TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Hi ladies how is everyone?

I'm hoping my epu do twice weekly scans too I was told by the epu nurse after my m/c that they would. Tasha your right there once you reach the 12 week mark they don't seem to care. When pregnant with Lewis my consultant cancelled scans and then decided I didn't need additional care because I lost Jessica before 24 weeks. I was so angry with her and put my foot down and ended up putting in a complaint to pals. So she begrudgingly agreed to see me but never reinstated the scans. With Harley I had an amazing consultant but he's left to work overseas :( hopefully will get twice weekly care this time because of my antibodies.

Becks congrats on your bfp that's a lovely line!!! How are you feeling? No didn't ring them today have felt so ill with morning sickness I spent most of the day in bed :( will ring them tomorrow and hopefully get booked in for Wednesday.

Kelly that's great you got a bfn hope your opks continue to get darker. X
Congrats Beckzter! That's a beautiful line.

Great news on the scan Tasha!
More bfp's, congratulations!
I hope this is a lucky thread for when I can ttc again!

I'm just over 4 weeks since my ectopic surgery. My hb level is normal but may be repeated after I stop my iron tablets for a month to check all is ok. I'm seeing my doctor Friday for a post op check. I just want to know when it's safe to ttc, I don't want to risk another ectopic...I only have 1 tube now!
Feeling really positive for ttc again though so please keep me in your thoughts ladies.

Great news for those of you who have had positive scans, so nice to hear.
Congrats beck.

How are you cami?

Big hugs Yazzy. We are keeping everything crossed for sticky rainbows
Hey ladies, sorry I haven't checked in in awhile. There is so much to catch up on!

Beck, congrats! BFP!!!! What a lucky thread this has been.

Cami, how are you doing hun? When do you gear up to O again?

Tasha how are you feeling? I'm so excited everything is progressing well for you so far

Yazzy, sending positive thoughts your way. I hope the doctor has great news for you :)

Kelly, congrats on your bfn (doesn't it sound weird saying that?). I ovulated I believe just 3 days after my bfn so you never know!

babytots- how are you feeling?

dano- how are you? When is your next scan?

Anyone / anything I missed- I'm so sorry I missed you but know I'm thinking of you!

As for me, I haven't been doing too great. I have full blown anxiety this week. Today I am 5w6d, which is when I miscarried my last baby and I just keep running to the bathroom thinking the worst. I am hoping that the anxiety eases as the pregnancy progresses. My first scan is booked for the 16th (at 7w6d). The doctor told me there is no reason for an earlier scan as there is no reason to believe baby is unhealthy since I've only had one miscarriage. To top it off, the morning sickness has kicked in and the migraines have hit hard. I've had 2 full blown migraines this week where I feel nauseous and sick, I can't be around light or noise, and my head is throbbing with pain. The tylenol doesn't help at all. On TOP of all of this, my 17 1/2 month old just hit a huge sleep regression where he's only sleeping 10 hours at night, is refusing all naps (so he's awake for 14 hours straight), and is SO exhausted that he's throwing tantrums and screaming and is just dying for a nap but nothing is working. I could just pull my hair out! Here's to hoping for a better day today. I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time and eventually all of this will pass.
Sil Sorry you are having such a rough time! Ms is the worst! I've never had a migraine but I know they are deadly too. I hope your toddler lets you get some more rest in this week :(. Just a few more weeks and you'll see a lovely HB on your scan I know it!!
I'm feeling quite down on my body... I had an mc at pretty much the same time as two other friends I know, both of which bled for less than a week and have started their periods again. I bled for 2.5 weeks and haven't bled for 22 days and still don't have my period, and I haven't even ovulated yet. Just feeling frustrated waiting. I thought for sure I would've had a period by now :/. Stupid hcg took so long to get back to 0 :(. I was hoping to have another summer baby!
More bfp's, congratulations!
I hope this is a lucky thread for when I can ttc again!

I'm just over 4 weeks since my ectopic surgery. My hb level is normal but may be repeated after I stop my iron tablets for a month to check all is ok. I'm seeing my doctor Friday for a post op check. I just want to know when it's safe to ttc, I don't want to risk another ectopic...I only have 1 tube now!
Feeling really positive for ttc again though so please keep me in your thoughts ladies.

Great news for those of you who have had positive scans, so nice to hear.

I hope your post op check Goes well! Don't know too much about ectopic pg but one of my friends got pregnant with her son just a few months after hers... So hopefully not too long to wait!
Sorry you're having a rough time Sil. Anxiety is normal but I have a feeling you have a sticky bean this time!

Positive thoughts for you yazzy! Hoping you can TTC again very soon!

Sorry you're feeling down Kelly! Trust me I know how much it sucks when you feel like your body is failing you.

AFM been pretty depressed. Still can't believe all these losses I've had. On I guess a more positive note hcg is back to 0 and bleeding has stopped so at least my body to miscarry naturally and quickly. With my two previous losses I O'd again about 2-3 weeks later so I'm guessing I should o in a week or two. Not going to do any opk's this cycle though since I've been advised not to try this cycle. Doc ordered some more coagulation blood tests to see if I have a clotting issue. I had some tests 2 years ago and they were normal but doc is going to do some more. He doesn't think it's my issue since they normally effect pregnancies later than I've been able to carry them this year but I guess it's a start to rule out causes. Then as soon as I get my next period I am booked to have a hysterogram. They inject dye into uterus to see if there's any abnormalities that may have been cause by csection like scar tissue and will also check for pollops or anything else going on in there that might cause my losses. If nothing pans out with all that then he'll refer me to an endocrine infertility specialist. Feel a little better that I kind of have a plan now but all seems so daunting. Insurance likely won't cover all and although I'm only 32 I feel like my biological clock is ticking and time is only going to hurt my chances. Ugggg. Sorry for my vent.

Hope everyone I missed is doing well.

Kelly, that must be difficult :( You just have to try your best to trust that your body will get there eventually. I learned early on it's much easier when you don't compare yourself to others (easier said than done!). I really hope you get your cycle back on track soon and see that wonderful BFP!

Cami, I am so happy for you that you have a plan in place to move forward for testing etc. It is horrible that you have gone through so many losses and I hope that these tests are able to find out what is going on so you can get that sticky rainbow baby. <3

As for me, I'm doing much better than yesterday. Sorry I was such a mess! Sometimes you just need to vent I guess. I am now 6 weeks and have finally passed the mark of my miscarriage date. I had my last round of bloodwork done yesterday at 5w6d. With the baby that I miscarried, I actually had bloodwork done on the same exact day (5w6d). My bloodwork with my angel baby was just under 1,900. They just called me with the results from yesterday's test - 22,144! Wow, what a huge difference. My last blood work was 10 days ago and came back at just over 650, so I am confident that going from 650 to 22,144 in ten days is a good leap and baby is doing okay in there. Just under 2 weeks until my first scan, but feeling less anxious than before now that I have the bloodwork.
:hugs: to you camichelle xx hopefully you will get some answers and /or a simple fix to get you your rainbow. 32 is not old, plenty of time yet. I'm almost 38 and still hopeful!

Sil good news on passing the first milestone xxx your numbers sound great!

Yazzy, good to hear you are recovering well. I hope you get the go ahead to TTC again really soon. And that sticky bfp in the right place!!

Kelly you are not alone with that, mine are always dragged out and hcg stubborn. I'm so impatient too, it drives me bonkers! :hugs:
Hey ladies how is everyone? Been slightly awol as the morning sickness has well and truly made it's presence known and I spend the majority of the day laid up on the sofa feeling sorry for myself. Sil I get the migraines too (I had a thumping one last night). Just keep telling myself it's all worth it in the end.

Got some anti-sickness meds today so hopefully they will help me feel better. Still not rang up the epu they only do morning appointments at the moment I can only just survive the school run never mind an hour bus ride to the hospital.

Yazzy hopefully won't be long til you can ttc again.

Camichelle sending you big hugs I know how hard it is when you go through loss after loss :( sounds like you have a good medical team behind you and hopefully they can provide you answers.

Beckster how are you doing hun has it sunk in yet?

Kelly sending you hugs it's so hard isn't it. This last loss my hcg took a while to go down too. I hope you ov soon

Sil hope your feeling a bit better now. I don't tend to take any meds with my migraines I prefer to get a cold flannel and go sleep in a dark room. Tends to work better then meds. How's the sickness now? That's great you have passed the milestone of when you lost your baby. Hope the next 2 weeks fly past.

Dan-o and Tasha hope you are both well.

Mommy hope your ok too not seen you on here in a while.

Sunshine how are you doing do I recall you being in the 2ww of so I have everything crossed for you x
Hello ladies :)

Being pregnant still feels a bit surreal. Had an awful day of nausea on Monday but not felt too bad yesterday and today I just wanted to hide under the covers all day but with a toddler legging it around, no chance!

Went the GP today to book in with the midwife, the first available appointment is 2 weeks today. So I will be 7ish weeks by then. Really hope they refer me for a early scan.

My emotions are a bit all over the place, one minute I'm so happy then the next I'm panicking this baby won't make it. :(

Wow, excellent blood results Sil. :thumbup:

Babytots I am keeping fingers crossed that sickness and headaches come my way soon, a sure sign that things are progressing, we are bonkers aren't we almost wishing to be ill, but it's all for a good cause :)

Good to hear from you Cami, I really hope these tests will help towards you getting your rainbow.

I hope O come around soon for you Kelly and thinking very positive vibes for you Yazzy
Hey babytots was wondering whether u had gone for a scan yet - when do you think you will go? I have everything crossed for u hun xx thanks for asking how I am doing - I am 7dpo today so will see what happens. I have my appointment with the recurring mc clinic next Tuesday 9th pm so will see if they have anything interesting to say ....

Cami - sorry for ur loss hun - that is great though that they are starting to work through possible causes with u - fingers xd u get some answers hun x

Becks congrats!! Happy and healthy 9 months to u xx Another bfp on this thread it must be lucky!!

Yazzy glad to hear ur feeling a bit better hun - fingers xd u get some of the luck of this thread when u starting trying to conceive again x

Dan-o how are u doing? Hope ur feeling well?

Sil hope u feel better - glad u got past the 6 week mark x

Tasha hope ur feeling well x

Kelly glad ur hcg got back to 0 - take it easy hun ur body will do what it needs to when its ready x

Mommy babytots is right - we miss u hun xx how u doing!? Hope ur ok xx
Things not going well for me today. Started bleeding about an hour ago and it's pouring out.
Oh no Dano! Huge hugs. Have you gone to the doctor or hospital?
No I can't, hubby's at work with car and can't get cover. I've got both kids at home today, and my little one is ill, so public transport and EPU waiting rooms would be hell on wheels lol.
It's slowed now and turned dark. I'm thinking a subchorionic hematoma. Not getting miscarriage vibes at the moment.
Hugs Dan-o really hope its nothing to worry about and like you say just a subchronic hematoma. I had bleeds in Charlotte and Harley's pregnancies and thats what it was. Got everything crossed for you. Make sure you get yourself down to the epu as soon as you can (I know how hard it is juggling kids and hospital trips).

Sunshine having a better day today with the sickness so my tablets are helping. Even managed some work and now I'm all finished for Christmas. I think I'll ring Friday and get a scan booked in for Mon/Tues as DH is off those days so saves me having to take Harley along with me. Going to be a nervous wreck next week as it was at the 7 week mark things went wrong last time. Once I get past 9 weeks I can start to relax a little. Then the next big milestone will be 19 weeks which is when I lost Jessica.

Good luck with the rest of your 2ww I hope that you get your bfp. Let us know how you get on at your appointment. x
Hope that it stops soon Dan O. SCH is likely with it turning dark I think xx
Thanks for all your encouragment guys. I guess it's silly to compare myself to others and obviously my body needs more time before I get pregnant again. Which I suppose is good so I don't get hit with extreme ms around Christmas time. (It's so busy at work and I have extra shifts).

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