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TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Comotion I understand where you are coming from on the bitterness. I have to admit after my mmc before my daughter it was hard but when I had my ectopic it was very different because I am so greatful to have my little girl and of course be alive.
A couple things helped me...although you feel bitter have a little thought that we don't know the struggles that pregnant woman may have been through to get her child...this helped me a lot.

For me personally and I'm aware not everyone thinks the same, I am a firm believer in what's meant to be, will be. Very hard at times and never easy to understand but it helps me.

Beckz thank you! Will update you all tomorrow! Eeek very nervous!
I had my early scan and all is well! Baby measuring to my dates and heartbeat seen, I am so relieved!!

Also I did get a bit of inside information that a huge investigation has taken place about my ectopic and treatment received, I should be called to a meeting and they have already changed the hospitals guidelines when dealing with cases like mine. I'm happy I didn't go through it all in vain. I will await their findings in a form of a letter.
Yazzy that is so great! And a HB already!? Definitely a sticky baby. So excited for you!!
Thank you Kelly, yes heartbeat was seen flickering away...so happy :)

Are you in your tww wait or is that coming up?
Sooo happy for you yazzy. I'm glad they will learn from what you went through :hugs:
No tww for me yet. Don't think I'll o this month. I've come to terms with it :). Things will happen when the time is right!!
Yazzy so pleased the scan went well!! I did a little happy dance over here when I read that.

Kelly, fingers crossed that you just o late this cycle or AF comes for you soon so you can move on to the next cycle. Hugs!
great news yaz and thanks for the reply , I'm slowly accepting the fact that these things do happen and instead of the why me's ,why not me? time will come my Opks have been a steady negative for a few days normally it's erratic very dark lines etc, fx for ovulation soonish
Thanks girls! I really appreciate it. My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest at the scan!

Kelly you are right, I really believe things happen when they are meant to.

Good luck to everyone getting ready to O or just getting bodies back to normal.
Congratulations Yazzy delighted to read that you're measuring to dates and saw the hearbeat - after everythign that you went through it is fab that you got a bfp so soon! Happy and healthy 9 months to you hun xx

Babytots that is disgusting that they won't do the tests til much later- I would copy the md (big boss) whatever they call him / her or send him / her a copy of the letter to PALS as that is unacceptable - very poor care. I had two home births with my first two kiddies and had to fight for a third one as I was told no and I wrote a ton of letters and copied in the md of the hospital and I got what I wanted - granted I had to go into hopsital anyway due to complications but they had confirmed my home birth prior to that - hope you get a good outcome xx

Hi to everyone else - hope the PG's are all doing well and those ttc are at least having fun with the bd!! xx

Afm - got + opk last weds and in 2ww - sorry for tmi but had green tinged cm since last week and had that with ectopic - might be a sign of PG!!?? probably just clutching at straws and af will be here next week anyway ..... would be happy for a bfp obviosuly but also terrified of another ectopic sigh ......
Sunshine good luck in the tww...fingers crossed for a bfp! I can totally understand being scared about another ectopic, in one way not having my tube made me less worried. Keep us updated!
Do you think I could call this a positive? Close enough? Control on the right.
Hey Kelly that is defo a positive hun xx hope u've been doing loads of bding hun xxx fingers xd this is ur lucky month xx

Thanks Yazzy x I would never wish a tube removal on anyway but I have to say I'm worried now about getting a bfp and it gets stuck in the place where the last one was! Not helped by the fact that my right ovary (where I had ectopic) has been twitiching and throbbing and going crazy every since the ectopic so I reckon I must have O'd there again!! Am so happy that u got a bfp so soon as I know it is so stressful after ectopic so glad it's in the right place for you hun xx
Sunshine when will you test!? Sounds like a promising symptom to me.

Got a blazing positive today on my OPK. We have Dtd 2 nights in a row and we'll keep going until I see my temp rise I think!!
Thank you Sunshine :) Wishing you all the best for this month! It will be difficult to not worry about every niggle.

Kelly exciting, go girl I hope this is your month!

How is everyone else doing?
Fingers crossed for you both sunshine and kelly.

I'm having a wobble.

How are you yazzy? Everyone else?
Oh no Tasha, what is worrying you? I hope all is ok.
Everything is fine as far as I know. It's just today is the gestation that I had a private gender scan with Riley Rae, some time between here and anomaly scan her growth slowed right down. I'm scared.

How are you?
Awe Tasha I can see why you would feel anxious. Hugs. Are you having a private scan again?

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