TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

I stepped away from the computer during my post and you had already posted by the time I hit enter Kylie! I think that happened once before. I'm glad to hear all is well with you. I'm also really glad that you are happy with your baby body. I've gained about 27 lbs and I was larger than you pre-pregnancy so you are totally doing great. I feel like 80% healthy is amazing. I eat more chips and chocolate than ever before during pregnancy and I have no idea why. I aim for mostly healthy as well these days. I think that's all you can expect of yourself.

Here's to being a bit early! I hope to see her around week 39 as well, but you could very well go earlier than me. My baby is average size according to the fundus measurement, so probably about 5.5 lbs from what I have read online as the average weight for 35 weeks gestation. I'm pretty huge, but she still has space, so I'm not sure. I can't tell if I'm having any BH contractions because I'm not monitored for them, and my gremlin moves so much it's hard to tell. My belly tightens a lot, and I feel period-like cramps a lot, so maybe....
Stacey- that totally sounds like BH. That is exactly what mine feel like and was confirmed today via the monitor. I can't believe your LO flipped head up this late in the game! Hopefully she has turned back around! I do not think I have enough space for mine to flip. She does get her feet in my ribs all the time though which can be pretty painful.

And yes! Here is to 39 weekers!! ;) I really hope I do not go to 42!! If everything is still great and progressing normal by 40, I could definitely go overdue. But it terrifies me because she will be HUGE if that happens!
So I had my baby shower yesterday and it was fun, but so much work getting all of the food organized. There were so many people that I felt like I barely saw enough of anyone, but I guess that is what happens with short Sunday afternoon parties. A couple of my friends also lent me a bunch of amazing things (including a bassinet) so I feel a lot more organized than I did a few days ago. With that being said, the baby's room is only half painted, the crib isn't assembled, we don't have a name picked, and I probably need to pack my hospital bag soon :wacko: I see the doctor on Thursday, and I am kind of dreading it, both because we had such a bad appointment the last time, and because this is the internal exam appointment, which does not sound like much fun at all. The baby is term in 2 days and due in three weeks! Please send me some positive thoughts that she has decided to turn back to head down before Thursday! I think she might be transverse...

How are my other preggos doing?
I don't know who is around still, but I will post anyway! I had another doctor's appointment today and everything went well. He was good with me today, and seemed concerned about the things I had brought up last appointment regarding my age. I don't know what changed, but I'm happy. I kind of feel like he is very organized, and only wants to deal with specific things at specific times in the pregnancy. Like today, he scheduled an extra ultrasound next week (at 38 weeks) due to age, despite my good health, and actually brought up that we would discuss being induced at a later date if things didn't go naturally. Anyway, it turns out he thinks the baby is still head down, and that last week her bum might have just been in a weird direction, so that is one less thing to worry about :) Kiley, I hope that you are just not posting because you are tired. You better not be having a baby right now!!
Hiya. I'm still here plodding along. I've had a mixed week, am feeling much much better in myself and no nausea at all and the tiredness is going a bit (not completely though). On the flip side work is getting me down and I would really quite like to go back after the full year off part time, but I know that they probably won't let me. I know that's ages off but it's bothering me because I feel sad that I am probably going to have to choose between giving up my career (that I have worked sooooooo hard for) but seeing my kids OR keeping it going but having no balance whatsoever. It's very difficult at the moment because I am doing a course (which I started before I was pregnant and may as well finish) which requires me to consider my skills etc and how I will use them in the future and what I want from the future...

Anyway enough complaining from me. How is everyone else? Xx
Are you certain you couldn't go back part time Scarlett? A lot of women at my school have been able to do that, and I just got reduced to 0.75 for the year, which will continue when I return after mat leave. Sometimes all you need to do is ask :) I'm glad the nausea has subsided. I found that the worst part of pregnancy. Even the pains that I have now don't compare.

I wish there were more people still around on this thread (or the old one started by Jenny). It still feels like I don't have anything done. I know it'll be fine, but I haven't even had time or energy to pack my hospital bag. The baby's room is finally painted (except the trim), and my husband is busy assembling the crib as we speak. I'm trying to get laundry done and organize the baby stuff that I do have. I guess I just need to make a list of what I am still missing and go from there.. Oh yea...and the baby still needs a name.

Hopefully I can figure out this labour thing when the time comes. Some of you have had babies before I think... Any advice?
I'm here, just lurking, reading and learning from you all! I hope to join soon but it would still be a few weeks. And I'd be shy b/c I am a big believer in jinxing things!! :)

I don't know where Kiley went and Left should be around...

stacey - good luck as you inch closer to Delivery Day! are you feeling any BH or anything?
I'm lurking too, really hoping I'll be back on properly again in a few days... I'm testing on Friday if no AF by then. That said, I'd be worried about jinxing too after last month...
My temps are following the bfp cycle more closely than bfn, so fxed for me please!

I've never given birth, so I can't be much help, but I reckon you will be fine. Many people don't pick a name until they meet their baby, so don't worry about that! Good luck! xx
I am lurking here also, and hope to be back as soon as possible!

Scarlett, I am glad you are feeling better and wow 15 weeks already! Sorry about the work situation and it is such a big decision and I hope it works out.
Are you certain you couldn't go back part time Scarlett? A lot of women at my school have been able to do that, and I just got reduced to 0.75 for the year, which will continue when I return after mat leave. Sometimes all you need to do is ask :) I'm glad the nausea has subsided. I found that the worst part of pregnancy. Even the pains that I have now don't compare.

I wish there were more people still around on this thread (or the old one started by Jenny). It still feels like I don't have anything done. I know it'll be fine, but I haven't even had time or energy to pack my hospital bag. The baby's room is finally painted (except the trim), and my husband is busy assembling the crib as we speak. I'm trying to get laundry done and organize the baby stuff that I do have. I guess I just need to make a list of what I am still missing and go from there.. Oh yea...and the baby still needs a name.

Hopefully I can figure out this labour thing when the time comes. Some of you have had babies before I think... Any advice?

Hi Stacey! So the part time thing - unfortunately I am the Deputy Head. I have requested it twice before and been rejected. Other teaching staff are part time, but my head's philosophy is basically that I won't be able to deputise if I'm not there and he doesn't want a job share. I could fight it but I wonder whether it's really worth the heartache... I will request it though and do what I can.

Labour. My advice is this ( for what it's worth)... Make sure that you are cLear with what you want and that it's written down and get OH to make sure that everyone who comes into the labour room looks at it. That said, be personally prepared to deviate from it and try not to have too many expectations.

Have you ever done any running or physical challenges? I have run 10k races and half marathons and I liken labour to them (don't worry - it's not that bad) in that you will hit a brick wall at some point, but you have to tell yourself that you can do it and make yourself keep going. Shortly after that stage you get to the pushing and that's actually fine because you forget about the pain completely and just focus on pushing. Oh and also - most research suggests that you will labour quicker if you are up on your feet and moving around, or at least bouncing on a birthing ball (it's gravity) rather than lying down. It definitely worked for me with baby number two - if you can then do it!

I've just read that and realised I've probably petrified everyone. It really really isn't that bad. I did it twice with only gas and air.

Ellie and Mdc - I have absolutely everything crossed for you and will also say a little prayer! Xx
Ah I understand Scarlett. I thought you were more like a department head, but I checked google and it explained what a deputy head is. It seems more like what we would call a vice-principal in Canada, so now I see why it's more difficult for you to go part-time. That really sucks. I'm a workaholic and I don't know if I could handle giving up all that you have worked for either :( On the one hand, I always think that you need to spend time with your kids and have the work/life balance you were talking about, but on the other hand, I think about being a good role-model for my daughter, and showing her how to be a strong, independent, successful woman in the workplace. It's tough. I hope that you will work something out that will make you happy.

Scarlett -Thanks for all of the help. I actually can't do a birth plan here, because in Canada, every medical professional groans the minute you pull it out, so it would just do more harm than good. My husband and I have talked about what we want, and he's promised to be vocal with the doctors. In the end, I trust the opinion of the doctor anyway, as they have way more experience with births than I do. I agree with you about staying flexible. I think I'll just make sure that I have a lot of information about my choices, and then try to make informed choices based on the information that the doctor is providing. You definitely didn't scare me Scarlett. All information is good information in my book :) I don't run marathons but I play sports. Every year there is a weekend tournament and I play 4 games per day, two days in a row, usually without many female spares, so I appreciate what you are saying. It totally makes sense.

Wish - I honestly don't know what BH are supposed to feel like :) I thought it would be obvious, but I'm not sure. I have tightening. Kiley said those were what her BH felt maybe? I'm not close though - no mucus plug or blood or anything... I have an internal exam tomorrow though, so maybe I will know more then.

Ellie - My province makes me name the baby before I leave the hospital. Eep! I don't have a name.

All of you -Thanks for trying. I guess you can't help much with what to expect in labour (except Scarlett), and I can't offer much support on the TTC side of things. I don't really understand the temperature taking... I assume it has to do with ovulation, but I'm not sure what the curve should look like. I always want to try to give advice/comfort, but every time I think to type something it always sounds wrong. When my husband and I decided to get pregnant, we decided ahead of time not to take ovulation tests, do IVF, or plan sex. We just did it when we felt like it, because my husband didn't want me to get stressed out. But... I understand that it isn't always easy for everyone, and it would be condescending and hurtful to tell you to 'wait and see what happens', when some of you are struggling and need to find other ways to try to make things work. I wish all of you the best. There are so many success stories, both on here and in my real life experience, that tell me that you all have a good chance, but I know that can sometimes be small comfort when you are right in the middle of it all.

Stay strong ladies.
Hi everyone sorry I've been MIA it s been crazy busy lately !!! Stacey my advise is the opposite !! I had no plan and no expectations Barr getting a healthy baby out by whatever means necessary !! It worked for me :) nature will take over no matter what you plan , that's what I reckon anyway .

Everyone else a big hello :) I'm in that " inbetweene" stahge
I am going for fetal assessments twice a week now, in addition to seeing my doctor once a week, so I am spending a lot of time at the hospital these days :) Gremlin is measuring 6 pounds 15 oz. approximately - a little on the smaller side based on the average (30th percentile), but pretty usual. She is perfect by all accounts and has a lot of hair - almost an inch! She is head down and in the ready position, but my doctor says she isn't ready to be born just yet, so I will have a to wait a bit! I will keep everyone updated. Please keep letting us (me?) know how everyone else is doing!!
Hi ladies I am still here!! No baby yet! Sorry I have been MIA lately!! LOTS of stuff going on. Work has been crazy leaving me no free time to chat. Hopefully it will slow down now that I am in my last 4 weeks of pregnancy! And at home, I have been busy getting everything ready for her arrival. I think it is safe to say nesting has FINALLY kicked in for me. Her nursery is almost done (will post pictures once her rocking chair is delivered next week), all of her clothes, blankets, bedding are washed (still have some larger sizes that we will not need until spring to wash, and I am almost done making her mobile (that project is much more time consuming than I originally expected!). My next project is to wash all her bottles and clear out another cupboard in the kitchen to make way for baby bottles feeding supplies. Getting sooooo close!

I am now on weekly doctor appointments. Last Wednesday at 35.5 weeks she was measuring approximately 6 pounds (70th percentile) and is REALLY squished in there. She is consistently gaining a half a pound per week now. If I make it to 40 weeks, I could possibly have an 8 pound baby! Since I am so petite, doc doesn't think I will go much past that. He said he will keep an eye on her size and induce if needed by 40 weeks. He would rather have me be able to deliver vaginally vs. csection. She cooperated and we were able to get a peak at her face last week, but was pretty difficult to make any determinations on who she looks like since she is so squished. Doc said she is VERY low now and I can totally feel it. Lots of pelvis pressure. Having BH every now and then, but no other signs of labor. She will technically be full term on Saturday (37 weeks), so as long as she stays in until then, I will be happy. I am actually hoping to at least get to 38-39 weeks so I can get everything done!

Stacey- Glad to hear your baby shower went well and that you got some nice things. It does feel better the closer you get things ready for baby. I now feel less rushed that the nursery is pretty much complete. And good to hear your LO is head down! 6 pounds 15oz is still pretty good size for 38 weeks. If you go to 40 you have the potential for a 7 & 1/2 pound baby which is perfect size.

Scarlett- Sorry to hear your job will not take you back part time. I totally understand your struggle about trying to decide to go back to work or not. It was announced at my company last week that they will be laying off 1000 people at my company. I will find out in about 2-4 weeks if my job is safe or not. But, that will pretty much determine if I will end up being a stay at home mom or not. As of now, I do know no changes will take place as far as my job goes, until after I am back from maternity leave, so at least that will get paid for.

Hello to everyone else! Hope everything is going well and that we will get some new members in the group soon!

Hopefully I will be able to post more now that things are starting to get a little less crazy at work and home!


  • 36 weeks.jpg
    36 weeks.jpg
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Kiley, you look great! 36 weeks, size of a squash, and a Halloween baby. :winkwink:
I wish I was as organized as you are Kiley. We went with an elaborate stripe pattern on the walls, and are just finishing the baseboard paint today. I don't have anything washed; I'm wondering if I really need to bother doing that. I do have to prewash the cloth diapers - that I think I'll do today. Things are still all over the house because I bought a dresser that I thought would be ok, but it is a little small. Who knew tiny humans needed so much space? We're going to go get a closet organizer today to solve the space issue. I don't have bottles yet, and I'm waiting on the breast pump. but my husband will be home for the first month, so I figure we can pick all of that up after the baby is born. The hospital sends us home with a few small bottles here, and random companies have sent me some formula samples, so I should be ok in case I don't produce enough milk. I'm trying to get everything done, but I'm going to try not to sweat it if I don't. I mean, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and I still don't have my hospital bag packed. Sigh.

I don't have any signs of labour either, or really any BH. The doctor did an internal exam last week and my cervix isn't ready, but the baby seems to be. I didn't ask if she had engaged yet, but he did mention that he figured she was head down, so he must've been able to feel her head I guess??? Seems like a good sign to me. I have had pelvic pressure since week 20. The baby has never really been high, which is good and bad I guess. I can breathe, and I only have tiny feet up near my rib cage, but for the last month, my pubic bone has felt like it was going to break. Fun times, but doctor says my body will hold up.

You might go late despite being petite. My mother is 5'1", half Asian, and was very tiny when she gave birth to me - 1 week late and 8.5 pounds. She had no problems with her delivery so it's probably surprising what a small body can do. Overweight women have more compression on their hips, so being small doesn't necessarily mean a difficult time giving birth. I think it depends more on the way everything lines up. I'm not much taller than you, and the doctor isn't worried at all. I do have wider hips though, and they have widened significantly these last few months... I'm not sure if you've had this happen as well.

I agree about not worrying about your job. Honestly, American ladies don't get enough mat leave anyway, so if you don't rely on your income, it might not be so terrible if you get to stay home, and then decide to look for a new job when you've had enough time with the baby. I can't even imagine trying to look for a daycare at this point. I'm glad I don't have to....which reminds me that I better fill out my EI forms soon if I want to get paid after next week! :dohh:

So the only bit of bad news...and it's not really bad that my fetal assessments are showing that bub has a bit too much fluid around her. It's still at the higher end of normal range, but I worry of course, even though I probably shouldn't. This Friday is my last day of work. I like working because it keeps my mind occupied, but it's starting to take its toll on my body. You can imagine what it's like teaching dance at 9 months pregnant. Please don't try to picture it. I try not to think about what I look like :haha: Luckily, I only have 1 section of dance this term :)
Your stripe nursery walls sound cute! I almost went with horizontal gray and light gray stripes on the crib wall, but ended up doing gray with light gray polka dots instead for the accent wall. Sounds like you have plenty done. At least enough to get by when baby arrives. It is pretty amazing how much stuff they need!

Yeah, I know it's possible to go late, but my doc doesn't seem to think I will go very far past my due date if I do. He also doesn't want me to due to the fact that I am still pretty narrow. I have not noticed my hips have spread very much yet. He commented last week that I am all baby all straight out front. Looking at me from behind you can still see my waist and people say I don't even look pregnant. Which is a good thing I guess. Oh, and I also have thinner cervix than most women due to a procedure to remove precancerous cells about 6 years ago. So that could affect my due date as well. He hasn't checked my cervix yet so only time will tell I guess.

As of yesterday, I started getting edema in my feet. :( Guess my body is starting to absorb some of that fluid. And today I woke up with a sore throat. Hoping it's just my sinuses draining.... I do not need a cold right now!!

Did your doctor say what too much fluid can do? I guess I didn't even know you could have too much? I would worry too.

I am jealous your last day is Friday. Work is getting harder and harder for me and I only have a desk job!
Hi everyone. I thought i'd touch base and say hello. I had a midwife appointment today and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was great, very loud! Hubble was also there to hear it which was nice.

I also did more bloods, urine sample etc. all was fine. They have decided to go ahead and do a GTT at 28 weeks as they did with my last pregnancy. Both of my last two were big babies and they always seem to want to rule out gestational diabetes as the cause. I think it's just genetic though as big babies run in my husband's family.

On the down side work is terrible. My boss is being awful and making my life very difficult and I feel very tearful and down all the time. I have requested a meeting with him to discuss it but I just feel scared about it and panicking generally about getting through unt next February. (Which is when I an to go on mat leave.)

Anyway, sorry for being so negative! It makes me feel better to rant on here. Thanks for reading.
Great news about the hearing the heartbeat Scarlett! Sorry work is crappy right now. Hang in there! That baby does not need any stress!

I just got back from my doctor appointment and monitoring showed I am having some contractions already so he checked my cervix. I am 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Said she is VERY VERY low now, like right on top of my cervix. He said to expect baby in about one to two weeks!! So it looks like we will be celebrating baby's first Halloween this year after all! I am hoping she holds off for two more weeks though. I still have stuff I want to get done!! Eek!! Starting to get a little nervous!!
omg, kiley!! That's CRAZY!!! it's those crazy abs of yours, i'm sure! Have you finalized a name yet? I know you were teetering between a couple of middle names.

scarlett - I'm sorry work sucks right now. Only a couple of months left - keep that goal in mind and hopefully it'll all work out. So exciting about the baby's HB!

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