TTC over 38 phase 2 " THE BUMP BUDDIES "

If you need someone to talk to in the wee small hours ill be here .... Doing the same thing you are :) we can keep each other company while night feeding ;)
Jessiecat, omg hello! No is so adoreable and I want to eat him up! Thank you for the candid post. Kind of funny we try so hard ttcing that sometimes we get blinded to the after math. Great job on bfeed that it so awesome!

I did hear about the partner leave, so hopefully it make it over the bridge to us before the lo gets here. Not sure DH would use the whole time though bc he would go crazy :haha:
LEft: you are superwoman. How in the world do you find the time to post while running around after a toddler and with a newborn? ANd YES- i totally agree that women do about 80% of the work raising the babies. How i wish my husband could breastfeed. im sitting here using a double breast pump and bra so I can type- Im trying to build up a freezer stash so i can go away for a girls weekend in July. DH stayed home this morning to spend some time with the baby and I finally got to take a shower after I don't know how many days!! WOO HOO! I was stinking bad. I became lost in my thoughts and only washed my hair. :wacko: Totally forgot about everything else. Had to get back into the shower after drying off and realizing I still had mom stink.

Sugar: everything will be ok. Like Left said, we do most of the work no matter what. My husband could only help the first month and then he was back to work. When he would come home I would leave him a bottle of pumped milk and go wherever was opened to get out of the house. I spent an inordinate amount of time in Walgreen's and Target because they were open 24 hours. Checkout for baby meetups in the Houston area! I think the last 5-6 weeks are the toughest physically. It will go by quickly though. hang in there!

Wish: Fingers crossed that betas increase!
MDC: Yay for positive thoughts and I love cabbage soup. :winkwink:
Ellie: that article you posted on the other thread is right on! Totally agree. Im so happy I waited to have a baby.
Alright, if my idols say it's doable then I certainly believe y'all! My step daughters are 10 and 14. They arrive in town a week after baby comes. Maybe they can keep an eye on fluffy bum so I can try to shower.

I've started listening to Labor of Love MP3s to get ready and relaxed for birth. She has a nice Aussie accent that's really soothing. Now Ive decided I don't want an epidural because it slows labor down even more than just being a first time mom. Also I want to try other positions not just lying down which epidurals require. I'm ok with analgesic shots or ivs though.
Sugar you will be just fine with the labour too . Don't be afraid of it , its actually quite empowering as I found out this time having got through it with zero pain relief after expecting a planned c section !!!!!!! Lol...... I never wrote up my experience but am very happy to share it . It might help . I found some surprising things which no one ever told me . I'm happy to share if you like :) I know some people don't like hearing it ;)
I'd love to hear your birth story Left :)
That kind of terrifies me because I'm expecting a planned c section and will flip out if I have an experience like yours. I'm not good with surprises! Lol
i'd love to hear your story too, Left! i'm intrigued by these new things you found!
Hi everyone!
I am not sure if anyone is on this thread anymore as I know it gets pretty busy with our babies!
I just was looking to chat because I have a 9.5 month old and I just found out I am 4-5 weeks pregnant!
I am not sure what to think! My marriage is not very good at this point, there are issues of verbal abuse! I haven't told him yet because I think he will freak out always thinking of money!
After I had my daughter I was itching to have another but now I am sooo nervous and scared!
I feel bad for my daughter she won't be the baby anymore :-(
I feel nervous if I can do this alone and worry about going back to work only to leave shortly after!
I want this little bean to stick but there are so many questions going through my head! Plus I am almost 40!
Thanks everyone!
Hi Jenny Bean - I'm so sorry for your situation. Getting pregnant should be a fun time for you, not added stress.
I don't have much for advice for you, I'm sorry. I hope your DH welcomes the news with open arms, and your DD won't ever know the difference as she won't remember a time without her sibling since she's so young.
Good luck with everything!
Jenny firstly congratulations :) I know maybe it doesn't feel like that to you but I'm sure once you get used to the idea and over the shock you will be just fine :) I'm sorry about the situation with oh .. Adjusting as a couple after a baby can be tough going and something I think we all underestimate . But verbal abuse is NOT ok under any circumstances . Maybe you don't need to tell him until you give yourself time to get your head around it and then have a serious chat about what he wants for the future . I hope ye can work it out either way you will be just fine xxxxxxx
I don't have any words of wisdom Jenny, but I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. Congrats on your pregnancy though! Even in the worst of times, a baby is worth celebrating! I hope everything works out and you find some peace with the situation.
Hi Jenny!
I'm so sorry that your husband is (still) verbally abusive. I remember you talking about this before you daughter was born. I hope you are able to work on the marriage before the next baby arrives. You know how stressful it is to have a little one-an additional child just exacerbates issues and puts more strain on the family. <3
Phew I have five mins :) well here is my experience of birth this time round . I know everyone has different ones but thought I'd share mine :)

As you all know I was NOT expecting a natural birth let alone one with no pain relief !!!
I was scheduled to have a c section on the Tuesday but little madam had other ideas , I had thought if I was to go myself I was taking every pain medication known to man that was legal :) like I did the last time .
Again this didn't go to plan .. But I am happy to say after going naturally my perception of labour has TOTALLY CHANGED. everyone speaks about it being scary, tough , painful , and it is all those things but it is also the most empowering , amazing , wonderful experience you will ever have . I actually would look forward to doing it again ( not going to happen ! )

Some of the things I learned about birth I didn't know before :
The pain of contractions are REALLY manageable if you go with them .... Ok the are PAINFUL but you get breaks where they totally go . At the begining they feel like " niggles " regular one like cramps or a spasam. You question yourself am I really feeling something so not bad lol.... Next they build to resemble a period pain exactly the same feeling of someone is twisting my insides !! Initally they started for me every 30 mins lasting fleeting seconds and built up to every 2-3 mins lasting 24-60 seconds . At thier height yes I couldn't talk through them and had to hold onto the wall until it passed but the magic thing about them is YOU GET BREAKS :)

Ok so the contraction itself has 3 phases .... The coming phase ( oh oh here is another one ) it starts off and builds in intensity till it reaches a peak then starts going again . So for a conraction that lasts 60 seconds its 20 seconds coming . 20 seconds at its peak and 20 seconds going ... So the really bad pain only lasts 20 seconds and I just kept in my head I can do anything for 20 seconds ... Then the wonderful thing a break !! Total break zero pain !! Now it is only for 2-3 mins at the end but its a break :) I concentrated on that , not the fact they were coming back again . So technically I went from break to break rather than contraction to contraction if that makes sense .

Then the amazing part !!! The urge to push ! Its just that an urge !!!! You have zero control over it . It just happens . And the other bit of magic is once you go with and push the pain of the contractions TOTALLY goes . It actually a feeling of pure relief .... Kinda like having a big sneeze ! Or TMI warning a poo after constipation lol..... It really feels quite nice in a weird way . And the groaning that happens isnt due to pain it is actually again something that just happens and gives emense relief . Feels like letting go :) the actual pushing the baby out is hard work , like the name says labour . The process of pushing as actually not painful until the head is crowning which is right near the end . Its more physically hard . As I said the pain of the contractions go with pushing so no pain but its sheer hard work !! Its like a workout you have to push when you feel you can't breath anymore !!!

Now when the head is coming out it hurts like hell !!!!!! Stinging , burning ouch but no going back then and hey at that point ye have done all the hard work ... Your near it being all over :)

So that is... My experience ... I have thought about it and think if I would have had the epidural I would have missed out on the sensations of wanting to push ,,, the natural relief that brings which is a weirdly very intense pleasurable experience ....... The pains are painful but short and focus of the " breaks " which are as regular as the contractions .

My top tips : have a cold towel / water spray for your face you get VERY hot and its sooo nice .

Don't be scared of the pain or the process, I'm guessing the more you fight it the harðer it is and COMCENTRATE on the breaks as they come quick and fast :) but most of all do what feels right for you :) if that means getting 7 epidurals then do it !!!!! :)

Can't wait to hear your experiences :)
Wow Left, thank you for sharing that. That has certainly made me think I won't want an epidural, though I think some pain relief might be a good idea! What a magical thing that you unexpectedly got to experience this. Congratulations!
Left - that is so amazing, thank you so much for sharing that. What a gift we get to experience as women. And your little lady with her own ideas about when she was joining this world was the one to lead you there. <3

focusing on the breaks sounds like such a key tip. I will definitely remember that always.
Left! Thank you! Your experience is inspiring and beautiful. How you got through a natural birth when you were expecting a section is just amazing. I didn't know that pushing would feel like relief. That's very encouraging since it sounds well, like labor.

I'm more excited than ever to go natural. I've been conditioning my hubby to understand my expectations. He has a term for when people blindly follow someone else's directions, he calls them "sheepeople". I told him to help me not be a blind sheep to just whatever the nurses and dr want. Sometimes the medications and interventions lead to more invasive treatments. Man I love all the Mommys that have shared all these great stories that I'm learning from.

As for me I haven't had an appointment in two weeks so I ready for a dr update. My appt is Thursday. I hope I get a cervix check or an ultrasound to check baby's size.

I went to a Just Between Friends sale this weekend. I got tons of gear that we needed like a swing and high chair. Now I have enough cleaning and washing to keep me busy for a while.
Can't believe that your baby will be here so soon Sugar!!! I'm so excited for you!

I've gotten a ton of stuff at consignment sales (swing, highchair, packnplay, changing table, etc). I had no idea that there was this whole world of huge special consignment sales just for baby and kids stuff, it's awesome.

My friends finally came through too! While they aren't throwing me a classic shower that I had hoped for (kind of a trend... my wedding shower was a couple's shower at a ranch including a riveting game of cow patty bingo. If you don't know what it is, look it up. So not appropriate for celebrating a bride's special day and SOOOO not me!)...however, they are throwing a girls spa weekend for me and 4 of my closest girlfriends, so that will be fun. I'm looking forward to once last hoorah before life gets crazy! I have another level 2 ultrasound tomorrow. I'm excited to see baby boy and hope he's grown as much as I think he has... based on how much my belly has grown the past 2 weeks, lol.
JennyBean I remember your story aswell. As an abuse survivor I have to tell you the best thing is to go. It's not easy and it's not pretty but the reward is well worth it. I remember when I was in the situation I didn't feel leaving was a good idea. That's because I didn't know the happiness and safety that was waiting for me on the other side of that relationship. There's a better way to live and a better life for you and your babies. Do what you can to get help getting out. Don't be confrontation with him and don't make threats with him. I'm sure you've seen that that doesn't work. Seek help from social services or a religious organization. And be patient with whatever you choose to do. Change takes time and there's no shame or guiltly feelings needed as you work through this.

Remember we're here for you and Congratulations on this new little life!
Dandi yes! this whole "mega consignment sale" thing is new to me too and it's awesome! I've saved so much money, maybe my kid can go to college! Ha!

Cow pattie bingo! Oh my goodness! I'm learning that how friends/family/acquaintances celebrate the special events inyourlife really shows who they are. The Good, the bad or the ugly!

One of the ladies organizing my work shower keeps putting the wrong baby registry on the email invites. I guess she doesn't want our baby to get gifts. Shes had some pregnancy losses so I think this is hard for her. I'm not sure why she volunteered to organize it. It's the weirdest thing. I'm not worried though, the other lady keeps correcting her.

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