Ohhhh home birth! Yes, please share if anyone is doing that. Though I could never see myself doing it, I find it fascinating!
I think I might be feeling the baby move, but I'm just not sure. I'll be glad when the movements become more obvious for me to identify. I got a very scary call today that my quad screening came back positive for Down's. I got the call literally seconds before walking into an important meeting and it didn't help that the nurse wasn't very gentle with telling me the information, she was very blunt and non-chalant. it was such a struggle to keep it together. My boss saw me with tears in my eyes, but I managed to get it under control and somehow focus on the meeting subject. As soon as I got back to my office, I called DH to tell him and completely fell apart and had a good ugly cry. Then started googling to see what I could find out. I read that the Materniti 21 test is more accurate and since that came back as normal, I feel better for now. My doctor forwarded the results to my perinatal specialist, so I'm wondering if they will want to schedule me for more tests now before my level 2 ultrasound next month. Just the thought of the possibility of my child having any kind of health struggle has been a feeling like I've never experienced in my life. This motherhood thing isn't going to be easy.