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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Sorry for the double advice on taxoplasmosis. I think Kiley and I must have been typing at the exact same time! Gremlin is a girl. We've known since about 13 weeks when we took the Verifi test.
Hi ladies, just switching over from the other 35+ thread since most people aren't on there anymore (thanks for the recommendation, Stacey). Heidi, I'd love to join the baby thread if you set one up. Baby M is two weeks and two days today. She is 300g up on her birth weight and looks bigger already. All going well.

Jessie, big congrats on the arrival of Mo.
Hello. I'm 38 and expecting number three! Can I join? I wasn't on here when ttc but would love the chance to chat now!
Welcome Scarlett and congratulations! I am also 38 and pregnant with my first. Eight week scan today so crossing my fingers all is well. Feel like crapola so that is making me feel a little calmer. How far along are you and how are you feeling?
Thanks and congratulations to you too! I'm 9 weeks and 3 days. I saw the midwife for the first time yesterday and am waiting for my first scan date. How is your pregnancy going generally? And how was your scan?
how was your scan, mdc? I feel like you just had the other one, this is starting to pick up speed!! :) maybe not for you...
Scarlett, I was feeling great until week 7 the fatigue hit and this week just feel like crap, but at least I know it means the baby is growing so I will power through. When do you hope for your scan? How are you feeling?

Wish, yes I had my 8 weeks scan today! Crazy how big the little vampire has grown (new term of endearment for now :winkwink: ). Thinks are measuring exactly 8 weeks and 4 days so we are back to where we should be whew!

So last night nothing sounded good except Kraft Mac and Cheese....really I have not eaten that crap since college, but considering the smell of DH's salad dressing made me want to puke it was the safer bet...and I hate to say it but it was pretty yummy! I usually feel fine until 3pm then really feel worse. Preggo brain has kicked in also. Went to the gym got on the elliptical and like 15 minutes later I realized I had not started a session, so silly me just mindlessly peddling away for nothing. Geez!

Here is the newest picture and crazy how big the baby has grown! We now have arms and legs...although from my angle I said oh there and the legs and DH said nope that is the head. :rofl:


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Dating scan for me today . Have not yet seen my little beanie . I'm so nervous !!! Don't think I have drawn a full breath in 11 weeks !!! I just NEED to know now if all is ok or not . Uncertantity is by far the hardest to deal with for me . Ill keep you all posted xxxx
Dating scan for me today . Have not yet seen my little beanie . I'm so nervous !!! Don't think I have drawn a full breath in 11 weeks !!! I just NEED to know now if all is ok or not . Uncertantity is by far the hardest to deal with for me . Ill keep you all posted xxxx

Best wishes for your scan! I look forward to hearing your news later.

MDC congrats - baby looks fab! I am waiting for a date. I elected to go through a hospital here in the UK that's not my local one as I had a very bad experience with my first birth and so I'm now a bit cautious about the whole thing. So anyway, going out of area seems to take a bit longer because they have to do the referral. Fingers crossed it comes soon, my midwife did the referral on Monday.

Hello everyone else! Happy Wednesday! X
oh mdc, I love your little nugget! or vampire :haha:
is it facing us in the pic? I can sorta make out a head and maybe some arms on the side, but it's a lot like making a picture out of a cloud :) anyway - SO glad that things are measuring on point for you and all is well. That PMA of yours proved true, I'm going to do the same next cycle.

left - good luck today!! I want a post of your Irish tater tot!
Thank you everyone!

Left, good luck today and I will be stalking to hear the good news!

Scarlett, sorry about the not ideal birthing experience but glad you are taking things your way this time. Hope for a scan soon so you can see your little one!

Wish, seriously you crack me up 'Irish tater tot'! :rofl: We need a bnb meet up!
Well everyone :) we have a heartbeat and a wiggly baby :) I'm so so relieved !!!!! My symptoms have not been as strong as with Sean so was a wee bit worried ..... No need :) baby measuring 6 days ahead although I'm sure of my dates !!!! They are sticking with my dates for now so edd 16th of march !

Scan pic is awful ... The machine was an antique and baby not so helpful how they were lying all squished up !
Woohoo!!! So very happy and excited for you Left! I know you must feel so relieved today to see that all is well after such a long wait for a scan. =)
awesome, left!!!! I'm so relieved for you!!! and look at that....St. Patrick's Day baby! you're so cliche :rofl: totally kidding

I hope you are able to come out of radio silence and share more about your pregnancy now! you started this thread, you should be starring in it!
Hello ladies! I am having another busy work week and by the time evening rolls around I do not even have energy to get on the computer and type!

Raquel- Great news on your growing newborn! I can't believe it has been two weeks already!

Jessie- Hope all is well with you and your LO. :)

Scarlett- Welcome to the group! And Congrats! I will be 37 in a couple weeks and due with my first baby on Halloween.

Mdc- Adorable little vampire!! So when do you go back again? You just brought back memories of my first tri... I too opted for Mac N Cheese occasionally! LOL Due to the nausea and food aversions, I pretty much lived on cereal, graham crackers, and mashed potatoes. And prego brain is fun too! One night I realized I was unloading a dirty dishwasher into the cupboards... Then I had to remember what I already put away!! Guess I rinse too well haha!

Left- sending good vibes for your scan today!!

Baby is rapidly growing now. My bump is officially bigger than my butt now and sticks out past my boobs. Looking like I have a basket ball stuffed up my shirt. :haha: Really starting to get uncomfortable now. Have felt her have the hiccups twice now. :) She is getting ready to breathe out in the real world!

I am up to every two week doctor appointments now! Doc said my next appointment (next Thursday) he is going to hook me up to the monitor to monitor the baby for a bit. Haven't gotten my GD results back yet so I have a call in to them today. My test was last Wednesday so I am assuming they should have the results by now. Hopefully no news is good news at this point.

So I am pretty sure her first name will be Ireland. I have three choices for her middle name which I will probably wait until I see her to pick. Ireland Claire (my husband's late grandmother's middle name), Ireland Margaret (my late grandmother's first name), and Ireland James (my step father who has Alzheimer's). Decided I want to keep the middle name a family name.


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Kiley, you are the cutest pregnant lady! it just suits you. Love all the name possibilities, can't wait to see what sticks!
Left!! I totally missed your post! We must have been typing the same time! Fabulous news on your little one! Grow baby grow!

Thanks Dandi! How are things with you? I haven't been keeping up as much as I like with the TTC group. So many newbies and so many posts its hard to keep track! Hopefully you will be in this group soon! :dust:
I'm trying my best to get over here! I have an appt with an RE in two weeks to see what we can do. [-o<

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