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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Thank you all! I've decided to keep temping until I go back to work on Wednesday and had a bit of a drop today. That is normal, right? I did another hpt this morning and it's still so faint. I need to get myself together, but I'm already stressing so much about mc. I'm quite an anxious person but I want to just relax and enjoy my pregnancy. Any hints or ideas?
Big hint !!! Stop temping now !!! It will tell you nothing and only stress you out !!! Also testing every day you will not see a change in lines , every second day is best . And if your using ic it takes FOREVER for the lines to get anyway dark . I know its very very very difficult but try not worry . Worrying will never change anything but WILL steal the joy of the moment . Just remember TODAY YOU ARE PREGNANT AND ALL IS OK :) worry about anything else when you need to ! Xxxx ( which hopefully will be never x)
I agree with Left!! Stop temping Ellie!! My doc said due to how hormones are produced in you body it is normal for them to go up and down. But Left is right, temping will not change anything. Only nature can take its course right now. As far as testing goes a line is a line. Faint or not. After I got my first bfp, I tested weekly, maybe twice per week until I had my first scan, but also keep in mind that the higher your numbers get, the line can start getting lighter. Those tests are really only made for the beginning of pregnancy. I finally stopped testing once I got 3+ on my clear blue digital weeks test. You will be fine. Don't stress. Your baby needs you calm right now. It's normal to be afraid of MC. We all have gone through these feelings.
Ellie, I agree with the other girls. The most important thing is today you are pregnant. It is so hard not to freak out, hell I still do, but that is part of being/becoming a mommy. I talked to another friend and said I was so worried in the beginning and I said the first tri has to be the hardest part. She just laughed and said you will now never not worry about your baby because that is what moms do she said this is the easy part. Please try and enjoy being pregnant because you waited so long to get here to not enjoy it. Easier said than done. :hugs:
Thank you girls and I know you are right. Fertility Friend also told me to stop using it this morning, so message received!!!

I went to Reading Festival yesterday and Metallica were the headlining act... Amazing! Afterwards, we had a 2 mile walk to the taxi, 1 hour wait for taxi to car and a 3 hour drive home, so we got back at 4.30am. Today, I feel really sore and tired. It was incredible, but no more rock concerts for a while now! I'm going to take it easy for a few days before I go back to school on Wednesday.
How is everyone? xxx
Hello everyone! Just back from staying with some friends.

Ellie - huge huge huge congratulations. I am back to school next week too and absolutely dreading it. At least I can see an end to it! I hope you have a great start.

A couple of things that I could do with some advice on ladies. Firstly I am really worrying that my symptoms seems to have disappeared. With my first pregnancy I had virtually no symptoms at all, but with my second I was ill for months, far into the second trimester. I thought that the symptoms were supposed to get worse with each pregnancy. I also came home from our couple of days away and was really really hoping that my scan date would have come through. But no. I don't know whether to arrange a private scan, or ring and find out whether my NHS scan is being sorted and whether the date is soon. (Don't even know who to ring for this!)

The second thing is a bit long. Sorry. We went away to stay with a couple of my husband's uni friends. I get on well with both of them, especially the wife - I guess we are natural friends if you see what I mean, even though it is hubbie who went to uni with them. She suddenly told me that she was really worried that she hadn't had a period for 8 weeks (she is 41 and has a seven and an eight year old) she uses the coil but she is too scared to test. Of course I encouraged her to test and was supportive. She doesn't know I'm pregnant and I wish now that I had told her, but it seemed too far into our stay and hubbie and I had agree that we wouldn't. So ladies - when we have our scan, presuming all is ok, how shall I tell her. She'll know that I was pregnant when she was talking to me... And secondly do any of you have experience of skipping two periods? What else could it be other than pregnancy?

Sorry for the rant. So glad I can come on here!
Hello Ellie. I wasn't on the TTC thread but I assume that is how everyone else knows you. I agree with everyone that worrying and checking numbers changes nothing. Whatever happens is not in your control at this point so it is better to try not to worry about things that are not in your power. In my first trimester I comforted myself by remembering that if I miscarried it was because there was something wrong, and that my body knew what it was doing so I would trust it. The worry really doesn't ever end though. I actually find my anxiety higher now that I am in my third trimester. Part of it is that I am so much more invested now that the baby wiggles inside all of the time than I was earlier on. The other part is that my baby is big enough and healthy enough to survive if she were born tomorrow, so I sometimes worry that if something goes wrong, I won't notice it in time to go to the hospital. My husband always jokes that you will worry for 30 years so to try not to overdo it right at the beginning. :) As for the testing, I took one $5 test that I got at the 7-11 convenience store. I was really sick one night and just wanted to see what the problem was, and the 7-11 was the only store open. I didn't take any other tests. I remember just before my 12 week scan, saying to my husband " I should test again. What if I get to the scan and there is no baby in there!". Anyway, one test is all you need. I didn't hear the heartbeat until my 16 week appointment, although they told me at 12 weeks that it was there.

Scarlett, the other thread I was on had a bunch of 35+ women who were all pregnant...and we all had a variety of symptoms. I was sick from week 4-week 18 and was miserable. I used to make jokes on the thread because it kept me from crying. Some of the other ladies had no symptoms at all. Kylie (who also posts on here) had some sickness but it seemed to pass fairly quickly, and we both have healthy third trimester pregnancies without any problems. I don't think that it matters what your other pregnancies were like. I've read that it varies, and that you can't compare your pregnancy to any one else's or even to your other pregnancies! I wouldn't worry about telling that friend later. I didn't tell people until week 16, and I have 3 friends who were pregnant at the time. I would talk to them and not say a word about being pregnant. It was all fine; they were so happy for me when I told them. You just say you weren't telling people at the time, but really, my friends didn't even blink that I hadn't said anything earlier. As for the scan, just check what is normal for your area. People on here are from a variety of countries. The Americans get scans every second Tuesday it seems and their OBGyns have scan machines right in their offices! I think England is like Canada in that there is one at 20 weeks, and sometimes one optional one at 12 weeks. They will definitely schedule what you need, but you should check with your doctor to make sure that he ordered it.

Dinner time! Gotta go! Not much to update with me anyway. Gremlin is still doing great.
stacey - :rofl: re: americans and our scans. You should see when we go through IVF! The sonogram wand and I need to go out for drinks or something, I think we've become that close.

ellie - I hope you're feeling better about things!

mdc - I got a little catch in my throat when I read ' but that is part of being/becoming a mommy'. :) I'm so ready for this.
Given where the sonogram wand sometimes goes, if you go out, you better make sure that it pays for the drinks! :rofl:
Scarlett, my symptoms went quiet yesterday also, so I know how you feel. I just keep telling myself that symptoms come and go and try not to stress. Says the crazy person that googled the heck out of symptoms going away yesterday :rofl: As for your friend, maybe perimenopause? It is early, but sometimes it is not unheard of. Or stress delayed periods, more likely. I am sure your friend will be fine when you tell her later, and you should be able to tell on your time table without having to worry about others.

Omg, the wand. I cannot stop laughing about it. Although the damn thing is not monogamous so that is a deal killer. :haha:

Not much for me although awful stomach issues on Sat night not pretty, and as I said above nothing yesterday so trying to be calm. I did order a Doppler, although I hesitated because I know people are either big pro or big con. I just need a little reassurance and trying to keep the crazy at bay. Wish me luck!
Thanks for the replies guys. I am feeling less stressy today, I wonder whether I was particularly hormonal yesterday and this morning I ended up crying over something really silly, but I feel waaaaay better this afternoon. I'm sure going back to school tomorrow isn't helping. I'm so glad I don't have to do the whole school year!

The wand thing made me laugh out loud!

Mdc - I'm considering getting a Doppler. Which one did you get? Let me know how easy it is to use.

How is everyone else?? X
HAHAHA! oh Senor Wand would definitely pay for drinks.

mdc - I know I can't say anything to you to calm you down, so I'll just wish you luck with the Doppler. :) I hope you get all gross and nauseous again tomorrow.
I ordered the sonoline B it is scheduled to be here tomorrow, so I will let you know how easy it is. Guess there is a YouTube I can watch to help.
Hi ladies! Good to hear you are feeling less stress today Scarlett. I have a doppler. I have the Sonoline b https://www.fetaldoppler.net/sonoline-b-pink.html Just a tip, the earlier in your pregnancy you are the lower you need to place the wand, like pubic bone low. Also, you are able to hear your own heartbeat down there. It will be much slower than baby's though. Baby's will sound like a galloping horse. It took me a while until I could find my baby's heartbeat. When they are that little they move around a lot and it is sometimes like finding a needle in a haystack so don't get discouraged or scared if you can't find it. I still use mine every once in a while if I haven't felt her move in a while.

Had my baby shower on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of really nice things. I have another one with my in-laws in about two weeks. And on Sunday I FINALLY cleared out the stuff in the guest room. Now I just need DH to move the furniture out so I can get the contractor in to paint!
Wow, now I want a doppler too! I'm going to wait until I've had a scan first.
So I'm now 4w+4 and my little poppy seed has started to make itself at home. I'm completely washed out, did not a lot but sleep yesterday. I don't know if this is due to the pregnancy, the emotion, the late night after the concert or a combination of all of these. I'm back to school tomorrow and have got myself up a bit earlier today to prepare for my super early mornings back at work (I have to get up at 6.15). Tomorrow is just an INSET, so no kids, just meetings. I'll spend the next week avoiding the question... My sister in law said if someone asks me if I'm pregnant yet, just say "We're still trying". I'm going to be so bad at this, but a school is a hotbed of gossip and if one person finds out, they will all know!

DH and I had a big row the other night. I was getting anxious about miscarriage etc and he kept telling me I need to stop worrying and just let it all go etc. I said that wasn't helpful and got annoyed with him. I said sometimes I just need to be able to say what my worries are and not be given advice. Just a listening ear. He didn't get it at all. He did say it's frustrating for him not being able to do anything. We sorted it out, but I'm going to have to keep my worries elsewhere. I'm thinking of giving doctor a ring today. I need to discuss antihistamines anyway and will see if there is anyone I can talk to about my anxieties.

My poppy seed is called Finbel. I started using this months ago, talking to it when I hoped it was there. It's a combination of Finlo and Mabel, the names we like. It's so nice to be able to know that Finbel is actually there now.

This process is incredible, isn't it? It feels like magic when I think about what is going on inside me right now. I feel honoured to be in this position and, in fact, I'm really glad it wasn't straightforward because I think I'll value my Finbel even more than many women would.
Ellie, sorry about the argument, but trust me sometimes the guys just don't get it. I love Finbel, so cute! Do you have a date for your first scan?

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Afm, I was so tired last night so I think the little vampire is getting ready for a growth spurt. Seriously all I am craving now is cheese and Pellegrino. I guess the LO has expensive tastes. Ha! I get my Doppler today yeah!!!
In the UK, we don't get a scan until 12 weeks, but I've got a first appointment with the midwife booked for 8w+4, 4 weeks today, 29th September. At that point, they will make my 12 week scan appointment.

DH was so relieved today, as the andrology clinic have cancelled his SA now that I'm pregnant! He was dreading it!!!

I'm back to work tomorrow and I'll miss being in my lovely new home. We put the TV up on the wall today and it's amazing how much it ties the room together. We also finally had a sunny day, so I was able to get out and sort the garden. I mowed the lawn, wedded the beds and swept the paths, patios and decking. Looks ace!
I'm a bit worried about how I'll cope with my energy levels when back at work. I've noticed fatigue kicks in at about 4, so I'll need to get out of work quickly each day so that I'm not driving too much when I'm really tired.
Ellie, so glad the house is coming together. I hear you about the fatigue the late afternoon and evenings are the worst. Problem for me is if I stay up past 930 I tend to get a second wind. Ugh.

Hi everyone else!

SO....I found the heartbeat!!! I let hubby listen for a bit also. It is a little quiet, but definitely there. Another oddity that would only seem to happen to me. I joined an April board on bnb and they started a secret Facebook page. I went back and forth about joining because I get worried I would post something and accidently leak it on 'real' FB. So I finally joined and there is someone that lives a couple hours from me. I accidently clicked on her FB link and wouldn't you know it she is friends...like real friends...with my SIL. Seriously how is it possible with this site being all over the world and on the same thread is someone that is friends with my SIL :dohh: Needless to say I had to leave the FB group for now because we are not telling anyone until the end of the month. Only me ladies....I tell you only me :rofl:
That's so great about the hb, you must be really excited. What does it sound like?
I wouldn't let my dh hear the hb right now, he's freaked out enough about the fact that the organs are starting to develop!!! Keeps telling me I have an alien!!!

I'm so irritated... It's 3am UK time, I'm back at school tomorrow and I can't sleep! I've been eating bread the past few days and it has made my skin really itchy (I have an intolerance which I test every now and then because I'm a fool and love bread so don't want to believe I can't eat it). Combine this with excitement about my baby and a sense of doom about returning to school, then throw in a healthy dose of hormones and I'm wide awake. I'm exhausted though and really want to sleep. Been up for an hour and going to go back to bed to try again now. Night night all xx

P.S. Mdc, a few years back, I was in an online support group that was worldwide and there was a girl who lived 5 miles from me! We became real life friends too! It's a small world!!!

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