TTCAL waiting (not so patiently) for our rainbows

Big hugs Tasha you are such a strong lady to get through all of that and still find a way to carry on. I truly hope your rainbow baby is around the corner for you. Yes the waiting and wishing part of ttcal is so hard. I honestly thought after Jessica we were over all that heartache and now we are back there where ttc isn't as exciting anymore and getting that bfp doesn't fil you with happiness just fear that you will lose again :cry:

Dan-o I'm so tempted to test early because I have such a good feeling about this cycle but its DD2's birthday next week so ideally want to test once her birthday is out of the way so that if its bfn I don't put a downer on her day. So will probably test on Wednesday when I will be about 8/9dpo. Got my fingers crossed for us both x
Welcome Tasha and I really hope you get your rainbow soon. Such a strong lady to continue trying.

Good luck babytots for when you do test and the same to anyone else testing.

I definitely think AF has started so am quite pleased with that...although I did hold out a little hope on a miricle bfp. It would mean my LP was really short but after a mc I guess anything goes while your body sorts itself out?!

So onwards and upwards to ttc this cycle, I might have a long wait as I don't normally O til cd30!!

How is everyone else?
Morning girls!

Thank you for the support from the other day. I am dealing with my co-worker's pregnancy a little better. Or at least making my best attempt.

Hoping ~ thank you for the viewpoint. I didn't look at it that way. The first part of your response I did. Sometimes women have babies to fill a void and I am thinking that is what she is doing. But who am I to judge her reasons since I don't know them. As for the husband, I agree with you. She did marry him so at some point...well you know. And yes, I am not the judge so I will say no more...just needed to vent that day. And you guys helped me feel better! Thank you :hugs:

Hi Camichelle and Tasha! :flower:

Camichelle ~ sorry for your losses as well. And glad we provide inspiration for you to remain positive!

Tasha ~ I can't even begin to understand what you have been through...but you are an inspiration to me. To be able to go through all the losses (esp the late losses) and still continue on ttc provides me hope.

babytots ~ that is my fear. honestly ttc isn't that enjoyable...(sorry hubbie) but it seems more emotional than enjoyable. And then I am terrified of seeing those two lines. I want a bfop in the worst way, but fear seems to win EVERY time. :cry:

so afm, today af should just waiting...where is she??? :coffee:

And I hope all of our rainbows arrive soon. :hugs:
Hi yazzy. That is me this month...I was actually secretly wishing for a miracle bfp, but like hubbie said last night, there is a less than 1% chance for that. Oh well...a girl can dream right?
Oh no Tasha! I'm so sorry to hear that :hugs: That definitely goes beyond anything I've ever read or heard before, and I will praying that you continue to be strong and confident. I'm so glad that in the midst of those losses you did get 3 beautiful babies though. It's good to see you still TTC too, as many as GOD will allow hun that's what I'm going for too! Keep pushing forward lady, you are an inspiration to me as well.

Dan-o, I sure hope it's my turn next [-o<

Babytots, I'm not sure I can do the trial, although I would really love too, but I'm in the US and it doesn't look like I can do it :sad2:

Afm--SUPER SUPER AWESOME day yesterday:smug:!! In the midst of our beautiful day, we decided to start donating plasma again at BioLife, since I haven't been in like 3 years literally, just as a way for us to contribute a little something to society. All of sudden after we get there, he says "I'm not letting you do this after all that you've been through... you can't handle this every week...That's okay, it won't last long anyway, you can't donate PREGNANT!" On the outside I was stoned faced because he said the last part so loud it felt like every face in the lobby was on us, but on the inside I was jumping for joy b/c that confirmed we're still trying right after AF. Not that I thought we wouldn't but he haven't talked about it in a few weeks, so I just wanted to be reassured without having to asking him, and then...CHECKMATE :happydance:..It was an awesome day overall

How are my ladies today??
Mommy I'm sorry if I came off like that :( I just know my mouth (and hands lol). I am far too opinionated sometimes, and I have a bad habit of asking why people do this or that when it doesn't make sense to me so I just decided to hush up :shhh: I'm glad you got a chance to get it off your chest though, I would've done the same thing.
C'mon :witch:! It's funny when we want her to show, she doesn't, but just when we think she might not show up at all, she comes flying in on her HOOVER, forget a broom! I just want to try already
You didn't come off in a negative way at worries. You completely helped me! I have a very bad habit of trying to figure people out when what thye do makes no sense to I understand where you are coming from.

as for the witch, tell me about it. I thought FOR SURE she would be here by now...but nope. Still waiting...the sooner she comes, the sooner we can try! So come on witch.

Love the hoover comment!!!:haha:
She's HERE :witch::witch::witch:...I'm sure it's her because it was enough blood to cover my liner (tmi sorry) Plus the cramps are getting worst so it's legit. 32 days post D&C. Do I necessarily need that info when tracking?
Guess it's time to see how she is. I hope not too bad. CD1
Yazzy and hoping thats great news your afs have arrived (though sorry you didn't get that miracle bfp you was hoping for Yazzy) good luck to the both of you this cycle. Hoping thats fab r.e what your hubby said. My hubby has been the same not really mentioned ttc since the misscarriage but he brought it up the other day and its so reassuring to hear them say it out loud isn't it. I was worried he wouldn't want to ttc again but I know he will do anything to see my happy.

Mommy hope af arrives for you soon hun.

AFM I am soooooo bored!!! Feels like every minute is a day lol. Just got to try and fill my days up to keep me busy. Working tomorrow and can get broody over a 2 week old baby, Sunday I'm taking my girls out to the toy shop and catch up with more work on the computer, monday will be spent getting everything ready for my daughters birthday and then Tuesday its her birthday and party. Wednesday I'll be testing if I can hold out that long. Should be 9dpo by opks probably 8dpo by ff.

Wish the 2ww didn't drag so much! x
Thanks ladies for all the welcomes and positive thoughts. :)

Tasha I'm so incredibly sorry for your losses. No one should have to go through that much and you are amazingly strong.

Sounds like a fun and busy next several days Babytots. I hope that makes the time go faster.

MommytoLBG I don't know how you held your tongue with that coworker. I don't think I would have been able to. Regardless of what she may have going on that's just so classless.

Hoping, yay for AF finally!!

AFM, about 9 dpo and so sick of this 2ww! I am trying to hold off on testing until after AF is due so 14-15 dpo but we'll see. :haha:

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone! Can't wait to see some BFP's!
Firstly thank you for all the welcomes :D

Dan-o, it made me laugh about the 7dpo testing because I do the same but I tell myself every cycle that this cycle will be different, this one I wont test early :rofl: at least you're honest with yourself :haha:

Babytots, it is so rubbish that you are here again and that you've experienced another loss. Life is very unfair sometimes. I totally understand what you mean about that fear. I am glad you have a good feeling this cycle though, our intuition is usually spot on IMO. Not long until testing hun, I am sure the weekend will be busy so not many days to get trough.

Yazzy, I am glad AF has started. Try not to worry about your LP, as you say a miscarriage can certainly throw your cycle out. Wow, you have long cycles! I do too, any where between 35 days and 90.

MommytoLBG, I didn't read about your struggles with your co-workers pregnancy but I am sorry you are finding it tough :hugs: I am with you on the TTC being emotional more than enjoyable, for a while there I couldn't even stand have sex because sex equals pregnancy which equals loss and pain, I was so scared.

Did AF arrive?

HopingCarter, firstly well done on donating the plasma. I've had blood transfusions to save my life, so I cant donate my blood or any or the blood products but I am eternally grateful to those that do. My hubby does as a way of pay back, on our behalf.

Yay for confirmation that you will still be TTC right after AF :happydance: I am glad AF arrived too.

Camichelle, TWW is sooooo long. Well done for holding out on the testing though :thumbup:
Thanks Camichelle your doing well to hold of testing I'd have tested by now I cave too easily. Hope your bfp is around the corner.

Thanks Tasha I agree life is very unfair especially to those like ourselves who suffer a loss more then once :( I wish non of us were posting in this section :cry: The feeling of fear is awful isn't it.

Yes I find women are so in tune with their bodies that intution is never far from being wrong. This baby that I lost right from the start I just couldn't bond with him/her and deep down knew that he/she wasn't coming home with me. I even blogged about it not long after getting my bfp that I would be that 1 in 4 again and a few weeks later I was right. This time I have a really good feeling. We shall see though.

How you doing hun? x
Well don't give me too much credit because I caved and tested. Bfn :( I don't know for sure if I'm 9 or 10dpo since I don't temp and only have the opk to go by. Still early but feeling pretty bummed.
Hugs hun its still early days hopefully af will stay away and you get a bfp in the next few days. x
Good afternoon my ladies. :flower:

YAY Hoping!! How are you feeling? Sometimes first AF can be rough both physically and emotionally.

babytots ~ tww is SO slow! But Wednesday will be here before you know it. Busy few days for you! Hopefully it's a bfp for you. Fx.

Thank you to both Tasha and Camichelle. It's not an easy situation right now...but I am handling it better. A good cry to hubbie helped too.

Camichelle ~ it's still early. Lots of women on here don't get their bfp until after AF is due. I was real late with my second daughter before it showed positive. There's still hope!

Afm, AF did arrive. Cd 1 today. I waited Friday. Nothing. All day Saturday. Nothing. She came early this am. Fresh start.
Here's to a fresh start Mommy.

My AF is on cd4 and it's really, really heavy! After my follow up scan the nurse did say I might get a really heavy first period, not in any pain though. I have another scan this Thursday to check how everything is looking then hopefully I can really ttc this cycle, I'm actually really excited!

Hope everyone else is ok :)
Thanks Mommy 3 more days to go! That's great af has shown fresh cycle and hopefully a lovely sticky bfp for you.

Hugs Yazzy my first af was awfully heavy :( put it down to my body having a good clean out . Hope she buggers off soon x
Mommy I'm glad yours showed up too. I know it's frustrating not being able to know exactly b/c the lengths keeps changing, but I hope this is your cycle lady.

Camichelle, it is still early. It's not over til AF shows, so you're still in this one. Are you having any symptoms at all?

Babytots FX for your bfp too. I hope your weekend went well with the girls

Afm- This was definitely the worst AF I've been through, mainly for the cramping. It was a heavy flo, but not more than my usual AFs, just the cramps were kicking my behind. Today is a lot better after spending a weekend laying down mostly. This was definitely my worst one, and to be honest I did expect it. I never had a light cycle so it was kind of meant to be. CD4 for me today so hopefully only a few more days til it's over then I can start BDing.
Thanks hoping well my weekend didn't go to plan as I got a head cold. Feeling better now though. Hugs r.e AF the cramps are a killer aren't they. Glad it is easing off now for you. Good luck with this cycle got my fingers crossed for you! x

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