Luckily I already had an appt scheduled with my OB for yesterday afternoon. I sobbed for the full hour commute. Not that Downs is a death sentence by any means, and DH and I knew it was a possibility and know for sure we would be able to handle it. I just wasn't prepared to hear that anything could be wrong with my baby's health, it was quite a scare. Then right as I was pulling in, I got a call back from the nurse practitioner from my perinatal specialists office. She was able to give me the numerical result from the test (when I asked the nasty nurse, she said there wasn't one, that it was just a yes or no test, ugh!). Had I known that information up front, I don't think I would have been so upset. Anyway, those results in conjunction with my 3 other test results that the specialist did, lead them to believe that the risk is still very very low and they don't think I should do any further testing. I have my level 2 ultrasound at 22 weeks and if they see anything out of order there, well address it then. But for now, its carry on as usual, so I feel so much better. Then I got to my appt and heard baby boy's strong heartbeat. I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead already, so he might be a big boy. When I got home, my best friend had sent me our first 2 baby outfits, so it was a happy moment to end a stressful day. Thanks for letting me vent my worry and frustration!