TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

The room looks great Kiley! Our house is 100 years old so it is taking a bit longer to finish. Who said it was a bad idea to paint stripes on walls that aren't level? :thumbup: I wish I could post pictures, but I am challenged that way :blush: Yea sleep is rough, but I am usually good on 6 hours, so I've been doing ok. It's probably tough if you are used to getting a solid 8 hours. I think your hips get too sore to sleep for that long at this point.

I wondered if that was all a sample pot was Scarlett. I just wasn't sure because here the lab or doctor's office just gives us one when we get there. Strangely though, I haven't been asked for even one sample of urine the entire pregnancy. I guess that all of my bloods were normal so they didn't bother? :shrug:

I went to the doctor today and gremlin is still not cooperating. My cervix is still at the back (high) and mostly closed. He said 'a fingertip dilated at most'. He asked what I wanted to do and I told him that my husband and I had agreed to do whatever he recommended. So...I am scheduled to be induced on Sunday! I wasn't exactly ready for that recommendation because he seemed to be against induction a few weeks ago. I feel like he doesn't think that she will make enough progress before it goes pretty late... He says the induction may be longer and more difficult because of the lack of progress, but that the hospital will take it very slowly. It's Canada though, so even though I am scheduled on Sunday it depends on how busy the hospital is. They operate on a triage system here, so they will call on Sunday morning and let me know whether they can take me. If not, the same thing happens on Monday, and then Tuesday, etc.
OMG Stacey!!! Sunday!!!! (or Monday or Tuesday).... So exciting!!! Are you freaking out a little now that you have a exact date? Happy due date by the way. Maybe your gremlin will decide to make her appearance before then. You never know!! Now I definitely think you will have her before my baby decides to show up. I am so excited for you!

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to check progress. Oddly, today I feel exceptionally well. I think she has dropped a little, which I did not think was even possible with my almost nonexistent midsection. I feel less pressure on my ribs and can breathe a little better and my belly feels lighter. Based off of how I am feeling today, I am now fine with her staying in until closer to her due date. :) Its crazy how much better I feel today.
OMG Kiley. I waited until 39 to even try to get pregnant!! I've been freaking out the WHOLE TIME. You should have seen me in the washroom 9 months ago with the pregnancy test having a small panic attack. But yes, I'm freaked out even more now. It's true that my baby may come sooner than yours now, but I'm kinda cheating :D If you still have a baby first, even with my induction, I will not be happy :rofl: Silly gremlin floating around happily in all of my extra water.

I also feel really good, and have for a while. My body is so incredibly sore and feels like it is going to fall apart if I sneeze too hard, but I STILL feel good. I don't know how to explain it, but maybe you're having the same thing! In that sense I'm ok with going overdue as well... I wouldn't get induced except that there is one age related risk factor I don't want to risk at this point.
Kiley, the room is adoreable!
Feeling REAL movments today :) loving every second of it :) Stacey I too started at 39 ..... Now nearly 43 with no 2 half baked ;)
Saying 'half baked' makes me want Ben and Jerry's ice cream:shock:
Yay Left on baby movements! And omg I love Ben & Jerry's Half Baked Ice Cream!
I had another fetal assessment today. Everything looked good on the scan. Gremlin is 7.5 lbs approximately. My amniotic fluid is still higher than they would like, but the nurse assured me that the baby's head is so low that it should plug the hole immediately if my water breaks. There was no cord between the head and the cervix, so they aren't worried. Induction is still a go for Sunday if there is space. The nurse reassured me that inductions are done very slowly and carefully now, that the drugs are synthetic versions of the hormones that I produce naturally, and that everything will be fine. I always feel so much better after talking to the nurses. They always tell me exactly what's what, whereas I find doctors can be vague. Gremlin was sleepy at the scan so they had to keep hitting her with the wand to make her wake up. :D She kept rolling and moving when they jiggled her, and would then proceed to go back to sleep.
Hi ladies!

Kiley, good job on the nursery it's lovely! Glad lo is staying put for now. Did I miss your birthday? Noticed your signature age has changed.

Stacey - omg how much are you freaking out knowing gremlin is coming! I was happy to carry on being pregnant forever once I went overdue and was quite zen about it saying he will come when he is ready(still ended up with the induction though!). When baby wouldn't wake up when I was having the fetal assessment the mw got me to drink icy water. This woke baby up within minutes. You make it sound awful that they were hitting her with the wand! Good luck for Sun(or Mon, Tue!) 🍀

Left, hooray for movement! Makes it all feel more real at this point onwards. Although I still couldn't believe the baby was actually mine even after having him!
Mmm Half baked, I had a thing for posh icecream when preggers and would eat the entire tub 😋
That's how I feel too sometimes Heidi - like I'm not actually having a baby, am I? I'm also zen about her staying in at this point, but I'll at least go in and talk to them tomorrow if they call me in for induction. I think it is scheduled because it doesn't look like she will do anything anytime soon, and so the difference between induction tomorrow and induction a week from now isn't going to be much different. They don't know for sure, but my doctor has obviously birthed tons of babies, so he can probably make a better educated guess than I can. I can always change my mind if I'm feeling worried about it tomorrow. Don't worry about the wand :D. They can see her on the scan and I'm pretty sure they just tap and jiggle her butt to make her wake up. It's sort of funny actually because it usually works.

My dog has been acting weirdly yesterday and today, laying with her head against my bump and nudging the bump a lot so I wonder if she knows something that I don't! I've been having to hold her head back because she actually hits it pretty hard sometimes. She acted weirdly when I first got pregnant so let's hope she is on to something, and that labour is close! I've had a lot of stomach pain the last few nights, but no contractions yet. It's my birthday today... I was hoping for gremlin to be born before I turned 40, because psychologically that sounds better, but I guess it will happen when it happens.
Kiley - love love love your nursery! Gorgeous!

Stacey - so glad everything is ok and thinking of you on Sunday (tomorrow!!!!)

Left - hooray for movement! I think I can feel things but not very hard at the moment, which I am a bit anxious about because it seems later than with my last baby! I'm hoping that it's because this one is lying differently or something...

Today Hubble and I starts talking about names. All I can say is that it's going to take a reaaaaaallllly long time for us to agree on anything.
Happy Birthday Stacey! Hope you are being spoilt rotten by everyone.
Are you doing anything special to celebrate (now or when baby is here) ?
Happy birthday Stacey!! Hope you had a fantastic day! I hear ya on the weird acting pets. My cat was being super cuddly today. Jumps up on my lap to cuddle with the belly multiple times. He is not normally a lap cat.

Heidi, I did have a birthday recently. Sept. 15th! It was a petty low key birthday obviously haha! :)

Well Stacey, it's possible we both might be having babies tomorrow. Started losing my mucus plug this evening and then started getting some strong period type cramps off and on. I am now trying to time them. At first they weren't timeable but now I'm starting to notice more of a stop and start time. So we will see!! I'm getting a little nervous now. I really don't want to have this baby at home! Hopefully I'll know when the real contractions start! They don't really hurt yet. Just feels like a period cramp.
It's funny because I was just sitting here hoping that they don't have room for me tomorrow... I kinda want to delay until Monday or Tuesday, but I can't decide... I feel like I don't want to push her out if she isn't ready, but I don't want to wait if there is any risk... Le sigh. I don't know what to do.

Good luck Kiley!! I have had those cramps for weeks but they aren't regular, and I haven't lost any plug so it's hard to say. I hear that when they start in your back and go all the way around, and get too difficult to handle that that's when you are supposed to go to the hospital. The nurse told me 5-1-1 ---> 5 minutes apart (from start of one contraction to start of the next), 1 minute in duration, happening for an hour = hospital time. I hope that you are having your baby. She's ready and so are you. Don't worry. I think you'll know when it's time. Everything is going to be great! Not too long now for you :D Eeeeep!

Heidi - We did go out for dinner tonight. It was really nice. Now I'm just freaking out and finishing all of the house cleaning :wacko:
Pooh sounds like this could be an exciting day all round :) . Happy birthday Stacey what a day to meet your LO :) extra special !!

Kiley I lost my mucus plug and was still a week waiting before they induced me , its ðefinetly the start of something but could be a slow start !!!

Keep us posted ladies :) I'm very excited
No call from the hospital yet, so I'm not sure what's happening. The back cramps are intense this morning, but no contractions. I also keep feeling like vomiting. Uggh.
No call from the hospital yet, so I'm not sure what's happening. The back cramps are intense this morning, but no contractions. I also keep feeling like vomiting. Uggh.

Best of luck! Keep us posted. Xx
So they called me tonight at 10pm. Seriously? I agreed to go in for an NST to check the baby, but asked to be called for induction tomorrow instead of starting tonight. Anyway, baby is fine, so I'm first on the list tomorrow, unless there are a bunch of emergencies. Better get to sleep. Will update in a few days, as it looks like I will be in the hospital for a bit.
Oooooooo so exciting!!! Good luck xxx
Hi ladies just a quick note... Water broke Saturday night/Sunday morning (they actually think it was my water and not just mucus plug) because I had a slow trickle but thought it was just mucus. At 3:30am I had a slightly bigger gush but not like what you see in the movies, at all. Got to hospital at 4:00am on Sunday and delivered at 12:15pm. Quick labor and delivery! They had to cut me and use the vacuum on her to help her out since I apparently am too small down there. But all is good! Baby is good! Ireland Clara was born October 18, 2015 at 12:13pm. 6lbs, 13.5oz, 19 inches long. I am so in love!

Thinking about you Stacey! Hope everything is going well!!!!


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