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TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Mdc- That is awesome you were able to find the heartbeat this early! You must have gotten a nice doppler, like hospital grade. :) Mine is just a cheapo and not as strong at detecting so it took a a while to find baby. I just kept finding my own! And small world about the FB group! I did not join any FB groups until we announced on FB. We announced early though, 11 weeks because DH couldn't keep his mouth shut about it to his friends LOL! So people started talking and I did not want others finding out from someone else besides me, so I just decided to announce.

Sorry you can't sleep ellie! All I can say is welcome to your new norm! :) I wake up at least 4 times during the night. And some of those times I am wide awake. And that sucks about the bread! That is all I wanted in my first trimester. Luckily though, I do not have an intolerance.

Pretty sure I have officially entered into the extreme uncomfortable phase of pregnancy. And it seems to be worse in the evening. :( It is so bad that I am on the brink of tears at times. Dang hormones. I have not had a good week this week. Bad eating this weekend which flowed into this week due to being so uncomfortable (I tend to turn to comfort food whenever I am feeling bad.). So now I am retaining a ton of water from the bad eating and I am feeling fat and more down on myself. I just need to get out of this funk! I know as soon as I get back on track with my eating the water retention will go down and I will at least feel better when I look into the mirror. Unfortunately it will not help with my belly discomfort though... I keep reminding myself, baby will be here NEXT MONTH! As long as she is on time that is. :) Went to doc for a regular appointment yesterday and everything looked fine. Confirmed that my belly tightness that I have been having off and on is in fact Braxton Hicks. Doc said it is normal, they just don't want it happening more frequently than every 15 minutes. I go back again in two weeks and he is going to start hooking me up to the monitor to monitor baby and whatever else it is that they monitor. Sounded like after that appointment he will want to see me weekly to monitor progress. It is crazy to think I will have a little baby next month already!
Hi everyone!

Kiley - so sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable. I would say that it's not long to go now, but I remember how much the last trimester drags.... On and on. I hope you feel better and am keeping my fingers crossed for a baby that's on time for you!

MDC - fab about the heartbeat! So thrilled for you. It must have been really magical. I am still considering it, but I have a feeling that hubbie us going to say that it is an unnecessary luxury. I wonder if I can find one that is good value on eBay.

Ellie - how did you get on today? I hope it wasn't too painful. I have just finished my second day at school and I feel absolutely exhausted!!

My news (or non news) is that I eventually got impatient today and phoned the hospital. They confirmed that they have my paperwork (yay! I exist) but that they haven't allocated a scan date yet, but it will probably be done and posted to me in the next couple of days. They did warn though that there is backlog and I might be nearer 14 weeks. I feel sooooooo impatient about it, I really really want to tell my work but I don't want to do it until I have had a scan. :dohh:
Kiley, so sorry you are feeling down and uncomfortable. I remember my sister was like you and felt really good up until the end. Hang in there and do what you can for yourself to feel better. Cannot believe next month you will finally get to meet your sweet Ireland! I swear it was just the other month you got your BFP, although for you it probably seems ages ago. I just got a Sonoline B, but I did have to be patient to find the little horse gallop. Now the goal is to only do it once a week for sanity reasons.

Scarlett, ugh...a backlog is so not fair. Hopefully they will get you in sooner.
Thanks all.
Kiley I'm sorry is getting so tough but how exciting that it's nearly time to meet your baby!!!

School was stressful because nothing was working so I couldn't do what I needed to before the kids are back tomorrow.

I stupidly said I'd help my colleague collect a sofa after school because I can drive my dad's jeep and trailer. This entailed driving around for hours and lugging furniture around yet again. I got home at 10pm, have just eaten and I'm now going to bed ready to get up at 6am. Not fair, I've had no break today. Feel like crying but that's mainly due to last night's lack of sleep.
Pulling myself together! I bought pack of 2 digital hpt today so I can get the number of weeks displayed. DH couldn't complain because he bought yet another amplifier!!!
Love to all xxx
So the digital said 1-2 weeks, which confirms my delayed implantation. I had a temp dip at 9dpo and that means I started producing HCG on that day, Saturday 22nd and it's only been 12 days since then. Is that right? I'll do the other digi in a week or so and see what it says.

GP is ringing me later so I can ask about medication for my eczema. I use hydrocortisone cream and take antihistamines, so I want to check these are ok. I'm also going to let her know that I'm quite an anxious person. Due to my age, I'm classed as high risk (!!!), so will be kept an eye on more anyway.

Love to all. Think of me as I start teaching today! xxx
good luck today, ellie!! and yes, that digi sounds right. You're good!

mdc - how are you feeling? have symptoms returned?

kiley - I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable right now. But you're so cute!! hahaha I can't believe you're already so far along too, it blows my mind. Such a weird vortex of 'I have to wait HOW long for X' and 'I can't believe time has flown by!'
Thanks ladies! I am feeling a little better today. I powered through yesterday and kept my sodium low and woke up feeling much better as far as water retention goes. Still retaining a bit but physically feeling much better. Mentally is another story though. Still feeling a little down and kinda weepy today. I got mad at my DH last night for not being sensitive to what I am going through. It just sucks that it doesn't really set in with them until the baby is here. He just sees my body changing and that is it. Its like he thinks this is easy... I am probably more upset about it than I should be, its those stupid hormones again! I was at least able to get a good ballet barre workout in this morning. Was a good little stress reliever. I attached a photo of my giant bare belly from this morning. Scary to think that my baby is going to grow half her current size within the next four weeks! Belly is going to be HUGE!! I also attached a picture from my baby shower. My mom made the ballerina diaper cake and the little ballet slippers on top. :) I had a great turnout and received a lot of the things I registered for.

Scarlett- I feel for you! I would go crazy not be able to have my first scan until 14 weeks! Fingers crossed for you that they can get you in earlier. And FYI... I told my boss right away (before my scan) simply because I did not know how the first trimester would affect me. Just wanted him to have a heads up. I also thought it would be good to tell him early just in case I did lose the baby. I thought that way, I would have some support from work as well if in that situation.

Mdc- It does seem like it was just yesterday that I got my bfp! I actually do think it has gone fast. Up until now that is. I have a feeling these last 6-8 weeks are going to drag. This week has already been long! I am looking forward to the holiday weekend! All I can think about is laying around the house on Monday doing nothing! You must have more patience than I did with the doppler. That early I got frustrated and gave up. I finally found her heartbeat around 12 weeks. I wasn't too concerned though since I heard it at my first 6 week scan and the scans after. And that is what I did too. Limited my use of it to once per week. Now that I feel her move I do not use it. Only if I am concerned for some reason.

ellie- That sounds tiring! I would not have lasted until 10 pm!! Your digital test seems right on so try not to stress. And as far as high risk, I think we all are considered high since we are all over 35. I will be 37 years old in less than two weeks! Eek! But that did not concern my doc too much though since I was so healthy and in good shape. It seems that the age is coming into play now that I am further along though. I guess he is "testing" me (hooking me up to the monitor, he calls it testing) a little earlier than a normal under 35 year old person. I am interested to see what that is all about. Hopefully your pregnancy goes as smoothly as mine with no issues!


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Thank you Kiley. Wow, you must be really feeling it now, your bump is growing beautifully! The hormones and dh stuff is tough. They really don't get it at all, do they?! Mine is trying hard, bless him. I've been getting really tired in the afternoons back at school so he bought me some dextrose tablets today! I won't take them but it was such a sweet thought :)

I just spoke to the GP and he was really lovely. Reassured me about my medications and also let me talk through my anxieties. He pointed out that there is nothing they can do about HCG levels or anything, so I need to just enjoy being pregnant. I'm going to do that now. No more worrying because it will only detract from this amazing process. I want to enjoy every minute.

The kids came back to school today and I've got lovely groups so far. I taught the same thing 3 times today, so it did start to get a bit tedious but they seemed to like it! Tomorrow is a light teaching day with lots of frees so I can plan next week and look through stuff.

I left at 3 today, as soon as school ended. Meant I was home at 4 and can now chill out this evening. I've started a pregnancy journal and I've brought home some stickers and things to decorate the cover... So exciting!!!

Love to all xx
Ellie, congrats on the digi and I so agree just enjoy this time being pregnant. What is good for mommy is good for baby!

Wish, fatigue has been back in play and then followed by a day for uterus growing pains, so it seems like we have a cycle here. Luckily the first trimester has been fairly easy outside of the fatigue, but I think the exercise helps combat the usual crappy feelings of the first trimester. And yippe for you about starting BC (stalked from the other thread :winkwink: ). I cannot wait for you to be PUPO and even more so nice and preggo with your sticky LO!

Kiley, glad you are feeling better. It is crazy how our minds take longer to recover compared to how quickly the body can rebound, especially when it comes to weight/water retention. You still look stunning, so just keep telling that negative hormone voice to step aside :haha: I totally agree with the DH thing. They just don't get it, we get pregnant and day one things change whereas they get 9 months to ease into the idea. Wonder if they go will go through mini melt downs after the LO is there? Glad you had a great time at the shower and got lots of goodies.

Nothing too much for me just usual symptoms, but tomorrow is 10 weeks! Another US and pints of blood on Tuesday and one step closer to telling people. So exciting! We did book a get away this weekend at a beach hotel a couple hours away from us so I am excited. Any of the U.S. peeps have any fun plans for the long weekend?

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hello preggos! It sounds like lots of us are teachers! I don't go back until next week, but I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm kind of a workaholic so work tends to give me more energy (and less time for worry). I'm done at the university for now, so my schedule won't be as crazy as my usual September. So glad your kids are good Ellie! I think I'll have good groups this year too. Scarlett how are things at school for you?

Mdc- I also can't believe you found the heartbeat!! Awesome! My doctor told me at 12 weeks that he didn't check it because you can't usually hear it anyway. Given your ability to find it, I'm guessing that maybe he just does that so that women don't freak out if he can't find it.

Sorry everyone is sick :( This is maybe the one and ONLY time it's not been me that feels like crap. The first 18 weeks were terrible for me. My husband would come home sometimes and find me in bed in tears. I couldn't keep up with my exercise - I play team sports and teach dance - because I couldn't run across a field without puking. You WILL get through it. It takes longer for some than others, but when you do feel better, you really appreciate how nice it is to feel normal. The third trimester is mostly pain and discomfort. For me this is much easier to deal with than that constant flu/hang over/kill me now feeling from the first trimester. I'm really sorry that it's been the opposite for you Kiley :(

As for the husbands... I really feel like they just look at it from a different perspective than we do. My husband hates when I worry, because he doesn't want to worry until there is something to worry about. He feels like it is counterproductive, which is legitimate, but it's hard for him to understand that it's harder not to worry when the thing you are worrying about is inside of you. I also think that men have a really hard time when the person they love is in pain. My husband always feels helpless...like there is nothing he can do. When I keep expressing my pain, he feels like whatever he is doing isn't enough, or he is doing it wrong, because otherwise I would feel better. Men are fixers. When they can't fix it, they act strangely. I do think all of your husbands care a lot...They probably just don't express it the best way all of the time. Men are so complicated, but they think the same about us of course!

I'm doing well. Had a bit of a gasp when someone asked me how much longer I had, and the answer was less than 6 weeks! (gasp) When did that happen?! The first 18 weeks dragged on and on because I was so sick, but now everything seems at lightning speed. I haven't even thought of names. We have most of the main furniture and big items (stroller/car seat/cloth diapers) purchased, but I haven't gotten anything together, or even painted her room! I feel like it will be fine, but I spent so much time complaining about how long and arduous pregnancy was, and worrying that something would go wrong, that I just blinked and realized that I will have a baby in a month!! Anyway, the baby is laying on her side, head down. I thought she was supposed to be completely facing back, but apparently the upside down side facing is the ideal position for her to grow, so I am happy. I really can't express how nice it is to hear that your baby is ideal, and that all of your blood work and tests are ideal. My last thyroid test was this week, so that is the last thing I am waiting to hear back about.

Thinking about the thyroid test made me think about the weight conversation that has been going on. When I was first diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis (aka Hashimotos) I was a very healthy 130 lbs. When I first had the immune response, my weight went down to 100 lbs (in about a month), and then up to 190lbs in the next three months. I had (and continue to have) absolutely no control of this weight loss or gain. I felt fat and ugly. I felt like everyone was faster and more athletic than I was. People started to judge my ability to teach dance, and to run fast during a sports game, even though I was exactly as athletic as I was before. What I eventually had to come to terms with is that health matters more than weight, and that you decide how the world sees you. I guess my point is that weight gain shouldn't make us feel less powerful or less beautiful. Now I'm so happy that I kept teaching dance, because my female students (especially my larger ones) see how strong and athletic I am, and they know that they can be that way too. Be strong ladies. You are all beautiful, smart, and awesome. Be proud of the way you look, and don't worry about the scale going up. The baby and the stuff that goes with growing a baby weighs 25-30 lbs, so that will be gained regardless. We've got this girls!!

P.S. Sorry so long. I'm such an English major :wacko:
6.30am - I'm bleeding this morning. Called 111 and they are sending out an ambulance to take me to hospital to find out what's going on. Please pray, cross fingers and send sticky bean vibes my way.

Edit: 8am - paramedic says to see doctor when they open. No point going to hospital. I'm glad, hate the places.
Bleeding was really heavy bright red when I woke, with a big gush, now just brown sticky stuff. Anyone else had this?
Edit 2: 11am - GP said most likely miscarriage. Gave me number for EPAC but I rang then and they only take referrals from GP so going to call him. Want my mum, but she's got advanced MS and won't be able to comfort me. This is so hard and DH wants to be matter of fact, life goes on, while I want to curl up and cry but don't want to get into argument so trying to be brave...
Edit 3: 12.30 - I spoke to the EPAC Nurse and they have arranged me to have a scan in 2 hours to see what's going on. I know it's bad news, I can just feel it. Now, I just want to get this confirmed so I can grieve my little bean. I can't stop crying and now I'm in pain too. This is so unfair. I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't be posting this on here. I'll not put any more. Lots of love and best wishes to you all and thank you for your support along the way. Good luck with your babies xxx
oh ellie :cry: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I'm so, so sorry for what you're going through right now. Please come back to us when you can. You know we're here for you and all that you're going through. I wish I could give you a real hug.
oh ellie :cry: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I'm so, so sorry for what you're going through right now. Please come back to us when you can. You know we're here for you and all that you're going through. I wish I could give you a real hug.
Oh Ellie, I hate that you are having to go through this and I am sick to my stomach worrying about you. You post whatever you want on here, and we are all here for you. Whatever the outcome please take care of yourself, and please know we are here for you no matter what. :hugs:
It was confirmed by scan this afternoon. I'm so sad I don't know how things will be ok again but I'm sure they will be. I will give myself a few days. Thank you for your support xxx
I'm worried that my being on this thread will stop you all posting about your pregnancies. Please don't stop. I need to hear about healthy, happy pregnancies and it will make me feel better to see it. Next time, I'll be joining you! xx
So sorry about the confirmation and know you will be back soon. This thread is all about the highs and lows of making a baby so please don't feel bad about posting.
Ellie I'm only back from holidays and so so sad to read your news . Its such a hard time :( . I hope you are taking really good care of yourself and allowing yourself time to grieve . I know it doesn't feel like it now but the good days will one day outnumber the bad again and you will smile again . For now take it hour by hour and do what you need to to to get through this sad time xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your LO will be with you always in your heart xx
Ellie I am so sorry for your loss. It breaks my heart to read this. Take time to grieve and take care of yourself. Post when ever you are able to. You are always welcome in here.

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