TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

Scarlett - Reading your post is making me feel angry and irritated on your behalf. I don't understand how people can have so little empathy as to know that they are causing stress to a pregnant lady and just keep on doing it!! If you are doing your job, and doing it well, you don't deserve that. One of my coworkers started to do that in June before school let out, but she has been better this school year... GRRR.

Kiley - Yay! I'm so glad that it doesn't look like you will even have to think about induction. Best case scenario. I did forget about the cervical operation you had previously. That does totally make sense that it would be less thick, and maybe go sooner. Don't worry about sinuses. It's a third trimester thing. I'm stuffed up and my eyes water half the time. I thought I was getting sick too, but nope. I almost don't want to explain the issue with too much water, because I hate saying scary things to pregnant women during the third trimester. It has to do with a gush of water causing the cord to come out before the baby. My fluid is only on the higher side of normal though so all should be well, and it really only matters if my baby's head isn't there to plug the hole immediately, which it seems like it is. I see my doctor tomorrow so I guess we'll see.

I had a bunch of pinching last night for hours in the area that seems like my cervix. I'm not sure if it means anything. I guess I will find out more tomorrow. I have another appointment at 11am and then a scan at 1pm. Last night I dreamed that my water broke and it leaked out non stop like running the faucet. :wacko: I woke up thinking that I was in labour.

Hugs for everyone :hugs:
Stacey good luck with your doctor appointment and update us right away. :) I'm curious to hear if you are starting to dilate yet. That tightening might be the start of pre labor like I am having now. That tightening is what helps soften your cervix and dilate it.

Well, I got a cold. :( Forgot to mention that yesterday. Doc said I have a swollen gland in my throat. Runny nose, and coughing now but at least today the sore throat is almost gone and it is easier to drink my water again. Really hoping baby stays in until it is gone. Felt pretty miserable last night.

Wish- it's possible it's my abs! She has been fighting against them since the beginning. She is probably sick of being squished! No finalization of her name yet. I do have it narrowed down though and just threw a new one into the mix but still have to run it past the hubby. Here is what I've got. Ireland Claire, Ireland James, or Aveline Margaret. Pronounced Av-uh-line (first syllable Ave like Avenue, last syllable rhymes with fine). Margaret was my grandma's first name. We were very close and I now proudly wear her wedding ring on my right hand. We will see what husband thinks of that name though and I guess I'll just wait until she comes out to make a final decision. :)
beautiful options, Kiley! I'm sure it'll strike you right when you see her. You guys are so close! I'm sorry you're feeling ill too, that sucks. Just when you needed to!
Beautiful name options Kiley. I love the new one you've thrown into the mix. Aveline is so unique, but also sounds classic in a way, so feminine! And I've always loved the name Margaret. I cant wait to hear what you decide when you meet her!
The doctor says my cervix is still closed and high, and the baby, while positioned correctly, is not engaged in my pelvis. He's not sure what the pinching was, but said that you can't feel cervical dilation, so maybe it was just a random thing. Maybe the pelvic exams are causing some irritation... (shrugs) He isn't worried about the fluid levels around the baby. He says they are 'generous' but normal, and they only worry at that point if something else is wrong with the baby. She was observed taking practice slurps of fluid, and her movement was fine on ultrasound :happydance: Seeing her mouth open and close was seriously awesome.

I don't know if tight abs squishing the baby out is scientific, but it is terribly humorous to think about :rofl: At any rate, it sounds like your body is more ready than mine :D I might be the last one of the little thread started by Jenny! I spent all pregnancy wanting her out, but now I almost feel like I want her to stay in for a bit longer. I don't know. It's weird. Mixed feelings I guess. I'm ok with waiting. It's not like I have her stuff ready anyway! Sorry you are sick. I really was hopeful that it was just the regular third trimester congestion. I hope she stays in there long enough for it to clear. I don't want to give name advice, because I don't want to influence your decision! They are all nice though! :hugs:

Left, I hope your pregnancy is going well, wherever you are!

Scarlett, keep us posted on how kicking the crap out of your boss is going :)
Well, darn! I was hoping some your your BH were pre labor and helping getting your cervix ready. Come on baby get engaged!

LOL Yeah I do not think my abs are squishing her out, but I do know she has been working against them my entire pregnancy! So she is either really strong from that or is just ready to get out or both haha!

I actually understand your wanting baby to stay in longer. I am wanting my LO to stay in at least one more week. The more Moms I have told that I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced, the more keep telling me they do not think I will make it through the weekend being that far progressed already. I think (hope) I will though. My contractions do not hurt yet. Just lots of belly tightness every now and then. Getting my hair colored (roots done) tomorrow and her rocking chair gets delivered on Monday and I do not want to reschedule that! So here is hoping she at least stays in until Tuesday!

As for her name, I love the uniqueness of both. However, I am concerned with Aveline, people will mispronounce it a lot or misspell it. It is french and I am pretty sure it is pronounced slightly different than my pronunciation. All the middle names are family names. Claire was my husband's grandma's middle name, James is one of my Dad's names. He has Alzheimer's so I though it would be pretty special to honor him in a way and Margaret was my grandma's first name. So those are pretty set in stone. Just a matter of what first name I go with and what one I think suits her best.
Yea it's hard to say... My one friend has been 2 cm dilated for three weeks and she's getting frustrated! My other friend's cervix was hard and high one day, and she went into labour 2 days later, so who knows? Still, I'll be surprised if you don't go before me by the sound of things...

Names are tough. We still haven't decided. My husband is French Canadian (he has a French name), and we both speak French more or less fluently. We have also been considering a French name. The French pronunciation of Aveline would definitely be different from the way that you want to say it... it would sound more like Madeleine (almost 'lynn' but with a subtle hard 'i' sound) and the middle 'e' sound would be very short, like 'ahv-lyn' with the 'y' being half way between 'ih' and 'ee'. Also in French the final syllable would be slightly more accented. If you like it you should just say it how you want, and not worry if people say it 'wrong' the first time. They'll figure it out quickly. There are so many names like that now, so whatever way the parent says it is the 'right way'. We are also thinking about a name with two distinct pronunciations, and will invariably end up with that problem. That happens so much now with so many names that I don't think it matters.

Yea my contractions don't hurt either, which is why I didn't think they were contractions. My doctor filled me on the fact that contractions just mean 'to contract'. I really didn't think it was that literal :wacko:
Hi ladies, just a quick one as it's 4:45am and I'm feeding the lo. I have created a follow on thread for this one over in the Baby Club forum called TTC over 38, Phase 3, Baby Buddies.
Will catch up properly soon, but hope you will join me over there when you can 😊
I don't know about that Stacey. You are 39w+2d, I'm only 37 weeks tomorrow. You could be like your other friend and go before me. I bet I have a stubborn baby like her father and she stays in there a bit!! Haha I'm definitely hoping she stays until this cold is gone. I'm in the coughing phase now. :(

Heidi yay for the new group! Going to find it now and start following! Hope you and baby are doing great!
Yay Heidi! I will look for it and start posting there when the baby comes. I'm not ready for this! I will need all the help I can get from the other ladies :baby:

My husband thinks similarly to you Kiley. He said "of course she's going to be late. When are we ever on time for anything?" Uggh. Coughing. Even one cough hurts so much and feels so weird. :nope: I feel for you. I really do.

Today was my last day of work for a year. It feels so weird.
How are you doing Stacey? I'm still the same. No increase in contractions. My cold is pretty much gone! Just a lot of draining now. Baby's rocking chair gets delivered today and I finished her mobile this weekend. Nursery is almost ready for her! And I finally packed my hospital bag!
Hi Kiley and Stacey - just thought I'd pop on here and say hello and sent all my labour good luck vibes and fairy dust! :dust: I hope things move along for you soon (or in fact whenever you want them to!)

All ok with me. I can't quite believe I'm 17 weeks today - how did that happen? I had another midwife appointment today (i seem to have extra as I have opted to go out of area) and all was well. Except I suddenly realised this morning that I had forgotten to pick up a sample pot and ended up having to pee in an Evian bottle! It was a bit tricky!
Lol Scarlet! That's talent right there! I'm glad to hear baby is doing well. :)

I am back to LOTS of belly tightening today and super uncomfortable. I think today is the first day that I've just wanted her out! My back is killing me as well. Not too much longer!
kiley - I say 2 more weeks! I really hope that you have her on Halloween so it's the same day that DH suggested to have her! <3
Its totally up to her I guess! I am actually feeling pretty good today. No crazy belly tightness like yesterday and I feel like I have a little more energy than yesterday as well. It is definitely a roller coaster! I will be interested to see on Thursday if I have progressed anymore. She is definitely as low as she can get now. Feels like she is going to fall out when ever I walk!

Stacey- I am hoping no response means you are having that baby!! Mine apparently just likes to get ready early and be prepared for her big day. ;) Just like her Mama I guess!!
Nope I'm still pregnant. It was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so I've just been eating a lot and busy with family. I'm still going twice weekly for fetal assessments, and once a week to the doctor. I just had a fetal assessment this morning and everything is perfect with gremlin. She has made some gains and is now measuring in the 40th percentile. My amniotic fluid, while still on the high side of normal, is decreasing, so everything is moving in the correct direction. She was kicking like crazy during the scan, and her legs kept getting in the way when the nurse was trying to measure the blood flow through the cord :) The nurse can't tell on the scans if she has engaged, or if my cervix is changing, so I have to wait until I see the doctor tomorrow for my internal exam. I don't really get many BH contractions, but the nurse said that some people don't. I have a lot of sudden abdominal pains, and crampy feelings, but they always go away. Every time my stomach tightens (which is rare), I go for a walk and stomp hard on each step, which makes me look like a goof... I can feel her hitting the bottom, but she doesn't want to stay put, so I don't think she has engaged yet. Two days ago, while I was walking, a lady came out onto her porch and yelled "looking good!" to me from across the street. She may have been drunk, but it was still funny :)

Almost 1/2 way Scarlett! I don't know what a sample pot is, but it sounds like you shouldn't forget that next time :) I'm still waiting for an update on how kicking your boss' butt is going...

Glad to hear the cold is gone Kiley. That was fast - it pays to be in good shape. It's actually funny that your chair is the last thing to come... It was the first thing that I bought! I still think your baby is on her way pretty soon!!

My husband drank too much on Thanksgiving and got all teary and sentimental about the baby and starting talking about our first date. It was super cute. He used our baby's name too while talking about her, so maybe the name is decided.

I'm due tomorrow y'all!! I'm still not ready, and my house is a disaster. There is baby stuff everywhere. Sigh. Oh well.

A sample pot is one of those little pots you are supposed to pee in so that you can take a urine sample with you to your appointments so that they can test for stuff. (Don't ask me what - protein???!? ) I keep forgetting to pick them up. It's not good! :nope:
Stacey - Good to hear baby is growing and things seem to be headed in the right direction! And that is so cute about your husband and that he used her name! Mine just keeps asking me when the baby is coming. He doesn't seem to understand when I tell him I don't know haha! I told him things can literally change over night! But today is one of those days that if you asked me, I would say not until her due date. Feeling pretty good today. Although trying to sleep at night is another story...

Got her chair yesterday! Just waiting on her mirror for above her dresser (supposed to come on Friday). I am soooooo pleased with how her room turned out. It is now my favorite room in the house!


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And here are a couple more pictures. I maxed out on the other post. :)


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