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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

There are so many posts that my preggo brain is overwhelmed! I can't think straight these days, and it feels like I can't hold any thoughts in my head. I had to ask my husband to stop talking the other day, because he was explaining something complex and I started to get dizzy trying to wrap my brain around it. It sounds like good news all around though so yay us! I hope everyone has/had fun at their scans. I'm in Canada so mine are few and far between. We only get two here during our pregnancies, although I have had three due to a low lying placenta.

I'm glad to see you've popped out Kiley. All I kept thinking when you said you were running out of room last post was "just wait girl". Although for some weird reason, when mine popped out I actually felt like I had more room... The top of my bump was actually really tight for a while and now that I am super huge, it's not so tight, which makes no sense, but there it is.

Scarlett, I was also not on the TTC forum. We used to have two threads on this pregnancy one, but that seems dumb since there are so few of us. Also most of the ladies on the other one have had their babies. These ladies have welcomed me to the thread with open arms, so I expect the same for you.

One suggestion for those of you craving Mac and Cheese... Try Annie's Organic pasta shells and cheese. It tastes better and the ingredients are better, so it's a win-win. I can get them at the grocery store, but depending on where you live you may need to go to the health food store. I was actually eating them when I read your post :) So delicious.

Sorry no bump pics from me! My husband keeps snapping them all over the house, but I usually look like a big mess. I guess that would be fine, but then I'd have to figure out how to post them, which is not my forte :haha: I used to be an actor and had my picture taken all of the time, so I guess I just started to hate taking pictures.

I realized that I never really introduced myself to the people on this thread. Sorry about that! I'm Stacey. I'm 39, and my baby girl is due 3 days before my 40th birthday. I look about 28 so my doctor always forgets that I am old. When I remind him he laughs. My husband is 32 and we have been married for 3 years, together for 9. I wasn't sure about having kids, but then my husband and I decided to adopt. As we were starting the process, I had a sudden change of heart and told him we could try for one, and if it worked out then great; if not, we would continue the adoption process. Anyway, I was pregnant a month later, and the rest is history. We are still planning to adopt if we decide to have a second one. My husband really wanted one of his own, so he is over the moon happy. He is a great partner. He cooks and helps me with the cleaning, massages, and is basically a wonderful human being. He is an engineer and I am a teacher (high school and university). My husband and I both have the red hair variant (mine is light auburn, my sister has red hair, and my brother in law has strawberry blonde hair), so we are hoping for a red-head! We don't have the nursery set up yet, nor do we have names picked. I'm a bit behind, but I have bought some of the key items, so I guess it'll all work out. The baby has been head down and in the right position the entire time though, so at least someone is ready to go!

P.S. I'm glad for all of the posts on this thread. The other one was so quiet, and I was getting lonely :(

P.P.S. I don't wanna be a durian fruit this week!! Gross!
Good to hear things are going well Stacey! I hope you have a little red head too! So adorable!! Love your story by the way. Hubby definitely sounds like a keeper. ;) And that is great that you still have plans to adopt. I too was undecided if I ever wanted to get pregnant or have kids. Guess I got content in my eight years of marriage as just the two of us. Then last October at a Halloween party, my husband and I were dancing and he blurted out "lets have a baby" and the rest is history! Kinda crazy that almost exactly a year later around Halloween we will be holding our little one in our arms. :)

With all this Mac and Cheese talk, I now want some! I will definitely try the Annie's Organic brand. I have seen that brand at my grocery store.

Oh and as for my bump, I have felt tight and like I am running out of room since the very beginning. Still feel super tight now. I am jealous yours isn't as tight anymore. I just keep reminding myself that I am in the home stretch now. I can deal with 9 more weeks!

Just got a call from my doc and I passed my glucose test! Yay!

P.S. I do not even know what a durian fruit is Stacey! LOL

P.P.S. I must have a massive cucumber in there!! :haha:
I love your story too! Now go eat some macaroni and cheese! Durian is an Asian fruit. Google "no durian" and then click images. It will make you smile. I know! The fruit analogies really make no sense! I looked at my basketball belly, looked at the cucumber picture, and was like 'uh no".

Gremlin started to drop two weeks ago, and that's when I got some relief. I'm not sure if that means she'll be early. I think it just means that she is a smart gremlin who realized that my hips are wide, and there is more space for her down there than there is near my rib cage.
Oh... so it is a smelly fruit... Ugh! I first googled No Durian and saw all the images of the signs with the crossed out circle on it and thought it was a joke. Then I read an article about someone smelling it for the first time and thought there was a gas leak somewhere!

Makes sense about the baby dropping. Mine is head down so hopefully she starts dropping soon too, although I do not have a ton of space down near my hips either... She always seems to be jammed up in weird positions in there now. My belly is lopsided right now as I type this. :)
Left, how exciting and I hope you feel some relief to see the HB and the wiggly LO. We got to see a head nod, but had to look quick. Ha! So happy for you!!!

Kiley, I go back in 10 weeks for bloods and she said I do not need an US, but she said she would do one if I wanted so I said of course. Then the NT at around 13 weeks and then probably the normal (what ever that is) schedule. Congrats on the glucose test and your bump is such a cute little basketball. Giving us shorties so hope to have a cute pregnancy :winkwink: And cannot wait to see what name sticks.

Dandi, yes you WILL be here soon!

Stacey, ohhh I have seen that brand too so now it is on my grocery list. What a great story about your pregnancy journey and I am hoping for a little red head for you too! I am kind of a foodie dare devil and tried Durian, tastes better than it smells but it is way to hard to get past the smell for me to eat more than just a piece. :haha:

Hi to everyone else out there.

So I have settled I am a night time feel like crap preggo person. During the day and the early afternoon feel great and then usually later feel like crap. Manageable but like crap, however it is all totally worth it. Even the doc I saw yesterday said I looked tired and pregnant...uh thanks I guess as I sucked in my belly and sat up straight. :rofl:
Yea, it's no joke. Those signs actually exist in public places and on public transit (i.e. the subway) in Asia. It's funny for a 'no durian' sign to be next the a 'no smoking' sign. :)

I've come to love lopsided baby! I can see her bum clearly (about half way between my belly button and boobs), and she sticks it out at me periodically throughout the day. Sometimes the bum is in the middle of my belly, and sometimes to the left or right and my belly is lopsided. I joke that my baby is going to have a big butt like her mom, because she pushes it out ridiculously far! Seriously her butt is huge!

Yea, I noticed in one of your very early scans, your little girl had her legs folded up against her stomach, like a Frank Breech. She's definitely more squished up than mine, who stretches her legs right out. I think I'm a bit taller than you - almost 5'4" - and I do have the wide hips/big bum sort of figure, so maybe that helps with the discomfort. Although, because the baby is so stretched out, having her head dig into my pubic bone for the past few months has not always been the most fun ever. :nope:
Gah! I went out for dinner with a friend (first time in ages) and come back to about 100 posts. I am struggling to keep up but love it that everyone is so chatty! I'm already appreciating the chance to catch up with other ladies who are preggers.

Left - yay! Great news on your scan, so pleased it went well. X

Stacey - congratulations and lovely to hear all about you. I've got my fingers crossed that you have a gorgeous red haired baby. I think they are soooooo cute.

Mac cheese - can't get it here in the UK unless I make it from scratch. Apparently it doesn't taste the same. All this talk makes me want to drive to the U.S. specialist food store and pay a fortune to try a packet though. I am craving pasta though or carbs generally.

Kiley - your bump is beautiful. You are one of those people where the bump sticks out perfectly. I have bump envy. When does that "I just look a bit fat" stage go?? That's me at the moment.

I am also now educated into what a durian fruit is. I am an olive at the moment - specifically a green pimento stuffed olive according to the picture. Hubbie has taken an interest in this fruit thing and went out and bought some just to prove how small the baby is and then I completely missed the point and ate them all before he could tell me why he bought them. I mean, how was I supposed to know that I was supposed to share a moment looking at the olives and discussing the size of the baby - if there's food in the fridge then it's there to be eaten in my book. I dread what will happen when we get to durian fruit...

Hello to everyone else! Xx
Hi Ladies!!!
I have a little break while Mo is sleeping so I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks! To be honest- all of it has been a big fat blur. Days and nights with a newborn are really monotonous- eat, sleep, poo, pee EVERY 2 hours. It's kind of insane that everyone around the world does this with their new infant.
I am SO HAPPY I'm not pregnant anymore!!! It was rough toward the end of the 3rd tri. Good news: The weight comes off sooo quickly! I've lost 25 lbs already. The breastfeeding definitely helps since you burn something like 500 calories per day doing that alone. Breastfeeding was a challenge the first week but once my milk came in (around day 4) it was so nice to see Mo so satisfied after nursing. He's already over 8 lbs and getting chubbier each day. Husband and I are so thrilled being parents. Im walking around more easily but still can't do anything too strenuous because i had a 2nd degree tear that required stitches and grape-sized hemorrhoids. I wrote out my labor and delivery experience for my friends to read so I'll have to find an appropriate place to post it. I think there's a labor and delivery forum somewhere here.

I read all the posts-
Kiley, you look amazing, as always!
MDC: Love the ultrasound pic!
Left: So happy all is going well and you finally had your scan! <3
Stacey- hehe. Durian fruit is the worst smelling fruit ever!! Get crackin' on thinking up some names! I love red heads!
Welcome Scarlett!
Heidi: I'm all for a new thread, esp since we can't talk about pregnancy related stuff anymore!
Dandi, Star and Wish: you three will be here soon enough!

Going to take a shower while i can.....

hi ladies! just stalking and loving all of the posts!

stacey - I have 2 red-headed nieces and everyone comments on their hair constantly. People would seriously pay big bucks for their color and my youngest one has natural curls. They were a little tight and Ronald McDonald-y when she was littler but she rocks them now. I hope you have a little redhead! And your DH does sound like a keeper, for sure!

jessie - so good to hear from you and I'm so happy that you're healing well. Grape-size?!? yikes.

well, now I feel like my body is built to hold a baby - almost 5'8" here and the hips seem to be getting wider as I get older. So now we just need a baby to fill in between the boobs and pubic bone!
Mdc- Yes, the shorties have hope. We just have to be very diligent about what we eat and don't go overboard. I do still indulge every so often so I don't deprive myself of anything. So it sounds like the first trimester is being fairly good to you so far. No throwing up or anything? I only had nausea and extreme food aversions. No getting sick thank goodness!

Scarlett - Thanks!! And that fat phase for me did not go away until somewhere around 19-22 weeks. At 22 weeks my belly finally started popping out more. And that is so funny about eating your husband's "special moment"! LOL I would have done the same. ;)

Jessie- Glad to hear things are going well. That is awesome that the weight is just falling off you! I have been reading up on breastfeeding and going to a lactation class the first week in October. Did you have any issues with latching? I hear that is a big issue with some women. I really hope I am able to breastfeed. I would love to read about your birth story! Just let us know where you post it.

Wish- you are lucky to have so much space! Pregnancy should be a breeze for you. :)

Left- Don't be a stranger! When you get a little of your energy back in the 2nd tri start posting away in here!
Hi ladies,
Great to see so many posts.

Jessie, I hear you about the newborn routine. M is just over three weeks now and we had settled into a nice rhythm of feeds every three hours when a growth spurt hit and chaos descended. Cluster feeds every hour from 5am-9am and 7pm to 11pm - ouch! But she's been asleep for the last three hours, so I'm hoping it's passed. Funny how your life comes to revolve around when you can have a shower.

Kiley & Mdc, I am a total shortie and it's been fine. I put on 13kg (28lb?) but it was all out front in my bump and three weeks pp I've lost all bar 4kg (at least 1 of which must be accounted for by my massive boobs). I can't quite fit into all my pre-preg clothes but I look pretty much the same as I did before I was pregnant.

Kiley, with BF I think latching will very much come down to you and your baby and you'll probably need some trial and error. Most people find it hard at first but you just persevere with it. I still find it a bit painful to start feeding sometimes although it doesn't hurt once she's on properly. This might also be to do with let-down as mine feels like massive pins and needles in my boobs, so not very comfortable. Breastfeeding has definitely been an eye-opening (and eye-watering) experience.
Happy Friday everyone!

Scarlett, that is so cute about your hubby and the olives. There isn't an olive that I have met that I don't love...especially the kind that are blue cheese stuffed. Drool!

Jessie, sounds like quite the routine mommy! SO happy for you and your little family!!! Great about the weight loss.

Kiley, I feel like the first part of the first tri was a breeze and things hit later. Starting week 7 with the fatigue and starting week 8 the mild nausea (but manageable). Over most days I feel hungover starting in the afternoon and certain things are a no go...think salads, grilled chicken, and nuts :cry: Hopefully that will come back, instead of the carb yummy stuffy that sounds best right now. Luckily hummus/cucumber, whole fruit, and soups are still on my good side. Ha!

Raquel, great news about the weight loss. I plan on BF, and heard it does help a ton with weight loss.

Hi left and everyone else!

Afm, I have graduated to a green olive! Although they did not change my due date since we are now measuring on point the dates do not quite add up, but I figure no biggie. I just kept my ticker to where I thought I should be to get out of the first trimester a couple days sooner. Ha! I think DH is in nesting mode already! :rofl: We ordered a new couch a couple weeks ago, carpet for the bedroom is week, and DH wants to repaint the bedroom before the new carpet gets here.
Afternoon (or morning/evening I guess, depending on your time zone)!

I though I would pop in and say hi as it's a bank holiday here in the UK and we are going away as a family to stay with friends for a couple of days. I'm looking forward to the break and someone else cooking!

All well here. Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks! I can hardly believe it. Still no sign of my scan date in the post though so keep your fingers crossed.

Just a couple of bits on weight loss and breastfeeding. I think breastfeeding does help with weight loss. Unfortunately I am the kind of person who eats when they are tired and with both of my sons I was KNACKERED when they were born. Unfortunately I put on weight after having both of mine. What I would say though is that when I started weight watchers it fell off - much quicker than if I hadn't been breastfeeding. So - I suppose what I'm saying is that you still need to be careful what you eat for the weight to go.

I had a nightmare breastfeeding both of mine - both had tongue ties and both fed every other hour for the first four months except through the night when they would go four hours. I did manage though, so I'm happy to share my experiences with anyone who is having difficulty. And the cluster feeding is a bit inevitable unless your supply is enormous - but you can help your supply catch up with your baby's needs quicker by drinking masses of water, sleeping lots (yes yes I know) and making sure you take vitamin supplements for breastfeeding. I found those were the things that tended to help me. Oh and I found back massages helped (but that may have just been my excuse to get a massage....)

Anyway, sorry - probably not very interesting - I thought it might help some people.

Have a lovely weekend all! Xxx
Raquel- Great to hear about the weight loss. And although I know breastfeeding may or may not be a challenge, I will definitely find a way to make it work!!

Mdc- LOL! I had that same hung over feeling. I remember telling that very same thing to some of my friends. My husband started nesting when we started trying and before I even got pregnant and bought me an SUV. The contractor will be starting on finishing our basement in the middle of September. I will be so happy when that is done. Unfortunately that will not be done before baby is here though.

Scarlett- thanks for the tips, and I have heard of women gaining AFTER baby is born. I also read that if you breast feed your body may not let go of those last 5 lbs until you are done nursing. I am not too worried about that though. I eat pretty healthy now so I do not think that will change after baby gets here. Been hearing from a lot of moms that in addition to drinking lots of water, to also eat oatmeal to help with supply. What supplements specifically did you take while breastfeeding?

I have my first baby shower tomorrow! Looking forward to that and of course all week I have been looking forward to treating myself to come cake! yum!
have fun at your shower, Kiley!! you'll have to post pics of your fave things you get!
Hello again. My first pregnant post here!!! I'm still very disbelieving and keep having to look at the tests (yes, I did a second one... DH didn't like the cheapie internet one, so I did a middle range Sainsbury's one and got the magical cross!) Hearing that bloods were positive at 49 has helped DH to start getting excited and we are going to tell my parents this evening!
I'm not sure what to do with myself, I'm so happy!!! Going back to school next week will be odd as I can't tell anyone!
I have to go back to doctor in 4 weeks to get a "maternity pack" and meet with midwives. Until then, there is nothing to do but wait...
So excited for you Ellie! Man a new house, starting school, and a BFP....nothing is half way with you huh :winkwink:

Wishing you a H&H 9 months!
Yay Ellie! So glad you are officially in this group now! Congrats again!! And don't feel bad... I did three tests in one day... I finally believed it when I did the digital test. :)
Welcome Ellie :) I am so thrilled every time we get a new member on here :) I'm so so excited for you !! And oh of course ..... What to do for the next 4 weeks ..... Enjoy eating !!! Because soon enough you won't feel like it !!! Do lots more tests just for the heck of it . And enjoy having the best secret in the world . Ever . Lol...........

Kiley I want photos from your shower please :) we don't do them here in Ireland so I have to live through yeall !!!

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