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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

I'm quiet right now , have been for a few weeks . Always get that way when I worry / anxious ... Oh keeps asking ok what have I done lol..... Heis not used to me this way I'm usually very chatty ;) my new scan date is the 26th of August . Had to move it forward from the 19th as oh couldn't be there and he really wanted to come ...... Adding another week of waiting for me !!!
I feel you on the anxious worrying part! The wait is a form of torture!!! You are nice to move the scan back to oh could be there. I may not have been so accommodating. :haha: I hope the next couple of weeks fly by for both of us so we can all hear the good news!
Hi ladies
Still pregnant and pretty miserable. Really having a hard time walking. Nausea and period-like cramps are starting so i know im getting close!!!! Im symptom spotting and googling like I did during the 2ww but now it's labor related. :wacko:
The craziness and obsession never ends.

mdc: woo hoo! Six weeks already. Yea, i was so not myself during first tri. It really is all hormone related... And remember that cramps are only bad if there is also bleeding (and red at that). Otherwise completely normal.

Kiley: ballerina theme is so adorable! And love the names. Beautiful.
This site estimates your probability of going into spontantous labor on certain dates. very cool

Jessie, sorry you are feeling so crappy and hopefully little Mo gets here soon (as long as you are ready that is). Cannot believe it is almost here for you!!!! Take care of yourself and get as much sleep as you can. I will be stalking for any news. Btw, spacefem also has a mc calculator that is calming my nerves. I am down to a 7.5% risk. Left, if you are 8 weeks the risk is 2%.

Cramping just a little last night, but not like the night before so I guess that is good. Geez, I want little cramps but not too much, I want sore boobs but not too much, I want nausea but not too much...not demanding much am I. Keeping track is helping calm my nerves a little, since I seem to have short term memory now. :haha: Interesting theory I am going to test. On Tuedsay I was knackered during the day and then moderate cramps that night. Wonder if the fatigue was the embie zapping energy to grow and then the uterus expanding that night. Hmmm?
Now I am all up in my head. Ugh! I just emailed my doc because my appt Tuesday I will actually be 6w6d instead of 7, and since I O'd cd15 or 16 I could be as early as 6w4d. I just think if they feel it is too early for a HB I will just stress myself out and since I feel pregnant maybe I should just push put the appt until we get back from Oregon and schedule it for the week of the 14th. AHHH! I think I am cracking. I am hoping they just say no problem and we should keep the appt and we will hear the HB by then....but probably not going to say that.
mdc: with my early ultrasound i really didn't expect to see a hb so when we didn't I wasnt too upset about it. THE BIG one was at 10 weeks and it was great to see baby wriggling and hear the HB as well as see it. So I guess my point is maybe just don't expect to hear it or see it? And if you do it will be a nice surprise. You're too funny about the symptoms! You're like a pregnant Goldilocks. :haha: Yea, I loved spacefm's stats re: miscarriage too. Really helpful.
So my doc said to keep the appt and if needed I could come back in a couple days. Maybe I should just think it is a 50/50 on seeing the HB and set that expectation with myself and DH then if we do it will be a surprise.
mdc - what you SHOULD expect to see in this appt is the right measurements for the sac and the fetal pole. I think a heartbeat would be the icing on top. :)
Jessie, just had a dream last night that you posted that you baby was coming and you thought it was tonight. See you girls are even now in my dreams. :haha: hope you are feeling better.

Hope everyone is doing well. Today is scan day. Omg.... So nervous!!!!!
Mdc: omg i had a false alarm last night so maybe tonight!!!! Update us later!! So excited for your scan :baby:
Scans and labour watch how super exciting !!!! Both you girls keep us posted !!! 9 weeks tommrow .. Scan not till 11 weeks .. 2 to go .....eeek
Jessie,how exciting!

So we got the ultrasound and what do you know there is a little baby on there! We saw the heart beat (did not hear it) and the doc said it was strong. Silly me I did not ask the BPMs. She said everything looks perfect, and measuring a couple days behind. She did not seem worried as I knew my ticker would be off if I used my real LMP by a couple days because my O was (as usual) a couple days late. So I thought I would be 6w4d, but bean is 6w1d. Of course now I am worried about being behind, but trying to stay calm because the measurements are not exact and 3 days is not too bad. So I guess nausea may still be in my near future. She said they only hear the heart beat at 10 weeks, but I know that you can hear it earlier. So I guess that is playing with my paranoia. Did she just say that not to freak me out? She said I can come back at 10 weeks or if I want come back at 8 so obviously I scheduled an 8 week one. She said she offers is to all her patients, but again...did she say that because she is worried? Ugh! She was so positive so obviously DH thinks I am nuttso. So I am relieved and then not relieved at the same time, so I guess I better get used to it....the worry never ends does it? But today I am pregnant and little sweet pea is doing great. So happy early birthday to me!


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Good looking little bean in there Mdc!
Mdc: Woo hoo!! You've gotten over the first major hurdle. :happydance: you've got a little heartbeat inside you!!! I know the first bunch of weeks are anxiety-ridden, but hang in there.. 34 more weeks to go!!!! :thumbup:
Mdc how wonderful !!! I'd tell you not to worry but I'd be wasting my time lol..... I think you worry right until they are here :) the worries just change !!! Your little beanie is just great :)

Jessie yes I'm 9 weeks today :) no scan for me for another two weeks :( on a positive note the weeks are flying by !!! Jessie I'm guessing your LO will be here by the time I see mine ;)
yayyyyy mdc!!!! I love your little sweet pea!
here's my take on what the doc said - if she tells you you can hear a HB earlier and for some reason you don't, but it's there and isn't an indication of anything, then you'll be SO WORRIED. To back that up, if she aligns your next appt with when she just told you you can hear a HB, then she's good. So basically, she'll offer the 8 week appt but JUST IN CASE you can't 'hear' the HB then, she's covered. But you'll prob hear it! :) I don't think what she says has anything to actually do with Sweet Pea, but more about setting proper expectations in case nature doesn't work out the way she says it will if she goes with the earlier timeframe.
Thank you all for taking me down. It means the world to me! Feeling much more positive today and just need to keep with the PMA since it has not failed me so far. I wish I could give you all hugs...but I guess virtual will have to work :hugs:

Jessie, SO CLOSE! Cannot wait to see a pic of little Mo. Will be thinking about you!

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