauseous and man my moods are crazy. Surprised DH had a head this morning. We were out of town and got back yesterday and found out my male cat peed on my pillow as we were getting ready for bed. Ugh! He is older and starting to miss the litter box etc, and DH is worried about the pee toxicity. I get it, however he suggested considering 'donating' him and I lost it. It is frustrating, but I am not sure I could give him up because I would feel like a failed parent. I was so worked up I could not fall asleep until 11...going to pay for that today. :cry:
I probably should have started wearing it shortly after I finally "popped" which was right around 22-23 weeks. Here is the link to the one I got: https://www.amazon.com/Gabrialla-El...1440100809&sr=8-8&keywords=belly+support+band
I actually ended up buying another to sleep in. I find my belly does not pull so much when I am laying on my side when I wear it to bed. If you go with this one, order one size up than you would normally wear to accommodate the growing belly. I got a Medium (normally I wear xs and s) and it is perfect. When I first got it, I had plenty of room to adjust for the growing bump. To give you an idea on sizing, I am 5'1", pre-prego weight was 119, and I wore size 25 jeans or size 0/2.

I would have reacted the same way regarding the cat! If it helps set your mind at ease, its not the pee you need to be cautious about. It is their poop after it has been sitting in the litter box for over 48 hours so just keep the little scooped every day or every other day. And my doc said if the cat is strictly indoors, you really don't have much to worry about since they are not exposed to other infected animals and rodents. Also, if you grew up around cats and have been around them for most your lifetime, you have most likely already been exposed to the parasite and already have an immunity built up which will also protect your baby. You are actually more likely to get toxoplasmosis from eating raw meat or from gardening. So no need to get rid of the cat. Here is a good article on it from the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/toxoplasmosis/gen_info/pregnant.html
And this article says mature cats are even less likely to spread it or be infected so you are double safe.

Doctor appointment went well yesterday. Baby is measuring in the 62nd percentile (still average size) and is head down! She is still right on with her due date of October 31st. Doctor was pleased with what he saw. Had my diabetes test as well. The drink was not as bad as everyone said it was. I had the lemon lime flavor. Went down pretty easy. My fasting sugars were 77 and I wont find out for a couple days on my sugars after the drink. I now start going to the doctor every two weeks. This pregnancy is going so fast!

Left- hope you are still doing well. I think you are next up for a scan!
I have 2 cats and 1 dog, and I also have a cat that has litter box issues. We found her under the in-laws shed when she was a baby. She was completely feral and just never got the hang of the litter box. We have made considerable progress, but even after 6 years there are still issues. We put plastic on things and then the bedding over the plastic pad. The urine won't hurt you unless you stick your face in it, and even then, you're probably fine, especially if he's an indoor cat. I change the cat litter still - the organism that causes taxoplasmosis is super common, so you're probably already immune. I mean it's in the dirt in your garden. Besides indoor cats don't really have an issue (if yours is indoor).

I had to stop wearing my belly band Kiley! Gremlin hates things pushing into her bubble and she kicks that band super hard until I take it off. I still wear it if I'm going to be walking a lot sometimes, but I don't know what's worse - the discomfort without the band, or gremlin kicking the living crap out of me :) One thing I find that works is keeping your body aligned. When I teach dance I always tell the teens to use their ab muscles to keep their pelvis under there centre. A lot of people arch their backs, which throws off your alignment, and causes hip and back pain, especially when you are larger...I guess pregnancy would fit into the 'larger' category. It's hard because I always feel like the baby makes my back arch, even though I am always conscious of it. I have to really concentrate when I walk, but it does work.

I saw the doctor yesterday and all is well. I also had another ultrasound today to check my low lying placenta. Based on where the wand was, I'm pretty sure it's still low. Sigh. Oh well. I'll see what the doc says at my next appointment in three weeks. They wouldn't let me watch (as expected) but at the end I asked if I could sneak a quick peak. She gave me 'the look' but then said "ok I have a minute or two". YES!!! So I got to see my gremlin. Her arms were moving like crazy, even though I couldn't feel anything. That made me feel better - I guess sometimes she moves but I just can't feel it. She is still head down, with her bum up and slightly to the right. She is facing left. I could sort of already feel all of that, but it was nice to have confirmation. Her head is way down already, which explains the pressure and pain on my pubic bone whenever I walk. I guess I'd rather the pubic bone pain, than not being able to breathe because a big head is lodged under my rib cage, so no complaints (I guess :shrug: ). Anyway, the ultrasound wand was low, near my cervix, and kind of hurt. Gremlin made me pay by kicking my cervix the entire way home in the car.
Congratulations Jessie. Your little baby boy is soooooo adorable! Yes, when you get your energy back we would love to hear everything you can remember on labor and delivery of your precious baby. Happy for you.

Mdc thats a good looking scan. So excited for you and the next coming scans and tests.

Kiley you look smashing! you should be in magazine cover or something.

Left looking forward to seeing your scan too.

Hello to everyone else.

Just stalking to wish you all good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I agree I am probably already immune to toxo, but will let hubby still do most of the litter duty for now. One less thing for me to do :winkwink: Because...wow...this is what fatigue feels like?!?!?! Past couple of days I feel like I am lucky to make it to dinner. I am usually go go go, and now I am like no no no. It is all totally worth it bc it makes me remember the little blueberry is growing. So suck away as much energy as you need little berrie. Ha!

Glad both your little ones are on track for the big day!

Kiley, seems to me like you just announced your BFP just a couple days ago!

Stacey, sounds like your doc is keeping a close eye on you and your Gremlin (love the nickname btw!) Are you team yellow?

Star, hope you are doing great!

Left and everyone else hello!

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